Saturday, July 10, 2021

Parabolic Hearing

 Parabolic Hearing is dumb.

Telescopic Vision is questionable in price to utility.  It costs 5 level, and it allows you ignore -1 in vision range penalties per level, and -2 if you "aim" first; each level also acts like a level of Acc.  Ignoring -1 in vision penalties isn't quite as good as +1 vision, which is worth 2 points, so the value of ignoring -1 or -2 after an Aim action is worth somewhere between 1 and 3 points per level, depending on how you feel about it. The accuracy bonus might vary in your estimation, but the book values it at 3/level (which is only one less than buying a full skill point, but that's not the craziest value).

But Parabolic Hearing is awful.  I went to ask this question recently, but apparently this isn't the first time I've been appalled to it, as someone found that I had asked it before.  Parabolic Hearing also allows you to ignore -1 per level to hearing rolls based on range, just as Telescopic Vision, but has no "Aim" bonus and obviously no value for accuracy.  So why is it 4/level?

I'm repricing it to 2/level, and giving those who use it the ability to "Concentrate" to double the bonus for one particular area ("focus" their hearing).  If I've already said this before, my apologies.

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