Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Akashic Martial Arts

Akashic Fighting Techniques

Third-Eye Fighting 6 points

Third-Eye Fighting is found on page 15 of Pyramid #3-69. Akashic Knights learn it as a matter or course, but Akashic oracles and priests occassionally learn it as initiates, so they can acts as a last line of defense for a temple, or to better protect themselves when they travel the galaxy after their Akashic Initiation. Third-Eye Fighting has an understated manner of combat allowing the oracle or Akashic Knight to defeat their opponent with elegance and an economy of motion. An Akashic victory in battle seems unreal, with the Oracle barely moving to strike exactly the right point to end the fight.

The Akashics add a few additional techniques and perks:

Additional Required Skills: Theology (Akashic)

Additional Techniques: Combat Art (Judo), Battle Precog (Combat Sense), Extended Arc (Awareness).

Additional Perks: Blind Psi, Inner Mastery.

Additional Optional Advantages: Trained by a Master

Signature Moves

Following the Guided Path: Make an Evaluate Maneuver. Make a Combat Sense roll. If successful, in addition to gaining the noted bonus to defense rolls, the GM might give you additional insights/visions into how the fight might play out in the next few seconds, thereby pointing out ways you might gain tactical advantage. You gain +3 to your next attack against the opponent, and ignore up to -3 in penalties to your defense based on feints or deceptive attacks. You may defend normally, but while using this signature/trademark move, you must retreat at least once on a defense (You are “walking the path your opponent has laid out for you.”)

The Gentle Path: After making a Judo parry, make a rapid strike (-6 or -3) Deceptive (-4) Judo Throw followed by a Judo Arm Lock (-0). Roll Judo -10 (or -7) to hit. Your opponent defends at -2. If you hit, your opponent is prone. Make an Armlock roll (-6 or -3). Your opponent defends at -3 for being prone. You may defend normally. Setup: You parried your opponents attack with a Judo parry and remain within one yard of him.

The Painful Path: After making a Judo parry, make a rapid strike (-6 or -3) deceptive (-4) Judo Armlock followed by a Judo Throw(-0. Roll Armlock-10 (or -7) to hit. Your opponent defends at -2. If you hit, roll Judo Throw or Armlock, both at -6 or -3, in a quick contest with the best of your opponent’s ST, DX or best grappling skill. If you win, you throw your opponent and inflict sw damage (+Wrestling bonuses) against your opponent’s arm. You may defend normally. Setup: You parried your opponents attack with a Judo parry and remain within one yard of him.

Opening New Paths: Make a Wait (“If my opponent attacks, I make a Stop Hit”) maneuver. If your opponent attacks, you attack at the same time, making a deceptive (-4) Shove attack. Roll Sumo-4. If you hit but your opponent missed or hit with a smaller margin than you did, your opponent defends at -3 (-5 if he tries to parry with the weapon he attacked with). If you hit but your opponent hit by a smaller margin than you did, you defend at -1 (-3 if you try to parry) and your opponent defends at -2. If you hit your opponent, deal thr-1 (+Sumo bonuses) double knockback damage. You may defend normally.

Walking Infinite Paths: Make a Concentrate maneuver and roll Battle Precog. Success grants you Enhanced Time Sense for the remainder of the fight in place of your defense bonuses from Combat Sense. If you have Enhanced Time Sense, you automatically win Stop Hit contests provided you hit (see Opening New Paths above).

The Akashic Form 5 points

Alternate Names: Third-Eye Force Swordsmanship; the Art of the Devil

Akashic Knights have adapted Third-Eye fighting to their more familiar forms of force swordsmanship. The Akashic Form represents less its own form, and a manner of fighting that overlays one of the four Aristocratic force sword forms, with most Akashic Knights favoring the Old Way, out of a sense of tradition, and the Destructive Form, as the hard practicalities of the modern world demand a less delicate combat technique, and the slow patience of the Destructive Form suits the Akashic Form well.

The Akashic Form requires ESP. As the Order never allows men to undergo the Akashic Initiation, most male ESPers instead learn Third-Eye Fighting and the Akashic Form and become Akashic Knights.

Required Skills: Awareness, Force Sword, Combat Sense, Theology (Akashic)

Techniques: Combat Art (Force Sword), Battle Precog (Combat Sense), Counter Attack (Force Sword), Extended Arc (Awareness).

Cinematic Skills: Blind Fighting, Breaking Blow, Mental Strength, Precognitive Defense

Cinematic Techniques: Dual-Weapon Defense, Timed Defense

Perks: Blind Psi, Inner Mastery, Psi-Strike (ESP, Force Sword), Special Exercise (Breaking Blow works with Force Sword), Style Adaption (the Old Way, Destructive Form, Graceful Form, the Swift Form, Third-Eye Fighting)

Additional Optional Advantages: Trained by a Master

Optional Skills: Fast Draw (Force Sword)

Optional Cinematic Techniques: Precognitive Fast-Draw

Signature Moves

Accept Fate (“The Dead Stance”): Akashic Knights learn that their role is to obey. Make an Evaluate Maneuver. Make a Combat Sense roll. If successful, in addition to gaining the noted bonus to defense rolls, the GM might give you additional insights/visions into how the fight might play out in the next few seconds, thereby pointing out ways you might gain tactical advantage. You gain +3 to your next attack against the opponent, and ignore up to -3 in penalties to your defense based on feints or deceptive attacks. You may defend normally, but while using this signature/trademark move, you must retreat at least once on a defense (You are “walking the path your opponent has laid out for you.”)

Mirror Fate (“The Shadow Strike”): The Akashic Knight learns that all things come in time. He has learned patience, but must now learn to act when the moment is right. The character uses his Combat Sense to find the perfect path for attack, reversing the defensive nature of Combat Sense. After successfully parrying with Combat Sense of at least 2, with a -2 penalty, make a Riposte Counter Attack. Roll Force Sword-5. Your opponent defends at -4. If you hit, deal normal damage. You may defend normally.

Challenge Fate (“The Devil’s Strike”): The Akashic Knight comes to see that time branches, and that in any given moment, multiple fates might await him. He learns to place himself in that quantum moment and, in accepting the inevitability of his fate, forces his opponent to do the same. Make a Wait (“If my opponent attacks, I make a Stop Hit”) maneuver. If your opponent attacks, you attack at the same time, making a deceptive (-4) Force Sword attack. Roll Force Sword-4. If you hit but your opponent missed or hit with a smaller margin than you did, your opponent defends at -3 (-5 if he tries to parry with the weapon he attacked with). If you hit but your opponent hit by a smaller margin than you did, you defend at -1 (-3 if you try to parry) and your opponent defends at -2. If you hit your opponent, deal damage to the torso. You may defend normally.

Open the Third Eye (“The Akashic Stance”): Where the Akashic Oracles learn to see the future and the past, the Akashic Knight masters the present. Make a Concentrate maneuver and roll Battle Precog. Success grants you Enhanced Time Sense for the remainder of the fight in place of your defense bonuses from Combat Sense. If you have Enhanced Time Sense, you automatically win Stop Hit contests provided you hit (see Challenge Fate above).

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