Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Paths of Broken Communion

In addition to corrupting nature of the miracles of Broken Communion, all Paths of Broken Communion require Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism), which reflects the way in which the character must live his life in a manner symbolically associated with that of the Primordial Image.

The Paths of Broken Communion have no additional requirements than that.  Instead, the corruption of the path tends to manifest itself in particular ways.  Someone who wishes to follow a Path of Broken Communion will not have to subject himself to a disadvantage, but he'll find he accumulates disadvantages soon enough.  Because he has a rough idea of what these disadvantages are, some people who embrace Broken Communion argue that following a path is safer than simply using Broken Communion directly, as it sort of acts as a buffer.

Baphoment by travistaatd


Alternate Names: Thanatos, the Self-Destructive Drive, The Reaper, The God of Death, the Angel of Mercy

Sigmund Frued argued that all humans possess "Thanatos" or "the Death Drive," an instinct that pushes against "eros," the life-drive, in an effort to self-destruct. The Path of Death in Broken Communion is a manifestation of that. It is the impulse for suicide, the desire to kill, to destroy, to burn everything down and then throw oneself onto the pyre. Those who follow it gain unparalleled power to destroy, but know that they themselves will be destroyed by it in time.

Corruption of Death

Following the Path of Death requires nothing more than Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism), but it inflicts Corruption points, like any form of Broken Communion. The disadvantages gained from Broken Communion's corruption while following the Path of Death must be used to acquire a disadvantage associated with self-destruction or the themes of death. The following represents ideas:

Disadvantages: Appearance (Rotting appearance) [Varies], Bad Smell (Grave-smell) [-10], Bloodlust [-10*], Callous [-5], Chronic Depression [-15*], Easy to Kill [-2/level], Hemophilia [-30], Life Bane [-10], No Sense of Humor [-10], On the Edge [-15*], Skinny [-5], Slow Healing [-5/level], Supernatural Feature (No Body Heat, Pallor) [Varies*]

Benefits: At the GM's discretion, characters who follow the Path of Death may purchase Psychic Vampirism powers with the -25% Broken Communion Path modifier in addition to the -10% Psi modifier.


  • Color: Black or a pale, wane white
  • Regalia: Black clothing; a hood that hides the face; Leather; 
  • Tools: Force sword; mortuary instruments; bones; communication equipment tuned to static.
  • Locations: Black holes; dead worlds that hold the remains of life and civilization; dead ships; graveyards; sites of mass murder or mass suicide, on a super-weapon shi that he controls.
  • Opposing Path: Mystic Tyrant (Id  Communion): The forbidden secrets of the Mystic Tyrant allow him to conquer Death itself.


  •  Conspirators call upon Thanatos to join them in overthrowing a dangerous King and the Order he represents. Thanatos joins them and they succeed, but the nature of his actions terrifies the conspirators, who give him the rule of a new world in an effort to exile him from the new Order they have created. Thanatos accepts this new world (completing the milestone), but laughs off their futile attempts to exile him.
  • Thanatos falls in love and chooses a bride and takes her with him into his world. The metaphorical or literal mother of the bride refuses the marriage and retrieves her (completing the milestone). The bride is torn between Thanatos and her Mother, and becomes a creature of two worlds. She remains as the bride of Thanatos, and serves as his bridge to the living world, but he can never truly be with her anymore.
  • Someone calls upon Thanatos to retrieve someone lost, someone precious to them. He warns that this person is beyond being retrieved, but they insist. He successfully retrieves the lost person, but this lost person brings back a "dread curse" with them. The petitioners beg Thanatos to save them. He slays the lost soul (Completing the milestone), but does not lift the curse.
  • Thanatos learns of someone (“the immortal”) who has managed to evade death (usually symbolically). This person is beloved by many, but Thanatos does not care, and sacrifices the love of the people. This person is well-defended, but Thanatos does not care, and sacrifices the lives of the defenders. This person has great wealth, which he offers to save his life, but Thanatos does not care, and sacrifices the offer. Without this person, a great and important Order will unravel, but Thanatos does not care, and sacrifices order. Thanatos slays the immortal.
  • A champion rises up to face Thanatos, for the people have come to believe that the world is better without death. Thanatos allows the champion to steal his power from him and slay him. However, upon seeing a world without Death, the champion realizes the importance of Thanatos, and takes on the mantle himself.

Associated Talents

Thantologist: [5/level] (Lesser Primordial Expertise). Found in GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents, on page 16.  Replace exorcism with Mental Strength, Religious Ritual with Meditation, and Theology with Philosophy.

Strangler: [5/level] (Lesser Primordial Expertise). Found in GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents, on page 15 (And Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 1).

Associated Powers

Commune with Dead
Reaction Required: Neutral
Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Broken Communion 4, Legendary Reputation (Death) 1
Learned Prayer Cost: 2 points
Corruption: 2

Communion is filled with the relics and memories of the past.  These echoes can act something like ghosts.  Upon completing this prayer, the Avatar of Death can readily sense and commune with these spirits, learning what they know, which he can relay to others, if he so wishes.

Statistics: Medium (Broken Communion Path -25%) [8]

Sense Death
Reaction Required: Good
Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Broken Communion 7, Legendary Reputation (Death) 2
Learned Prayer Cost: 7 points
Corruption: 4

Upon completion of this prayer, the Avatar of Death automatically knows the location of the nearest corpse or spirit or anything else that resonates strongly with the essence of Death (someone deeply suicidal, someone who is terminally ill, another Avatar of Death, a place sacred to Death, etc). This information is perfect, but if the Avatar wants to understand it more deeply (ie to analyze it), he must succeed at a Philosophy roll to better comprehend its imagery.

Statistics: Detect (Death; Common, No Roll Required +100%, Precise, Non Targetting +90%, Divine -25%) [33]

Corrupting Touch
Reaction Required: Good
Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Broken Communion 8, Legendary Reputation (Death) 2
Learned Prayer Cost: 9 points
Corruption: 3

As Corrupting Touch (Pyramid #3-36, page 11) but with the additional Path modifier.

Statistics: Toxic Attack 3d (Cosmic, Irresistible Attack +300%, Divine, Path -25%, Melee Attack C, cannot parry -35%) [41]
Extinction of Communion
Reaction Required: Very Good
Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Broken Communion 12Legendary Reputation (Death) 3
Learned Prayer Cost: 19
Corruption: 10

After completion of this prayer, the Avatar of Death may reach out and touch his target, skin to skin.  If he does so, he chooses a psionic power, roll a contest of Wills, with the Avatar of Death at +8, and the target with a bonus equal to their talent associated with that power.  If the Avatar of Death wins, the victim's power is Crippled.

Statistics: Neutralize (Psi, Cosmic, also affects Anti-Psi +50%, Cosmic, no rule of 16 +50%; Reliable +8 +60%, Reliable +8 (For Crippling Only -50%) +30, Crippling Only -50%, Contact Agent -30%, Broken Communion, Path -25%) [93]

Avatar Templates

Lesser Avatar of Death
Additional Point Cost: 0 points

The psion retains his own personality, but gains channels the skills associated with Death. He gains a deep understanding of the processes of death, and becomes exceptionally adept at taking the lives of others with his bare hands.  Furthermore, he becomes deeply sensitive to the energies of death, able to locate those energies and commune with them to learn the cause of death, etc.  This is similar to Detect Death miracle above, but it lack Precise (it will not tell the exact location) and requires a Meditation roll to successfully detect the source of Death.  Finally, the Lesser Avatar of Death, while channeling Death, becomes very difficult to kill, as difficult to kill as a Greater Avatar of another path.

Statistics: In addition to the standard Lesser Avatar Template abilities, add the following traits: +3 Thantologist (Divine -0%) [15] and Optional Rule: Talent may exceed +4 [1], +3 Strangler (Divine -0%) [15] and Optional Rule: Talent may exceed +4 [1], Medium (Broken Communion Path -0%) [10], Detect (Death, Common, Divine -0%) [20], Hard to Kill +5 [10], Hard to Subdue +5 [10].

Greater Avatar of Death
Additional Point Cost: 54 points

The psion becomes the incarnation of Death. In addition to the typical, overwhelming power of any Communal Avatar, his aura and features blur into a horrific visage of death, the icon of what which we all carry within us that drives us to suicide.  He becomes terrifying (Fright Check -2), and his very touch inflicts 3d toxic damage to whomever he comes in contact with.  Finally, this Avatar is even more durable than most, and instead of gaining +5 to survival checks, the Avatar is immune to any death checks unless he is at -10xHP, at which point he is destroyed.  This effect, of course, ends when the Avatar State ends.  While in the Avatar State, the character kills plants and small animals around him, obviously does not care about the feelings of others, and chooses to kill rather than take prisoners.

Statistics: In addition to the standard Greater Avatar Template abilities, add the following traits: Appearance (Horrific, Divine -0%, Glamour Will-5 -5%) [-23], Terror -2(Divine -0%) [50], Toxic Attack 3d (Cosmic, Irresistible Attack +300%, Divine, Path -0%, Melee Attack C, cannot parry -35%, Aura +80%, Always On -20%) [51], Replace Hard to Kill with Unkillable 1 [+25], Callous [-5], Bloodlust (12 or less) [-10], Lifebane [-10]

he that dances by lucasaguirre


Alternate Names: Mania, Psychosis, The Broken Mask, The Broken Mirror, the Laughing God, the Screaming God, the Blind Idiot God, The Murmuring Angel

Madness represents the various ways that the mind can lose itself and break. The path of madness traces its way through every crack and fracture in Communion.  It represents not just the madness that people have suffered, but the shape in which madness tends to afflict people.  Thus, Madness is not random or chaotic.  It follows predictable, tragic patterns of dementia.  By following those patterns, the avatar of Madness can better understand that madness, and gains the power to reshape herself, and even reality to some degree to match her delusion, but she is destined to have her madness dissolve her psyche.

Corruption of Madness

Following the Path of Madness requires nothing more than Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism), but it inflicts Corruption points, like any form of Broken Communion. The disadvantages gained from Broken Communion's corruption while following the Path of Madness must be used to acquire a disadvantage associated with self-delusion or the themes of Madness. The following represents ideas:

Disadvantages: Amnesia Compulsive Behavior (Giggling (-1 to reaction rolls), Sobbing, Laughing (treat as Coughing or Sneezing)) [-5*], Confused [-10*], Delusions (False Memories, Incorrect Beliefs) [varies], Fearfulness [-2/level], Flashbacks (Any) [varies], Manic-Depressive [-20], Neurological Disorder (Mild) [-5], Paranoia [-10], Phobia (Any) [varies]. See Horror page 144 for more ideas.

Benefits: At the GM's discretion, characters who follow the Path of Madness may purchase Probability Manipulation powers with the -25% Broken Communion Path modifier in addition to the -10% Psi modifier. 


  • Color: Ultra-Violet (or Purple)
  • Regalia: Clashing colors, anachronistic garments, masks, excessive/inappropriate make-up, any kind of restraint.
  • Tools: Broken mirrors; outsider art; children's toys.
  • Locations: Pulsars; Hyperspace; Insane asylums, abandoned places of merriment;
  • Opposing Path: Beautiful Fool (Id  Communion): The Beautiful Fool embraces madness, and creates it, but is never consumed by it.


  •  Mania uncovers an important truth via unconventional methods: a dread monster lurks hidden somewhere nearby, a metaphorical or literal threat to everyone, but especially to someone close to Mania. At least one person will outright disregard this and die to the monster. Mania will slay the beast, but events will conspire to make it appear that there was no beast (and perhaps that Mania was responsible for the death of the person who ignored the threat).
  • Mania uncovers an important truth via unconventional methods: That she is loved. Someone she previously thought was unobtainable has proven to love her. More, that love is vital in some way to the safety of the world and/or ordained by Broken Communion itself. Furthermore, events conspire to prevent this person from confessing his feelings to others, or even to Mania herself. To protect the world and to fulfill the command of Broken Communion, Mania successfully engages in a romantic relationship with her lover, despite his external pretensions that he has no desire for such a thing.
  • Mania uncovers an important truth via unconventional methods: That a close ally/companion has been literally or metaphorically replaced with her antithesis. Mania sets out to restore her friend, but is unable to do so and is forced to slay the imposter (completing the milestone). Events conspire to hide the truth of the imposter, and it appears as though Mania killed her close ally/companion..
  • Mania uncovers an important truth via unconventional methods: A sinister conspiracy, reaching up to the highest levels of power, seeks to both rule the world, and to control/destroy her, personally, either literally or metaphorically. She will strike a blow at the metaphorical heart of the conspiracy (completing the milestone), but events will conspire to make it appear that she damaged a legitimate institution.
  • Mania uncovers an important truth: She has gone mad. Her flesh has betrayed her and is no longer hers. Her mind has betrayed her and is no longer hers.  At least one of her previous milestones was a lie, and that she committed a terrible crime while in the throes of madness.  Mania has been consumed by Mania, until nothing is left of her but the mask she wears. Mania thus dies. But someone uncovers the means by which Mania uncovered her truths, and takes up the mantle of Mania himself, carrying on her abandoned quest.

Associated Talents

Craftiness: [5/level] (Lesser Primordial Expertise). Found in GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents, on page 9 (and GURPS Action and Psis).

Clown: [10/level] (Greater Primordial Expertise). Found in GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents, on page 8.

Associated Powers

Mask of Madness
Reaction Required: Good
Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Broken Communion 4Legendary Reputation (Madness) 1
Learned Prayer Cost: 3 points
Corruption: 4

After completion of this prayer, the avatar can psychically change her appearance.  Those viewing the character can roll Will-5 to see the true face of the avatar, but otherwise, this ability grants +4 to Disguise.

Statistics: Elastic Skin (Glamour Will-5 -5%, Divine Path -25%) [14]

Commune with Madness
Reaction Required: Neutral
Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Dark Communion 5, Legendary Reputation (Madness) 1
Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points

A deep relationship with the madness of Broken Communion grants the Avatar of Madness a deep connection with the insane. After invoking this prayer, the Avatar gains the ability to understand the emotions of the insane, and the insane intuitively trust the Avatar (+3 to reaction modifiers)

Statistics: Empathy (The Insane -20%, Broken Communion -25%) [9], Charisma +3 (The Insane -20%, Broken Communion -25%) [9] [18]

Sense Madness
Reaction Required: Good
Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Broken Communion 7Legendary Reputation (Madness) 2
Learned Prayer Cost: 6 points
Corruption: 2

Upon completion of this prayer, the Avatar of Madness automatically knows the location of the nearest insane person.  This information is perfect, but if the Avatar wants to understand it more deeply (ie to analyze it), he must succeed at a Philosophy roll to better comprehend its imagery.

StatisticsDetect (Madness; Occassional, No Roll Required +100%, Precise, Non Targetting +90%, Divine -25%) [28]

    Fractured Reality
    Reaction Required: Very Good
    Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Broken Communion 12Legendary Reputation (Madness) 3
    Learned Prayer Cost: 19
    Corruption: 5

    After completion of this prayer, the Avatar of Madness makes a delusion true.  Those affected by the shared delusion must roll Will vs the Avatar's Philosophy. Those who fail can be permanently harmed or healed by that delusion.

    See Demiurgy (Powers: the Weird page 33) but with +20% Reliable (Thus, you roll IQ rather than IQ-4), and Broken Communion Path -25%) [124] (Corruption 5)

    Avatar Templates

    Lesser Avatar of Madness
    Additional Point Cost: 0 points
    The psion retains his own personality, but gains channels the skills associated with Madness. She gains extraordinary stealth and the ability to portray herself as others, as well as the physical agility to entertain others. She also gains a deep understanding of the insane and the ability to find them and to understand the nature of their madness.

    Statistics: In addition to the standard Lesser Avatar Template abilities, add the following traits: +3 Clown (Divine -0%) [30] and Optional Rule: Talent may exceed +4 [1], +3 Craftiness [15] and Optional Rule: Talent may exceed +4 [1], Empathy (The Insane -20%) [12], Charisma +3 (The Insane -20%) [12] [18], Detect (Madness, Occassional, Divine -0%) [10]

    Greater Avatar of Madness
    Additional Point Cost: 59 points

    The psion becomes the incarnation of Madness. In addition to the typical, overwhelming power of any Communal Avatar, his aura and features becomes fluid and shifting.  She can change what she looks like instantly, and those who behold her find her strange, disturbing and confusing to behold.  Her madness spills out to those nearby: Anyone within four yards must succeed at a contest of wills with the Avatar or they begin to hallucinate for a number of minutes equal to the margin of failure.  The drawback is that the Avatar is inundated with all the voices and echoes of every mad person in Communion.  This works something like Supersensitive, but the only way to escape the constant buzz is to go to a place of Low Sanctity to Broken Communion.

    Statistics: In addition to the standard Greater Avatar Template abilities, add the following traits: Confusion (Divine -0%) [30], Elastic Skin (Glamour Will-5 -5%, Divine -0%, Reduced Time, Instant +100%) [38], Affliction (Always On -20%, Emanation -20%, Area Effect 4 yards +100%, Malediction +100%, Hallucination +50%, Divine -0%) [31], Super-Sensitive [-15]

    The Other

    Alternate Names: Xenos, the Outsider, the Exarch, the Elder One, the Alien God.

    The Other represents that which humanity does not understand.  This part of Broken Communion are those parts which have tried to connect with the external world and failed.  Where the rest of Communion has recoiled from that external thing in fear and horror, this part of Broken Communion remains fascinated.  Those who follow this path begin to take on those traits that the rest of Communion fears because it cannot understand, that which Communion vilifies.  By walking these paths, one can gain an understanding of that which others cannot, but it becomes destined to fundamentally lose its humanity.

    Corruption of the Other

    Following the Path of the Other requires nothing more than Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism), but it inflicts Corruption points, like any form of Broken Communion. The disadvantages gained from Broken Communion's corruption while following the Path of the Other must be used to acquire a disadvantage associated with self-alienation or the themes of Monstrosity. The following represents ideas:

    Disadvantages: Appearance (Varies) [Varies], Clueless [-10], Disturbing Voice [-10], Frightens Animals [-10], Loner [-5], Low Empathy [-20], Oblivious [-5], Odious Personal Habit (Varies) [Varies],Uncontrollable Appetite (Human Flesh) [-15*], Unusual Biochemistry [-5], Unnatural Features (Varies) [Varies], Xenophilia [-10*]

    Benefits: At the GM's discretion, characters who follow the Path of the Other may purchase Biokinesis and Psychometabolism powers with the -25% Broken Communion Path modifier in addition to the -10% Psi modifier.


    • Color: Infrared (or Red)
    • Regalia: Insect chitin, slime, scales.
    • Tools: Indecipherable alien glyphs or language; raw human (or another appropriate sapient) flesh (which must be eaten to invoke the miracle); exotic/alien tools or weapons.
    • Locations: Beyond the Galaxy; alien worlds brimming with strange life; places of decay, ruin or antiquity; sewers.
    • Opposing Path: The Rebellious Beast (Id  Communion): The Other is a monstrous archetype, but the Rebellious Beast is the king of monsters.


    • The Other lies weak and slumbering (metaphorically dead) in a place of ruin, decay and antiquity. Someone knowledgeable and greedy from the Proper World comes across the other, and the Other consumes/infects them, and rises once more, using the remains of this person as a means by which to return to the world ("wearing their skin").  He returns to the "Proper World."
    • The Other discovers, or is discovered by, “the beautiful youth,” a paragon of what is considered right and good by the Proper World, according to Ego or Id communion (virtuously pure and/or physically desirable). The Other communes with the flesh of the Beautiful Youth, and either consumes him or infects/taints them with its otherness (Completing this milestone). This Beautiful Youth becomes a close companion and enemy to the Other, acting both as a bridge to the Proper World, and a dangerous dagger poised at its heart.
    • The Other successfully hides its Otherness behind a mask of normalcy and integrates itself into an institution considered important and/or sacred by the Proper World. While hidden within this institution, it successfully consumes/infects the institution, filling it with qualities of Otherness (completing this milestone) that begins to infect/consume other institutions around it. Someone connected with Id or Ego discovers and reveals this infection.
    • The Other breeds an army of itself, which it leads against the Proper World. Those who fall under its grasp are metaphorically or literally consumed or infected by the Other. The forces of the Proper World rise up in return to the Other and they clash. The Other is defeated, but not before striking a lingering and memorable blow to the Proper World.
    • The Other is pursued into the heart of a place of ruin, decay and antiquity by a paragon of the Proper World. There, he is defeated and the world thinks him dead, but he is only weakened. He goes into a state of slumber, waiting to be awoken at some later time.

    Associated Talents

    Alien Friend: [5/level] (Lesser Primordial Expertise). Found in GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents, on page 6 (and GURPS Space).

    Stalker: [5/level] (Lesser Primordial Expertise). Found in GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents, on page 15.

    Associated Powers

    Sense Alien
    Reaction Required: Neutral
    Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Broken Communion 4Legendary Reputation (the Other) 2
    Learned Prayer Cost: 3 points
    Corruption: 1

    Upon completion of this prayer, the Avatar of the Other automatically knows the location of the nearest truly alien creature.  This power applies specifically to creatures that aren't the typical humanoid alien or an obvious knock-off of an earth creature ("Space cows" etc), but something truly unusual.  This information is perfect, but if the Avatar wants to understand it more deeply (ie to analyze it), he must succeed at a Philosophy roll to better comprehend its imagery.

    StatisticsDetect (Truly Bizarre Aliens; Rare, No Roll Required +100%, Precise, Non Targetting +90%, Divine -25%) [14]

    Commune with Alien
    Reaction Required: Neutral
    Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Dark Communion 5Legendary Reputation (the Other1
    Learned Prayer Cost: 4 points
    Corruption: 6

    A deep relationship with the madness of Broken Communion grants the Avatar of the Other a deep connection with that which humans cannot well understand. After invoking this prayer, the Avatar gains the ability to understand the emotions of truly bizarre aliens (see Sense Alien for a better definition), and aliens intuitively trust the Avatar (+3 to reaction modifiers)

    Statistics: Empathy (Truly bizarre aliens, -20%, Broken Communion -25%) [9], Charisma +3 (Truly Bizarre Aliens -20%, Broken Communion -25%) [9] [18]

    Unspeakable Knowledge
    Reaction Required: Neutral
    Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Dark Communion 6Legendary Reputation (the Other1
    Learned Prayer Cost: 5 points
    Corruption: 3

    Upon completion of this prayer, the Avatar opens his mind to the universe.  The GM can thereafter give him whatever knowledge he seeks, but the knowledge that the character gains is in such a format that the Avatar cannot express this knowledge to any character who lacks the Broken Communion advantage.

    Statistics: Oracle (Inspired +100%, Broken Communion Path -25%, Nuisance, unable to communicate truths found -10%) [25]

      Skins of the Other

      Reaction Required: Very Good
      Learned Prayer Prerequisite: Broken Communion 12, Legendary Reputation (the Other) 1
      Learned Prayer Cost: 20 points
      Corruption: 20

      The Path of the Other connects its Avatar with many-varied images and half-memories of the monsters that exist beyond human perception. After invoking the miracle, over the next ten seconds, the Avatar physically changes his form into that of any creature that the GM deems appropriate to that of a "Truly bizarre alien." Doing so costs 1 HP and leaves behind the husk of his former body. The avatar retains enough of his own identity that one can readily identify the character (for example, his face remains on the front of its monstrous new body, or his features can be readily found within the features of the creature). The cost of the racial template cannot exceed that of the character's own racial template + his Divine Favor point cost.

      Statistics: Morph (Flawed -10%, Broken Communion Path -25%, Accessibility, only to creatures associated with Broken Communion -5%, costs 1 HP -10%, Nuisance, leaves disgusting/horrific husk -20% new form excludes all forms of Divine Favor -0%) [20]

      Avatar Templates

      Lesser Avatar of the Other
      Additional Point Cost: 0 points
      The psion retains his own personality, but gains channels the skills associated with the Other. He gains a deep understanding of that which is inhuman, and exceptional stealth.  He gains a deep connection with the Alien, and becomes able to detect truly alien creatures (though not with quite the same precision as the equivalent miracle).

      Statistics: In addition to the standard Lesser Avatar Template abilities, add the following traits: +3 Alien Friend (Divine -0%) [15] and Optional Rule: Talent may exceed +4 [1], +3 Stalker (Divine -0%) [15] and Optional Rule: Talent may exceed +4 [1], Empathy (Truly Bizarre Aliens -20%, Broken Communion -25%) [9], Charisma +3 (Truly Bizarre Aliens -20%, Broken Communion -25%) [9] [18], Detect (Truly Bizarre Aliens, Rare) [5]

      Greater Avatar of the Other
      Additional Point Cost: 52 points

      The psion becomes the incarnation of the Other. In addition to the typical, overwhelming power of any Communal Avatar, his aura and features blur into the horrifying incarnation of that which sapient-kind fears about that which it doesn't understand.  Additionally, while in this state, the avatar can shape its flesh into any advantage worth as much as 20 points, instantly, and can change that advantage whenever it wishes.  However, it becomes the incarnation of that which sapient-kind fears, unable to care about humanity, and hungering for its flesh.

      Statistics: In addition to the standard Greater Avatar Template abilities, add the following traits:  Appearance (Horrific, Divine -0%, Glamour Will-5 -5%) [-23], Terror (Divine -0%) [30], Epigenetics (Reduced Time, Instant +100%) [10] + 20 point pool [80], Callous [-5], Uncontrollable Appetite (Human Flesh, 12 or less) [-15]

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