Saturday, October 14, 2017

Patreon Double Trouble: Occult Communion and Psychokinesis Revisited

It's Patreon Friday! On Saturday!  How unusual!  I've been busy (and ill) and I've needed to re-prioritize some things, but for your patience, I have not one post, but two!

First, Akashic Ancestry Veneration and the up-coming Divine Masks allow access to facets of Communion without the whole thing, via paths.  The first document, Occult Communion, looks at accessing Communion without psionic powers, and without "total access" to Communion.

The second arose from a discussion on Discord about Psychokinesis, which is also a problem I ran into. The Divine Masks has a cult that makes use of Psychokinesis and Psi-Wars lacks much variety for PK.  Thus, I've returned to take a look at it, including a look at how to fix Innate Attack for Psi-Wars, which will be a change that propagates to other psionic powers and also into cybernetics.

EDIT: This used to be a Patron-only post, but as the content has largely been subsumed in the publicly available wiki, I'm making it available to the public so anyone can read up on the logic of some of these changes. You can read it here.

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