Thursday, March 30, 2017

Imperial Security: Spaceships

Imperial Prison Ship
While military power-project, or even defense, aren't technically in the purview of the Ministry of Justice or Imperial Security, they definitely need a presence in space.  Its special agents need some form of transportation from world to world, the Imperial Security needs to check incoming vessels for contraband, defend transport ships from pirates, deal with internal terrorism and chase down fugitives and make arrests. Of course, just because the role of the Ministry of Justice isn't military power doesn't mean Imperial Security is opposed to mission creep.

Imperial Security needs, at the very least, some sort of patrol corvette, and for that, they have the Arbiter-Class Patrol Corvette.  This ship has sufficient firepower to handle most converted trade corvettes, or any smuggler vessel that wants to make a run for it.  They can also act as the personal transport vessels of special agents.

While not completely necessary, Imperial Security demands some capital ships of its own, to better deal with piratical threats (and for the sheer prestige of commanding such large vessels).  For this purpose, they employ Dominion-Class Light Cruisers, which pair firepower with electronic supremacy to take complete command of a situation, and can deploy paramilitary assault troopers via Retribution-Class Boarding Shuttles from their main hangar bay.  With a few luxurious quarters, these vessels can also transport high-level Imperial ministers in style!

Finally, the Ministry of Justice is tasked with prisoner transport, and for this, they use the huge Golgotha-Class Prison Transport, which can act both as a transport and as a mobile prison in its own right.

The Arbiter-Class Patrol Corvette

This standard vessel serves as the basis for Imperial Security. It patrols space, escorts trade ships, races after known criminals and can hold its own against well armed and armored pirates. It uses its superior sensors to scan vessels for known fugitives or contraband, uses it tractor beam to lock down illegal vessels, which it then boards via its external clamp, it uses its missiles and lasers to incapacitate resisting vessels, and uses its superior speed to pursue vessels that attempt to escape.
It’s crew generally consists of a commanding officer (usually the Special Agent himself), four gunners, a pilot, a sensor/comms operator, and two engineers. It usually also houses 8 paramilitary security troopers, for aggressive take-downs of enemy ships, and a brig large enough to contain up to 8 prisoners for transport. The Arbiter’s habitats are full life support.

Front Hull System
Hardened Nanocomposite Armor (total dDR 40) ($15M)
External Clamp ($100k)
Medium Battery (2 100 MJ x-ray turrets, 1 20cm Missile turret; 12 tons of cargo) ($4.2M)
Multi-Purpose Array (Level 10) ($2M)
Defensive ECM ($10M)
Control Room (C9 computer, comm/sensor 8, and four control stations) ($2M)

Central Hull System
Hardened Nanocomposite Armor (total dDR 20) ($7.5M)
Habitat (5 cabins, 2 bunks, 2 cells) ($3M)
Major Battery (300 MJ tractor beam turret) ($6M)
Light Force Screen (70 dDR) ($15M)

Rear Hull System
Hardened Nanocomposite Armor (total dDR 20) ($7.5M)
Super Reactionless Engines (25G each) ($12M)
Hyperdrive ($20M)
Engine Room ($300k)
Super Fusion Reactor (four Power Points) ($30M)
The Arbiter-Class corvette has artificial gravity and gravitic compensation ($2M)

TL Spacecraft
11^ Arbiter
*Hardened, plus 70 dDR from Force Screen

The Retribution-Class Boarding Vessel

When Imperial Security needs to arrest someone from a ship, they send a Retribution-class shuttle to do the job. Usually dispatched from a larger vessel, such as a Dominion-Class patrol cruiser once they’ve closed on the target, a Retribution-Class shuttle dispatches near the enemy ship, accelerates towards it and latches on, unleashing its elite security strike force within. A Retribution-Class shuttle contains enough space for a pilot, a squad of up to 10 soldiers, and a secure holding cell large enough for up to 2 people.

Front Hull System
Hardened Nanocomposite Armor (total dDR 24) ($675k)
Major Battery (fixed mount 10 MJ plasma beam: 8d(2)) ($150k)
External Clamp ($10k)
Defensive ECM ($300k)
Control Room (C7 computer, comm/sensor 5, and one control station) ($60k)

Central Hull System
Hardened Nanocomposite Armor (total dDR 8) ($225k)
Passenger Seats (two seats each) ($120k)

Rear Hull System
Hardened Nanocomposite Armor (total dDR 8) ($225k)
Fuel Tank (1.5 tons of hydrogen with 450 mps delta-V) ($10k)
Super Fusion Torch Engine (50G acceleration each) ($300k)
Habitat (Cell; Allows 2 occupants) ($50k)
Cargo Hold (1.5 tons)
Fuel Cell (one Power Point) ($15K)
The Retribution-Class shuttle has artificial gravity and gravitic compensation ($100k)

TL Spacecraft
11^ Retribution
50G/450 mps

The Dominion-Class Light Cruiser

Imperial Security regularly demands improved firepower and naval presence, arguing that the Imperial Navy does too little to combat piracy. For its part, the Imperial Navy bristles at the overreach represented by larger Security vessels. The reluctant compromise between the two is the Dominion-Class Light Cruiser.

The Dominion-Class Light Cruiser represents an up-scaled version of the Arbiter. Instead of latching on directly, though, it sports a hangar that can carry up to 10 Retribution-Class boarding shuttles, and can launch 3 per minute (Though generally it only carries three, and uses the rest of its hangar space for cargo and escape pods or rogue shuttles). It also features an enormous tractor beam, capable of stopping a corvette dead. The Imperial Navy bristles at the idea of Imperial Security sporting some serious firepower, but the Dominion-Class light cruiser is more than capable of defending itself, bristling with blasters capable of defeating any corvette or trade liner, which are its primary targets. Rare among capital ships, it enjoys Defensive ECM, which it also uses to jam targets’ communications. It’s also astonishingly fast for a capital ship, able to keep up with most corvettes.
A Dominion-Class light cruiser is a coveted vessel among Imperial Agents, and it features luxurious accommodations for its commander. The bridge crew consists of an executive officer who assists the Security Agent, and a crew of 4 officers who handle various tasks (administrative tasks, crew coordination, etc), who enjoy access to cabins. The rest of the technical staff and paramilitary soldiers (generally about 30) must get by with bunks. The vessel also enjoys a 5-bed sickbay (+2 skill), office space and cells sufficient to house 15 prisoners.

Because of its speed, firepower and ability to capture enemy vessels, the Imperial Navy sometimes pairs with Imperial Security, or even requisitions its own versions of Dominion-Class light cruisers to act as support vessels for its more powerful dreadnoughts.

Front Hull System
Hardened Nanocomposite Armor (total dDR 100) ($150M)
Hangar Bay (300 ton capacity, 100 ton launch) ($1M)
Major Battery (3 GJ tractor beam turret) ($60M)
Multi-Purpose Array (Level 12) ($20M)
Defensive ECM ($100M)

Central Hull System
Hardened Nanocomposite Armor (total dDR 50) ($75M)
Habitat (1 luxury cabin, 4 cabins, 14 bunkrooms, 4 cells, 5 sickbays and 1 office) ($10M)
Hyperdrive ($200M)
Secondary Battery (7 300 MJ x-ray turrets, 150 tons of cargo) ($42M)
Heavy Force Screen (150 or 300 dDR) ($500M)
Control Room (C10 computer, comm/sensor 10, and ten control stations) ($20M)

Rear Hull System
Hardened Nanocomposite Armor (total dDR 50) ($75M)
Super Reactionless Engines (12.5G each) ($240M)
Super Fusion Reactor (four Power Points) ($300M)
Super Fusion Reactor (four Power Points) ($300M)
The Dominion-Class corvette has artificial gravity and gravitic compensation ($20M)

TL Spacecraft
11^ Dominion
*Hardened, plus 150 or 300 dDR from Force Screen

The Golgotha-Class Prison Transport

When the Empire needs to transport prisoners, most Security vessels come equipped with sufficient cell space to make sure prisoners can reach their final destination, but sometimes the Empire needs to transport huge numbers of prisoners at once, or wants to keep a group of politically sensitive prisoners “on the move” to prevent their rescue. In that case, they make use of the Golgatha-Class Prison Transport.

This behemoth is even larger than the Dominion-Class light cruiser, though not by much. The large, slow-moving vessel can’t really outrun anyone who finds it (though it can leap into hyperspace without much trouble!) but it has enough firepower and defenses to hold its own until it can either escape, or until other security vessels can arrive to rescue it. It also has a hangar bay with at least one shuttle therein, and to accept shuttles, should anyone need to drop off additional prisoners.

The Golgotha-Class prison transport can carry up to 400 prisoners, with at least 1 guard for every 10 prisoners, and gyms to allow their exercise. The crew is headed by a warden and five assisting officers, who help with both the ship and the running of the crew, including a medical officer. The ship often houses at least one trained interrogator as well.

Front Hull System
Advanced Metallic Laminate (total dDR 60) ($40M)
Habitat (100 cells, 10 bunk rooms, 5 gyms) ($40M)

Central Hull System
Advanced Metallic Laminate (total dDR 60) ($40M)
Habitat (3 Briefing Room, 1 Clinic, 3 Offices, 4 Cabins, 10 bunk rooms) ($10M)
Tertiary Battery (10 100 MJ x-ray turrets, 300 tons of cargo) ($20M)
Hangar Bay (300 ton capacity, 100 ton launch) ($1M)
Cargo Hold (500 tons)
Control Room (C10 computer, comm/sensor 10, and ten control stations) ($20M)

Rear Hull System
Advanced Metallic Laminate (total dDR 60) ($40M)
Super Reactionless Engines (12.5G) ($60M)
Hyperdrive ($200M)
Light Force Screen (150 dDR) ($150M)
Super Fusion Reactor (four Power Points) ($300M)
The Golgatha-Class prison transport has artificial gravity and gravitic compensation ($20M)

TL Spacecraft
11^ Golgotha

*plus 150 dDR from Force Screen

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