Monday, July 20, 2020

NPC Highlight: Chet Starbeam and his Blazers

Chet Starbeam
The Design Diary

I'm not usually a fan of pre-generated NPCs, as I generally prefer to make bespoke campaigns with my own particular NPCs.  I have noticed, though, that people do make use of them.  They can be a nice way to quickly illustrate a particular element of a setting, and as an immediate encounter.  So, I thought I'd try a new series, wherein I outline an NPC that I've whipped up.  I usually make them for playtests I run, or to make sure a particular template "makes sense."  But they might prove useful to you, so I've created a new entry on the Wiki for them.

Of all the opponents that PCs might meet, I think Bounty Hunters are likely the most universal.  We can justify them fighting just about anyone.  In Jedi: Fallen Order, they sprinkle encounters with Bounty Hunters across the map as your adventure progresses to keep  you on your toes.  Having access to a variety of ready-made bounty hunters, then, could be useful to any Psi-Wars GM as someone to bust in the door and shoot up the place.  After the initial encounter, the PCs can try to piece together who put the bounty on them.

I've started the series with an NPC that I created as part of my "Let's kill Everyone" series, which was designed for the NPCs of the Tall Tales of the Orochi Belt.  We never got to encounter them, but you can use them in your campaign.  The first is Chet Starbeam, celebrity bounty hunter and total bro. I started with him because he is the most generic of the Bounty Hunters I've created, and he makes a nice, fun "first step" into being bounty hunted, as he's not especially difficult to defeat, and can be entertaining to fight.

See what you think of him, and I'd love to hear if you think the series would be useful to you, and if there are particular sorts of NPCs you'd like to see.

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