Monday, September 16, 2019

The Redjack Drifter-Class Light Modular Racer

ST/HP: 80

Hand/SR: +4/3*

HT: 12

Move: 25/750 (+15)*

LWt.: 6.5

Load: 2.5

SM: +4

Occ.: 1S+1rx

DR: 15

Range: 12,000

Cost: $9.75M

Loc.: g2Wi3rR

Stall: 55*

Total Chase Roll: +19 (+19 with afterburner)

*The Drifter is equipped with an Afterburner which improves the Move to 40/850 (+15) and consumes four times as much fuel (reducing range to 3,000 miles, if used continuously). Furthermore, its thrusters are modular and different engine modules might alter the handling and move of the vehicle.

†Double DR vs plasma attacks and shaped charge weapons.


Redjack Racer Electronics:

  • Night Vision Sensors: +9 nightvision, ×8 magnification (up to +3 to aimed attacks, if the vehicle aims for three turns).

  • Medium Holographic Radio: 1,000 mile range (orbital); “palm sized” holographic console.

  • Security and Safety: Simple Locks.

Redjack Light Fighter Elecronics Package

Drifters don’t come with combat electronics, but the following package can be added for an additional $250,000. This has no appreciable effect on weight.

  • Medium Tactical Ultra-Scanner: 30-mile scan, 3-mile imaging/bioscan; 360°;

  • Targeting Computer: +5 to hit target with a scan-lock.

  • Distortion Jammer: -4 ECM penalty for missiles; +2 to jam missiles.

  • Tactical ESM: +1 to dodge missiles.

The Drifter has room for one pilot and an exposed slot for a robot assistant. The Drifter uses computerized controls, allowing either pilot or the robot to take full control of the fighter.

The Drifter has one weapon module and two “wing mounts” which can mount weapons (among other things). It takes 30 minutes with proper tools to change any of these modules, and 1 hour to change them without the proper tools.


The Drifter has four possible modules: an accessory module, a main weapon module, wing modules, and an engine module. This creates a fairly dynamic set of possible handling speeds. For handling, consider two possibilities, broken down in the Engine module section:

  • Standard Drifters use at least one weapon module, wing module or an accessory module, in addition to their engine module.

  • Stripped Down Drifters have no weapon modules, no wing modules, and no accessory module, to save weight. This is typical of a racing Drifter!

All modules take 30 minutes to swap out, or 1 hour if lacking the proper tools.

Engine Module:

Plasma Thruster Module: This is the standard, default engine for a Drifter. Make no changes to the characteristics of the vehicle. If purchased separately: 6000 lbs, $600,000.

  • Stripped Down: A Drifter with no modules improves its move to 30/750 (+15) and 50/900 (+15) and +5/3 handling with afterburners, improving the total chase roll to +19 (+20 with afterburners). All uses of Afterburners in this state count as High-G manuevers.

Next Gen Thruster Module: Syntech created a new, more powerful plasma thruster, which has found its way, via industrial sabotage, into the hands of the Empire and powers the Tempest-Class fighter. Sometimes, Drifter pilots get ahold of such models and integrate them into their Drifters. 6000 lbs, $3,000,000.

  • Standard: Move 35/900 (+15) or 55/1100 (+16); Handling becomes +5/3 for total Chase roll of +20 (+21 with after burners). All uses of Afterburners in this state count as High-G manuevers.

  • Stripped Down: Move 50/900 (+15) or 80/1100 (+16); Handling becomes +5/3 for a total Chase roll of +20 (+21 with afterburners). All moves actions with the Afterburner become High-G maneuvers with a -4 to the roll!

Hyperium Thruster Module: Redjack created the Hyperium thruster as an answer to the Syntech “Next Gen” engine. It makes direct use of Hyperium in the thruster, similar to an afterburner, but with greater efficiency, at the cost of potentially catastrophic failure. Use the same statistics as the Next-Gen Thruster, but apply a -1 to HT and add the “x” tag! 6,000 lbs, $1,000,000.

Plasma Fan Module: Older starfighters used Plasma Fan modules, which had a lower thrust-to-mass ratio than modern plasma thrusters, and obsolete starfighters in various parts of the Galaxy still use them. They tend to be fairly robust compared to plasma thrusters, but Redjack already has fairly robust plasma thrusters compared to other makes and models. If the players have access to old starfighter parts, they can usually find one for free with a Scrounging roll, and then apply them with a Mechanic roll at -2 (or +2 if they’re Quick Gadgeteers); failure still installs the part, but reduces Handling by -1. 6000 lbs, $450,000 (or reduce the cost of the Drifter to $9.6M if purchased with Plasma Fans installed)

  • Standard: Move 15/600 (+14) or 25/700 (+15) with afterburners; Total Chase roll of +18 (+19 with afterburners).

  • Stripped Down:
Move 20/600 (+14) or 30/750 (+15); Total Chase roll of +18 (+19 with afterburners).

Main Weapon Modules

The Drifter has a single weapon module, for a weapon that hangs below the cockpit, rated for 1200 lbs.

The BAN-6 Plasma Cannon Module: Redjack designed the BAN-6 primarily for the Drifter, which grants it the firepower to seriously damage much slower and heavier vehicles, especially corvettes. Ultimately, it’s a smaller, lighter version of the B00-M heavy plasma cannon, and follows the same rules: it risks overheating if it fires 3 shots in a row without letting the heat dissipate for 10 seconds between shots, at which point it needs a full minute to cool down. In Action Vehicular Combat, the BAN-6 can technically fire once per turn, as an optional rule, the GM can require the pilot to wait one turn between turns to fire it, our to make a Gunnery (Beams)-4 roll to vent heat and cycle the charge faster. It can also aim at a spot near its target, gaining a +4 to hit, but sacrificing the armor modifier.

The SC4-TR Plasma Gatling Module: Drifter Pilots prefer this weapon if they expect to get into dogfights with other fighters, combining the best of their high manueverability and the “scattershot” approach of the SC4-TR weapon.

The ZIP-3R Blaster Gatling Module: Drifter pilots who aren’t familiar with plasma weaponry tend to favor this more familiar blaster.











BAN-6 Plasma Cannon

5dx20(2) burn ex









SC4-TR Plasma Gatling

6dx8(2) burn ex


3 mi/
10 mi







ZIP-3R Light Blaster Gatling

6d×4(3) burn









Wing Modules

The Drifer has two hardpoints that can attach two modules, including weapons.

Missile Hardpoints: The most common choice for Drifter combat pilots, the wings can mount three 100mm missiles each. This has no additional cost beyond the cost and weight of the missiles.











100mm Plasma Lance Missile

6d×20(10) burn









100mm Plasma Missile

6d×10 burn ex









Fuel Pods: The Drifter can be equipped with a hyperium fuel pod; each pod contains enough fuel two “fuel points.” Each fuel-point may be spent for one hyperspace shunt (if the vehicle has a hyperdrive!) or an additional 4 hours of flight time. 600 lbs, $2000 each (up to 2).

Thruster Pods: The Driver can equip two plasma thrusters on either wing point, increasing its thrust considerably. How much this improves the vehicle depends on what engines have been installed (note that having thruster pods means you’re using a Standard module layout, rather than a stripped-down one). 1200 lbs; $150,000.

  • Plasma Thrusters: Move 30/800 (+15); Move 40/1000 (+16) with afterburners and +5/3 handling with afterburners; Total chase roll to +19 (+21 with afterburners). All uses of Afterburners in this state count as High-G manuevers.

  • Next Gen or Hyperium Thrusters: Move 40/1000 (+16) and +5/4 handling; Move 65/1200 (+16) with afterburners and +5/3 handling with afterburners; Total chase roll to +21 (+21 with afterburners). All moves actions with the Afterburner become High-G maneuvers with a -4 to the roll!

  • Plasma Fan: Move 20/700 (+15); Move 30/850 (+15) with afterburners. Total Chase roll +19 (+19 with afterburners).

Accessory Modules

The Drifter has one optional module located behind the cockpit, just below the robot access station.

Silverfish” Force Screen Module

1650 lbs; $200,000.

The Drifter can be loaded with a Force Screen that provides 150 ablative, hardened DR. This comes with an internal F-cell that provides 6 minutes (6 action vehicular turns) of power.

Hyperlight” Hyperdrive Module

1650 lbs; $500,000.

The Drifter can be loaded with a cutting edge, extra-compact Rating 1 hyperdrive. To use it, the Drifter must have an onboard Tech-Bot. The fuel (50 gallons of hyperium) provides enough fuel for one shunt and contains an energy that provides enough energy for a single, 8-hour jump; it is Rating 1.

Longstrider” Fuel Module

1600 lbs; $5000.

The Drifter can be loaded with additional fuel. This provides sufficient fuel for 5 “fuel points.” Each fuel-point may be spent on an additional 4 hours of flight time.

Look and Feel

A Redjack Drifter presents a distinct and Galaxy-famous image of a cockpit strapped to a great array of engines. The cockpit resembles the “beak” of the vehicle, with a stubby body behind it, proving room for the accessory module and the robotic control station. Behind that, a great set of engines makes a “top-heavy” triangle, with the top “T-bar” of the rear acting as the “wings” which mount the wing-modules of the Drifter. While technically armored, the vehicle exposes many surprisingly delicate struts and support work, with the body acting only as a sleek, hyperdynamic streamlining for the vehicle.

The cockpit itself provides very little in the way of space, and the pilot straps into it in a “leanback” rather than “sitting” position. The cockpit provides streamlining, but no interior atmosphere, which requires the pilot to wear a vacc suit. Sparse computer controls with exposed wires for ease of repair provide straightforward interfaces that require familiarity with the typical “console” like Redjack interface.

The Redjack Drifter normally rests (precariously) on three small runners. When it launches, it rises on a repulsorlift (powered by a small power-cell good for only about 10 minutes) and then accelerates extremely rapidly. Depending on the engine module installed, a Drifter’s acceleration varies from noticeably pressing the pilot back into his seat and all the way up to chest-crushing power. Lacking a proper G-seat, all but the most dedicated racers or fighter pilots prefer to avoid the more powerful engines available to the Drifter, but those who embrace them have shocking acceleration and speed. Regardless of engine module, all Drifters have extremely touchy controls and can easily spin out of control. Their light framework also means they collapse under pressure or damage more easily than most Redjack ships, especially with poorly installed modules. In exchange, a Drifter can turn on a dime and even fly backwards for short periods of time by relying on its inertia.

Officially, the Redjack Drifter is a civilian racer ship. Racers have set up Drifter circuits throughout the galaxy, but especially in parts of the Trader Belt, Grist, and the Orochi belt, though the Empire officially outlawed them for fear of Drifter pilots weaponizing their nimble craft, but have found it difficult to enforce the ban. The Orochi circuit remains the only legally open circuit.

When fully armed, a Drifter can be a terrifying weapon in the hands of a pirate or a rebel pilot. They can keep up with, or even outpace, a Tempest-class fighter, and mount weapons capable of threatening a corvette. Drifter combat pilots tend to act as forward scouts or skirmishers, racing ahead of slower fighters, like Wildcats, to soften up and disorganize enemy formations while the rest of their allies move into position.

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