Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Imperial Security: Personnel

Imperial Security is generally BAD -2 to -5, and thus features trained and highly trained minions. In principle, Imperial Security prefers to supplement local law enforcement, rather than replace it, though its agents often act on matters of interstellar jurisdiction, provided it is within the borders of the Empire. Beyond the borders, of course, it relies on bounty hunters.
Imperial Security also makes use of criminal assistance. Often, it will offer to release convicts in exchange for service, or threaten to take criminals in unless those criminals offer to assist. The result is that these criminals become fodder for Imperial Security raids. Some criminal gangs take pride in their connections with Imperial Security, especially as it affords them some immunity from the law.

Imperial Security Trooper

Security Troopers serve as the most basic foot soldiers of Imperial Security. In practice, they rarely see action. Instead, they tend to assist Security Officers in day to day tasks and provide them with basic security, or patrolling worlds where Imperial Security has primary jurisdiction. If local law enforcement needs an assist, or Imperial Security needs to bulk up its presence, it’ll dip into its reserves of basic troopers.

ST 11 HP 11 Speed 5.25
DX 10 Will 10/12 Move: 5
IQ 10 Per 10

HT 11 FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 8
Parry 9
DR: 70/30*

BP-40 Blaster Pistol (12): 
3d+2(5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 400/1200 RoF 3, Bulk -2)

Neurolash Baton (12):
HT-5 (5) (Reach 1, Parry 0)

Skills: Criminology-12, Fast-Draw-12, Forced Entry-12, Law (Police)-10, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Police)-12.

Traits: Fearlessness +2, Security Rank 0.

Notes: Human; 70 DR covers torso; 30 DR covers limbs, hands, feet, neck and skull (face is unprotected). 40 DR from torso is rigid, and all skull DR is rigid. Other DR is flexible, and DR 30 vs cutting, piercing and impaling, DR 10 against all other forms of attack. Helmet protects hearing (+5). Wears a filter mask and IR goggles on face. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs.
Security Trooper Tactics
Cover Suspect (19): After aiming, announce that you have your target in his sights and demand that he give up. Make a Wait (Will fire if targets makes an Attack). If wait triggers, make a double-handed (Braced; +1 accuracy), sighted all-out attack (Determined) for your opponents’ torso. You may defend before your wait triggers, but not after.

Fire from Cover (11): When in cover, move from cover and make a pop-up (-2) all-out determined (+1) sighted shot using a double-handed grip. If you hit roll a random hit location if you hit. Return to cover. You may not defend.

Fire on the Move (10):While holding the pistol in two hands (reduce bulk by 1), make a Move and Attack. Move up to your full movement and attack, using full RoF 3. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal deal 3d(5) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.

Aggressive Discipline (16): Make an all-out shortsword attack with your baton. Your opponent defends normally. If you hit, inflict 1d-3 cr damage and HT-5(5) neurolash affliction. Any damage that inflicts shock requires a roll for stunning. You may not defend.

Imperial Riot-Control Trooper

Many troopers also serve duty during riot control tasks: the person is the same, but tactics and equipment change. When Riot-Control is called into service, their role is not to arrest, but to disperse, and Riot-Control will use any tactic necessary to do so.

ST 11 HP 11 Speed 5.25
DX 10 Will 10/12 Move: 5
IQ 10 Per 10

HT 11 FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 8
Parry 9
DR: 70/30*

Neurolash Baton (12):
HT-5 (5) (Reach 1, Parry 0)

Riot Grenade (15): HT-5 or nauseated (8 yard radius; fail by 5 and Retching for 1 minute)

Riot Shield (12): DB +3, DR 60/HP 60

Skills: Criminology-12, Fast-Draw-12, Forced Entry-12, Law (Police)-10, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Police)-12.

Traits: Fearlessness +2, Security Rank 0.

Notes: Human; 70 DR covers torso; 30 DR covers limbs, hands, feet, neck and skull (face is unprotected). 40 DR from torso is rigid, and all skull DR is rigid. Other DR is flexible, and DR 30 vs cutting, piercing and impaling, DR 10 against all other forms of attack. Helmet protects hearing (+5). Wears a filter mask and IR goggles on face. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs.

Riot Control Tactics
Crowd Containment (12): If within one yard of your opponent, step close and make a defensive shove with your shield. Opponent defends normally. Roll 1d dkb damage. If you have an ally behind you, and you both have teamwork, add 1/5 of his ST to yours. If you knock your opponent back at least one yard (that is, roll at least his ST-2 damage), he needs to roll DX or be knocked down. You may defend at +1. Setup: You’re within one yard of an opponent and your shield faces him.

Deploy Baton (9): Make a defensive shortsword attack with your baton at your opponent’s vitals (-3). Your opponent defends normally. If you hit, inflict 1d-3 cr damage and HT-10(5) neurolash affliction. Any damage that inflicts shock requires a roll for stunning. You may defend at +1.

Discipline with Prejudice (11): If your opponent is down make a Telegraphic (+4) Committed (+1 damage) baton swing to the face (-5) of downed opponent. Your opponent defends at -1 due to being down. If you hit, inflict 1d+3 cr damage and an HT-10(5) neurolash affliction. You may not parry with your baton, but you may dodge or block at -2 and you may not retreat. Setup: Your opponent is down.

Elite Imperial Security Sniper

Citizens rarely see Imperial Security Snipers in action, but that doesn’t mean they’re not there, watching. Imperial Security prefers to deploy them whenever they are protecting a high-profile target, or during a raid. In both cases, snipers generally watch the scene and only fire when ordered to do so.
This stat-block represents an elite sniper. If none are available, local Imperial Security might deploy an inferior sniper. In that case, reduce appropriate skills and attack rolls by 3.

ST 11 HP 11 Speed 6
DX 12 Will 12/14 Move: 6
IQ 12 Per 10

HT 11 FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 10
Parry 11
DR: 70/30*

BR-1 Blaster Rifle (15):
7d (5) burn sur (Acc 10+3, Range 800/2400 RoF 3, Bulk -5)

BP-40 Blaster Pistol (15):
3d+2(5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 400/1200 RoF 3, Bulk -2)

Skills: Criminology-12, Fast-Draw-12, Forced Entry-15, Gesture-15, Law (Police)-10, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Police)-12, Stealth-15.

Traits: Combat Reflexes, Security Rank 1.

Notes: Human; 70 DR covers torso; 30 DR covers limbs, hands, feet, neck and skull (face is unprotected). 40 DR from torso is rigid, and all skull DR is rigid. Other DR is flexible, and DR 30 vs cutting, piercing and impaling, DR 10 against all other forms of attack. Helmet protects hearing (+5). Wears a filter mask and IR goggles on face. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs.

Security Sniper Tactics
Cover Suspect (24): After three successive aiming actions, make a wait action (will fire if target attacks anyone), which if triggered results in a braced, sighted All-Out Attack (Aimed). Successful hit strikes the skull and deals 7d(5) burn sur. You may not defend.

Elite Imperial Security Assault Trooper

Assault troopers perform daring raids against the most entrenched opponents, and thus represent the best of the best in Imperial Security (below full Agents, of course)! Assault troopers break into criminal strongholds and drag out suspects, rescue hostages (and kidnapped VIPs) and purge local rebellion sympathizers. They tend to serve on Imperial Security starships as well, acting as boarding parties. They represent the closest Imperial Security has to full soldiers.
This represents an elite assault trooper, as most assault troopers are elite. If local Imperial Security lacks sufficient training to deploy such troopers, simply reduce the skill levels listed below by 3.

ST 11 HP 11 Speed 6
DX 12 Will 12/14 Move: 6
IQ 12 Per 10

HT 11 FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 10
Parry 11
DR: 70/30*

BPX-5 Assault Blaster (15):
4d+2 (5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 300/900 RoF 12, Bulk -3)

Stun Grenade (15): HT-8 or stunned (8 yard radius)

Skills: Criminology-12, Fast-Draw-12, Forced Entry-15, Gesture-15, Law (Police)-10, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Police)-12, Stealth-15.

Traits: Combat Reflexes, Security Rank 1.

Notes: Human; 70 DR covers torso; 30 DR covers limbs, hands, feet, neck and skull (face is unprotected). 40 DR from torso is rigid, and all skull DR is rigid. Other DR is flexible, and DR 30 vs cutting, piercing and impaling, DR 10 against all other forms of attack. Helmet protects hearing (+5). Wears a filter mask and IR goggles on face. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs.

Assault Trooper Tactics
Cover Suspect (17): After aiming, announce that you have your target in his sights and demand that he give up. Make a Wait (Will fire if targets makes an Attack). If wait triggers, make a double-handed (Braced; +1 accuracy), sighted (-4 for masked) all-out attack (Determined) for your opponents’ torso at ROF 3. You may defend before your wait triggers, but not after.

Fire on the Move (15):While holding the assault blaster in two hands (reduce bulk by 1), make a Move and Attack. Move up to your full movement and attack, using full RoF 12. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal deal 4d+2(5) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.

Imperial Security Officer

Security officers hold the rank of lieutenant and act as supervisors for a platoon of security troopers. They generally engage in administrative tasks, such as inspecting cargo, overseeing arrests, serving warrants and acting as an assistant for a full Security Agent. They also direct troopers into battle, and sometimes use criminals as foot soldiers, in which case they usually make sure their new minions know that failure will not be tolerated.

ST 11 HP 11 Speed 6
DX 12 Will 12 Move: 6
IQ 12 Per 12

HT 11 FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 9
Parry 9
DR: 20*

BP-40 Blaster Pistol (12):
3d+2(5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 400/1200 RoF 3, Bulk -2)

Skills: Administration-12, Criminology-12, Interrogation-12, Intimidation-12, Law (Police)-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Police)-12.

Traits: The Greatest Motivator (See below); Security Rank 3.
Notes: Human; DR 20 covers torso and is flexible. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs.

Security Officer Tactics
Cover Suspect (19): After aiming, announce that you have your target in his sights and demand that he give up. Make a Wait (Will fire if targets makes an Attack). If wait triggers, make a double-handed (Braced; +1 accuracy), sighted all-out attack (Determined) for your opponents’ torso. You may defend before your wait triggers, but not after.

Fire from Cover (11): When in cover, move from cover and make a pop-up (-2) all-out determined (+1) sighted shot using a double-handed grip. If you hit roll a random hit location if you hit. Return to cover. You may not defend.

The Greatest Motivator (12): When someone attempts to sway a Security Officer’s subordinates into quitting the fight (through Intimidation or any Influence attempt), the Security Officer may replace their Will with his Intimidation, or use his Intimidation in place of Leadership to grant his subordinates a +1 to resist fear checks or their own self-control-based disadvantages, but if he critically fails his roll, his subordinates will turn on him. This represents threats levied against subordinates, and most Security Officers only use it against criminal subordinates.

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