Thursday, September 30, 2021

Wiki Update: Dreamy Assassins


It's not all been Fun and Space Bestiaries at Mailanka's Musings; I still have a wiki to run, after all, and promises to fulfill to backers.  So I wanted to take a moment to quickly highlight a couple of major updates to the wiki.

Releasing the Balloon People: Dream Control

Every month, I offer a poll on what Patreon exclusives to release, and once again we have another "rare psionic power", this time an expanded version of Dream Control, which puts us up to three rare psionic powers! 

I worked out Dream Control as part of the creation of House Harrow, as I wanted to explore alternate Psychic Vampires, one that would feel distinct from the Ranathim, so I found myself delving into Dream Theft, but if we're going to have Dream Theft, we might as well get into the rest of the Dream Control powers, and this suggested a willowy, dreamy Maradonian Noble that didn't quite fit what I had in mind for House Harrow. This resulted in them becoming a genetic muddle, with the hidden Orphean bloodline lurking in their mutt DNA.  I also wanted to integrate some of the Labyrinthine imagery, as Akashic oracles seem to often dream of the labyrinth which provides them with insights. This doesn't literally send them to the physical labyrinth, of course: this isn't astral projection, though that's an interesting idea.  

In any case, what came out is what I would consider a fairly modest set of abilities, and one you could use for a character.  Unlike Probability Manipulation or Machine Telepathy, I don't think I've seen anyone take it; it is, after all, fairly niche and largely amounts to telepathy with a less convenient vector.


And this is likely the one you've been waiting for.  Assassins could have gone in numerous directions, but I wanted them to be the Space Ninja to the Space Knight's Space Samurai.  Where the Space Knight was mystical, psychic, and focused on defense and forthright defense of the innocent, the Assassin was focused on stealth and murdering targets from the shadows.  This could be done with a blaster rifle from afar, but that feels too easy and not especially ninja like, at least not in the cinematic sense of the ninja. We expect someone who uses nunchucks or kusari or shuriken to defeat their opponents: the cinematic ninja uses exotic weapons, and each ninja is often different, specializing in their own particular weapon.  Shouldn't space ninjas do the same?
The current version of Reaver's Hand

Melee Weapons in Psi-Wars

There's another reason to want to stop and focus on exotic melee weapons: Psi-Wars is a melee oriented game.  Oh, sure, people have blasters and shoot at one another, but they often do it no farther than about 20 yards, often much closer: you can shoot someone in a space port bar, but chances are, with a little effort, they can punch you too.  And the Space Knight is more iconic of Psi-Wars than the Bounty Hunter (though not by that much I think), so as fun as shootouts between bounty hunters and criminal scum would be, so would a duel between a space knight and some weird assassin wielding a strange, alien weapon.  More than that, we expect to see ax-wielding primitive aliens, or gladiators armed with dual alien khopesh and so on.  

So melee weapons matter in Psi-Wars.  Which means I should put some effort in thinking my way through useful melee weapons, and I even wrote a post about it ages ago.  The core conclusion, based on feedback from my readers, was that we needed a solution that made melee weapons awesome.  Rather than just give melee weapons special treatment (though it should be noted that the tight confines of Psi-Wars and other rules do already heavily favor melee weapons), we should make melee weapons that justified their place on an ultra-tech battlefield.  Weapons like the Force Sword and the Neurolash baton already did this. Vibroweapons somewhat justified it, but mostly as a cheap alternative.  What else could justify it?

The answer has been an ongoing series of ideas that have mostly been geared towards assassination, because that was the template I've been working on, but I've been coming up with a mess of ideas, some more practical than others.  As a result, the melee weapon has been slowly broadened out and now has its own specific page.  The biggest change are new rules for weapon breakage, mostly to simplify force swords striking targets, and a heavily updated section on the Psi-Sword (so updated I've considered making it IT its own section).

As noted, this has been mostly geared towards the Assassin so far, but I don't think every melee weapon would necessarily fit the Assassin, who focuses on stealthy, glass cannon, one-hit kills rather than heroic last-stands or battlefield tactics. I also think there are melee weapons, and specialists that would use them, that don't fit as either assassins or space knights.  The staff-wielding, temple-guardians of the Keleni, the gladiators of the Lithian arenas, the spears and war-axes of the Nehudi, the vibro-wire halberds of the Jackalmen of the Umbral Rim, the Pit Fighters of the deep undercity of Kronos and so on.  I think there's room for a Warrior template: if the Assassin is the ultimate realization of a DX-focused melee fighter in Psi-Wars, perhaps the Warrior would tilt the balance more towards ST (though not completely; even the Big Guy of Action 3 had generous DX).  They'd need some work, though, and they're not the focus of today's post.

The Assassin's Weapons

So what do we have for the assassin? I showcased a lot of ideas for backers over the past few months, and these were the ones that stood out and seemed to fit the niche the best... for now.


The most successful of the backer posts had to do with my worked version of Monowire Mugging. But where Monowire Mugging focused on the stasis switchblade (which is a very interesting weapon) I wanted to explore the "razor floss" depiction we often see in anime and sci-fi.  The result was the Gossamer Art, which has a strong emphasis on traps, entanglement and strangling people with razor-sharp wire.  Of the new styles, I'd say it's the most unapologetically ninja-like. The rest either borrow elements from other niches or could be used by, for example, a Warrior or a Space Knight in the right context.  The Gossamer Art, though, is a style that only really works for an assassin. It's not great at parrying attacks or attacking a hardened target that's prepared for your attack, though it does deal surprisingly well with groups of (unarmored) opponents.  To me, it also evokes a certain amount of terror: a Gossamer Assassin, and their razor wire, could The current version of Reaver's Handbe lurking anywhere!

The Monowire Whip is an interesting weapon that I hadn't really looked at before. Even Monowire Mugging doesn't really look at the Monowire Whip as a whip. Which is a shame, because there are all sorts of interesting things you can do with a whip.  Hopefully, this art will give that humble weapon a little more attention.

The Ceramic Katana

One of the reasons I started working on melee weapons was to find some way to get a cybersamurai in the game. The proper katana is so embedded in the imagery of space opera and sci-fi that it even managed to make it into Star Wars Visions which featured a Sith Hunter who inexplicably wore sheaths just to maintain the proper image of a katana!  

The core benefit I saw to a proper katana was the ability to apply strength directly, which meant it could reach higher levels of damage than the force sword (well, to a point; ST damage does cap out, after all, at triple the ST value).  Monowire also has an armor divisor of 10, rather than 5, which means it has superior armor penetration, though a monowire sword looks more like a cheese knife than a katana, but we can fudge and call it a monomolecular edged weapon (Nanothorn is probably even more accurate, but I didn't want to mess with corrosive damge). The only remaining problem is that the weapon needs to stand up to the force sword's destructive potential, and we can justify that with some form of beam adapted armor coating the blade.  Why not make Beam Adapted armor if that's an option? Let's not think about that too much right now, other than to note several forms of Psi-Wars armor (like Battleweave) is already optimized for dealing with blasters and force swords. But the result is a sword that can leverage the ST of a genetically engineered super-samurai, or a cyborg, into higher armor penetration than a force sword and can deflect blaster bolts without being destroyed. 

All it needs is a style that teaches its use: Seven Vector Swordsmanship. The "Seven Vectors" is inspired by Musashi's five circles, but used in a Shinjurai-coded context. I originally called it "Seven Vector Kendo" but that overemphasized Japanese origins, and "Seven Vector Swordsmanship" has a nice alliterative quality to it.  It's a deeply traditional style with a great deal of focus on meditation and repetitive, almost ceremonial trademark moves, as one might expect for a largely obsolete art.  I understand that a force sword is a superior melee weapon in most cases, and so Seven Vector Swordsmanship reflects that. It also has a strong emphasis on predicting the outcome of one-on-one combat (predictionism being a signature Shinjurai  trick) and on defeating force swordsmen, which suits the role of an assassin as a Space Knight spoiler.

Is it really an Assassin Art, though? Well, we tend to imagine ninjas as wielding katanas, so in that sense, yes. It also has an emphasis on one-on-one combat, which is ideal for an assassin, and it's a silent and dark weapon, which is useful for an assassin. Some have pointed out that it could stand to have a "disappear" trick, though I have a harder time justifying it for seven vector than I did for Combat Geometrics, as it's more focused on small scale combat rather than analyzing the sight-paths of everyone in a room.  So, yes, a warrior or a variant space knight could certainly stand to use Seven Vector Swordmanship, but that's not a deal breaker for including it on an Assassin.  After all, more than one character template can use a martial art.

The Psi Blade

It's a shame that the force sword is already the ideal assassin's weapon -- Shinanoki
Far in the past, I made Janura, a martial art for the Keleni inspired primarily by the Sicarii zealots of the last days of the Roman Occupation of Judea, but also by the Hashashin and the Assassins of Assassin's Creed: a style of brazen, daylight murder that risks the martyrdom of the assassin and has strong, religious connotations to it.  It was largely for this style that I included the Psi-Bade, the shorter Psi-Sword, in Psi-Wars at all. The Janura on the wiki is mostly just a power-up update of the old Iteration 6 version.  We have a Janura user in Undercity Noir, so there have been updates based on his feedback too.

Some people have pointed out that Sefelka Sonostra, the martial art of the Lithian Satemo, would make a great assassin martial art, and that's true!  It's actually my intention to include it in the Assassin Template at some point.  I'd like to do a small pass on the style first.  As noted with Seven Vector Swordsmanship, it's possible for a martial art to be available to more than one template.  The only real problem with Sefelka Sonostra is that it relies on you having psychic powers to power its precognitive defense, which the Assassin isn't guaranteed to have.

Psychic Vampirism

Of course, some assassins will have psychic powers!  I've always liked the idea of a psychic assassin, and the Ranathim, with their innate psychic vampirism, seem especially adept at it.  Christopher Rice wrote a psychic martial art for Psychic Vampirism and I, as a backer, got it, and I loved it. It deserved a power-up suite!  Which I gave it, here. It deserved to be in Psi-Wars itself, but it proved too unwieldy to do as written, and it's not practical to expect someone to emphasize every aspect of Chris's work.  So, as with other examples of me borrowing inspiration from his material, my final version got "cut up." In particular I focused on Reave itself, rather than grappling, steal life, etc.  The result is very much a Death Touch style. I have one move in the style that still references Chris's original and I claim for the style itself, for the original composition, that you need Chris's stuff. This isn't strictly true, as what I've done branches off from his original content and does some new things.  But please don't fault me for trying to funnel traffic towards one of the creators who regularly very useful material to Psi-Wars!

The current version of Reaver's Hand is an attempt to integrate the power directly into the martial art, as opposed to requiring you to get it before buying the style.  That makes it more self-contained.  I may expand on this with other styles too, so that a psionic martial art is actually its listed cost: if a 300-point assassin can be an Adept of one style, he can be an Adept of Reaver's Hand as well without needing to go hunt down the points for Reave on its own.  It's also different from the backer version, which emphasized pressure points and pressure secrets, which is still a concept I like very much, but it pulled the style in too many directions and required me to make questionable mechanics, such as perks that were probably okay, but mostly in the context of the character already possessing a means to bypass armor and if that means exists, why not just use that means, rather than trying to justify making other skills useful? Alas, this probably means we'll never see Pressure Points or Pressure Secrets see use in Psi-Wars because a psionic power is better and more appropriate, but that's also rather the nature of Psi_Wars and its emphasis on advantages over magical skills.

But What About...

Backers have been treated to the Nuclear Knives of Acheron, and some people on the discord may have heard rumors of Sliverblade, aka the "Riddick can kill you with a teacup" style.  I have others too. These four are where the Assassin begins, but it won't be the end. When will I get to them? I don't know, my plate is pretty full, and the Assassin has taken long enough, and these styles take a long time to write, and I didn't want to slow down the release of the Assassin. But I do intend to revisit them!

The Assassin

So here we have it: the Assassin. With this release, we have only the Spy, Commando and Mystic to catch up to the original Iteration 5 templates.  Templates like Occultist or Warrior may come later.

The point of the assassin is, of course, to showcase these exotic weapons and to combine it with stealth.  There's really not much more to the character than that, other than the ability to think ahead, trap foes, and possibly to be gorgeous for no real reason (If you can see the assassin to know how hot she is, she's not doing her job! But the "sexy ninja" is a time-honored tradition by this point, I suppose, and Psi-Wars unabashedly embraces the naughty aesthetic of old pulp novel covers, so I can hardly complain about sexy ninjas. It likely comes from eyebrow-waggling discussions of a ninja's flexibility, or perhaps some vague assertions that they might seduce their target to get close to them to kill them).

I've had some complaints about the "Pet Ninja." No, they don't murder your space dog or space cat.  I've often heard the term "pet" applied to a character who is devoted to a particular character, and very useful to that character: "Your pet bounty hunter" or "your pet assassin." Assassins seem the most likely to find themselves in this role, answering directly to some powerful character, and I created a lens to reference that.  I've also heard the term "pocket" to describe that sort of character too, so I might change it to that, but for now, I like the term.

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