Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Patreon Preview: the Eldoth

Three major alien races have defined the history of Psi-Wars; thus far, I've referred to them via placeholder names, but slowly, each has received a preview as I've worked out their details and designs: the "Communion Aliens" became the Keleni, and the "Sexy Space Vampires" became the Ranathim.  Now, the last enormously influential race, the "Monolith" get their preview as the Eldoth.

They built the first galactic empire while waging war to some ancient, galactic menace.  They shattered the Keleni temple worlds and scattered the Keleni people in their first diaspora. The terror of their rule helped coalesce the Ranathim Empire, and the Ranathim stole thanatokinesis from the Eldoth to create the Gaunt race.  Though the Ranathim broke their empire and destroyed their race, they live on, slumbering in their regeneration sarcaophogi.  Their interstellar "Deep Engine" continues to hum in strange, monolithic ruins.  The last house of the Alliance, the Tan-Shai, draw their power from ancient Eldothic secrets, and the Templar Chapter, the Sentries of the Monolith, guard the Eldothic homeworld of Sepulcher to ensure the dread race never rises again.

This preview is available to $3+ (Companion) patrons.  If you're a patron, check it out!  If not, as always, we love to have you.  Happy Patron week, and thanks for your support!

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