Sunday, August 30, 2020

Psi-Wars Report Card: August 2020

So, while the rest of you were distracted by my month of PDF Challenge reviews, I've been busy at work behind the scenes updating quite a bit of the Psi-Wars Wiki and, finally, moving past some big blocks and making some real progress.

A quick look at the highlights:


Art by Kriz Villacis; property of Daniel Dover
AGES ago, back in Iteration 5, we ran a "create an alien" poll. It was one of my more successful polls, and set a lot of the tone for future polls.  The result of the poll was the "Traders," a race of alien wanderers who live in vast Arks, excel at technology and join the Shinjurai in their love of Neo-Rationalism.

Maradonian Tech

Because you guys seem unable to get enough of the space nobility, I've created a page that compiles all Maradonian technology into a single page.  This was mostly a "prototype" for "Trader Tech" to see what it would need, but I also used it to showcase a new armor: the Chevalier, a pilot suit for wealthy nobles who like to play at being fighter aces (a highly requested feature during Tall Tales of the Orochi Belt).  You can check out it here.

Yes, I do intend to do that with other culture groups.

The Call to Adventure and Crossing the Threshold

I had been asked by some of my backers to prioritize the "Call to Adventure," or how to get a Psi-Wars adventure started.  I've been building my rules around the concepts outlined in the monomyth, thus these rules focused on: how to start an adventure, and how to actually get to the adventure.

The first isn't so different from what we see in Action, but I've put greater emphasis on "slice of life."  People don't much care about the daily lives of most characters in an Action setting: whether a sniper has a wife and kids is worth, at most, a brief nod, as we can imagine that.  But in a sci-fi setting, we might want to linger on the daily lives of characters: we want to see Luke tend to the Moisture Farm, and we want to see K get home from work and be greeted by his holographic girlfriend.  It helps show us how the setting works and grounds the rest of the story.  You can read up on it here.

Second, another longtime backer complained about his inability to grasp navigation details; he understood what it looked like on "the micro", as in what it took to get from one star to another star, but he had questions about "the macro," what a particular journey might look like and, he correctly pointed out, most journeys across the galaxy will look like "macro" journeys.  I've already hit this with a post, but if you missed it, you can read up on the details here.

Spaceships, Spaceships, Spaceships

The lionshare of the work on Traders focused on spaceships, and while I was there, I thought I might as well get caught up on the starships of the rest of the Galaxy.  I've included all the rest of the Imperial and ARC capital ships and updated a few more Redjack Corvettes (only two remain off the wiki).  You can check out the complete (current) list of vehicles here.


I'm beginning to lay the basic groundwork for the next playtest which will focus on Civilian Tech, but in the meantime, I've dropped some polls on what people would like to see me focus on next.  The winners are:
  • Orion Tech, the second-rate weaponry of the powers of the Umbral Rim, who pretend to be as effective as the Empire, while using their drugged-up slave-armies to conquer worlds.
  • The Frontier Marshal: the break-out winner (and somehow longtime favorite) of our latest Template poll
Further, I'd like to work on the Outcast Lens, and round off some material to get us our fourth Bounty Hunter Lodge, the Manticore Initiative, which involves delving into the complex biomedical world of Xen.  I don't know how far I'll get with all of these, but I've already made some good progress, so with luck we'll have quite some things to show in the coming month.  For Backers, I've created a project report, so you can track the status of smaller elements

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