Monday, November 9, 2020

Backer Poll: the Natives of Kronos

Long ago, the Eldoth conquered  the natives of Kronos and burned out their homeworld to create the  despair, death and tragedy necessary to fuel an installation of their  Deep Engine.  The world of Kronos became the center of their operations  in the galactic center, and the rest of the galaxy moved on.

But what were the inhabitants  of Kronos like? Were they dreadful and strange creatures, mysterious and  aloof that none missed? Or were they beloved sages or scholars whose  destruction shook the faith of the rest of the galaxy?  What legacy did  they leave? Why do we care what they were like today? Do tourists gawk  at their monuments? Do archaeologists seek to piece together their  secrets? Do the modern citizens of Kronos cower from their ghosts?

Our next playtest will probably take place on Kronos, in the galactic core.  I've created a poll where you, my dear Companions, can decide what the inhabitants of Kronos were like, and even if some still exist!  The poll is a Google Forms poll, and you can find the link on your appropriate backer site:

Thanks as always for backing me, and please, enjoy!

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