Thursday, August 3, 2017

Aristocratic Personnel: Regular Infantry and Space Knights

If you're going to fight the Alliance, you need to know what you're up against.  Today's post includes both typical bodyguards and soldiers who serve the aristocracy and the knights who make up a house (or an order).  For the latter, I've included some references to genetic, psionic and martial legacies that I'll explain in more detail later!  I've simply decided to reveal the aristocracy in this particular order, because I think it makes sense to have a feel for the organization that supports the aristocracy before diving into the aristocracy itself.

Aristocratic Regulars

Regular Footman

The typical footman is extraordinarily skilled, though most are better at parade and formation than they are at adapting to the intense conditions of open battle. They serve primarily as the bodyguards of the aristocracy, the retinue of a space knight, and supplements to local militia.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 5.25

DX 10

Will 10/12

Move: 5 (4)

IQ 10

Per 10

HT 11 (12)

FP 11

SM 0

Dodge 8 (7)

Parry 9

DR: 60/20

Startrodder SC 515 Blaster Rifle (12): 6d(5), burn, Acc 8+2, Range 1000/3000, RoF 3, Bulk -6, Rcl 2, Verify Malf.

Vibro-Bayonet (12): 2d+2 (5) imp, Reach 1,2, Parry 9

Stellar Dynamics RB-5 Light Blaster Carbine: 4d+2(5) burn, Acc 8+1, Range 330/1000, RoF 10, Bulk -3, Rcl 2.

Skills: Hiking-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-15, Soldier-12.

Traits: Battle Drills, Fearless+2, Fit.

Notes: Human; Higher DR protects torso; lower DR protects all other locations except feet (DR 60) and skull (DR 40). Helmet and visor provide radio, air and night vision 9. Acts at the same time as all other members of formation, has +2 to notice something other members of the formation have noticed and can never hit another member of the formation by accident. Light Encumbrance.

Regular Tactics

Aimed Shot (18): After aiming for one turn, make an All-Out Determined (+1) Sighted (-4; masked) shot at the target; successful hit strikes the torso. If using the RB-5, add +2 for ROF. You may not defend.

Formation Fire (6+ROF): The entire formation fires en masse at the target. Treat this as suppression fire, multiplying the ROF of the shots (3 for SC-515s and 10 for RB-5s) by the number of troops in the unit (typically five) and add the ROF bonus to 6 (thus, typically 9 for SC-515s and and 14 for RB-5s).

Sacrificial Dodge (7): If an aristocrat is targeted by a lethal attack, a footman can attempt to take the hit in his stead.

Regular Guardian

Many Regulars serve a bodyguards, including the regulars above. Most bodyguards, however, prefer melee weapons, both for their impressive display, their traditional appearance, and their superior effectiveness in close quarters. If regular footmen use melee weapons in the defense of their lords, use the stat block below.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 5.25

DX 10

Will 10/12

Move: 5 (4)

IQ 10

Per 10

HT 11 (12)

FP 11

SM 0

Dodge 8 (7)

Parry 9

DR: 60/20

Plasma Lance
(12): 5dx2(10) burn ex, Acc 2, Range 6/60, RoF 1, Bulk -6, Rcl 3.

Force Lance (12): 6d(5) burn; Reach 2, 3*; Parry 0.

Skills: Hiking-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-15, Soldier-12.

Traits: Battle Drills, Fearless+2, Fit.

Notes: Human; Higher DR protects torso; lower DR protects all other locations except feet (DR 60) and skull (DR 40). Helmet and visor provide radio, air and night vision 9. Acts at the same time as all other members of formation, has +2 to notice something other members of the formation have noticed and can never hit another member of the formation by accident. Light Encumbrance.

Regular Tactics

Cover Suspect (Plasma Lance) (14): After aiming for one turn, wait, wit the stipulation that if the covered suspect attacks, you’ll attack first. On an attack, make an hip-fired (+1 on cascading waits) attack. Success hits the target’s torso. You may defend normally.

Cover Suspect (Force Lance) (16): Wait, with the stipulation that if your covered suspect attacks, you’ll attack first. Make an All-Out Attack (Determined +4) attack to hit. Success strikes the target’s torso. You may not defend.

Sacrificial Dodge (7): If an aristocrat, or your protected target, is targeted by a lethal attack, a footman can attempt to take the hit in his stead.

Regular Officer

The typical footman is extraordinarily skilled, though most are better at parade and formation than they are at adapting to the intense conditions of open battle. They serve primarily as the bodyguards of the aristocracy, the retinue of a space knight, and supplements to local militia.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 5.25

DX 10

Will 12/12

Move: 5 (4)

IQ 12

Per 12

HT 11 (12)

FP 11

SM 0

Dodge 8 (7)

Parry 9

DR: 60/20

Stellar Dynamics
RB-5 Light Blaster Carbine: 4d+2(5) burn, Acc 8+1, Range 330/1000, RoF 10, Bulk -3, Rcl 2.

Skills: Hiking-12, Leadership-12, Observation 12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-15, Soldier-12, Tactics-12.

Traits: Battle Drills, Fearless+2, Fit, Military Rank 3.

Notes: Human; Higher DR protects torso; lower DR protects all other locations except feet (DR 60) and skull (DR 40). Helmet and visor provide radio, air and night vision 9. Acts at the same time as all other members of formation, has +2 to notice something other members of the formation have noticed and can never hit another member of the formation by accident. Light Encumbrance.

Regular Officer Tactics

Aimed Shot (18): After aiming for one turn, make an All-Out Determined (+1) Sighted (-4; masked) shot at the target; successful hit strikes the torso. If using the RB-5, add +2 for ROF. You may not defend.

Rally (12): Every (mook) member of the ranger’s squad (up to 10 men) gain +1 to fright checks and may ignore disadvantages harmful to combat for the duration of combat, so long as the leader lives.

Strategem (12): If the tactician wins a contest of tactics with his opponents, he may grant one free reroll to his squad

Knights of the Alliance

Aristocratic Houses

Each house has its own unique genetic and psionic heritage, which can be applied on a case-by-case basis for most characters. The rules below, however, assume that the knights presented are done as a group, a faceless squadron of knightly opponents. Thus, for simplicity, use the following alternations to represent the “typical” members of each house.

House Sabine

Sabine Grace: +1 DX (increase all attacks by +1)

Sabine Foresight: Combat Sense 2 (Skill 15; Replaces Combat Reflexes; Increase Defenses by +1)

House Grimshaw

Grimshaw Detahment: Unfazeable

Grimshaw Deflection: EK Shield 4 (DR 20 (Energy attacks only); Skill 15; Technique: Blaster Deflection -12 (Hardens DR 3 times against blasters);

House Elegans

Eleganian Ferocity: +1 Basic Speed (+1 Move, +1 dodge), +2 Will

Eleganian Terror: Instill Terror (Skill 15)

House Kain

Psi-Less: Remove Precognitive Parry.

Kainian Might: +2 ST, High Pain Threshold (For simplicity, all unarmed and shield-bash attacks gain +1 cr damage; reduce encumbrance by one level)

Kainian Cybernetics: +5 HP, DR 40 (Skull only), DR 20 (Rest of body; Crushing only). Add the following tactic:

Detonate: Activate internal bombs; Deal 5dx10 cr; die in explosion.

Traditional Alliance Knight

Most knights of the Alliance no longer use the outdated tactics and equipment of a more elegant, bygone age, and have long since moved on to Modern Alliance Knights below. That said, traditional armor provides superior protection to all but the most modern Imperial armor and the knightly force swordsmanship remains an exceptionally valid approach to combat. Lacking in psionics, Kain Knights prefer this approach, as the superior armor, paired with their own innate toughness and their cybernetics, make them a formidable force. Grimshaw, out of love of tradition, often fields this sort of knight as well, and delights in pairing it with their EK shield to simply walk through blaster fire.

Modify traditional space knights by their House and by their chosen force swordsmanship style.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 6.0

DX 12

Will 11/13

Move: 4

IQ 11

Per 11

HT 11 (12)

FP 11

SM -0

Ddg 10 (8)

Parry 11

DR: 90

Force Sword
(15): 8d+4(5) burn; Reach 1, 2; Parry 11

Skills: Leadership-12, Precognitive Parry-15, Savoir-Faire (High Society)-15, Tactics-12, Vacuum Suit-15

Traits: Combat Reflexes, Fit.

Notes: Human; Choose a house package above! Armor gaps and chinks at -1 to target; Armor gaps provide DR 40, armor chinks provide 65 DR. Medium Encumbrance

Traditional Knightly Tactics

Choose either the Old Way (Sabine, Grimshaw, Kain) or The Destructive Form (Kain)

The Old Way

Add Force Buckler (15): 1d-1 cr; Reach C; Block 11. Force Buckler provides +3 DB and 100 DR.

Add Style Familiarity (the Old Way).

Heroic Guardian Assault (15): Make a Move and Attack to Slam with your Force Shield. This requires a Shield (Force) roll at +0. Deal 1d+2 cr, and your shield absorbs all damage from the attack. You may not block with your shield or retreat for the remainder of the turn.

Watchful Guardian Stance: Evaluate. This grants a +3 to your next attack and allows you to negate up to -3 in defense penalties from Feints or Deceptive Attacks.

Blade Deflecting Stance (11/9): Make a Committed (+2) rapid strike (-6) Beat opponent's force sword (11), and then a rapid strike (-6) attack against your opponent's weapon-arm (-2). Opponent parries at a penalty equal to your margin of success, or cannot parry if he loses by 5 or more. Success inflicts 8d(5) cutting damage on the arm. You may not block or parry and you may not retreat, and you dodge at -2.

The Destructive Form

Add Grip Mastery (Force Sword) and Style Familiarity (the Destructive Form). Knights will often retain Defensive Grip (+1 parry against frontal attacks, -1 parry from side/rear attacks)

The Dignity-Killing Stroke (12): In standard grip, make a rapid pummeling strike vs target's face. Deal 1d cr damage. If shock is inflicted, target must roll vs stun. You may defend normally.

The Spirit-Killing Stroke (12): In Defensive Grip, make a Committed rapid-strike Beat (15). Success applies margin of victory as a penalty to attack and defense, while success by 5 or more unreadies the opponent’s weapon. Then make a second attack against the arm of the opponent (13). Deal 8d(5) burn damage to the arm. You may not parry or retreat and defend at -2. Setup: Your opponent successfully parries your attack.

The Reaping Stroke (15): Take a Step (while still keeping your opponent in one of your forward hexes) and use Grip Mastery to shift from Defensive Grip to Regular Grip, and then make an All-Out Attack (Strong) to the Torso. As a special effect, this attack may be described as attacking the neck (this is cosmetic, so apply no hit location penalties, nor any hit location benefits). Deal 8d+8(5) damage. This is a Finishing Move. Setup: Opponent is stunned.

Modern Alliance Knight

The Space Knights of the Alliance tend to concern themselves more with dueling than with war and rarely serve on the battlefield. Even so, a fully trained space knight in full dueling regalia can still pose an enormous challenge, especially when faced in relatively small battlefields, such as battles in the halls of a fortress, the grand chambers of a temple, or the corridors of a great warship. Their armor weighs them down less, and their combat techniques favor speed, aggression and agility over power. Every House but Kain fields Modern Space Knights, but especially House Sabine and House Elegans.

Modify the space knight below by his House lens, and choose one style below.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 6.0

DX 12

Will 11/13

Move: 5

IQ 11

Per 11

HT 11 (12)

FP 11

SM -0

Ddg 10 (9)

Parry 11

DR: 40

Force Sword
(15): 8d+4(5) burn; Reach 1, 2; Parry 11

Force Saber (16): 7d(5) burn; Reach 1; Parry 12

Skills: Leadership-12, Precognitive Parry-15, Savoir-Faire (High Society)-15, Tactics-12, Vacuum Suit-15

Traits: Combat Reflexes, Fit.

Notes: Human; Choose a house package above! DR is flexible; weapon arm protected by 160 DR, head and feet by 80 DR. Light Encumbrance.

Modern Knightly Tactics

Choose either The Graceful Form (Elegans, Sabine) or The Swift Form (Elegans, Grimshaw)

The Graceful Form

Add Acrobatics-15, Flying Leap-15, Style Familiarity (Courtly Force Swordsmanship), Vigorous Assault.

The Sudden Step (15): Make a Heroic Charge (1 fatigue) and make a Move and Attack (+0) at his opponent. Opponent defends normally. You may defend normally (Vigorous Assault).

The Counter Step (13): When attacked, make an Acrobatics roll to spin around the attack and then defend against the attack (+2 from acrobatic parry) while making a side-slip (+2) with a riposte penalty (-4). Roll parry+0. On your turn, make a Spinning attack (-2) against your foe's torso. Apply margin of success+4 as a penalty to your opponent's defense.

The Triumph (19): After defeating a foe, make a Force Sword Art roll+4. This acts as an intimidation roll.

The Swift Form

Add Off-Hand Weapon Training (Force Sword or Force Saber), Style Familiarity (Pure Force Swordsmanship).

Pointed Critique (10): Make a defensive setup attack (-6). If successful, opponent's next parry against you is at -2 and his dodge/block is at -1. Deal 7d-7(5) burn damage. You defend at +1 for the remainder of the turn.

Ribbons of Light (12/12): Make a Committed (+2) Rapid Strike (-6) against his opponent. Roll 2 Force-Saber attacks at -4. Each deals 7d(5) burn damage. You may not parry with the sword you attacked with, but you may parry with your off-hand sword at -2.

Dog's Defeat (13): Make an All-Out (+4) deceptive (-4) force saber attack for the vitals (-3). Your opponent defends at -2. If you hit, deal 7d(5) burn, x2 for striking the vitals. You may not defend for the remainder of the turn.

Knightly Fighter Ace

While not strictly isolated to knights, many modern space knights have discarded antiquated hand-to-hand combat in favor of more exciting and fruitful starfighters, and many knights study both disciplines! Allied nobility can easily afford their own starfighters and often make up the bulk of the Alliances fighter aces. Grimshaw and Sabine, in particular, tend to field many knights-as-fighter aces.

As usual, when choosing a knightly NPC, modify them according to their house, above.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 6.0

DX 12

Will 11/13

Move: 6

IQ 11

Per 11

HT 11 (12)

FP 11

SM -0

Ddg 10

Parry 11

DR: 20

Stellar Dynamics PB-9 Blaster Pistol: Dmg 3d+1(5) burn, Acc 4, Range 370/1100, RoF 3, Bulk -2, Rcl 2

Skills: Artillery (Guided Missile)-15, Gunner (Beams)-15, Leadership-12, Mechanic (Starship)-12, Pilot (Starfighter)-15, Savoir-Faire (High Society)-15, Tactics-12, Vacuum Suit-15

Traits: Combat Reflexes, Fit.

Notes: Human; Choose a house package above! DR is flexible; skull is protected by DR 40! No Encumbrance.

Knightly Fighter Ace Tactics

Shake, Rattle and Roll (12/16/14): Make a Stunt (-4). If you fail by 5 or less, go into an uncontrolled drift this turn. If you fail by more than 5, your engines are disabled or you crash into the nearest object (asteroid etc). If you succeed, make a Close (Aggressive Maneuver) with Pilot at +1 (+2 from Stunt, -1 from multitasking). Make a full RoF attack on a single target (Gunner (Beams) + RoF bonus, -1 from multitasking). You may defend normally.

Kickstop (12/14/14): Cut all acceleration. Make a Stunt (-4). If you fail by 5 or less, go into an uncontrolled drift this turn. If you fail by more than 5, your engines are disabled or you crash into the nearest object (asteroid etc). If you succeed, make a Reversal (Reversal Maneuver) with Pilot at -1 and using your opponent's Acceleration Bonus. If you succeed, you are Advantaged. Make a full RoF attack on a single target (Gunner (Beams) + RoF bonus -1 for multitasking). You may defend normally.

Rock'n'Roll (16/10+ROF): Make a Dedicated (+3) Closing Maneuver (Aggressive Maneuvering) with Pilot at +1. Make a Fast-Firing (-4) Beam Weapons (-4 + RoF -2 for Multitasking). You may not defend.

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