Sunday, September 5, 2021

Phoenix Cluster Poll 2 -- Refinement

 So, last months poll for the new Poll-Driven setting element, the Phoenix Cluster, is finished. All Backers can read the results here:

Of course, the point of this is to be a series of polls. And, as always, once a poll is done, I'm often left with as many questions as answers, but we've at least narrowed down the nature of the Phoenix Cluster. In this month's poll, we'll fine tune some specifics of the broader setting, including:
  • Where exactly the Phoenix Cluster is located and with what systems does it have a special relationship
  • What unusual astronomical features it has
  • What are some of the governments that make up the Phoenix Confederacy?
  • What is the nature of the Westerly Clans?
  • What the current situation of the tumultuous religions of the constellation is?
  • What sort of aliens can you find in the cluster?
  • Who were the ancient aliens that once occupied this region of space?
  • When did the extra-galactic aliens finally arrive at the Cluster?
  • When did particular major events happen?
  • Who is the Disruptive Heretic and what made her so Disruptive?
$5+ ("Companion") backers can vote on the poll here:

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