Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Redjack Wolfhound-Class Light Assault Vehicle

The Stats

ST/HP: 60

Hand/SR: +3/4

HT: 12

Move: 6/75 (+9)

LWt.: 1.5

Load: 0.2

SM: +3

Occ.: 1SV

DR: 150/60*

Range: 110,000

Cost: $950,000

Loc.: 2Cg

*The armor is carbide composite; double DR vs plasma or shaped charge attacks. Higher DR protects against attacks from the front

Redjack Combat Vehicle Electronics:

  • Medium Ultra-Scanner: 30-mile scan, 3-mile imaging/bioscan; 12(forward);

  • Targeting Computer: +5 to hit target with a scan-lock.

  • Tactical ESM: +1 to dodge missiles.

  • Navigation: Inertial Compass (+3 to Navigation); fixed homing navigation system (+5 to navigate to a specific signal).

  • Medium Holographic Radio: 1,000 mile range (orbital); “palm sized” holographic console.

  • Hyperium Reactor: 30 days of fuel.

  • Life Support: Total; with vaccsuit interface.

  • Security & Safety: Simple Locks;

The Wolfhound Assault Vehicle has room for a single driver.


The Wolfhound has two, stabilized, linked plasma gatling cannons with a forward facing. Together, these have an ROF of 24 (+5 to hit)












Light Plasma Gatling

6d×3 (2) burn ex










Accessory Modules

Like the Switchback, the Wolfhound has an accessory module slot, which three possible modules. All modules take 30 minutes to apply with the proper tools and an hour without.

  • Control Module: The default module, this consists of removing a panel within the vehicle’s cockpit behind the pilot in which a robot can an internal computer port. This can fit an SM-1 robot, and allows it to directly control and interface with the vehicle.

  • Cargo Module: Redjack sells a “casket” module, which can be inserted into the back of the vehicle. This module integrates into the body of the vehicle in such a way that it looks like no obvious module is in place, allowing the pilot to use the Smuggling skill. Further, it is shielded, applying a -6 to all scan rolls to detect its presence or its contents. This carries up to 160 lbs; 6.3 lbs, $800.

  • Mine Module: Similar in appearance to the cargo module, this module contains 3 “Banger-bot” mines, a control interface and an external “bay door” in the back of the vehicle. The pilot can see the status of all internal banger mines, activate them, and command them to deploy, at which point the small rear hatch opens and the banger exits the vehicle and deploys. Each Banger-Bot costs $5,000 and weighs 25 lbs; An empty mine module weighs 30 lbs and costs $80

Look and Feel

With the Wolfhound (often called a “Dog of War”), Redjack dropped its pretense of proving purely civilian vehicles. The light assault vehicle races across terrain at frightening speed, and uses its combat electronics to look onto enemy targets an unleash a hail of plasma fire that explodes on contact. The vehicle’s light armor and rapid-fire weaponry make it singularly suited for defeating infantry, and it suffers against heavier vehicles. Most owners of Wolfhounds use them in hit-and-run raids: rushing forward to his a settlement or outpost, devastate the area and drive the inhabitants into hiding, and then take what they want and bolt. A few people use it as an “aggressive rover,” patrolling their mining claim, while making use of its smart-grip tracks to cling to the rough surface of an asteroid or a lunar surface.

The oversized caterpillar tracks of a Wolfhound dominate the vehicle. These triangular tracks each stand as tall as the central body and half as wide. They sport a responsive, adaptive set of tracks that “grip” the surface of low-G worlds, allowing the vehicle to be driven at no penalty in such regions, and allow it to navigate the rough, off-road terrain of normal-G roads.

The central body rests between the tracks. An armored canopy sits in the front, and opens to allow the pilot to enter a roomy cockpit. The cockpit contains plenty of room a vacc-suit wearing pilot; the life support system can either pressurize the cockpit or it can integrate with the wearer’s vaccsuit through a few attachments to supply indefinite air and carbon scrubbing to the pilot. This allows the cockpit to act something like an airlock, withdrawing the air when the pilot has decided to exit the vehicle and enter an airless environment. The cockipt is room enough that another person could squeeze in behind or beside the pilot’s seat, though it would be a tight fight, and there’s some room just behind the pilot that can be given over to a robot, provided the right module has been attached.

The undercarriage houses the rest of the vehicle. Twin plasma gatlings jut out from beneath the cockpit. The hyperium reactor and the engine sit to the rear of the undercarriatge, with carbide composite panels providing access to the vehicle during maintenance.

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