Tuesday, February 13, 2018

True Communion as Esoteric Skill

A True Communion disciple first learns to meditate. True Communion teaches that, through introspection, self-knowledge and self-discipline, one can begin to understand the world around him. They learn to listen to their own inner voice, then to their instincts, then to Communion itself. Through obedience to Communion, they can learn who they truly are, how they connect to the world, and what their true purpose is. Once one has mastered this art, the next step is to teach others. Teaching methods vary, but True Communion strongly favors teaching through example, riddles and challenges. It seeks to get the student to discover a principle for himself, rather than to simply be told something that they will soon forget, or learn only superficially. By teaching others, the student masters Communion more deeply and, more importantly, learns to connect with his own students and thus finds himself in an unbroken chain of masters and pupils extending back to the birth of True Communion.

True masters of Communion have deeply powerful meditative techniques that allow them to reach a trance-like, to empower their connection with Communion, and to even regain their psychic energy more quickly. They learn to discard their own selfish needs and, as they become more attuned to Communion, to become more attuned to their community around them and to being to understand the deepest secrets of spirituality. Those who masters the art of teaching, according to legend, have the ability to unlock the psionic potential of anyone, and can even teach those forever locked away from Communion to overcome their limitations and join the greater galactic gestalt.

The galaxy will forever associate True Communion with the Templars, and so many monasteries and temples also teach the force sword as part of True Communion. Most also teach the history of the faith, or give insight into the holy places and relics of the faith. Communion often holds that inner knowledge can come from dreams, and those who believe this teach their students to interpret their dreams.

This form of Communion is the Communion of the Templars and the one most commonly practiced across the galaxy. It is assumed to be the “default” form of True Communion.

Required Skills: Meditation, Philosophy (True Communion), Savoir-Faire (Dojo), Teaching, Hidden Lore (Communion)

Techniques: Communion (Meditation), Deep Trance (Meditation), Introspection (Meditation), Penance (Meditation).

Secret Traits: Moral Intuition, True Investiture, Virtues (Varies)

Secret Skill: Psychic Recovery (Meditation)

Secret Technique: Heuristics (Philosophy), Legendary Teaching (Teaching),

Perks: Daily Meditation, Focused (Meditation), Honest Face, Inner Mastery, Patience of Job, Rewards of Faith, Secret Skill (Psychic Recovery), Secret Technique (Heuristics (for Moral and Supernatural Phenomenon only), Legendary Teaching), Secret Trait (Moral Intuition, True Investiture, Virtue), Saintly Vampire, Style Adaption (Traditional Communion), Technique Mastery (Introspection)

Optional Advantages: Clerical Investment (True Communion), Devotion, Destiny, Empathy, Intuition, Language (Kelen), Trained by a Master, True Communion, Weapon Master (Force Sword)

Optional Disadvantages: Charitable, Code of Honor (Any Virtue), Disciplines of Faith (Asceticism or Mysticism), Selfless, Sense of Duty (All communion-compatible species), Pacifism (Any).

Removable Disadvantages: Bad Temper, Bloodlust, Bully, Callous, Compulsive Behavior (Any), Destiny (as disadvantage), Gluttony, Greed, Impulsiveness, Jealousy, Intolerance, Lecherousness, Loner, Obsession, Overconfidence, Selfish, Unluckiness

Optional Skills: Connoisseur (Relics), Diplomacy, Esoteric Healing, Exorcism, Force Sword, Fortune Telling (Dreaming), Hidden Lore (Places of Power), History (True Communion), Religious Ritual

New Traits

Moral Intuition 12/27

True Communion teaches that true moral understanding comes not from without, but from within. Followers of True Communion learn to cultivate their moral intuition and, by listening to their moral instincts, intuitively know what choice is right. At level 1, when faced with a moral conundrum they may roll IQ to know what choice is the worst choice; at level 2, they may roll to uncover what is the best choice. In both cases, the character may roll Philosophy or Introspection (Meditation) to know why.

What counts as “moral” is ultimately up to the GM, but Psi-Wars by default makes no base assumptions. The safest default for the guidance of Moral Intuition is internal (what your character thinks is moral) and associated with your powers. One intention of Moral Intuition is that it will warn a character before he takes an action that may lead to violation of one of his moral limitations for True Communion or his Virtues.

Statistics: Intuition (Aspect, Moral -20%) [12]; level 2 adds Inspired +100% for [27]

True Investiture 10/level

The character gains a bonus to all True Communion reaction rolls equal to his True Investiture level; this is cumulative with any Path Reputation he might have. A character may not take more than 4 levels of True Investiture without GM permission.

Statistics: Power Investiture (True Communion)

New Perks

Daily Meditation: The character always meditates if possible; thus the GM never has to ask if he has fulfilled his disciplines of faith; Furthermore, if the group does not explicitly track how much meditation a character practices during down time, assume that the character always starts with 3d6 more meditation points at the beginning of a new adventure than the GM normally offers to players who meditate.

Inner Mastery: Characters may substitute Meditation for any Will-based skill for Psionic Extra-Effort rolls.

Rewards of Faith: This is a leveled perk (maximum suggested value is 3). The GM can in form a player that he has a vision, a dream, or feels an urging or an instinct that he must do something, like a subtle Command from Communion. If the player willingly does as Communion requests, the GM may reward the player. This may be an impulse buy point or 2d6 “meditation” fatigue that he may use on Psionic Powers. This perk is effectively “Option: GM may reward players for good roleplay,” and the GM is encouraged to pick a standard reward: an impulse buy point is standard, but GMs who feel this might be unbalancing may choose instead to offer the bonus fatigue as the standard reward.

Sacred Vampire: You may access True Communion despite having the Psychic Vampirism power.

New Skills

Psychic Recovery


Default: meditation-6

See Pyramid #3/97 “Strange Powers” page 6.

New Techniques



Default: Meditation;

Prerequisite: Meditation; May not exceed Meditation+4.

The character may attempt to gain a deeper connection with Communion. This allows him a +1 to petition rolls or, if done for 8 hours, grants him one point of Meditative Energy Reserves (If he has Communion; he may not use this benefit if he has Dark Communion or Broken Communion).

Deep Trance


Default: Meditation-4;

Prerequisite: Meditation; May not exceed Meditation.

The character meditates deeply for one hour and enters a trance. This trance either offers the same bonuses as Autohypnosis or +1 to all Psi skills plus an additional bonus equal to 1/3 of his margin of success, to a maximum of +5. He gains +4 for sensory deprivation, +2 for the Body Discipline perk, and may use Religious Ritual as a complementary roll.



Default: Philosophy -6;

Prerequisite: Illuminated and Philosophy; May not exceed Philosophy.

See Powers: the Weird page 6. Characters with Communion may only learn Heuristics for supernatural (e.g. related to psionic powers or Communion) or moral truths unless they are Illuminated.



Default: Meditation;

Prerequisite: Meditation; May not exceed Meditation.

This core skill of Meditation works as the basic book describes it: The character may roll meditation to gain moral (rather than practical) insight into what he should be doing.

Legendary Teaching


Default: Teaching -5;

Prerequisite: Illuminated and Teaching; may no exceed Teaching.

See Social Engineering: Back to School page 24. This trait may be able to teach non-psionic characters psionic abilities at the GM’s discretion.



Default: Meditation;

Prerequisite: Meditation; May not exceed Meditation+4.

The character may attempt to make amends for wrongs he has done. This typically requires 8 hours of meditation and upon success, the character may roll Meditation. On a success, he may either remove one point of corruption (either from Dark or Broken Communion), or attempt to regain Communion after violating one of its sins.

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