Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Alliance Space Vehicles - Regal-Pattern Heavy Cruiser

ST/HP: 3500

Hand/SR: -1/6

HT: 13

Move: 6/110 (+10)

LWt.: 40,000

Load: 6,000

SM: +12

Occ.: 450ASV

DR: 2500*

Range: 5 jumps

Cost: $12B

Loc.: gGs17t

Stall: 0

Total Chase Roll: +9

*The Regal-Pattern Heavy Cruiser has 2500 Carbide Composite DR on all sides (double DR vs plasma attackes). It also has a force screen with 4000 ablative, hardened DR.


Alliance Capital Ship Equipment:

  • Capital-Scale Tactical Ultra-Scanner: 4000-mile scan, 400-mile imaging/bioscan; 360°;

  • Targeting Macroframe: +5 to hit target with a scan-lock.

  • Night Vision Sensors: +9 nightvision, ×8 magnification (up to +3 to aimed attacks, if the vehicle aims for three turns).

  • Large Area Jammer: -4 to target with missiles for all allied ships within 25 miles.

  • Distortion Scrambler: May contest Electronics Ops (Comms) rolls with Electronics Ops (EW); 25 mile range.

  • Large Holographic Radio: 10,000 mile range; “conference” sized holographic projector. All communications encrypted.

  • Very Large FTL Communication Array: 300-parsec range.

  • Hyperdrive: Rating 2; 5 jumps.

  • Fusion Reactor: 50-year lifespan.

  • Security: Simple Electronic Locks and security cameras at regular intervals; complex biometric locks for secured facilities meant for the aristocrat alone; 125 lifepods.

Alliance Cruiser Accommodation and Facilities:

  • Full Life-Support: up to 450 people

  • Accommodations: 1 aristocratic luxury suite, 60 luxury cabins, 300 full cabins. 3 months of stored, refrigerated food.

  • Facilities: 500-person diplomatic establishment; 500-person entertainment establishment; 5-person negotiation office (+0 Diplomacy and Law); 50-person Akashic Shrine; 30-person gym; 20-bed sickbay; 1 operating theater;

  • Cargo: a secured arsenal capable of sufficient gear to arm 60 men; Additional cargo can carry 250 tons..

Alliance Cruiser Complement:

  • Shuttles: 5 Prestige-Class (or variant) Shuttles.

Alliance Cruiser Armaments

  • 3 Capital Turrets (Total RoF 6);

  • 6 Corvette-scale Light Turrets (Total ROF 24);

  • 8 mounted Plasma Flak Turrets (F/L/R/T);











Capital-scale cannon

6d×75(5) burn









Corvette-scale cannon

6d×30(5) burn









Plasma Flak

6dx10 burn









Look and Feel

The Regal-Pattern Heavy Cruiser more closely resembles a cruise liner than a cruiser, were it not for its bristling turrets. In contrast to imperial dreadnoughts, the Regal stands taller than it is wide, surmounted by a rather obvious “bridge” superstructure. The “Bridge” sports observation decks, visible form a distance as rings of illumination where guests can see the stars behind the protection of diamondoid glass. Three great capital-scale turrets cover its “deck,” two before the bridge and one behind it. To either side, a set smaller, corvette-scale turrets and plasma flack interrupt the flowing, elegant lines of the vehicle to remind onlookers of its military intent.

The Regal carries no fighters. It does, however, have a hangar bay which contains up to 5 shuttles (often Prestige-pattern shuttles or their variants). This can be accessed from either side of the relatively narrow vehicle, just beneath the bridge. Generally, one boards a Regal via one of its shuttles. The hangar bay itself is not especially large, and sports a small reception facility. Guests take an elevator up to the bridge itself, which some call “the Hotel.” The bridge contains numerous luxury cabins and fine dining establishments, as well as a large “dance hall” which can double as anything necessary for diplomatic ventures, located near a “law office” where negotiators and diplomats can hash out any specifics necessary. Each Regal has its own “entertainment” establishment, which varies from casinos to restaurants to bath houses to gardens, depending on the preferences of the aristocrat who commissioned the Regal. Regal-Pattern Heavy Cruisers also generally come with an Akashic Temple, equipped with the sensory deprivation chambers and Akashic imagery necessary to facilitate any on-board Akashic Oracle. Some aristocrats repurpose this chamber, but they have come back into fashion since the war broken out. Finally, atop the superstructure sits the bridge itself, an exceptionally spacious affair with great windows and viewscreens, and behind it, the aristrocratic suite, with a great observation deck and a sufficiently sprawling room filled with the finest of luxuries (worth a +1 reaction modifer, in addition to the amenities of a Luxury cabin, with room to easily fit 4, rather than 2, people).

In the decks below “the Hotel,” one can find the main living spaces of the crew, including the substantial service crew, a platoon of Alliance Regulars, and engineering staff. The Regal-Pattern Heavy Cruiser comes with no bunks, only full cabins, and most who journey on one consider it a very plush assignment, with fine mess halls, plenty of food, and access to the entertainment facilities in “the Hotel.” The rest of the ship dwindles into winding corridors, access panels, and the great hum of the machinery that allows the vehicle to function.

Those who board a Regal find its interior striking: in contrast to the utilitarian interiors of Imperial ships, or the more spartan, unclad interiors typical of asteroid miners’ ships, the Regal-Pattern has lushly decorated to fit the tastes of its Lord or Lady. Most ships have art-deco interiors with flowing lines and curving bannisters, while others have more stolid, baroque designs as though one had boarded a cathedral in space, but they almost always feature contragravity lights like floating chandeliers.

The Regal, as a cruiser, serves many roles. For most minor houses, it serves as the flagship of the fleet, representing the largest and most powerful vehicle they can afford. Thus, they use it as a means of communicating their prestige to others. The lengthy endurance of the vehicle allows it to tour a nobleman’s worlds, and its extensive entertainment facilities allows him to invite others on board to partake in his prestige. For many lesser lords, their Regal is their castle. Militarily, its light turrets prove effective against frigates and corvettes, and its larger, capital-scale turrets allows it to take on smaller capital ships, typically of its own size or smaller. This makes them excellent patrol vehicles, and nobles will often take one to a world harassed by pirates, where its size and firepower will quickly dissuade local brigands.

In a fleet, they usually serve either as advanced scouts or as escorts. The Regal is self-sufficient enough to not need support as long as it itself does not encounter a fleet or serious opposition. This allows it to explore and, should it find itself in a bit of trouble, it has more than enough fuel and armor to escape intact. In battle, they serve best as supporting fire for larger vessels, and as a screen against frigates. They tend to suffer against fighters, lacking a fighter escort of their own (though they do have flak cannons!), and they cannot stand up to an imperial dreadnought, which will shrug off their paltry capital-scale cannons and blow them away with super-heavy cannons. They often work closely with carriers, offering support against smaller fire, like torpedo frigates. This makes it a decent “middle-weight” capital ship, but nothing more.

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