Thursday, July 20, 2017

Alliance Militia Personnel

Militia Strategies

Militias focus almost exclusively on defense, and each militia has its own approach to defense (which makes coordinating between multiple militia somewhat difficult!). To simplify, consider three strategies below, each of which offers some optional traits that members of a militia following that strategy might have.


The militia uses trench warfare, embanked guns, minefields and planetary shields to create impenetrable zones of control that the enemy cannot bypass.

Optional traits:

  • Barricade Tactics [1]. Militia in cover apply an additional -1 to opponents attempting to shoot at them, giving opponents a -3 rather than -2.
  • Cool under Fire [1]. Militia ignore the -2 for pop-up attacks (this increases all “Fire from Cover” Tactics by +2!).
  • Enhanced Dodge (Dive for Cover) [5]. Militia have +1 to defend from explosions.


The militia relies on mobility, vehicular supports and “defense in depth” to defeat the enemy. The create a flow, flexible defensive line that can absorb the enemy’s advance, and flow around the enemy lines for a counter attack.

Optional traits:

  • Move Under Cover [1]. Assume the NPCs always find cover, if any is remotely available, at the end of a move on foot.
  • Motorized Training [1]. Ignore penalties for firing from a moving vehicle if a passenger. Gain the following tactic:
    • Fire on the Move (+1 to base skill): While aboard a moving vehicle (-0) as a passanger, make an All-Out (+1) Sighted attack with your weapon, firing a single shot at your opponent. You may not defend (but your vehicle may).
  • Basic Move +1 [5].


The militia fights using asymmetrical tactics against a superior foe. They prefer to fade into the terrain, to break apart under attack and reform later, which makes them maddeningly difficult to defeat, though it does little to actually protect the land or infrastructure.

Optional traits:

  • Dead Eye [1]. The nameless NPC may aim for 4 turns for a maximum accuracy bonus of +3 (rather than +2). Gain the following tactic:
    • Careful Aim (+Accuracy+5 to base skill): After aiming for 4 turns, apply full accuracy +3 from weapon and make an All-Out (+1) Sighted attack with your weapon, firing a single shot at your opponent. You may not defend.
  • Sure-Footed (Terrain): Ignore up to -2 to attack penalties for a specific terrain, or -1 to defense penalties for a specific terrain.
  • Fit [5].

Alternate Militiamen

All militia listed below are designed with urban or plains environments in mind and represent “generic” militiamen. Most militia integrate more closely with their environment, including camouflage unique to the environments of their world. For alternate environments, consider adjusting the equipment as noted below.

Arctic or Mountain Militia

Replace standard uniform with a winter uniform or replace armor and uniform with arctic armor, which provides DR 45 (15 vs crushing) to the arms, legs and torso. Both typically wear goggles (Nictitating Membrane 10 and protected vision). For Mountain militia, add Climbing-12.

Desert Militia

Replace standard uniform with a summer uniform or replace armor and uniform with desert armor, which provides DR 30 (10 vs crushing) to the arms, legs and torso. Both typically wear goggles (Nictitating Membrane 10 and protected vision) and an airmask with filter. Airmasks, if worn, apply a -4 to all sighted attacks.

Forest Militia

Forest militia often wear nightvision goggles (4x magnification, night vision 9, nictitating membrane 10, protected vision), and a vibro-blade.They gain the following tactic:

  • Vibro Assault (16): Make an All-Out Attack (Determined) with your vibroblade. Opponent defends normally. On a hit, deal 2d+4 (5) cut to the torso.

Jungle or Swamp Militia

Replace standard uniform with a summer uniform or replace armor and uniform with expedition armor, which provides DR 15 (5 vs crushing) to the arms, legs and torso. Swamp militia often wear an airmask. Jungle militia often wear nightvision goggles (4x magnification, night vision 9, nictitating membrane 10, protected vision), an airmask and a vibro-blade. Airmasks, if worn, apply a -4 to all sighted attacks. They gain the following tactic:

  • Vibro Assault (16): Make an All-Out Attack (Determined) with your vibroblade. Opponent defends normally. On a hit, deal 2d+4 (5) cut to the torso.

Alternate Militia Weaponry

The Alliance has access to a far broader spectrum of equipment than the Empire does. They tend to draw most of their equipment from one of three sources:

  • Rook & Law: A centuries old industrial cooperative preferred by rural inhabitants for their reliability.
  • Startrodder: A corporation known for its military weaponry; it has a long tradition of arming the Federation and was one of the first corporations to side with the Alliance against the Empire.
  • Stellar Dynamics: A newer arms manufacturer with a focus on civilian markets, and with a sleek design aesthetic

The typical planetary militia uses Startrodder weaponry; rural or poor militia might favor Rook & Law, while sleek and well-funded militia might use Stellar Dynamics. In that case, replace the following weapons with:

Scattershot Blaster: GD 870 “Trench Blaster” Scattershot Blaster may be replaced with:

  • Rook & Law “Outlander” 683 Blaster Shotgun: Dmg 3d(2) burn, Acc 6, Range 400/1200, RoF 1x12, Bulk -4, Rcl 1 or Dmg 7d (3) burn, Acc 8, RoF 1, Rcl 2. May not fire hotshots;
  • Stellar Dynamics SB-87Suppressor” Scattershot Blaster: Dmg 2d+1(2) burn, Acc 6, Range 75/230, RoF 3x12, Bulk -4, Rcl 1 or Dmg 5d(3) burn, Acc 8, Range 75/230, RoF 3, Rcl 2.

Carbine: SC 760 Carbine may be replaced with:

  • Rook & Law Huntsman 844 Blaster Rifle: Dmg 6d+1(5) burn, Acc 8, Range 750/2100, ROF 1, Bulk -5, Rcl 2. May not fire hotshots.
  • Stellar Dynamics RB-5 Light Blaster Carbine: Dmg 4d+2(5) burn, Acc 8+1, Range 330/1000, RoF 10, Bulk -3, Rcl 2.
Rifle: SC 515 Blaster Rifle may be replaced with:
  • Rook & Law Huntsman 844 Blaster Rifle: Dmg 6d+1(5) burn, Acc 8, Range 750/2100, ROF 1, Bulk -5, Rcl 2. May not fire hotshots.
  • Stellar Dynamics RSB-1 Blaster Rifle: Dmg 6d(5) burn, Acc 8+3, Range 1100/3300, RoF 3, Bulk -5, Rcl 2.

Repeating Blaster: LRX-550 Repeating “Steam” Blaster may be replaced with:

  • Rook & Law Dragoon 870 Gatling Blaster: Dmg 7d (5) burn, Acc 12, Range 750/2200, ROF 16, Bulk -7, Rcl 2. May not fire hotshots

Alliance Militiaman

Militiamen make up the backbone of every planetary militia. While they train regularly, they serve primarily as reservists, keeping their arms and armor at home, and flying into battle at a moment’s notice. As a result, they tend to be less disciplined or devoted than a professional soldier, but that doesn’t mean they lack heart, fighting spirit or the ability to hold their ground.

Militiamen typically serve in all militia, regardless of preferred tactics or environment, but they do vary based on the typical environments of the world. The militiaman shown below is typical of militias that serve in plain, island or urban environments; for alternate militia, see Alternate Militiamen.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 5.25

DX 10

Will 10

Move: 5 (4)

IQ 10

Per 10

HT 11

FP 11

SM -0

Dodge 8 (7)

Parry 9

DR: 80/50

Startrodder 760 Carbine (12): 5d(5) burn (Acc 8+1, Range 800/2400 RoF 3, Bulk -4)

Carbine Butt (12): 1d+1 cr

Grenade (12): 6dx5 cr exp inc

(Range 35 yards, +4 if you aim for the ground, 1 turn to ready, 2 seconds to blow)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-10, Camouflage-12 (14), Hiking-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-10, Soldier-10.

Traits: None

Notes: Human; Listed DR protects torso only; lower DR is vs crushing. Helmet provides skull with DR 60 and boots provide DR 40. Wears camouflage suitable for his homeworld, which provides +2 camouflage. Light Encumbrance.

Militiaman Tactics

Fire from Cover (11): Come out of cover and make a sighted, all-out (determined) pop-up (-2) attack against the enemy. Return to cover. You may not defend.

Focus Fire (21): While you have a weapon braced either on the ground or on cover, aim. If you have already aimed, make a sighted, all-out determined attack on your opponent's torso. You may not defend, but because you are prone or behind cover, apply a -2 to any attempts to hit you.

Alliance Veteran

Typically, enthusiastic and idealistic volunteers make up the bulk of a militia, and militia tend not to train their soldiers to elite efficiency. However, the rigors of war can forge even the softest man into someone as hard at steel. Veterans have seen engagement after engagement, perhaps protecting a world in a hard-fought war, or perhaps after a long campaign serving beneath a nobleman. Either way, Veterans know and understand war well, making them far tougher to kill, far quicker, and able to rally men with their superior experience and leadership.

ST 12

HP 14

Speed 6

DX 12

Will 11/13

Move: 6 (5)

IQ 11

Per 10

HT 12

FP 12

SM -0

Dodge 10(9)

Parry 11

DR: 80/50

Startrodder 760 Carbine (15): 5d(5) burn (Acc 8+1, Range 800/2400 RoF 3, Bulk -4)

Carbine Butt (15): 1d+1 cr

Grenade (15): 6dx5 cr exp inc

(Range 35 yards, +4 if you aim for the ground, 1 turn to ready, 2 seconds to blow)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-12, Camouflage-12 (14), Leadership-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-12, Soldier-15

Traits: Combat Reflexes;

Notes: Human; Listed DR protects torso only; lower DR is vs crushing. Helmet provides skull with DR 60 and boots provide DR 40. Wears camouflage suitable for his homeworld, which provides +2 camouflage. Light Encumbrance.

Veteran Tactics

Fire from Cover (14): Come out of cover and make a sighted, all-out (determined) pop-up (-2) attack against the enemy. Return to cover. You may not defend.

Focus Fire (24): While you have a weapon braced either on the ground or on cover, aim. If you have already aimed, make a sighted, all-out determined attack on your opponent's torso. You may not defend, but because you are prone or behind cover, apply a -2 to any attempts to hit you.

Rally (12): Every (mook) member of the ranger’s squad (up to 10 men) gain +1 to fright checks and may ignore disadvantages harmful to combat for the duration of combat, so long as the leader lives.

Strategem (12): If the tactician wins a contest of tactics with his opponents, he may grant one free reroll to his squad

Alliance Artillerist

Preferred Tactic: Hard

An artillerist operates the heavy firepower of the Alliance. While the Artillerist is most common in militias that use the “Hard” defense strategies of trench warfare, where he operates the heavy cannons and howitzers to blast his enemies to bits, most strategies find some use for a man who knows how to bring heavy firepower! The artillerist below is written from the perspective of man-portable firepower, but many make use of heavier guns.

ST 12

HP 12

Speed 5.25

DX 10

Will 10

Move: 5 (3)

IQ 10

Per 10

HT 11 (12)

FP 11

SM 0

Dodge 8 (6)

Parry 9

DR: 80/50

Startrodder LRX-550 Repeating “Steam” Blaster (12): 5d(5) burn, Acc 8, Range 600/1800, RoF 8 or 10d(5) burn, Acc 8, Range 600/1800, RoF 1; Bulk -4.

IML (12): 6dx10(10) cr inc + linked 8d cr ex [3d], Acc 3, Range 750/6000, RoF 1, Bulk -4

Skills: Artillery-12, Area Knowledge (Local)-10, Camouflage-12 (14), Gunner (Beams)-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-12, Soldier-12.

Traits: None.

Notes: Human; Listed DR protects torso only; lower DR is vs crushing. Helmet provides skull with DR 60 and boots provide DR 40. Wears camouflage suitable for his homeworld, which provides +2 camouflage. Medium Encumbrance.

Artillerist Tactics

Suppression Fire (8): While firing from the hip, move up to 3 yards and make an unsighted All-Out Attack (Suppression fire) using RoF 8. Anyone under the suppression zone can be hit (to a maximum of 8 targets) and must make a Will or Will-based Soldier roll (Add Fearlessness as a bonus, +2 from Combat Reflexes, and characters with Unfazeable automatically succeed) to expose themselves to the suppression fire zone. Successful hits strike a random hit location. Gain +2 to Fast-Draw or to act first during a cascading wait. You may not defend.

Spread Fire (13): While you have a weapon braced either on the ground or on cover, make a sighted, all-out (Determined) attack, dividing your 8 ROF in up to two ROF 4 attacks against up to two targets. You may not defend, but because you are prone or behind cover, apply a -2 to any attempts to hit you.

Alliance Combat Engineer

Preferred Tactic: Hard

Combat Engineers dig trenches, set-up razor wire, and lay mine-fields. They also excel at Forced Entry and demolitions. They usually carry three to five charges, either 1.25 lb of HEX-6 (8dx4 cr ex) or a small plasma charge (6dx6 cr ex) as well as assorted engineering tools.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 5.25

DX 10

Will 11

Move: 5 (3)

IQ 11

Per 11

HT 11

FP 11

SM 0

Dodge 8 (6)

Parry 9

DR: 80/50

Startrodder GD 870 Scattershot Blaster (12): Dmg 3d+2(2) burn, Acc 6, Range 350/1000, RoF 2x12, Bulk -4, Rcl -1 or Dmg 8d (3) burn, Acc 8, RoF 2, Rcl 2

Trench Tool (12): 1d+3 cr

Plasma Charge (12): 6dx6 cr exp inc (Must be planted and remotely triggered)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-12, Camouflage-12(14), Engineering (Combat)-15, Explosives (Demolition)-15, Forced Entry-15, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-10, Soldier-12, Traps-12.

Traits: None.

Notes: Human; Listed DR protects torso only; lower DR is vs crushing. Helmet provides skull with DR 60 and boots provide DR 40. Wears camouflage suitable for his homeworld, which provides +2 camouflage. Medium Encumbrance.

Pilot Tactics

Fire from Cover (13): Come out of cover and make a sighted, all-out (determined) (+1) pop-up (-2) attack against the enemy using ROF 12 (+2). Return to cover. You may not defend.

Focus Fire (28): While you have a weapon braced (+1 acc) either on the ground or on cover, aim (+6). If you have already aimed, make a sighted, all-out determined (+1) attack on your opponent's torso using full ROF 24 (+4). You may not defend, but because you are prone or behind cover, apply a -2 to any attempts to hit you.

Alliance Pilot

Preferred Tactic: Mobile

The planetary defense forces of the Alliance often deploy their own vehicles, especially to provide air-support for the rest of their militia. Most militias will deploy some sort of vehicle, but those who focus on Mobile Defense use them to a far greater degree, and with greater effectiveness, than most other militias. The Alliance pilots generally work to protect their planet and aren’t well suited to surviving if they fight in space and suffer a catastrophic failure. Even so, they sometimes join greater alliance fleets and serve as back-up pilots for the elite of the Alliance Regulars.

ST 10

HP 10

Speed 5.5

DX 12

Will 11

Move: 5.5

IQ 11

Per 11

HT 10

FP 10

SM 0

Dodge 8

Parry 9

DR: 45/15

Stellar Dynamics PB-9 Blaster Pistol (12): Dmg 3d+1(5) burn, Acc 4, Range 370/1100, RoF 3, Bulk -2, Rcl 2.

Punch (12): Dmg 1d-3 cr

Skills: Artillery (Guided Missile)-12, Area Knowledge (Local)-12, Gunner (Beams)-12, Mechanic (Vehicle)-12, Pilot (Any)-12, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-10, Soldier-10.

Traits: None

Notes: Human; Listed DR protects torso only; lower DR is vs crushing. Beneath flight suit vest, a coverall protects arms and legs with DR 5. Helmet provides skull with DR 60 and boots provide DR 40. Often wears an air-mask and has an emergency air supply that will last for 20 minutes. No Encumbrance.

Pilot Tactics

Fire from Cover (11): Come out of cover and make a sighted, all-out (determined) (+1) pop-up (-2) attack against the enemy. Return to cover. You may not defend.

Fire on the Move (10): Make a Move and Attack (-2) with full ROF (+0). Your target defends normally and any hits strike a random hit location. You may defend normally, but you may not drop.

Alliance Assault Strikers

Preferred Tactic: Mobile

Mobile tactics typically require strong, brave men willing to charge at the enemy, especially to get around their flanks or to drive them from cover. An Assault Striker imitates the core role of all Imperial Troopers in that they represent a form of shock trooper who pushes the fight to the enemy. The Alliance’s lighter armor and smaller weapons allow greater mobility at the cost of greater vulnerability and less staying power. They work best when combined with other soldiers who can support them. They also fulfill a scout role in militias that don’t also have rangers or commandos. Assault Strikers work best in terrain with plenty of cover for them to exploit or flank while still allowing relatively free movement, including forests, jungles and mountains.

ST 12

HP 12

Speed 6

DX 12

Will 10/12

Move: 7

IQ 10

Per 10

HT 12

FP 12

SM 0

Dodge 10

Parry 10

DR: 80/50

Startrodder LR 555-S Assault Blaster (15): Dmg 3d+2(5) burn, Acc 6, Range 400/1200, RoF 8, Bulk -2, Rcl 2, Cost $8500.

Grenade (12): 6dx5 cr exp inc

(Range 35 yards, +4 if you aim for the ground, 1 turn to ready, 2 seconds to blow)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-12, Camouflage-12(14), Hiking-15, Observation-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Running-15, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-12, Soldier-12.

Traits: Combat Reflexes

Notes: Human; Listed DR protects torso only; lower DR is vs crushing. Helmet provides skull with DR 60 and boots provide DR 40. Wears camouflage suitable for his homeworld, which provides +2 camouflage. No Encumbrance.

Striker Tactics

Fire from Cover (15): Come out of cover and make a sighted, all-out (determined) pop-up (-2) at full ROF 8 (+1) attack against the enemy. Your target defends normally and any hits strike a random hit location. Return to cover. You may not defend.

Forward Assault (14): Make a Move and Attack (-2) with full RoF 8 (+1). Your target defends normally and any hits strike a random hit location. You may defend normally, but you may not drop.

Spotting (12): Make an observation roll against a target you can see and shout out some advice to a nearby ally. The observation roll acts as a complimentary roll for their attack (success provides +1, critical success provides +2, failure provides -1, etc). You may defend normally.

Alliance Ranger

Preferred Tactic: Deception

Some Alliance forces work more closely with their world’s terrain than others. Rangers often work as hunters or guides, who later join the local militia as scouts, turning their lethal skills against human prey. Rangers tend to work best with deceptive militias, as they can easily melt into rough terrain, spy on the enemy, and then harass then with sniper fire. They also often make use of traps, all of which require a Traps roll to set up (See DF 16 for more details!), including :

Covered Pit: Roll Per-based Traps vs Camouflage (12) or fall

Dead Fall: Roll Per-based Traps vs Camouflage (12) or have rocks/tree fall on you. Roll Dodge (-2 if no Danger Sense), +3 for Dive for Cover. Deals 10d cr damage.

Spring Snare: Roll Per-Based Traps vs Camouflage (12) or be trapped and “dangled” if you are ST 20 or less, until someone cuts the rope (DR 1, HP 2).

The Ranger listed below is generic, appropriate for “Urban” or “Plains” environments. They often adapt to their local environment; consider applying the alternate militia equipment for unusual terrain!

ST 10

HP 10

Speed 5.5

DX 10

Will 11

Move: 5.5

IQ 11

Per 12

HT 12

FP 12

SM 0

Dodge 8

Parry 9

DR: 45/15

Startrodder SC 515 Blaster Rifle (12): 6d(5) burn (Acc 8+2, Range 1000/3000 RoF 3, Bulk -6)

Vibro-Knife (12): 1d(5) imp or 2d (5) cut (Reach C)

Grenade (12): 6dx5 cr exp inc

(Range 35 yards, +4 if you aim for the ground, 1 turn to ready, 2 seconds to blow)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-12, Camouflage-12(14), Climbing-12, Forward Observer-12, Hiking-12, Observation-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-10, Soldier-10, Stealth-12, Survival-12, Swimming-12, Tracking-12, Traps-12.

Traits: Night Vision 2;

Notes: Human; Listed DR protects torso only; lower DR is vs crushing. Helmet provides skull with DR 60 and boots provide DR 40. Wears camouflage suitable for his homeworld, which provides +2 camouflage. No Encumbrance.

Ranger Tactics

Vanish (7): At the beginning of a fight, you may attempt to vanish and get the drop on his opponent. Roll Vanish (ignore modifiers for stealth at the beginning of a fight). Success means he may attack one opponent “from behind.” He may not do this at any other point in the fight.

Snipe (21): After a single aiming action, make an All-Out Attack (Determined). Successful hit strikes the torso. You may not defend.

Remove Sentry (16/11): If the target is unaware of your presence, make a telegraphic grapple for the head (16). You may defend normally. If your target is grappled, make an all-out (Determined) swing cutting attack with the blade on the target's neck (11). Opponent dodges at -1 or parries at -2. If you hit, deal 2d(5) cut to the neck and double all damage that penetrates DR. You may not defend.

Spotting (12): Make an observation roll against a target you can see and shout out some advice to a nearby ally. The observation roll acts as a complimentary roll for their attack (success provides +1, critical success provides +2, failure provides -1, etc). You may defend normally.

Alliance Commando

Preferred Tactic: Deception

Commandos focus on infiltrating the enemy, often by making use of local civilian clothing or their exception stealth and camouflage mastery. Once close by, they can destroy communications, damage infrastructure, and ambush their disoriented targets. They tend to carry relatively light weapons better suited to attacking on the move (choose one of the Assault Blaster or the Scattershot blaster below). They usually carry charges, either 1.25 lb of HEX-6 (8dx4 cr ex) or a small plasma charge (6dx6 cr ex). Once they’ve blown their explosives, they’ll open fire from cover, and then retreat, usually under the cover of supporting snipers (such as Rangers).

The Commando below is a generic commando typical of an urban environment. Commandos certainly integrate with the local environment, and might carry alternate arms and armor appropriate to the sort of environment they find themselves fighting in. See Alternate Miltia for examples.

ST 10

HP 10

Speed 6

DX 12

Will 12/14

Move: 6

IQ 12

Per 12

HT 12

FP 12

SM 0

Dodge 10

Parry 11

DR: 45/15

Startrodder LR 555-S Assault Blaster (15): Dmg 3d+2(5) burn, Acc 6, Range 400/1200, RoF 8, Bulk -2, Rcl 2, Cost $8500.

Startrodder GD 870 Scattershot Blaster (15): Dmg 3d+2(2) burn, Acc 6, Range 350/1000, RoF 2x12, Bulk -4, Rcl -1 or Dmg 8d (3) burn, Acc 8, RoF 2, Rcl 2

Vibro-Knife (15): 1d(5) imp or 2d (5) cut (Reach C)

EMP Grenade (15): HT-8(5) 8 yard +2d cr ex

(Range 35 yards, +4 if you aim for the ground, 1 turn to ready, 2 seconds to blow)

Expendable Jammer (15): -10 to communications, 60-yard radius(Range 35 yards, +4 if you aim for the ground, 1 turn to ready, 2 seconds to blow)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-15, Camouflage-15(17), Climbing-12, Explosives (Demolitions)-15, Forward Observer-12, Observation-15, Pilot (Contragravity)-15, Savoir-Faire (Soldier)-12, Soldier-15, Stealth-15, Survival-15, Swimming-12, Traps-15.

Traits: Combat Reflexes; Night Vision 2.

Notes: Human; Listed DR protects torso only; lower DR is vs crushing. Helmet provides skull with DR 60 and boots provide DR 40. Wears camouflage suitable for his homeworld, which provides +2 camouflage. No Encumbrance.

Commando Tactics

Vanish (10): At the beginning of a fight, you may attempt to vanish and get the drop on his opponent. Roll Vanish (ignore modifiers for stealth at the beginning of a fight). Success means he may attack one opponent “from behind.” He may not do this at any other point in the fight.

Fire from Cover (15 or 18): Come out of cover and make a sighted, all-out (determined) (+1) pop-up (-2) at full ROF 8 (+1) or 24 (+4) attack against the enemy. Your target defends normally and any hits strike a random hit location. Return to cover. You may not defend.

Remove Sentry (19/14): If the target is unaware of your presence, make a telegraphic grapple for the head (19). You may defend normally. If your target is grappled, make an all-out (Determined) swing cutting attack with the blade on the target's neck (14). Opponent dodges at -1 or parries at -2. If you hit, deal 2d(5) cut to the neck and double all damage that penetrates DR. You may not defend.

Spotting (15): Make an observation roll against a target you can see and shout out some advice to a nearby ally. The observation roll acts as a complimentary roll for their attack (success provides +1, critical success provides +2, failure provides -1, etc). You may defend normally.

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