Saturday, January 30, 2021

Quick Wiki Update: Blaster Ballet Updated

 The Martial Art formerly known as Undercity Noir has been renamed, cleaned up slightly, its formatting improved, and it's Power-Up set improved to 20 points/level (on par with the "Big" pistol-based styles), with the new version of how we handle assault blasters integrated.  So for those who you intent on playing a highly kinetic Asrathi blast-slinger, there you go.

I've had a question about the Rite of Luck, and how it was "constructed."  Originally, it was a highly limited version of Higher Purpose with Preparation Required, Limited Use, Requires IQ roll etc, but eventually I realized it was just a classic example of the extremely limited bonus used under race circumstances. It's sort of a deferred "Occultism or Religious as Complementary Roll" with enough limitations placed on it that I felt it was acceptable to increase the bonus to a +2. I originally liked the idea of adding the bonus after the roll, but I thought this might be too powerful.  However, on reflection, I've decided to give it a try: I've reduced it to a +1 bonus, but you're allowed to apply it after you've made a roll, but the ritual, whether you use the bonus or not, can only be used once per day, and it runs out after an hour.  I think this makes for more interesting play, as you'll "say your prayers" before a big event, and it might do nothing, as there may be no roll that would benefit from a +1 improvement in margin, but if there is, well, it helps you luck out.  We'll see how it plays.

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