Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Redjack Wildcat-Class Modular Heavy Fighter

ST/HP: 130

Hand/SR: +1/4*

HT: 13

Move: 10/400 (+13)*

LWt.: 16.5

Load: 7.25

SM: +5

Occ.: 1ASV+1rx

DR: 50/25

Range: 20,000, 2 jumps (Rating 1)

Cost: $8.75M

Loc.: g2Wi3rR

Stall: 40*

Total Chase Roll: +14 (+16 with afterburner)

*The Wildcat is equipped with an Afterburner which improves the Move to 15/500 (+14) and gains +1 handling and consumes four times as much fuel (reducing range to 5,000 miles, if used continuously). The Wildcat has an accessory module slot an armor module slot which, if loaded with a heavy slot, reduces the handling to +0/4, Move to 9/400 (+13) (14/500 (+14) with afterburners) for a total chase roll of +13 (+14 with afterburners) and increases the stall speed to 45. See additional modules for more.

†The Wildcat has 50 carbide composite DR on the front and 25 on the rest; double DR vs shaped charges or plasma attacks. The Wildcat has an accessory module slot and an armor module slot that may improve these numbers.


Redjack Heavy Fighter Electronics:

  • Medium Tactical Ultra-Scanner: 30-mile scan, 3-mile imaging/bioscan; 360°;

  • Targeting Computer: +5 to hit target with a scan-lock.

  • Night Vision Sensors: +9 nightvision, ×8 magnification (up to +3 to aimed attacks, if the vehicle aims for three turns).

  • Distortion Jammer: -4 ECM penalty for missiles; +2 to jam missiles.

  • Tactical ESM: +1 to dodge missiles.

  • Medium Holographic Radio: 1,000 mile range (orbital); “palm sized” holographic console.

  • Security and Safety: Simple Locks; Ejection Seat.

  • Accommodations: Bunks for 2; Minimal galley/toiletries; Total life support.

  • Hyperdrive: Rating 1, with sufficient fuel for 2 jumps.

  • Hyperium Reactor: 24 hours endurance at full speed (6 hours with afterburners).

The Wildcat has room for a two pilots and an exposed slot for a robot assistant. The Wildcat uses computerized controls, allowing either pilot or the robot to take full control of the fighter; generally the “forward” pilot handles piloting and navigation, while the second pilot handles electronics and communications, and the robot handles navigation and maintenance.. The robot has access to the hyperium reactor, hyperdrive and traditionally handles hyperspatial navigation and on-the-fly repairs. Both pilots have “crawl spaces” that allow them to reach their minimal bunks located in the central part of the heavy fighter; it takes one minute to move from the cabin to the piloting controls.

The Wildcat has three Weapon Modules, one central in its body, allowing for a very heavy, one-ton nose-cannon, and two wing-mounted, half-ton modules. It takes 30 minutes with proper tools to change any of these modules, and 1 hour to change them without the proper tools.

Main Weapon Modules

The Main Weapon modules run the length of the body, positioned in the nose of the craft.

The B00-M Heavy Plasma Cannon Module: Sometimes called the “double-aught,” the B00-M Cannon is the most commonly used main weapon module for a Wildcat. This heavy fighter cannon exchanges rate of fire and reliability for devastating firepower. The B00-M can only fire once every three seconds, and risks overheating after firing more than three shots without waiting 10+ seconds between shots, and needs a full minute to cool down. However, it hits with an unparalleled force for a fighter, and many pirates prefer it to missiles for taking down hard targets, because then they needn’t carry stockpiles of weapons. In Action Vehicular Combat, the B00-M can technically fire once per turn, as an optional rule, the GM can require the pilot to wait one turn between turns to fire it, our to make a Gunnery (Beams)-4 roll to vent heat and cycle the charge faster. It can also aim at a spot near its target, gaining a +4 to hit, but sacrificing the armor modifier.

The MIN-33 Light Laser Cannon Module: Sometimes called the “Minnie” the MIN-33 Laser Cannon is a lighter variant of the MIN-3R Artillery laser cannon. Redjack advertises it as “light mining equipment” intended for carving up metallic asteroids, but it fares remarkably well against well armored ships, provided the fighter can close in enough to focus the full power of the weapon on the target, and keep it on the target. It deals full damage at Extreme range, and half damage at Distant.

The SP74-TR Heavy Plasma Gatling Module: Popular with Wildcat pilots who expect to dogfight, this gatling plasma cannon lays down a serious barrage of plasma shots more than powerful enough to kill other fighters. It can also aim at a spot near its target, gaining a +4 to hit, but sacrificing the armor modifier; most Wildcats will simply lay down a barrage of fire, like a focused flak cannon, near their target and hope the saturation fire will hit their target.

The NUK-3 Disposable Torpedo Bay: A more popular weapon for third parties (especially the Alliance), the NUK-3 allows a full isomeric torpedo to be loaded where the main gun would normally. This results in an odd look for the craft, with a closed “launch bay” where the gun would normally be, unless the torpedo has been fired, in which case a gaping, open bay sits where the main cannon would be. Wildcat pilots that load the NUK-3 usually have at least one wing-cannon loaded, in case they get into a dog fight. The NUK-3 takes so long to load and, being a single-shot weapon, generally works best in large military formations where fighters can be “expended” in their attack and then return to their carrier for a 30-minute reload.












NOV-4 Heavy Plasma Cannon Module

6dx30(2) burn ex


4 mi/12 mi








MIN-3R Mining Laser Module

5d×15(10) cut inc


500/3 mi







SP74-TR Heavy Plasma Gatling

6dx15(2) burn ex









Isomeric Torpedo Bay

6d×500 cr ex


10 mi







Wing Weapon Modules

The Wildcat has two separate wing modules, one per wing, rated for 1200 lbs.

The BAN-6 Plasma Cannon Module: Redjack designed the BAN-6 for lighter vehicles, and the Wildcat rarely loads it. Ultimately, it’s a smaller, lighter version of the B00-M heavy plasma cannon, and follows the same rules: it risks overheating if it fires 3 shots in a row without letting the heat dissipate for 10 seconds between shots, at which point it needs a full minute to cool down. In Action Vehicular Combat, the BAN-6 can technically fire once per turn, as an optional rule, the GM can require the pilot to wait one turn between turns to fire it, our to make a Gunnery (Beams)-4 roll to vent heat and cycle the charge faster. It can also aim at a spot near its target, gaining a +4 to hit, but sacrificing the armor modifier.

The SC4-TR Plasma Gatling Module: Most Wildcat pilots consider this a good backup weapon, especially if they’re carrying heavy, anti-corvette or anti-capital weaponry in their primary weapon module slot.

The ZIP-3R Blaster Gatling Module: The most popular Redjack fighter weapon, the ZIP-3R works as a fairly standard blaster gatling weapon; its high rate of fire make it an excellent choice when dogfighting, and it retains the excellent penetration capacilities of blasters, allowing it to more easily punch throw composite or EMA armor, and their superior accuracy make them more popular with ace pilots and patient fighter pilots.

MSML Missile Module: Wildcats can also mount fairly standard 160mm Missile Bays into their wing modules. These tend not to be popular with the typical Redjack market, who don’t like to stock missiles, but third parties, especially the Alliance, love them for their added flexibility and firepower.











BAN-6 Plasma Cannon

5dx20(2) burn ex









SC4-TR Plasma Gatling

6dx8(2) burn ex


3 mi/
10 mi







ZIP-3R Light Blaster Gatling

6d×4(3) burn









160mm MSML
Plasma Burst Missile

6dx15 burn ex









160mm MSML Plasma Lance Missile

6dx30 (10) burn ex









Additional Modules

The Wildcat has two additional module socket: a centrally located “Accessory” module slot, and a series of nodes and sockets that allow the connection of an “armor” module slot that layers over the main armor of the vehicle. It takes 30 minutes with the proper tools to change the Accessory module, and an hour to change the armor module, and double if the character lacks the proper tools and environment to change the module.

The additional weight of the module complicates the calculations of the Wildcat’s speed and handling. If any Accessory or Armor module slot is loaded with a Heavy module (or if both are) reduces the handling to +0/4, Move to 9/400 (+13) (14/500 with afterburners) and increases the stall speed to 45.

Accessory Modules

Redjack AM49 “Silverback” Force Screen Module

Heavy Module

4,000 lbs; $400,000.

The Wildcat can be loaded with a force screen module, the “Silverback” or the “AM49er” that contains two F-cells; the Force Screen lasts for 12 minutes of continuous use and provides 300 ablative, hardened DR; once depleted, the Force Screen can recharge off of the fighter’s hyperium reactor in 12 hours.

Redjack AM76 “Blackheart” ECM Module

Light Module

1000 lbs, $200,000.

The blackheart module, or the “76er” module provides additional ECM resources. It adds additional computing power necessary to engage in hyperspatial navigation without the assistance of a robot and improves the targeting of the Wildcat to +6 per lock rather than +5 per lock. It also provides a 2-mile radius Area Distortion Jammer which uses advanced, proprietary Distortion technology that improves the ECM value of the Wildcat and those in formation with it to -5; it has a Distortion Scrambler that can jam enemy communications out to 20 miles away; finally, it has FTL communication capabilities allowing it to communicate out to 3 parsecs away. Blackheart modules are so common among pirates that some people refer to Wildcats with pirate markings as “Blackhearts” or “76ers.”

Redjack AM420 “Holdout” Shielded Cargo Module

Light Module (Unless carrying more than 1000 lbs, in which case it’s a Heavy module)

Little more than a shielded box in place of an actual module, because the cargo module integrates just as any other module, it makes it difficult to notice and acts as a basic Smuggling tool. The cargo module is also climate controlled and shielded (-6 to scan its contents). It can be used to haul up to 4 passengers in a pinch, but the Wildcat’s life support was not built to handle so many people: either give them some form of breathing mask, or roll the Wildcat’s HT-1, -5 per additional stowaway after the first once per day; on a failure, the life support system begins to break down and will fail within 24 hours. If the “Holdout” module has more than 1000 lbs of cargo, reduces the Wildcat’s Move to 8/400 (or 10/500) and lowers handling by 1.. 100 lbs, $25,000.

Redjack AM110 “Longstrider” Fuel Capacity Module

Light Module

1000 lbs (fully fueled); $500.

The Longstrider module is a simple, self-sealing hyperium fuel tank. It provides four additional “fuel points,” which may be spent to shunt into hyperspace, or provide an additional 12 hours of flight time.

Armor Modules

Armor modules are less comprehensive in their protection of the wildcat than integrated, built-in armor. As an optional rule, called shots for armor chinks automatically bypass Armor Modules in addition to halving the DR of the Wildat, and disabling the Wildcat’s armor destroys the Armor Module.

Redjack “Snowflake” Armor Module

Light Module

1000 lbs; $50,000.

One of the most common and cheapest forms of armor available to the Wildcat, this adds gleaming white plates of Cerablate to the whole of the vehicle, giving it its nickname of a “Snowflake.” The Snowflake armor provides an additional +50 ablative DR (+100 to the front) against blasters, plasma weapons and plasma warheads, and 15 non-ablative DR (+30 to the front) against everything else.

Redjack “Tank” Armor Module

Heavy Module

2500 lbs; $300,000.

The Tank armor module integrates EMA armor onto plates of heavy carbide armor, increasing the DR of the Wildcat to 110/55, with triple DR against plasma attacks, plasma warheads or shaped charge attacks.

Redjack “Blackout” Armor Module

Light Module

1000 lbs; $100,000

Blackout Armor consists of smooth, matte black plates added to the top layer of the vehicle. These absorb Ultrascanner signals, providing an additional -4 ECM value. Additionally it increasing the DR of the Wildcat to 80/40, but removes the composite nature of the armor (that is, it no longer doubles against plasma attacks or shaped charges).

ARC “Manticore” Armor Module

Light Module

1000 lbs, $500,000

Redjack, to better market its Wildcats, combined its efforts with ARC and they jointly created Diamondoid armor plates suitable for the Wildcat; Maradonian fleets tend to field Wildcats as a “poor man’s raptor,” and typically equips them with Manticore armor and Longstrider fuel for longer range, and then refers to them as a “Manticore-Pattern heavy fighter.”

Manticore armor increases the DR of the Wildcat to 110/55, and its elegant sculpting provides a +1 reaction bonus.

Junker” Armor Module

Heavy Module

2500 lbs; $25,000.

Some Wildcat pilots, unable to find or afford better armor, just bolt on whatever scrap metal they can. These can be acquired for free with a Scrounging roll, but free junker armor doubles the time required to load on the armor, and requires an Armoury (Vehicular armor) to apply properly. A failure of this roll reduces the Wildcat’s handling by 1 (in addition to the extra mass of a heavy modules!) and reduces the penalty to attack armor chinks from -10 to -5.

Junker armor increasing the DR of the Wildcat to 110/55, and removes the composite nature of the armor (that is, it no longer doubles against plasma attacks or shaped charges).

Common Wildcat Loadouts:

The Redjack “Wildcat” Medium Starfighter: If one purchases a “Wildcat,” this is generally what Redjack shipyards sell you. It focuses exclusively on plasma weaponry, has additional fuel to allow it to travel farther and make additional jumps, critical to many of their customers, and it uses Cerablate armor for that little bit of extra defense if they get caught in a bind. Their combined ROF from their Gatling Cannons are 16; Add +50 ablative DR (+100 to the front) against blasters, plasma weapons and plasma warheads, and 15 non-ablative DR (+30 to the front) against everything else, and gain 4 “fuel points” which can add another 12 hours (or 10,000 miles) or another jump each.

  • B00-M Heavy Plasma Cannon Module

  • 2 SC4-TR Plasma Gatling Modules

  • LongstriderFuel Capacity Module

  • Snowflake” Armor Module

The ARC “Manticore” Heavy Starfighter: The Alliance sometimes purchases modified wildcats as cheap alternatives to their Raptors, often giving them to common-born Alliance Regulars to fly, especially in massed waves against capital ships. They use their own proprietary Manticore armor, and combine it with a force screen and a more familiar “missile and blaster” loadout.

Reduce handling to +0/4, Move to 9/400 (+13) (13/500 with afterburners) and increases the stall speed to 45; increase the DR of the Manticore to 110/55 and gain 300 points of hardened, ablative force screen DR.

  • SP74-TR Heavy Plasma Gatling or NUK-3 Disposable Torpedo Bay

  • 2 MSML Missile Module

  • AM49 “Silverback” Force Screen Module

  • Manticore” Armor Module

The RedjackJunker” Heavy Miner: Many asteroid miners, after purchasing a Wildcat, will remove the B00-M Heavy Plasma Cannon and replace it with a MIN-33 laser cannon and, once the Cerablate is gone, replace it with Episteel plating. This results in a slow, heavy fighter with considerable range that can assist in mining operations while also acting to defend the craft from pirate attack.

Reduce handling to +0/4, Move to 9/400 (+13) (13/500 with afterburners) and increases the stall speed to 45; increase the DR of the Junker to 110/55 but remove the composite bonus (no doubling DR against plasma attacks).

  • MIN-33 Light Laser Cannon Module

  • 2 SC4-TR Plasma Gatling Modules

  • LongstriderFuel Capacity Module

  • Junker” Armor Module

Look and Feel

The Wildcat is not an especially beautiful craft. Stripped of its modules, it looks more like a fighter frame, with naked attachment struts and gaps in the frame where the modules should go. Even completely put together, the vehicle isn’t especially beautiful, with seams visible between the additional plates and a bulky appearance to the vehicle. Nonetheless, many pilots swear by their Wildcat and its reputation for reliability.

The Wildcat resembles a flattened out, wide rocket. Its large engines, with flaring manueuver plates arranged around the four main thrusters, dominate its back. Its small wings jut out to either side towards the top of the vehicle, providing a small amount of lift, but mostly acting as housing for fuel and weapon modules; the vehicle slopes towards its front, with a blunt cockpit “nose,” with the techbot slot just behind the cockpit, and the main weapon module jutting out from beneath, like an extended chin. The Wildcat’s accessory module sits atop the vehicle like an exaggerated spine or “hump.”

The cockpit has a comfortable design if a cheap look. The cockpit exposes the wires and framework of the underside of the controls, allowing the pilot to rapidly access them if he needs to make impromptu repairs. The pilot seat has a nice, comfortable cloth or leather surface. The Wildcat’s cockpit also sports a dash and most have a small clutter of collected gewgaws. The cockpit has sufficient room for a pilot in a vacuum suit, and it can withdraw the air provided by the life support system, like an airlock, if the character wishes to open the cockpit while in space to depart his vehicle. The character also has sufficient room to maneuver in the cockpit to exit and enter a cramped crawlspace to enter into a small “cubby” with a bunk, a tiny kitchenette, a small toilet and a small cargo space about the size of small footlocker. Wildcat pilots tend to call the accommodations the “coffin” and love to complain about it, but it represents a boon on especially long flights, and some pilots use their Wildcat as a personal transport, similar to a very cut down Ronin. The life support system within a manticore, once sealed, has a distinct “styrofoam” scent to it; the life support system of a Wildcat lasts nearly forever, and antique ones gain a sour, moldy scent, but remain perfectly functional (at least according to their pilots).

Like most fighters, the Wildcat rests on retractable runners. When ready to take off, the craft activates a repulsorfield and hovers on it as it retracts its runners. When activated, the engines prep with a distinctive and low “growl” and then flare a brilliant blue and the maneuver flaps extend around the engine, giving the impression that the Wildcat’s engines have grown, or that the Wildcat “has its hackles up.” The afterburners extend the maneuver flaps further and turn the “growl” into a full-throated roar. The Wildcat has extraordinarily powerful engines for its size, and it has a palpable, powerful acceleration, especially with its afterburners, which push it to 1.5 Gs. Thanks mainly to its small wings, the Wildcat turns sluggishly (and is even more noticably sluggish when loaded with heavy modules); skilled pilots learn to compensate for the wide turning radii with heavy use of braking and sudden, powerful thrusts.

Thanks to their modularity, Wildcats can fulfill nearly any role and are the go to combat vessel for belters and pirates. They fare best when attacking corvettes, however. They can bring to bear some fairly powerful weapons against the relatively slow targets, and their weaker maneuverability doesn’t hurt them as much. Against capital ships, they need to invest in some highly specific weaponry (such as their torpedo bay or, if they’re patient, their mining lasers). Most lighters can outmaneuver them with ease, however, forcing the pilot to rely on sheer firepower and armor to engage their target; unfortunately for Imperial pilots who underestimate a Wildcat, reckless flying and a barrage of proximity plasma explosions can make up for a lot of poor maneuverability; the Wildcat needs only get lucky once to defeat most lighter fighters.

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