Saturday, May 9, 2020

Backer Post: Bounty Hunter Factions Preview 2: the Saruthim

If you wondered why I've been so quiet, it's been because I've been working on this monstrosity.  I've wanted to give Ranathim "ancient bio-mecha" since I first read about them in Pyramid #3/24 and they've been a feature of the Dead Art since Iteration 6. Inspired further by my noodling about a Witcher/Mandalorian faction in my "How to run an RPG" posts, and the idea to explore Bounty Hunter factions as a part of the Bounty Hunter template release, I finally took the time to see what I could come up with.

It turns out to have a lot of moving parts, not all of which I could finish, but I need to shift gears, so I've wrapped up what I could and delivered it to you, dear Patron.  This one is limited to $5+, like the previous update, not because I'm shafting my Fellow Travelers, but because it's not finished and I want some feedback before I release it to the (relatively) more general public, but expect to see it, uh, soon-ish.

This is available to $5+ backers:

If you have feedback, I'd love to see it!

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