Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Knightly Force Swordsmanship

Duel by rodavlasalvador
Space Knights need force swords!  It's their signature weapon, which also means they need detailed ways to fight with them!  I've already written up a bunch of Force Sword styles back in Iteration 4, but now I want to revise them a little, make them a little more distinct from one another and discuss them in an aristocratic context.  I've chosen 4 styles, the Defensive Form (renamed the Old Way), and the Destructive, Courtly and Swift form as the "three dueling styles" most popular in the modern Alliance.

I understand that for most people, the force sword should be the domain of just the Jedi, but I see the "Jedi" of Psi-Wars as evolving out of an existing knightly tradition and blending it with other traditions.  Thus, they draw (and perfect!) their force swordsmanship from these styles, rather than the other way around.

I could also create a lot more styles, but I feel that one "old" style and three "new" styles should provide sufficient variety while being fairly easy to keep track of.  The three also offer sufficient contrast and focus on one-on-one dueling.

The Old Way

Alternate Names: The Guardian’s Form, Alexian Style Force Swordsmanship, Knightly Force Swordsmanship

When space knights helped forge the Alexian Empire, they used this style. They served as the vanguard of invasion forces, especially when boarding ships. With heavy armor and force buckler, they absorbed most incoming fire, and with force sword, they cut down their foes. The Old Way is Force Sword-And-Buckler Combat from Pyramid #3-9, with a couple of minor changes: replace Precognitive Block with Precognitive Defense, Feint becomes Beat, remove Chi Resistance. In Optional Traits, remove Psionic Talents and Forceful Chi.

The Old Way is slow, patient and powerful. It presents the force buckler to the opponent and keeps the force sword in reserve, waiting for an attack while slowly (or, when necessary, quickly) advancing. It prefers to react than to act, engaging in counter attacks and ripostes, but when it acts, the knight uses the force sword with complete commitment, relying on his force buckler to keep himself defended. The result is a slow, patient and defensive form, perfect for the classic space knight with force sword and buckler who has just boarded a ship and needs to advance on the enemy.

Most modern knights of the Alliance don’t bother to learn the Old Way anymore, except as a curiosity. Grimshaw knights often learn it out of a love of tradition, while members of House Kain like to learn it because they favor its battlefield practicality. Beyond that, the requirement to learn the ways of the force buckler strike most space knights as unnecessary, who want to perfect the art of the force sword or, better, the force saber. The Old Way also contains more than its fair share of cinematic techniques, so true weapon masters who want to master all intricacies of force swordmanship might learn this style to supplement what he already knows.

Signature Moves

Heroic Guardian Assault: Make a Move and Attack to Slam with your Force Shield. This requires a Shield (Force) roll at +0. Deal slam-damage +3, and your shield absorbs all damage from the attack. You may not block with your shield or retreat for the remainder of the turn.

Watchful Guardian Stance: Evaluate. This grants a +3 to your next attack and allows you to negate up to -3 in defense penalties from Feints or Deceptive Attacks. You may roll Tactics or Expert Skill (Hoplology) to gain some insight on your opponent's combat approach. If taken as a trademark move, improve the Tactics or Expert Skill (Hoplology) roll. Setup: Your opponent is defensive or used a tricky move last turn.

Defiant Guardian Stance: After Blocking a Slam or a Move and Attack (including Flying Attacks or Acrobatic attacks), make a Push attack with your Shield. Roll Swing+3 damage, inflicting no wound, and doubling the knockback effect. This move requires the Special Setup Perk (Push with Shield) and the Push skill. Setup: You Blocked a Slam or a Move and Attack.

Blade Deflecting Stance: Make a rapid strike (-6 or -3) Beat opponent's force sword (make a contest of ST-based Shield (Force) vs the better of your opponent's ST- or DX-based combat skill), and then a rapid strike (-6 or -3) attack against your opponent's weapon-arm (-2). Success inflicts 8d(5) cutting damage on the arm. Setup: You blocked a melee attack with your shield.

Bristling Guardian Counter-Charge: Wait, with the stipulation that if your opponent attacks, you'll attack at the same time. If your opponent attacks, make a Stop Hit: Roll against Force Sword to hit. If you miss and your opponent hits, or you hit and your opponent hits at a larger margin, you block at -1 and dodge at -1 (with +3 from the DB of your shield). If you hit and your opponent hits with a smaller margin or misses, he defends at -1 (-3 if he wants to parry). Deal 8d(5) burn damage to the torso.

Guardian’s Retribution: Make a Committed (+2) Deceptive (-4) attack with the Force Sword (Force Sword -2). Your opponent defends at -2. Success inflicts damage on the torso. You may not parry or retreat, and you block and dodge at -2.

The New Way

Sometimes called “the Three Forms,” where the Old Way represents the past of Force Swordsmanship, the New Way represent the modern approach to force swordsmanship, with an emphasis on the force sword alone (or, sometimes, the force saber). These tend to have a focus on defeating a single, similarly skilled opponent in a one-on-one match-up. Fighters of the New Way tend to focus on honor and prestige over battlefield glory, which means they suffer somewhat from a practical perspective.

The Destructive Form

Alternate Names: Brutal Force Swordsmanship, The Reaper’s Form, Kain Style

The Destructive Form is House Kain’s answer to the dueling styles of the other Maradon houses. While others focus on pretty tricks to distract their foes and impress the audience, Kain focus on ending the fight and teaching their opponent a lesson. It has proved a decidedly unpopular dueling style, but it serves equally well in a dueling arena as on the battlefield, and so a few in other houses have given it their grudging respect.

The Destructive Form focuses on destroying one’s opponent's ability to fight. Against opponents armed with weapons other than force swords, the stylist focuses on destroying their weapons first. Against force-sword opponents, the same tactic results in beats that batter aside their opponent's weapon and opens them up to an attack. Against all opponents, the Reaper’s form exercises patience. It tries to demolish defenses first, through a combination of eliminating weapons, pushing aside defenses, injuries to the arms or legs, shoves and stuns, and then goes in for the kill with a simple and direct attack. It also prefers the greater power, and the improved defensiveness, of the defensive grip, in and out of which it seamlessly flows. Because of their similar focus on dismemberment, patience and defensiveness, some consider the destructive form the purest heir to the Old Way.

The Reaper’s Form places a great deal of emphasis on personal strength over mobility or internal, emotional balance. Practitioners learn strikes (and sometimes kicks) to supplement their force sword attacks (and often have a reputation for being dirty fighters). Beats and shoves also place emphasis on strength. In addition to precognitive parries, cinematic practitioners of the destructive form perform feats of great strength and utter terrifying shouts.

Students of the three forms argue that the Destructive Form’s unique strengths lie in the precision with which it targets their opponent’s limbs, and its focus on pure strength, which often unbalances lighter, quicker fighters, and its willingness to accept unconventional methods to win. They argue that its greatest weaknesses are also its reliance on strength (since power and size rarely decide a duel), it’s lack of mobility and, naturally, it’s lack of crowd-pleasing moves. It tends to have the most adherents in the house of Kain.

Skills: Force Sword, Brawling

Techniques: Beat, Elbow Strike, Force-Sword Shove, Hammer Fist, Targeted Attack (Force Sword/Arm), Targeted Attack (Force Sword/Leg), Targeted Attack (Force Sword/Weapon) Targeted Attack (Force Sword Pummel/Face), Targeted Attack (Brawling Elbow Strike/Vitals)

Cinematic Skills: Immovable Stance, Kiai, Power Blow, Precognitive Defense

Cinematic Techniques: Dual-Weapon Defense (Force Sword), Timed Defense (Force Sword)

Perks: Dirty Fighting, Finishing Move (Force Sword), Grip Mastery (Force Sword), No Nuisance Roll (Precognitive Defense), Rolling Stone, Special Setup (Power Blow works with Force Sword), Sure-Footed (Uneven), Sure-Footed (Slippery), Trademark Move.

Optional Traits: Striking ST +1 to +2 [5 or 10], High Pain Threshold [10], Weapon Master (Force Sword)

Optional Skills: Armoury (Force Sword), Fast-Draw (Force Sword), Intimidation, Karate

Optional Perks: Weapon Bond (Force Sword).

Optional Techniques: Kicking

Signature Moves

The Dignity-Killing Stroke: The Destructive Form begins on the offensive. In standard grip, make a rapid pummeling strike (Karate-1 or Hammer Fist) vs target's face (-5). Roll Karate-6 or Hammer Fist-5. Deal thr(+karate bonuses) damage. If shock is inflicted, target must roll vs stun. You may defend normally. This counts a dirty trick.

The Blade-Killing Stroke: In standard grip, make an Attack against opponent's weapon with Force Sword. Roll Force Sword-4 (for long polearms or rifles) to -6 (for small weapons, like force sword hilts or pistols) and inflict 8d(5) damage. You may defend normally. Setup: Your opponent is stunned.

The Patience-Killing Stroke: The Destructive Form pushes its opponent to parry or to attack, or risk losing their ability to dodge. In Defensive Grip (-2), make a deceptive (-2, though typically reduced to 14) defensive attack to the leg (-2). Roll Force Sword (-6) to hit. Deal 8d+1(5) burn damage to the leg. The stylist defends at +1 for the remainder of the turn, with an additional +1 against forward attacks(and -1 against attacks from the rear or to the side). Setup: None, though typically if one’s opponent is defensive.

The Balance-Killing Stroke: The Destructive Form turns the tables on an aggressive opponent through strength. In defensive grip, make a Force Sword Shove (-2, with +2 from the two-handed grip). Roll ST-based Force-Sword+0 in a quick contest with your opponent’s ST-based Force Sword. If successful, apply the margin of victory as a penalty to opponent’s dodge and kicking skill. If success by 5 or more, inflict one yard of knockback (including a DX roll to avoid falling). Setup: After making a successful parry.

The Spirit-Killing Stroke: The Destructive Form batters down its opponents defenses and then destroys his opponent’s ability to fight. In Defensive Grip, make a rapid-strike Beat (-6, or -3 with Weapon Master, +2 from two-handed grip). Roll ST-based force-sword skill (-4 or -1 with weapon master) with your opponent’s ST- or DX-based force-sword skill. Success applies margin of victory as a penalty to attack and defense, while success by 5 or more unreadies the weapon. Then use Grip Mastery to shift to regular grip and make a second (-6 or -3 with Weapon Master) attack against the arm (-2) of the opponent. Roll Force-Sword (-8 or -5 with weapon master). Deal 8d(5) burn damage to the arm. Setup: Your opponent successfully parries your attack.

The Reaping Stroke: The Destructive Form has destroyed its opponents defenses, and then finishes off its opponent. Take a Step (while still keeping your opponent in one of your forward hexes) and use Grip Mastery to shift from Defensive Grip to Regular Grip, and then make an All-Out Attack to the Torso. As a special effect, this attack may be described as attacking the neck (this is cosmetic, so apply no hit location penalties, nor any hit location benefits). Roll Force Sword (+0). Deal 8d+8(5) damage. This is a Finishing Move. Setup: Opponent is stunned.

New Skills and Techniques

Force Sword Shove (Hard)

Default: Force Sword-2; cannot exceed Force Sword.

The force swordsman, after connecting with another force sword, pushes that force sword, similar to a beat, but in such a way that their entire opponent is pushed off balance. After parrying or being parried by another force sword, make a Beat against the opponent’s body. This penalizes their Dodge and kicking skill, and with a margin of success of 5 or more, inflicts one yard of knockback (and the opponent must make a DX roll or fall).

The Graceful Form

Alternate Names: The Dancer’s Form, Courtly Force Swordmanship

The Graceful Form is the oldest of the dueling styles, and may have evolved side-by-side with the Guardian’s Form. It involves highly ritualistic techniques (some schools even teach their stylists to dance before they teach them the actual fighting techniques) and involves highly kinetic movement. The result is a beautiful, if wasteful, combat display largely better suited for dueling (where its impressive moves will earn the practitioner high praise) than on the battlefield. Even so, it’s high mobility helps the force swordsman close on the enemy very quickly, meaning that quite a few knights do manage to use it effectively in the battlefield.

The Graceful Form focuses on mobility and theatricality to defeat its foes. The characters remain in near constant motion, and seek to gain an advantage on their opponent by moving to points where their opponent cannot defend well. It folds its antics into its techniques, so their opponents are never sure if the duelist actually intends to attack or not. When they finish off their opponent, they generally do so as stylishly as possible and, if that is not possible, they'll pause after victory to demonstrate an flourish artistically. This makes the style a smash hit among spectators, and is a preferred technique for gladiators, duelists, or easily-impressed young men.

The style focuses on high speed, agility and dexterity. It also relies on its opponent's inferiority. A master of the Graceful form will tear apart a novice of another form with stylish ease, but he'll certainly lose against someone of greater skill than his own. This does make the Graceful form an excellent means of disposing of unskilled opponents, however.

Students of the three forms argue that its greatest strengths are its high mobility, which serves it well even on the battlefield, and its unpredictability. By constantly staying in motion, a fighter can always find his opponent’s weakest point. The greatest weakness is its wasted motion, and while the style can be highly effective, it requires an intense amount of training to reach the dizzying heights of skill necessary to defeat opponents of the other two forms. House Elegans and House Sabine use this style more than most.

Skills: Acrobatics, Force Sword, Jumping

Techniques: Acrobatic Stand, Combat Art (Force Sword), Evade, Feint (Acrobatics or Force Sword), Spinning Attack (Force Sword)

Cinematic Skills: Flying Leap, Kiai, Power Blow, Precognitive Defense

Cinematic Techniques: Dual-Weapon Defense (Force Sword), Flying Strike, Timed Defense (Force Sword), Whirlwind Attack (Force Sword)

Perks: Acrobatic Feints, Flourish, Grip Mastery (Force Sword), Sure Footed (Uneven), Sure-Footed (Slippery), No Nuisance Rolls (Flying Leap), Trademark Move.

Optional Traits: Basic Move +1 to +2 [5/level]

Optional Perks: Weapon Bond (Force Sword).

Optional Skills: Armoury (Force Sword), Dancing, Fast-Draw (Force Sword), Force Saber, Intimidation, Savoir-Faire (High Society)

Signature Moves

The Flying Step: The stylist sails gracefully into the air, force sword spinning, and then descends on his foe like a terrible meteor. After making a full run, make a Flying Leap roll (-5) and make a Committed Flying Strike (-4) (base jump distance is 2x your move) using Force Sword Art (-3) for a total of Force Sword-7. Your opponent parries at -2 If you hit inflict triple damage at +1 per die (24d +24 (5) burning). For the rest of the turn, you may not parry, and you dodge at -2 and may not retreat. Setup: You concentrated for one turn. This is best done as the battle is just beginning.

The Trickster's Step: The stylist runs at his opponent, and then suddenly flips over the top of her, and attacks her from behind. After running full move, make an Evasion roll (-0) to bypass their opponent. Then make an Evasive Attack (-6) to attack your opponent from behind. Your opponent defends at -2 (for a runaround attack). Success strikes the torso. You may not parry Your first defense is at +2, but you may not retreat. Setup: Initial attack.

The Counter Step: The Stylist parries an attack and uses that momentum to perform a pirouette, and uses that energy to create a new attack. When attacked, make an Acrobatics roll to spin around the attack and then defend against the attack (+2 from acrobatic parry) while making a side-slip (+2) with a riposte penalty (-4). Roll parry+0. On your turn, make a Spinning attack (-2) against your foe's torso. Apply margin of success+4 as a penalty to your opponent's defense. Setup: You are attacked.

The Playful Step: The Stylist spins or tumbles around his opponent similar to the Counter, but instead of attacking, the display turns into pure acrobatics. Roll Acrobatics as a Defensive Attack (-2) Feint. Defend at +1 for the remainder of the turn, and apply a +2 to your next defense. Setup: You have used the Counter Step or the Trickster's step previously in the fight.

The Final Step: In the culmination of the Graceful Form, the stylist weaves a perfect four point kata that strikes all foes around him. Make a Whirlwind Attack(-5) using Force Sword Art (-3) for a total of -8. Attack each opponent that is one yard away in a clockwise order. You may not defend. Setup: You have at least three opponents one yard away from you.

The Triumph: After defeating a foe, the stylist spins his force sword artfully. Make a Force Sword Art roll+4 (Force Sword+1). This can either count as an intimidation roll (if the character has the Flourish perk) or success adds a +1 to reaction rolls. Setup: You have defeated a foe or knocked a foe down.

New Skills and Techniques

True Flying Strike (Hard )

Default: Prerequisite Skill-6; cannot exceed Prerequisite Skill.

This technique uses Chambara move-and-attack rules (MA 128) and thus requires Trained by a Master. The character must first move and then make a DX, Jumping or Flying Leap roll; they may jump their full jumping distance. They make their attack with True Flying Strike and do not have a cap of 9 or less. They may not retreat or parry with their attacking weapon (but see the Rapid Recovery Extra Effort option).

Evasive Attack (Hard )

Default: Prerequisite Skill-6; cannot exceed Prerequisite Skill.

This technique uses Chambara move-and-attack rules (MA 128) and thus requires Trained by a Master. The character must make an acrobatic movement (Evasion) at their opponent, rolling Acrobatics or Evasion (halving the penalties) to bypass their opponent and attack from the rear. They make their attack with Evasive and do not have a cap of 9 or less. They may not retreat or parry with their attacking weapon (but see the Rapid Recovery Extra Effort option).

The Swift Form 2 points

Alternate Names: The Duelist’s Form, Eleganian Style, Pure Force Swordsmanship

The Swift Form is the youngest of the Knightly Force Swordmanship forms. Created by the swordmaster Tyro Elegans, it strips force swordmanship down to its dueling essentials. It removes the force buckler, unarmed techniques, and the unnecessary motions of the Graceful Form, and it even uses a new weapon focused on faster parries and attacks: the force saber. This leaves only a simple, clean style with a dogmatic focus on winning duels, which is what most knights use force swordsmanship for in the modern Alliance.

The Swift Form focuses exclusively on aggressively defeating a single opponent with a force saber. It turns defense into offense, and it attacks whenever it can, hoping to either wear one's opponent down or to force him to draw his defenses to the wrong point, at which point, it achieves victory either with a delicate disarm, or by ruthlessly killing its opponent. It uses Combat Sport to make maximum use of the rules of dueling

The Swift Form has two particular approaches to dueling, a right-facing, single-bladed stance called “Tyro’s stance” and a neutral stance where the fighter wields dual blades (either two force sabers, or a force saber and a force blade) called “the Mirror Stance.” Some practitioners master both and flow freely from one stance to another (they may do so freely once per turn).

Those who seek to master all three argue that the Swift Form excels at speed, defense, counter attack and feinting with an attack. It’s also the only school focused on the force saber, and that teaches Tyro’s stance and the Mirror stance. They also argue that it’s among the easiest style’s to learn. It suffers from a lack of cinematic options, mobility, power, and with adapting to battlefield circumstances. House Elegans and House Grimshaw prefer this style.

Skills: Force Saber

Techniques: Combat Sport (Force Sword), Counter Attack (Force Sword), Disarm (Force Sword), Feint (Force Sword), Retain Weapon (Force Sword), Setup Attack (Force Sword), Targeted Attack (Force Sword/Vitals).

Cinematic Skills: Mental Strength, Precognitive Defense

Cinematic Techniques: Dual-Weapon Attack (Force Sword), Dual-Weapon Defense (Force Sword).

Perks: Deny Right (Tyro’s Stance), Off-Hand Weapon Training (Force Sword), Trademark Move, Weapon Bond (Force Sword).

Optional Traits: Ambidexterity [5], Combat Reflexes [15], Enhanced Parry (Force Sword) [5/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Unfazeable [15]

Optional Skills: Armoury (Force Sword), Fast-Draw (Force Sword), Force Sword, Intimidation, Savoir-Faire (High Society).

Optional Perk: Deny Left

Signature Moves

Instant Strike (Tyro’s Stance): The Duelist makes a Deceptive (-2) Great Lunge (Costs 1 fatigue). This increases the reach of his force saber by +1 to 1,2. He rolls Force Saber at -2 and his opponent defends at -1. Success strikes the torso. You may defend normally. If the opponent has never seen this attack before, it might surprise him; treat it as a Dirty Trick. This is usually done as a first strike in a duel, in an attempt to gain initiative and keep it.

Pointed Critique (Either): The duelist deftly (and perhaps insultingly) tests his opponent's defenses. Make a defensive force sword art (-3) setup attack (-6). Roll Force Sword -9. If successful, opponent's next parry against you is at -2 and his dodge/block is at -1. Deal 7d-7(5) burn damage. You defend at +1 for the remainder of the turn. Garner a +1 reaction roll from the audience. Setup: Your opponent is defensive.

Staggered Strike (Mirror Stance): The duelist makes a quick “half-strike” with both weapons, one right after the other, but neither connects. Make a dual-weapon (-4) feint as a defensive attack (-2). The first feint acts as a complimentary roll to the second (thus, success adds +1, failure adds -1, etc). Your opponent loses defense equal to your margin of success on the second feint. You defend at +1 for the remainder of the turn. Setup: Your opponent is defensive.

The Knightly Cross (Mirror Stance): The duelist dramatically crosses his sabers to defend against an attack and them immediately attacks as he uncrosses them. After making a cross-parry (using both weapons, +1 to defense) make a Dual-Weapon (-4) Counter Attack (-5). Roll Force Sword-9 twice. Opponent parries at -3 (Block Dodge at -2). If successful, each attack deals deal 7d(5) burn damage. Setup: You cross-parried your opponent’s attack.

Ribbons of Light (Mirror Stance): The Duelist launches a series of swift attacks while keeping one force saber back for defense. Make a Committed (+2) Rapid Strike (-12 or -6) against his opponent. Roll 3 Force-Sword attacks at -10 or -4. Each deals 7d(5) burn damage. You may not parry with the sword you attacked with, but you may parry with your off-hand sword at -2 (-4 if no off-hand weapon training). Setup: None.

Gentleman's Victory (Either): With a beautiful twist of his wrist and flip of his blade, the duelist deftly disarms his opponent. Make a Combat Art (-3) Disarm (+0) against your opponent. If you successfully strike, roll a contest of DX- or ST-based Disarm vs your opponent's DX- or ST-based Retain Weapon (he gains +2 if holding his weapon in a defensive grip). If successful, your opponent is disarmed. Gain +1 reaction from onlookers, and defend normally for the remainder of the turn. You may defend normally. Setup: Your opponent is sufficiently regal or stylish that you wish to honor them.

Dog's Defeat (Either): Setting aside pretense, the duelist buries his force saber deep into his opponent, completely focused on defeating them. Make an All-Out (+4) deceptive (-4) force saber attack for the vitals (-3). Roll at Force Saber-3. Your opponent defends at -2. If you hit, deal 7d(5) burn, x2 for striking the vitals. You may not defend for the remainder of the turn. Setup: After Pointed Critique or Staggered Strike against an opponent unworthy of your time.

New Perks

Deny Left/Deny Right: These use the optional rules presented in GURPS Martial Arts: Gladiators on page 21. Tyro Elegans, like many Elegans, was left handed and so used Deny Right and purists use Off-Hand Weapon Training to teach right-handed force swordsman to also Deny Right, but some schools simply reverse the stance and teach Deny Left. Because of the particulars of the stance, it works inefficiently with Dual Weapon Attacks.


When a noble feels his honor has been besmirched, or when two nobles reach an impasse, they may challenge one another to a duel. Such a duel is witnessed by at least two other nobles and one impartial noble who ensures that none violate the core rules of the duel (duels typically have far larger audiences than this and become spectacles for an entire court!).

The exact specifics of how duels must be fought vary from world to world and house to house, but most generalities stay the same. First, the duel must not involve anyone but the two duelists. Second, the duel must take place in a constrained environment (those who fall outside of that area during the duel forfeit the duel). Third, the duelists fight only with agreed upon weapons. Fourth, the duelists fight until one side or the other concedes, or until an agreed upon wound is inflicted (either “to the blood” which is 1 point of damage, or “to the handicap”, which is a Major wound). “To the death” is never allowed, though nobles may freely defend themselves if their opponent becomes overly aggressive. Anyone may roll Savoir-Faire (High Society), IQ-based Combat Sport, or Games (Dueling) know these rules. Games (Dueling) can be rolled to know exacting specifics, including generally accepted but esoteric rules, and a fighter may use it as a Complementary roll to any attacks that seek to end the duel on a technicality (for example, when shoving an opponent out of the fighting area, or when leaving an exact wound that needs to deal exactly enough damage), at the GM’s discretion. It can also be used to skirt the rules, such as bringing in a technically allowed weapon, or for expanding the area in which the fight can take place, or in killing one’s opponent (“He violated a rule but continued to fight, thus it was self-defense").

A well-fought duel brings more than satisfaction to its participants, it can also bring glory and honor! At the end of the duel, roll a reaction roll for each combatant. In addition to normal, appropriate reaction modifiers (appearance, charisma, etc), add +1 for each particularly clever or dramatic move made during the fight, and -1 for any particularly dirty or boring moves made. Additionally, the following skills can each be used (once) during the fight as a complementary roll for the final reaction roll: Acrobatics, Combat Art (Any), Savoir-Faire (High Society), Intimidation. A roll of 18+ can justify the character purchasing a level of reputation based on his performance.

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