Friday, April 20, 2018

The Templar Chapters: the Far Striders

Alternate Names: The Templar Vagabonds

The rim of the Galaxy has more than its fair share of beggars and religious pilgrims. One can find them in a cantina drinking quietly, or sitting in the street with a raised bowl, begging for credits or scraps of food. They seldom stay in one place long, often wending their way to some distant temple, or to richer planets. They make easy pickings for thugs or pirates, but most criminal scum native to the rim tend to leave religious itinerants alone, for they know who travels with pilgrims. Those who violate this taboo may find themselves casually disarmed by a staff-wielding pilgrim or wake up in a gutter with no memory of what happened after they first uttered a threat. The religious itinerants of the Rim enjoy the protection of the Templar Vagabonds of the Far Strider Chapter.

The Templar Vagabonds resemble the pilgrims they protect. Many wear simple brown robes, belted with a sash over a tunic and pants and sturdy, serviceable walking shoes. Others might wear an old, well-worn, patchwork vacc-suit. They often wear hats, to keep the sun off their face, or a scarf over their face to keep out dust. They typically wield either a staff, usually just a very long length of pipe or some rough-hewn wooden walking stick, or a cobbled-together force sword at their belt. Many mistake them for scavengers, beggars or wandering trash; the Templar Vagabonds prefer it that way.

Origins of the Far Strider Chapter

Shortly after the liberation of the Temple Worlds by the Communion Crusade, the Knights of Communion turned to the protection of pilgrims who wished to journey to said worlds. As the reach of the faith spread farther and farther over the galaxy, the Templars found they needed to journey even greater distances. The Sparriel sage-knight Rokoonooda took it upon himself to build a new chapter of Templars, one trained in the art of survival and navigation, so that they could travel to the most distant part of the Rim and back, even if it took years, to escort pilgrims from the most remote regions and to answer the calls for assistance from the most isolated temples. His chapter became self-sufficient, able to recruit, train and arm themselves with very little support from the broader Templar hierarchy. He named them the Far Strider chapter.

As a result, when the Knights of Communion fell, the Far Strider chapter barely noticed. They hadn’t needed the support of the larger organization of the Knights of Communion for some time, so when the execution squads of the Alexian empire came hunting for them, they simply cast aside what remained of their armor and dignity and merged into the population. Nonetheless, they retained their identity; what had been an overt chapter of the Knights of Communion became a covert chapter. They secretly inducted new members, introduced them to fellow Templar Vagabonds, quietly accepted calls for assistance, and distributed ancient Templar secrets amongst themselves.

Today, they maintain their old role of defenders of the faithful. Remote monasteries know they can call upon the Far Strider Chapter when in need, and pilgrims will “hire” the Templar Vagabonds to guide them safely to their destination. Their secretive ways and their ability to casually travel the galaxy makes them one of the few chapters in some form of contact with other chapters, which makes them a vital glue for holding the remnants of the Templars together.

Personalities of the Far Strider Chapter

Chapter Master Dindee Ooda

Dindee Oodao is an elderly and irksome Sparriel. Throughout his long tenure (the longest in the chapter’s history), he played pranks upon his own disciples, laughed heartily with his fellow templars during gatherings, and taught the Templar Vagabonds not to take themselves too seriously, and each of his jokes and riddles contained a profound truth within them.

Thus, when Dindee Ooda disappeared, the Far Striders did not notice at first, for the Grand Master, like the rest of his chapter, could fall off the radar for months at a time. But months turned into years, and no prank seemed forthcoming. Finally, the Templar Vagabonds began to panic and hunt for clues as to what happened to their Chapter Master. They uncovered journals and memory crystals which revealed Dindee Oodao’s personal quest to recover the lost relics of Isa the Exile and put them under the protection of the Far Strider chapter. Each cache found by a Far Strider investigator pointed to further caches of information, maps to suspected relics, and hints of a larger conspiracy. Some of the memory crystals contained cryptic messages suggesting that Dindee Ooda expected fellow Far Striders to discover these caches and instructing them directly to carry on the quest.

The Far Strider Chapter is divided as to what to do. Some wish to carry out the quest, while others feel it more important to find their Chapter Master first and foremost. Some continue to treat him as their Chapter Master, merely on an extended absence, while others have begun to discuss the need for succession. The general consensus seems to be that this is Dindee’s greatest trick, and that in doing it, he has put the chapter to the test.

The Knight Commander, Shimada Jack

The Knight Commander of the Far Strider chapter is a native of the Alliance world of Persephone, and served under Chester Sabine, father of Nova Sabine, during the Great Galactic Invasion, whom he introduced to True Communion. With the death of Leto Daijin, Shimada Jack left the Federation in disgust and devoted himself to the Far Strider Chapter, where he trained under Dindee Ooda himself. His strategic acumen and logistical skill made him a natural for tending to the needs of the Templar Vagabonds, and he became their Knight Commander

Recently, Nova Sabine contacted Shimada Jack, begging for help against the Empire. Knight Commander Jack has become increasingly concerned with the Empire’s oppression of the Galaxy and feels inclined to turn the Far Strider’s resources to openly declare for the Alliance and help defeat the Empire. More than this, he feels that Dindee’s quest was an effort to re-unite all of the Templars, to restore the Knights of Communion, a task that the Far Striders are well-suited for, given their contact with most other chapters.

Shimada Jack, appears as a distinguished and handsome old man. He keeps his hair cut short and wears a beard. Despite his humble birth, he speaks with more than a hint of an aristocratic accent, likely picked up from his years of service to the Federation, and has an infectious smile that readily disarms conflict. The Templar Vagabonds adore him, and readily approach him for advice. Many in the chapter call for his ascendance to the role of Chapter Master, but Shimada has refused, believing that Dindee Ooda still lives and that he is unsuited for the role.

The Swordmaster, Mysterious Kitha

Mysterious Kitha (with the full name Anxamorte Kitharn) serves as the Far Strider Swordmaster. Despite his role, he prefers to go unarmed, and often claims that Communion will provide him with whatever weapon he needs to defeat his foes. As swordmaster, he trains Far Striders in the art of improvisation and tactics. He often starts with basic chores to toughen his student up, then moves on to evasion, situational awareness and diplomacy, often neglecting actual combat training until the very end of the student’s education. He firmly believes that teaching students to fight will make combat their first resort when it should be their last. His preferred technique is the Simple Form, which he combines with Keleni stick fighting to create a highly unpredictable style.

Mysterious Kitha dismisses all discussion about whether or not the Chapter Master has died or not and who should succeed him as irrelevant. When the time comes for a new Chapter Master, Communion will let them know. Instead, he tries to focus the Chapter on the task clearly given to them by Dindee Ooda, and gathers up willing Templar Vagabonds to begin the quest for Isa’s relics.

Mysterious Kitha is Keleni, but with remarkably dark blue skin, the color of the ocean at night. An unruly and tangled mane of white hair surrounds his face, catfish-like whiskers surround his mouth, and he wears rags. He enjoys wine, and the scent of it often lingers near him.

The Warden-Nun, Teleku Lili

The Warden of the Far Strider chapter is traditionally a Trader born on the Teleneku Ark, the closest thing the Chapter has to a home, and Teleku Lili is the latest in a long line of such Wardens. She acts as the first line of defense of the Ark and sees to the needs of those aboard, as well as maintains contact with the rest of the Templar Vagabond. When the grand master calls a gathering of the Chapter, as the Warden, Lili acts as host.

Lili believes that Dindee Ooda is dead, and that a new Chapter Master should be called, and advocates for Mysterious Kitha to take that position (much to his annoyance). She argues further that the ultimate purpose behind Dindee Ooda’s quest is to carry on Isa’s legacy of converting new races to Communion. She believes that Communion wishes to be spread beyond the bounds of the Galaxy, and she works to prepare the Teleneku Ark for an intergalactic journey that will take them far beyond the stars that they know.

Lili is a young albino Trader with white skin and red eyes that resemble finely polished rubies that carry within them the glint of stars. She wears a lightly armored Trader skinsuit beneath a simple brown robe, and carries the heritage force sword that all Far Strider Warden’s carry. She speaks softly, but with a very pleasant voice and speaks Galactic Common with a velvet fluidity. She has the bearing and demeanor of a librarian, both shyly quiet and profoundly knowledgeable. Traders tend to find her less attractive, seeing her albino skin as unhealthy, but aliens and humans both describe her as “cute,” and she has a small circle of admirers, none of whom she entertains, as she feels a proper Warden should dedicate herself to her job.

The Chaplain, Abbot Isikaia, “The Grasshopper”

Abbot Isikaia is the “Grandather” of the Teleneku Ark (see below), though by now, its social structure resembles nothing of a typical Ark. He sees the journey of the Ark as the compliment to the journey of pilgrims: where they seek to go to holy places, Isikaia tries to bring holiness to the pilgrims. He accepts any who wish to take an audience with him, and speaks in the typical, impossibly clipped manner of the Traders, but those who are true to the faith of Communion an always understand what he means: what seems to be a single syllable becomes, to their ears, a deep and intricate truth that is nearly impossible to explain to others.

Isikaia has deep green skin and wears nothing but a cloth over his loins, eschewing the typical Trader garb of a vaccsuit and gasmask, allowing others to see him in his true Trader nature, including his distended jaw. He often goes without food for long periods, and resembles a bundle of frail sticks wrapped in stretched green leather.

Resources of the Far Strider Chapter

Organizational Resources

The Far Strider Chapter is a poor chapter. They can offer very little in the way of material resources, and expect their members to improvise when the need arises. They have no standard issue gear (they expect their members to scavenge or build their own, or inherent their weaponry from a previous Templar Vagabond), they offer no cash or funding and have no facilities.

The Far Strider chapter has numerous “Safe-Houses,” (see Pulling Rank page 15), but these resemble flop-houses more than safe-houses. Local communities or passing Templar Vagabonds maintain the small sanctuaries so that the next Templar Vagabond has a place to rest. Such Safe Houses tend to sport caches of equipment, information and money, but exactly what is in each varies from house to house and moment to moment; such caches are whatever the last Templars could scrounge up and store, in case they or any other templar might need them, often including notes on local events and star-maps for the local area. Safe houses tend to be secured either by the local community, or are hidden from sight and noted with sigils and symbols known only to members of the Far Strider Chapter.

What the Far Strider Chapter lacks in wealth, it makes up for in social connection and knowledge. The Far Strider Chapter has an excellent reputation among communities of dispossessed and religious communities (including True Communion communities, but remote Akashics and minor folk religions like Shepherdism all tend to have a positive opinion of Templar Vagabonds). With appropriate groups that have a positive association with the Far Strider Chapter, Templar Vagabonds may Pull Rank for a complimentary roll on Reactions, or to gain an Introduction (see Pulling Rank 18).

The Far Strider Chapter has a deep knowledge of the remote areas of space. They often have high levels of Area Knowledge, and may act as guides. Treat guides as Consultants (Pulling Rank p 15) with Area Knowledge 21. The Far Strider Chapter can also provide members with excellent star charts to “lost” worlds on the rim. Treat this as Files (Pulling Rank page 15).

The Far Strider Temple: The Teleneku Ark

The Far Strider Chapter travels from temple to temple as their needs and quests dictate, but if they called any temple home, it would be the Teleneku Ark. Scuttled during the early Alexian wars with the Traders, True Communion faithful, repaired it, and built a great, mobile temple to True Communion within. It travels the Galactic Rim to this day, bringing the sanctity of True Communion to remote communities and after centuries of offerings, minor repairs and additions it is, by far, the largest and most ornate temple of True Communion.

The Teleneku Ark, like most Trader Arks, is enormous and is capable of hosting entire city within it. Broadly speaking, it does so: it brims with refugees and pilgrims who may ask for passage on the ship if it plans to head in the same direction as their particular journey. The Ark also houses considerable monastic complexes, libraries and monastic schools, making it one of the larger temple and monastic communities to True Communion still in operation. “Operation” may be a strong word, as the centuries old ark groans in need of proper maintenance, and its underbelly swims in corrosion that the monks can barely handle, and disrepair is a constant concern of Temple Wardens.

The Astral Gardens, the Teleneku Ark’s most celebrated feature, serve as the spiritual center of the great Temple-Ark. They reside in a dome atop the Ark, where they may bath in starlight during the “night” cycle of the artificial lighting. Fountains and streams flow through the meandering and peaceful gardens, and at its center, surrounded by the artificially supported life, an enormous eloi crystal slowly spins on its anti-gravity platform.

When the Teleneku Ark arrives in a system, its shuttles spill forth from it in a great, religious armada that descend upon a planet. The monks of the Teleneku Ark treat planet-fall like a religious festival, and they entertain the populace with hymns, religious dancing and sprinklings of water. They tend to the sick where they can, proselytize, and bring the message of True Communion with them. But, in particular, they beg. The Teleneku Ark relies on the generosity of the faithful for its repairs, maintenance and its stores of food. The Ark’s denizens work to repair the Arks factories and food vats so they need rely on no one, but in the meantime, their begging, dancing and loudly proclaimed religious messages irritate local officials, who usually drive off the Ark after a short time.

The Templar Vagabonds claim no specific temple as their home, but the Teleneku Ark has a special place in their heart. The Warden of the Ark, always a female Trader, is treated as a Master of the Far Striders, and when the Far Striders gather for a conclave (typically once a decade or whenever a major matter, such as the disappearance of the Grand Master or Shimada Jack’s call for rebellion, comes before the Chapter), they meet at the Teleneku Ark and gather in the Astral Gardens. For many novice Templar Vagabonds, their first moments on the Teleneku Ark are their most cherished memories.

The Far Strider Community

Pilgrims of the Rim

Any religious person from the Rim has at least heard stories of the Far Strider Chapter. The Far Strider Chapter continues to offer their services to religious individuals who travel the stars, whether as pilgrims or refugees, and see them safely through their journey. These travelers inevitably remember the act and wish to return the favor. Far Striders, by convention, refuse personal favors, but accept organizational ones, so a Far Strider may claim a favor for the deeds of another Templar Vagabond. As such, the Far Strider Chapter has built considerable good will among the religious communities of the Galactic Rim, and can generally count on safe passage or even the hospitality of these groups.

The Gutter Fraternity

As one goes farther and farther from the bright center of the galaxy, the harder life becomes, and many people fall through the cracks and find themselves homeless wanderers of desolate worlds. Inspired by the example of the Far Striders, many of the poverty stricken peoples of the Rim have taken to emulating them: they share tips with one another, swap favors, engage in mutual defense and recognize one another by certain hand signs or code words. They have formed an informal organization that the Rim has dubbed the Gutter Fraternity, though some outsiders mistakenly believe it to be the Far Striders; despite this error, the Gutter Fraternity and the Far Strider Chapter do have close ties: the Templar Vagabonds often recruit from the Gutter Fraternity or get tips about a particularly psychic child from them, and in return, the Templar Vagabonds go out of their way to protect the poor wherever they go, whether those beggars are actual members of the Gutter Fraternity or not.

The Patchwork Fleet

The Empire faces insurgencies all across its edges, but few more resilient than the Patchwork Fleet. What started as a collection of crusty old asteroid miners, merchants and part-time pirates found themselves backed into a metaphorical corner by some particularly ham-fisted and overreaching decisions by local Imperial authorities. When they moved to defend themselves, the Empire took it as a full blown insurgency and acted. Shimada Jack happened to be nearby and gathered a group of Templar Vagabonds to help resist the Imperial attack and to get the remnants of this group to safety.

The insurgents dubbed themselves the Patchwork Fleet and now move from system to system as a patchwork fleet, training locals in how to build and maintain their own starfighters or convert their corvettes to small attack vessels. They help defend locals from pirates and hit imperial convoys. While not overtly devoted to True Communion, the ideology begins to spread throughout their ranks, and their work with other insurgencies also spreads True Communion ideals, until it’s not uncommon to hear quotes from Communion literature bandied about, either casually or formally, in the regions the Patchwork Fleet is known to operate in.

Many in the Far Strider chapter have connections with, friends within, or have served with, the Patchwork Fleet, and thus the two organizations often collaborate. The Far Striders have numerous connections across the galaxy, and support or assist numerous rebels, but the Patchwork Fleet is perhaps their most well-known and most successful rebel contact.

The Virtues of the Templar Vagabond

The Far Strider Chapter practices three virtues:

  • Tolerance

  • Humility

  • Asceticism

Isikia teaches all three; Shimada Jack teaches Tolerance, Mysterious Kitha teaches Humility and the Warden-Nun Lili teaches Asceticism.

The Far Strider Chapter embraces an ideology of self-denial. Following True Communion and, especially, becoming a Templar Vagabond means setting aside your mortal life and mortal concerns and pursuing a higher path. They often quote aphorisms from the Verses that refer to removing oneself from the world. They believe that monks and Templars alike should understand that what matters is not how much one has, but how much one can do for others.

When it comes to the “others” they should do good deeds for, this means everyone. The Theology of the Far Striders Chapter argues that True Communion is a philosophy of universal brotherhood. Everyone should be welcomed into their ranks, no matter how poor, how low-born, or how alien. Furthermore, they see everyone as equal in True Communion. An aristocratic lord who joins the ranks of the Templars Vagabond must learn to roll up their sleeves and clean the Teleneku Ark or their local safe house by hand, along side a former slave and a poor street urchin.

The Heresy of the Far Strider Chapter

The Far Strider Chapter embraces more heterodox virtues than orthodox virtues, which makes for a tense relationship with Keleni Traditionalists. Their tolerance of other traditions means unusual ideas leak into the culture of the Chapter, and their remoteness from one another means that each Templar Vagabond has their own unique take on Communion. The rest of the Chapter accepts this as a matter of course, believing that each master brings with him unique insights into Communion; this also makes it easier for specific Templar Vagabonds to embrace the peculiar brand of theology that another Chapter has, and thus more easily interact with them. Taken as a whole, though, the Chapter embraces strange ideas about Communion that bother other, purer chapters, particularly their belief in the extinction of self, devotion to chastity, translation of Communion texts into other languages, and their tendency to try to connect True Communion theology into other faiths, especially folk religions or the Akashic mysteries.

This tolerance means they tend not to be especially vigilant against those who would harm Communion with their ideals. The Templar Vagabond have largely lost their fighting spirit: they can fight, and will to defend their pilgrims, but they shy away from crusades and tend to leave more vile traditions alone. They have little interest in shadow wars with the Akashic Order or the Cult of the Mystic Tyrant.

The Martial Arts of the Far Strider Chapter

Rokoonooda believed in flexibility and taught the chapter to try to understand the underlying principles of war and, if possible, to avoid conflict. The Far Strider Chapter teaches:

  • The Simple Form

  • The Graceful Form

  • Keleni Stick Fighting

  • Guidance

Templar Vagabonds tend to learn from one another in close master/student relationships, or train with one another when their paths cross. They also try to learn from whatever temple or martial tradition they come across in their travels.

The Simple Form tends to serve as the basis for almost all Templar Vagabonds, as it has the flexibility to integrate almost any style. A master will teach it to his student and then the student will learn other force sword styles (or other martial arts) in his journey and find a way to integrate the Simple Form into those styles, or to integrate those styles into the Simple Form. As a result, most Templar Vagabonds have extraordinarily fluid approaches to combat, where no two fight the same.

The most common styles to supplement the Simple Form are Keleni Stick Fighting and the Graceful Form of the Alliance. Keleni Stick Fighting allows the Templar Vagabond to defeat a foe without killing him, which many Templar Vagabonds prefer: a resonance staff is as common a weapon among them as a force sword. The Graceful Form teaches agility and defeating an opponent through intimidation rather than injury, and integrates well with the Simple Form.

Finally, many members of the Chapter study Guidance as a means of dissuading an opponent from fighting with a simple wave of their hand and negotiation. The humbleness inherent in Guidance serves their virtue of humility well. The swordmaster, Mysterious Kitha, is especially fond of the style. Many other chapters point out that a devotion to Humility and mastery of telepathic Suggestion make the Templar Vagabonds exceptional conspirators, but the Chapter laughs their concerns off as paranoia: the Far Strider Chapter has no desire to rule the Galaxy.

Vagabond Tactics

The Templar Vagabonds don’t worry about supply. They tend to make do with whatever they have on hand, and if they must engage in some covert activity, try to limit themselves to missions they already have the equipment to undertake. If they need more, they typically beg for it: they will call on favors, ask for it from the local religious community, or simply walk up to others who would benefit from the act and strike up an alliance on the spot.

When it comes to organization, the Templar Vagabond act as de facto independent clandestine cells. A higher ranking Templar Vagabond may see a need for action and then remotely contact various groups to perform tasks necessary for the completion of that plan: Dindee Ooda was particularly fond of this, giving particular Templar Vagabonds seemingly nonsensical missions that accumulated into a major action that defeated an opponent. Vagabonds often do not know why they must do what they do, but accept it on faith. Such orders come from mutual acquaintances or via “drop points” that all local vagabonds know.

When trying to accomplish a mission, Templar Vagabonds prefer violence as a last resort or as a means of defense. They would rather persuade others, and persuade they do! They are accomplished speakers who can draw crowds, create whisper campaigns, or even incite riots. If things go wrong, Templar Vagabonds can simply drop what they’re doing and fade into the populace, but they also learn to survive on any planet in the harshest of climates. They can simply leave whatever population center they are in and take to the deep wilderness. If they do end up captured, they can take advantage of the toughness built up in the pursuit of asceticism and endure their captivity in stoic silence.

Typical Templar Vagabond Traits include:

Advantages: Cultural Adaptability, Cultural Familiarity (Any), Honest Face,Forgettable Face, Language (Any), Language Talent

Skills: Acting, Area Knowledge (Any), Carousing, Current Affairs (Local), Diplomacy, Filch, Hiking, Holdout, Navigation (Any), Meditation, Mind Block, Observation, Panhandling, Public Speaking, Pilot (Starship) Savoir-Faire (Servant), Stealth, Smuggling, Survival (Any)

Relics of the Far Strider Chapter

The Staff of Rokoonooda

Rokoonooda struggled to walk in his last days, and carried a crooked cane with him wherever he went. This cane has been passed down to each chapter master of the Far Strider chapter, as a reminder of infirmity and the importance of service. Those who bear gain a bonus +4 to True Communion creation rolls to invoke miracles of the Exiled Master, but tend to suffer unfortunate fates, often suffering humiliation, injury, set-backs or encountering truly bizarre phenomenon. The Chapter Masters of the chapter refer to this as “taking the burden of Rokoonooda.”

Price: $50,000

Statistics: Reputation 4 (Exiled Master) [20]; Unluckiness [-10]

The Warden-Blade

The Far Striders have lost the secret of the resonance blade, but they still have a few, including the traditional blade all Wardens of the order have always carried: the Warden-Blade. The ancient weapon is more than a weapon, it is a badge of office, and as such, it grants the bearer the ability to enter any facility, temple or monastery associated with True Communion. The bearer must be worthy, but if they are, doors automatically open for them.

Price: $150,000

Statistics: Accessory (TK Lockpicks; True Communion Locks only) [1] + Telekinesis 2 (One Task, Picking Locks associated with True Communion, -80%; Reduced Time 10, +200%; Divine, -10%) [21] + One Task Wonder (Lockpicking, True Communion facilities only; Cosmic, no die roll required) [2]

The Relics of Isa the Exile

The most famous figure of the schism of True Communion followed by the Templars, according to tradition, Isa the Exile brought True Communion to humanity and all alien kind. He is the most beloved sage of True Communion to all Templars. Dindee Ooda sought out relics associated with him, and believed he had located many.

All of Isa’s relics are instantly recognizable as very holy to the faithful; the relic itself and the bearer both gain +2 reaction from the faithful. Furthermore, the relic itself counts as “holy” for any purpose that might benefit it, but will explicitly only work “for the worthy;” precisely what this means is up to the GM.

The Mantle of Isa

According to legend, Isa was a masterful healer. His very touch restored health to the plagued and protected the weak from psionic malediction. He fearlessly faced vile spirits or wicked psychics and ministered to the weak and dying. According to legend, his simple robes carry these same effects: the wearer, or anyone touching the garment, is protected from all hostile psychic effects; the garments also provide the wearer an additional 10 HP in the form of “vitality reserves.” The garment also heals any who touches it: the wearer cannot control this, the garment, instead, decides who it will heal; when the garment heals, the wearer takes on the wounds or disease or the disease of the healed target; this is first paid out of vitality reserves. The vitality reserves of the mantle “heal” at 1 HP per day. At the GM’s option, rather than suffer the effects of the disease, the wearer instead pays an amount of HP (either his own or out of the Vitality reserves) determined by the GM.

Shady antiquities dealers regularly peddle scraps of the mantle of Isa; if such scraps are genuine and have real power, they typically grant the keeper a vitality reserve of 1 and a +1 to resist hostile psionic abilities.

Price: $1,000,000; scraps are worth $4,000.

Statistics: Healing (Cosmic, no die roll required +100%; Divine -10%; Empathic -50%; Unconsious -30%) [33]; Static (Psi; Area Effect (Requires Contact -30%) +35%; Discriminatory +150%; Divine -10%) [81]; Vitality Reserve 10 (Divine -10%) [18]; Holy [1]; Social Regard 2 (Venerated; Blessed) [10]

The Staff of Isa

The staff of Isa is, perhaps, his most recognizable relic, as he carried it wherever he went. The staff would most likely have been a resonance staff that he used for self-defense, but it has gained a tradition as a “tool of miracles.” Those who bear it receive visions of what Communion would have them do, are unusually lucky when serving the will of True Communion, and may invoke powerful miracles, gaining a +4 reaction from Communion.

Price: $500,000

Statistics: Destiny 3 (Serve Communion) [30]; Holy [1]; Social Regard 2 (Venerated; Blessed) [10]; True Investiture +4 [20]; Visions (Overwhelming; Divine rather than Psionic) [15]/

The Crown of Isa

Isa belonged to the Kihita clan, the royal clan from whom the rulers of the Keleni were drawn before the destruction of their interstellar polity at the hands of the Eldothic Empire. As such, many True Communion faithful claim that Isa the Exile was a prince who gave up his prestige and position to bring True Communion to the whole of the galaxy. According to this legend, he inherited a crown that, if worn, would reveal his full glory and fill him with the full might of Communion.

If the Crown exists, it might grant the wearer the ability to invoke the Primordial Avatar miracle at will; the wearer may choose which Avatar to invoke: Righteous Crusader, Bound Princess or Exiled Master.

Price: $2,500,000.

Statistics: Alternate Form (Bound Princess) [209]; Alternate Form (Exiled Master) [15]; Alternate Form (Righteous Crusader) [15]; Holy [1]; Social Regard 2 (Venerated; Blessed) [10].

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