The Destructive Form (3 points)
Alternate Names: The Way
of the Reaper, The Seven Killing Strokes
Darth Vader at Bespin |
written, includes a considerable emphasis on using your force sword
to destroy your opponent’s weapon, which seems an exceptionally
solid tactical concept. If we strip the style down to that concept
alone, we get something reminiscent of how Darth Vader fought in the
Empire Strikes Back, and to how Darth Maul fought in the Phantom
Menace, what the Expanded Universe calls “Juyo.”
The Destructive Form focuses on
destroying one's
ability to fight.
Against opponents armed with weapons other than force swords, the
stylist focuses on destroying their weapons first. Against
force-sword opponents, the same tactic results in beats that batter
aside their opponent's weapon and opens them up to an attack.
Against all opponents, the Destructive Form is patient. It seems to
demolish defenses first, through a combination of eliminating
weapons, pushing aside defenses, injuries to the arms or legs, shoves
and stuns, and then goes in for the kill with a simple and direct
The Destructive Form places a great
deal of emphasis on personal strength over mobility or internal,
emotional balance. Practitioners learn strikes (and sometimes kicks)
to supplement their force sword attacks (and often have a reputation
for being dirty fighters). Beats and shoves also place emphasis on
strength. In addition to precognitive parries, practitioners of the
destructive form perform feats of great strength and utter terrifying
shouts. Some stylists expand their techniques with kicks or by
throwing their force sword at more distant foes. The Destructive
Form is preferred by psychokinetics, who can augment their own
natural strength with their telekinesis, and they can quickly pull
their thrown force sword back to them. Nonetheless, the style remains
vulnerable to psionic powers and being outmaneuvered.
Skills: Force
Sword, Brawling
Techniques: Beat,
Elbow Strike, Force-Sword Shove, Hammer Fist, Targeted Attack (Force
Sword/Arm), Targeted Attack (Force Sword/Leg), Targeted Attack (Force
Sword/Weapon), Targeted Attack (Force Sword Pummel/Face), Targeted
Attack (Karate Elbow Strike/Vitals)
Cinematic Skills:
Immovable Stance, Kiai, Power Blow, Precognitive Parry
Cinematic Techniques:
Defense (Force Sword), Timed Defense (Force Sword)
Perks: Dirty
Fighting, Finishing Move (Force Sword), Grip Mastery (Force Sword),
Special Setup (Power Blow works with Force Sword), Sure-Footed
(Uneven), Sure-Footed (Slippery), Trademark Move (see below for
Optional Traits: Striking
ST +1 to +2 [5 or 10], High Pain Threshold [10]
Optional Skills: Armoury
(Force Sword), Fast-Draw (Force Sword), Savoir-Faire (Dojo), Thrown
Weapon (Force Sword)
Optional Techniques: Kicking
Skills and Techniques
Thrown Weapon (Force Sword)
deal 8d(5) damage, with an Acc of 0, a 1/2D of 0.5xST and a max range
of ST. If a character has TK-Tether for his sword he may return it
to his hand from
distance after a throw with a Ready maneuver or a Fast-Draw roll of
-4. If he has sufficient TK-Grab to lift his force sword, he may
also return the weapon to his hand with a Ready, or a TK-Grab skill
roll at -4.
Force Sword Shove:
Hard. Defaults to Force Sword -2. After parrying or being parried by
another force sword, instead of doing a
the character may
the character. This works exactly like a beat, except its effects
target the character's body. That is, the character is forcing the
character off-balance.
Signature Moves
The Dignity-Killing Stroke: The
Destructive Form begins on the offensive. In standard grip, make a
rapid (-3 or -6) pummeling strike (Brawling-1 or Hammer Fist) vs target's face
(-5). Roll Karate-9 or Hammer Fist-8. Deal thr(+karate bonuses)
damage. If shock is inflicted, target must roll vs stun. Then make
the second rapid strike against opponent's weapon with Force Sword.
Roll Force Sword-4 (for long polearms or rifles) to -6 (for small
weapons, like force sword hilts or pistols) and inflict 8d(5) damage.
counts a
Setup: The
first turn of combat.
The Patience-Killing Stroke: The Destructive Form pushes
its opponent to parry or to attack, or risk losing their ability to
dodge. In Defensive Grip (-2), make a deceptive (-2, though typically
reduced to 12) defensive attack to the leg (-2). Roll Force Sword
(-6) to hit. Deal 8d-8(5) burn damage to the leg. The stylist
defends at +1 for the remainder of the turn, with an additional +1
against forward attacks.
Setup: None,
though typically if one’s opponent is defensive.
The Balance-Killing Stroke: The Destructive Form turns the
tables on an aggressive opponent through strength. In defensive grip,
make a Force Sword Shove (-2, with +2 from the two-handed grip).
Roll ST-based Force-Sword+0 in a quick contest with your opponent’s
ST-based Force Sword. If successful, apply the margin of victory as
a penalty to opponent’s dodge and kicking skill. If success by 5
or more, inflict one yard of knockback.
Setup: After
making a successful parry.
The Spirit-Killing Stroke: The
Destructive Form batters down its opponents defenses and then
destroys his opponent’s ability to fight. In Defensive Grip (-2),
Make a rapid-strike Beat (-6, or -3 with Weapon Master, +2 from
two-handed grip). Roll ST-based force-sword skill (-4 or -1 with
weapon master) with your opponent’s ST- or DX-based force-sword
skill. Success applies margin of victory as a penalty to attack and
defense, while success by 5 or more unreadies the weapon. Then make
a second (-6 or -3 with Weapon Master) attack against the arm (-2) of
the opponent. Roll Force-Sword (-10 or -7 with weapon master). Deal
8d(5) burn damage to the arm.
Setup: Your
opponent successfully parries your attack.
The Reaping Stroke: The
Destructive Form has destroyed its opponents defenses, and then
finishes off its opponent. Take a Step (while still keeping your
opponent in one of your forward hexes) and use Grip Mastery to shift
from Defensive Grip to Regular Grip, and then make an All-Out Attack
to the Torso. As a special effect, this attack may be described as
attacking the neck (this is cosmetic, so apply no hit location
penalties, nor any hit location benefits). Roll Force Sword (+0).
Deal 8d+8(5) damage. This is a
Setup: Opponent is
The Graceful Form
Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul |
Alternate Names: The Way
of the Dancer, the Courtly style, the Lunar Techniques, the Four
Point Kata.
Force-Swordsmanship, as written,
places a great deal of emphasis on the
of the light-saber duel, with its flashy leaps and spinning
flourishes. Those moves might not seem to make a lot of tactical
sense, but it does make for an entertaining show. Nonetheless, the
flashy leaps are certainly grounded in a serious tactical need to
cover ground. A
force sword is useless if it's not in melee. The more quickly you
can get in touch with the enemy, the sooner you can bring your
superior melee power to bear. And while we're studying leaping
about, we might as well take advantage of that mobility to defeat our
opponents with greater ease. And all that flashiness is very
intimidating, which can persuade lesser opponents to quit the field.
The resulting style is deliberately modeled on how Qui-Gonn and
Obi-Wan fought in the Phantom Menace, using the so-called “Ataru”
form, but I also drew inspiration from the
major cinematic style, Wushu
Graceful Form focuses on
to defeat its foes. The characters remain in near constant motion,
and seek to gain an advantage on their opponent by moving to points
where their opponent cannot defend well. It folds its antics into
its techniques, so their opponents are never sure if they actually
intend to attack or not. When they finish off their opponent, they
generally do so as stylishly as possible and, if that is not
possible, they'll pause after victory to demonstrate an artistic
flourish. This makes the style a smash hit among spectators, making
this a preferred technique for gladiators, duelists, or
easily-impressed young men.
The style focuses
on high speed, agility and dexterity. It also relies on its
opponent's inferiority. A master of the Graceful form will tear apart
a novice of another form with stylish ease, but he'll certainly lose
against someone of greater skill than his own. This does make the
Graceful form an excellent means of disposing of mooks, however.
Acrobatics, Force Sword, Jumping
Acrobatic Stand, Combat Art (Force Sword), Evasion, Feint (Acrobatics
or Force Sword), Spinning Attack (Force Sword)
Cinematic Skills:
Flying Leap, Kiai, Power Blow, Precognitive Parry
Cinematic Techniques:
Evasion Attack, Dual-Weapon Defense (Force Sword), Flying Strike,
Timed Defense (Force Sword), Whirlwind Attack (Force Sword)
Acrobatic Feints, Flourish, Graceful Glider, Grip Mastery (Force
Sword), Special Setup (Power Blow works with Force Sword), Sure
Footed (Uneven), Sure-Footed (Slippery),
Optional Skills:
Armoury (Force Sword), Dancing, Fast-Draw (Force Sword),
Intimidation, Savoir-Faire (Dojo)
The Flying Step
(“Descend from Heaven”): The stylist sails gracefully into
the air, force sword spinning, and then descends on his foe like a
terrible meteor. After making a full run, make a Flying Leap roll
(-5) and make an Committed Flying Strike (-4) (base jump distance is
2x your move) using Force Sword Art (-3) for a total of Force
Sword-7. If you hit inflict 24d (5) burning damage and gain +1
reaction modifier. For the rest of the turn, you may not parry, and
you dodge at -2 and may not retreat.
Setup: You concentrated
for one turn. This is best done as the battle is just beginning.
The Trickster's
Step (“Transcend Lesser Troubles”): The stylist runs at his
opponent, and then suddenly flips over the top of her, and attacks
her from behind. After running full move, make an Flying Leap roll
(-0, or no roll with Graceful Glider) to clear opponent's head. Then
make an Acrobatic Attack (-1) to Spin to face your opponent and then
make a Force Sword attack (-3) against the torso. Your first defense
is at +2, but you may not retreat or parry with the weapon you attacked with.
Setup: Initial attack.
The Counter
Step (“Accept Adversity With Grace”): The Stylist parries an
attack and uses that momentum to perform a pirouette, and uses that
energy to create a new attack. When attacked, make an Acrobatics
roll to
spin around the attack and then defend against the
attack (+2 from acrobatic parry) while making a side-slip (+2) with a
riposte penalty (-4). Roll parry+0. On your turn, make a Spinning
attack (-2) against your foe's torso. Apply margin of success+4 as a
penalty to your opponent's defense.
Setup: You are attacked.
The Playful Step (“Walk
Among the Stars”):
The Stylist spins or tumbles around his opponent similar to Accept
Adversity with Grace, but instead of attacking, the display turns
into pure acrobatics. Roll Acrobatics as a Defensive Attack (-2) replaced with a (normal) Feint.
Defend at +1 for the remainder of the turn, and apply a +2 to your
next defense.
have used the Counter Step or the Trickster's step previously in the
The Final Step
(“Dispense Justice Generously”): In the culmination of the
Graceful Form, the stylist weaves a perfect four point kata that
strikes all foes around him. Make a Whirlwind Attack(-5) using Force
Sword Art (-3) for a total of -8. Attack each opponent that is one
yard away in a clockwise order. If the character fails to miss (he
may be parried), gain a +1 reaction modifier for onlookers. You may
not defend.
Setup: You have at least three opponents one yard
away from you.
The Triumph
(“Be Artful in All Things”): After defeating a foe, the
stylist spins his force sword artfully. Make a Force Sword Art roll+4
(Force Sword+1) . This can either count as an intimidation roll
success adds a +1 to reaction rolls.
Setup: You have defeated
a foe or knocked a foe down, and you must have the Flourish perk.
The Serene Form 5 points
Alternate Names: Way of the
Void, the Art of Stillness
Obi-Wan in Mos Eisley |
Force-Swordsmanship is heavily inspired
by kenjutsu, but why limit ourselves to just that style when it has
so many cousins we can pilfer? In particular, Obi-Wan is able to
rapidly draw his lightsaber and remove an alien's arm before nearly
anyone can react, which sounds like
iajutsu. He also fights
patiently, defensively and slowly, as befits the aging actor who
played him, but this style isn't inappropriate to star wars. Star
Wars has two forms that focus on defensiveness: Soresu and Shien.
The latter focuses on deflecting blasters, so we
might say
this is inspired by that technique.
I envision the Serene Form as a largely
motionless technique. Its practitioners do not move, but allow
others to come to them, and knows what to do with an opponent no
matter what range he's at: Against blasters, he can parry and deflect
them back. At near range, he can parry and counter attack. Against
close-combatants, he can use Judo techniques, or even fight with his
force-sword in very near quarters. The ability to fight anywhere
further translates to fight any
when. The stylist should be
able to wait patiently and defeat his opponents simply by lasting
longer than they do, but if their opponent is quick, their mastery of
precognitive defense allows them to rapidly draw their force sword
and defend from any circumstance, in any situation.
The Serene form is an intellectual
technique. It benefits from high Will and high IQ, as many of its
skills, cinematic skills and optional skills make use of IQ. The
practitioners of this style are more likely to be ESPers than to
follow any other psionic tradition.
Fast-Draw (Force Sword), Force Sword, Judo, Meditation
Back Strike (Force Sword), Close Combat (Force Sword), Counter Attack
(Force Sword), Breakfall (Judo), Low Combat, Reverse Grip (Force
Sword), Targeted Attack (Force Sword/Arm), Targeted Attack (Force
Sword/Leg), Trip (Judo).
Cinematic Skills:
Blind Fighting, Immovable Stance, Mental Strength, Power Blow,
Precognitive Parry
Cinematic Techniques:
Dual-Weapon Defense (Force Sword), Precognitive Deflection,
Precognitive Fast-Draw (Precognitive Parry), Springing Attack (Force
Sword), Timed Defense (Force Sword),
Follow Through (Force Sword), Grip Mastery (Force Sword), No Nuisance
Rolls (Precognitive Parry), Special Setup (Power Blow works with
Force Sword), Sure-Footed (Uneven), Sure-Footed (Slippery), Technique
Mastery (Precognitive Deflection), Trademark Move (see below for
Optional Traits: Danger
Sense [15], Enhanced Parry (Force-sword) [5/level], Unfazeable [15]
Optional Skills:
Armoury (Force Sword), Breath Control, Diplomacy, Expert Skill
(Hoplology), Savoir-Faire (Dojo), Tactics
The Void Endures: Evaluate
opponent. Gain +3 to your next melee attack, and ignore up to -3 in
defense penalties from deceptive attacks, feints or ruses. Make a
free Tactics or Expert Skill (Hoplology) roll to gain some insight
into your opponent's style or objectives.
taken as a trademark move,
gain +1 to the free Tactics or Expert Skill (Hoplology) roll.
Opponent is defensive.
Gaze into the Abyss: Make
a Concentrate maneuver to initiate a Contest of Wills. If your
opponent rejects it, he must succeed at a Will roll or be drawn in
anyway. Once initiated, roll a Regular contest of Will, Mental
Strength or Intimidation. The loser must either retreat, or apply
the winner's margin of success as a penalty on all attack rolls.
taken as a trademark,
apply the bonus to the Contest of Wills.
Setup: Opponent
Waits or Evaluates.
between Seconds: Make a Precognitive Fast-Draw (Roll Precognitive
Fast-Draw, then Fast-Draw) to instantly draw and ready a force sword.
Then make an Attack on the Arm (-2). Deal 8d(5) damage. If arm
dismembered and you have the Follow-Up perk, spin your force sword
and make a free Intimidation attempt, and then use Grip Mastery to
enter a Defensive Grip.
Setup: Your force sword is still
sheathed and your opponent is armed.
Twinkling Starlight Defense: After
successfully defending against a blaster or laser attack with
Precognitive Parry, on your turn make a Precognitive Reflection roll
(+0) to return the attack to the person who made it.
You made an All-Out Defense
against blaster fire on your previous turn.
The Sharp Edges of Emptiness: Switch
from Standard to Reverse grip with the Reverse Grip technique
(Force-sword -6) and then make a Counter(-5) Back Strike (-2) against
the Torso (-0). Deal 8d+1(5) burn damage. Defend for the rest of the
turn at -4.
Setup: You
made a Timed Defense against an attack from behind last turn.
Eternal Endings: Wait
for your opponent to attack, with the stipulation that if he attacks,
you'll attack at the same time. If your opponent attacks, make a
Springing Attack
Hit (-2). If you miss and your opponent hits, you defend at -3 (-5 if
you want to parry). If you hit and your opponent hits with a larger
margin, defend with -1 (-3 if you want to parry). If you hit and
your opponent hits with a smaller margin or misses, he defends at -1
(-3 if he wants to parry). Deal 8d+8(5) burn damage.
You crouched (-2 to attack and
defense) for at least one turn.