Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Redjack Switchback-Class Utility Hyanide

The Stats

ST/HP: 45

Hand/SR: +3/3

HT: 13

Move: 6/70 (+9)

LWt.: 0.75

Load: 0.18

SM: +2

Occ.: 1

DR: 60*

Range: 650

Cost: $300,000

Loc.: C1E

*The armor is carbide composite; double DR vs plasma or shaped charge attacks.


Redjack Combat Vehicle Electronics:

  • Medium Ultra-Scanner: 30-mile scan, 3-mile imaging/bioscan; 12(forward);

  • Targeting Computer: +5 to hit target with a scan-lock.

  • Tactical ESM: +1 to dodge missiles.

  • Navigation: Inertial Compass (+3 to Navigation); fixed homing navigation system (+5 to navigate to a specific signal).

  • Medium Holographic Radio: 1,000 mile range (orbital); “palm sized” holographic console.

  • Rechargeable F-Cell

  • Security & Safety: Simple Locks;

The Switchback Hyanide has room for a single driver.

Switchback Modules

It contains two module slots: a weapon module, most often mounted in the front and usually armed with a light plasma gun, below. The only armament is a semi-portable plasma gatling. It can adjust it’s position slightly based on input from the targeting computer. Redjack customers in spaces where such a weapon is illegal may leave it off. The listed price above does not include the plasma gatling! Add $55k to the price if you wish to purchase your switchback with one installed.












Light Plasma Gatling

6d×3 (2) burn ex










Accessory Module

The Switchback has an accessory module, which three possible modules. All modules take 30 minutes to apply with the proper tools and an hour without.

  • Control Module: The default module, this consists of removing a panel on the top vehicle behind the pilot in which to slow a robot and allowing it access to an internal computer port. This can fit an SM-1 robot, and allows it to directly control and interface with the vehicle.

  • Cargo Module: Redjack sells a “casket” module, which can be inserted into the back of the vehicle, behind the driver, while leaving the top panel in place. This module integrates into the body of the vehicle in such a way that it looks like no obvious module is in place, allowing the pilot to use the Smuggling skill. Further, it is shielded, applying a -6 to all scan rolls to detect its presence or its contents. This carries up to 160 lbs; 6.3 lbs, $800.

  • Mine Module: Similar in appearance to the cargo module, this module contains 3 “Banger-bot” mines, a control interface and an external “bay door” in the back of the vehicle. The pilot can see the status of all internal banger mines, activate them, and command them to deploy, at which point the small rear hatch opens and the banger exits the vehicle and deploys. Each Banger-Bot costs $5,000 and weighs 25 lbs; An empty mine module weighs 30 lbs and costs $80

Look and Feel

The Switchback is an unusual and distinct Redjack “cycle.” A hyanide, it moves on a caterpillar track, which runs along the spine of the vehicle, with armored body extending out either side, giving it something of the appearance of a thin car. The vehicle sits in the center, to the rear of the vehicle in a “lean back” position, protected by the armor on all sides, but with no canopy. The weapon module sits directly before the pilot, and the accessory module to the rear, directly behind the pilot.

Once the pilot has settled into the seat and activated the vehicle, the engine noticeably rumbles to life, and once he starts, the smart-treads of the caterpillar track grip into the surface and begin to “rip” across the terrain at high speeds. While not nearly as fast as hover-cycles, the superior grip allows it to better retain connection to the surface of a low-G world, or to climb over rough terrain.

Redjack describes the Switchback as a reconnaissance and support vehicle. Some Redjack customers purchase them without any inserted modules and use them to get around quickly on rough terrain, perhaps seating a robot in the back, or adding the smuggling module to carry their supplies or cargo. However, many customers use the Switchback as a rapid attack vehicle, arming it with the gatling cannon and adding the mine module, to deploy banger-bots either to secure the border of territory (the banger-bots will communicate back to the bike if their sensors have been tripped) or for rapid hit-and-run tactics.


Banger-Bots aren’t true robots: they have no neural nets and cannot learn. They are, instead, autonomous systems similar to automated cameras or tripod-mounted sentry cannons. They resemble small, four-legged spiders or crabs with small “digging” systems, a bulky body, and a single, dark eye. They do not speak, but some models emit an electronic scream when they charge.

When activated, the user can direct them to a point on a map, or simply instruct them to deploy, in which case they go to the directed area (or pick out an area for themselves) and dig down just enough that they’re not easily detected visually and present no profile to scanners. Then they wait.

In sentry mode, a banger-bot will communicate back to its owner any results it detects. It generally passively observes the area using its detection systems and its eye unless directed to actively scan with it’s ultrascanner. Banger-Bots will also communicate any detected targets to other Banger-Bots nearby, forming a “sentry net.” If the owner decides that the target should be destroyed, then he can activate attack mode for that Banger-Bot.

In attack mode, once a banger bot detects an intruder that isn’t broadcasting the right IFF codes, they trigger an ultrascanner pulse to precisely target the intruder. If the target gets within 15 yards of the Banger-Bot (which it will precisely know, thanks to its target lock), it will erupt from the ground and charge, reaching the target in one second. Treat this as a Move And Attack (Slam) with a +5 to hit thanks to the target lock (this hits on a 17 or less). It then immediately triggers its self-destruct charge; the primary damage hits the target to him the banger-bot has attacked, while the secondary explosive damage will hit anyone nearby.

Banger-Bots in sentry mode will retreat if attacked. They alert their owner as to their status of being under attack, make Defensive attacks with their sharp claws, and seek to escape, scuttling away from the target and seeking to lose themselves in shadows.

Banger-Bot are fully capable of handling vacuum and they’re often deployed on asteroids around a miner’s claim, to act as a deterrent.

ST: 10 DX: 10 IQ: 6 HT: 12

HP: 12 Will: 5 Per: 12 Speed: 6 Dodge: 9 Move: 15 SM: -2; 25 lbs

DR: 5

Sharp Claws (12): 1d-2 cut, Reach C.

HEMP Self-Destruct Charge (NA): 6d×12(10) cr inc + linked 8d×2 cr ex [5d]

Traits: Absolute Direction; Accessory (Digging tools; Small Computer, Self-Destruct Charge); Appearance (Ugly; Off the Shelf); AI; Automaton; Bad Grip 1; Cannot Speak (Beep); Extra Legs (4 legs); Deafness; Detect (Comms and Ultrascanner, signal detection; Electrical and Magnetic Fields); Doesn’t Breathe; DR 5 (Cannot wear Armor); Electrical, Maintenance (one person, monthly), No Peripheral Vision; Night Vision 9; Numb; Obscure -4 (Ultrascannery, Stalthy); One-Eye; Penetrating Vision 1 (Blockable, Dense Substances); Protected Vision; Reduced Consumption 3 [6]; Restricted Diet (Common, Power Cells); Scanning Sense (Ultrascanner; 200 yards; Targeting, Scanner, Bio-Scan); Sealed; Silent 1; Super Jump; Sharp Claws; Telecommunication (Comm System, 100 mile range, Burst, Secure, Video); Temperature Tolerance (Cold) 10; Vacuum Support.

Skills: Brawling-12; Electronics Operations (Comms)-8; Electronics Operations (Sensors)-8; Stealth-12; Wrestling-12.

Energy: 2C/Week

Cost: $5,000

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