Thursday, October 4, 2018

Typhoon 2.0 - the Vehicle

The Stats

ST/HP: 90

Hand/SR: +5/4

HT: 9f

Move: 18/550* (+14)

LWt.: 5.6

Load: 0.3

SM: +4

Occ.: 1S

DR: 15

Range: 13,000*

Cost: $11M

Loc.: g3rR2Wi

Stall: 32

*The Typhoon is equipped with an Afterburner which improves the Move to 27/650 (+14) and consumes four times as much fuel (reducing range to 3,250 miles, if used continuously).


The Typhoon has a Distortion Jammer giving it an ECM -4 penalty. It is equipped with a Distortion Scrambler that can scramble comms at up to a 10 mile range. It comes with 360 degree ultra-scanner with forward tactical scanning with a 30 mile range (3 mile for imaging), and it has a 1000 mile radio comm. It has a targeting computer which grants a +2 to hit, in addition to the bonus from the tactical ultra-scanner lock of +3. And it comes with a tactical ESM which warns the pilot of any locks, and grants a +1 to dodge any attacks made using an ultra-scanner (missiles) or benefitting from an ultra-scanner lock (beam weapons, if using the bonus). Finally, it has a decoy launcher, for disrupting missile locks at the last moment.

The Typhoon has no life support systems. Pilot must wear vacuum suits. The Typhoon has an ejection system and a G-seat, which provides a +2 to all rolls to resist the effects of high-G maneuvers.

The Typhoon sports two, wing-mounted blaster cannons.













6dx5(5) burn










Look and Feel

The Typhoon sits low to the ground on three skids: a single rear skid in the body and two forward skids on the wings. The vehicle’s wings are low slung and forward-swept and, though obviously thinner they take up more “ground space” than the body does. Two blaster cannons, as long as the body, jut out from the wings near the fuselage. The body itself is sculpted but stubby, and is mostly a large plasma thruster and a cockpit, with a rounded canopy that affords the pilot a forward, side and above view. Behind it, the rest of the fuselage is dominated by its powerful engine. The whole vehicle has a glossy, metallic grey and black color, afforded by its carbide armor.

Entering the craft, the Typhoon has a comfortable cockpit, approximately as roomy as a civilian car’s driver seat. It has a relatively simple set of controls, arrayed around and above the seat; Its meters, ultrascanner readout and ESM warning info project onto the cockpit window as a HUD. When sealed, the cockpit hisses as it lowers the pressure slightly to prevent any explosive blow-out if the cockpit is damaged, and then sound dampens until the only sound left is the pilot’s breathing within their vacc-suit and the crackle of their comm system. Once the pre-flight checks have completed, the pilot retracts the skid and “floats” on his repulsor system, engages his plasma thrusters, and then launches.

The press of the acceleration is the equivalent to a top sports car at full acceleration. The Typhoon can go from “0 to 60” in less than two seconds. Under the after-burner, it presses at nearly 3gs, and thus close to the acceleration of the Space Shuttle as it launches. The Typhoon requires approximately 50 yards to take off, and it completes its take-off in less than 2 seconds; it can take off instantly with an EM or Pressor launch catapault, but most vehicles afford them at least 50 yards of take-off room regardless, for the sake of safety. Landing is usually a similar process: waiting for a tractor beam to catch them, but they can land in less than 50 yards of space as well.

Most Typhoon missions require up to 3 hours to reach the target at a cruising speed of 1000 miles per hour. Once there, they rely on their ferocious acceleration, tight turning radius and cannons to take out any enemies they might face. Standard procedure is to scramble the comms of the enemy and jam their sensors while using your own for an ideal lock and perfect situational awareness, while maintaining communication with your own squadron (Typhoons rarely deploy in anything less than 5-man wings). If hit, the unshielded hyperium is almost certain to catch fire or explode, and the ship is lightly armored. It relies on sheer speed and maneuverability to keep from being hit. Missions should not last more than about 10 hours, for the comfort and safety of the pilot, and the fighter itself has only about 12 hours of fuel at top speed.

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