Thursday, July 13, 2017

Alliance Constabulary: Personnel

Just as criminal players dealing with the Empire will need mooks to fight, so too will criminal players facing down the criminal justice of the Alliance.  But, again, we find that the Alliance has wildly varying law enforcement.  This results in a highly customizable set of mooks that require a little bit of work from you, dear reader, to put them into action.  Once again, we have three different broad sorts of law enforcement, and we also have three different sets of equipment (the most common being Rook & Law and Stellar Dynamics).  You'll have to put the pieces together, just like you have to with insurgents, but I do have a "standard example" available for each entry.

Let me know what you think of the approach, and enjoy!

Alliance Constabulary: Personnel

Law Enforcement Types

Constabularies have their own set of laws and concerns that they focus on, which means each world has its own sort of police resources available. The various personnel below break down along law enforcement types, which act as suggestions, ways in which you might customize your force. Additionally, consider the following optional traits below.

Common Law

Common Law constabularies worry more about how the people see them. They tend to pursue justice for the sake of justice, and as a result, they quickly earn the trust of the people. As they see themselves as servants of the people, they tend to go for a lethal option last.

Optional traits:

Fastest Gun in the West [1]. Common Law constables tend to want to draw their weapon only at the last minute, to keep from escalating the situation. If the Common Law constable has this perk, also give them Fast-Draw at DX.

Good with Locals [1]: The Common Law constable understands his people. When dealing with the people of his world, he gains Sensitive: an IQ-3 roll to sense intent, and +1 to Detect Lies and Psychology.

Reputation (Good Cop) +1 [5]: Years of service have convinced the local populace to trust the constabulary. This grants a +1 to reaction rolls, but also a +1 to any rolls to talk someone into backing down or surrendering peacefully.

Diplomatic Law

Diplomatic constables worry first and foremost how their superiors, or the rest of the Alliance, will see their law enforcement. As a result, they tend to be deeply concerned with appearances and with non-lethal law enforcement, as the last thing they want to do is kill an off-world suspect!

Optional traits:

Looks Good in Uniform [1]: The constabulary cares a great deal about how their uniforms look, and how their constables look in those uniforms. Treat all constables in uniform as at least Attractive.

Handcuffing +2 [2]: The constabulary wants to subdue their opponents as quickly as possible. The constable gains the following tactic:

Instant Cuff (BAD): If the constable has grappled the target or parried a barehanded attack, they may roll Instant Cuff vs the better of the target’s DX or best grappling skill. Success means one limb has been cuffed. This counts as an attack; you may defend normally. See MA page 73 for additional details.

Law Enforcement Powers (Alliance) [10]: Replace the Law Enforcement Powers (Constable) with (Alliance), which grants the constabulary interstellar jurisdiction, allowing them to bypass the usual hassles that face most constables.

Procedural Law

Procedural constables focus first and foremost on maintaining the law. They know it inside and out, and follow it well. They also have careful procedures about how to go about arresting suspects, how they fight, and how they fill out paperwork. Thus, while the procedural constabulary might seem like a heartless machine, it is at least an efficient one.

Optional traits:

Battle Drills [1]: the constabulary has practiced teamwork until they have it down to a science. Constabularies with this optional trait can never accidentally hit one another with fire, they ignore penalties for firing through hexes occupied by other similarly trained constables, and they gain +2 to notice something another would notice.

Standard Operating Procedure (Paperwork Perfection) [1]: The constabulary always does its paperwork, and it uses airtight wording. Whenever some bureaucratic element of the arrest is described in ambiguous terms, the GM always errs on the side of the procedural constabulary.

Fit [5].

Constabulary Equipment

The Alliance has access to a far broader spectrum of equipment than the Empire does. They tend to draw most of their equipment from one of three sources:

Rook & Law: A centuries old industrial cooperative preferred by rural inhabitants for their reliability.

Startrodder: A corporation known for its military weaponry; it has a long tradition of arming the Federation and was one of the first corporations to side with the Alliance against the Empire.

Stellar Dynamics: A newer arms manufacturer with a focus on civilian markets, and with a sleek design aesthetic

The typical urban constabulary uses Stellar Dynamics weaponry; rural or poor urban constabularies might favor Rook & Law, while highly militarized constabularies might prefer Startrodder. In that case, replace the following weapons with:

Pistol: PB-9 Blaster Pistol may be replaced with:

Rook & Law Walker 049 Blaster Pistol: Dmg 5d(5) burn, Acc 4, Range 250/750, RoF 1, Bulk -2, Rcl 2. May not fire hotshots.

Startrodder PC 440 Blaster Pistol: Dmg 4d+2(5) burn, Acc 4+1, Range 400/1200, RoF 3, Bulk -2, Rcl 2. Malf 16. May not fire hotshots.

Scattershot Blaster: B-87 “Suppressor may be replaced with:

Rook & Law Outlander 683 Blaster Shotgun: Dmg 3d(2) burn, Acc 6, Range 400/1200, RoF 1x12, Bulk -4, Rcl -1 or Dmg 7d (3) burn, Acc 8, RoF 1, Rcl 2. May not fire hotshots;

Startrodder PC 870 Trench Blaster” Scattershot Blaster: Dmg 3d+2(2) burn, Acc 6, Range 350/1000, RoF 2x12, Bulk -4, Rcl -1. or Dmg 8d (3) burn, Acc 8, RoF 2, Rcl 2 Malf 16. May not fire hotshots;

Rifle: RSB-1 Blaster Rifle may be replaced with:

Rook & Law Huntsman 844 Blaster Rifle: Dmg 6d+1(5) burn, Acc 8, Range 750/2100, ROF 1, Bulk -5, Rcl 2. May not fire hotshots.

Startrodder SC 515 Blaster Rifle: Dmg 6d(5), burn, Acc 8+2, Range 1000/3000, RoF 3, Bulk -6, Rcl 2, Verify Malf.


A standard constable is the face of law enforcement in the city. They typically travel in grav-cars or grave-bikes, or even stroll about on foot. They perform most average arrests, issue most citations and respond first to crises. They represent the most common foe that criminals face in the Alliance.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 5.25

DX 10

Will 10

Move: 5

IQ 10

Per 10


HT 11

FP 11

SM +0

Dodge 8

Parry 8

DR: 45/15


PB-9 Blaster Pistol (12): 3d+1 (5) burn (Acc 4, Range 370/1100 RoF 3, Rcl 2, Bulk -2)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Neighborhood)-12, Criminology-12, Law (Police)-10, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Police)-12, Search-12, Streetwise-10.

Traits: Legal Enforcement Powers (Constable) [5].

Notes: Human; Armor covers torso only; lower DR applies to crushing attacks. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs. No Encumbrance.

Constable Tactics

Cover Suspect (17): After aiming, announce that you have your target in his sights and demand that he give up. Make a Wait (Will fire if targets makes an Attack). If wait triggers, make a double-handed (Braced; +1 accuracy), sighted all-out attack (Determined) for your opponents’ torso. You may defend before your wait triggers, but not after.

Fire from Cover (11): When in cover, move from cover and make a pop-up (-2) all-out determined (+1) sighted shot using a double-handed grip. If you hit roll a random hit location if you hit. Return to cover. You may not defend.

Fire on the Move (11): While holding the pistol in two hands (reduce bulk by 1), make a Move and Attack. Move up to your full movement and attack, using full RoF 3. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal deal 3d(5) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.

Takedown (16): Make an All-Out Attack (Slam). Move full movement +1 (6) and roll 16 or less to hit. Inflict 1d+1 cr damage and your opponent must roll DX or go prone. You may not defend. (On subsequent turns, most Constables will grapple (12) and then attempt to pin (quick contest of 13 vs ST).


Typical Law Enforcement Type: Diplomatic Law

Negotiators never carry weapons, because their role is entirely diplomatic, and if they carried weapons, it might threaten those they negotiate with. They talk suspects down, they negotiate with terrorists, they represent law enforcement on distant worlds as they argue for the extradition of criminals. Negotiators are no fools, of course: they tend to be backed up by generic constables or the superior hand-to-hand capability of Peace Officers.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 6

DX 12

Will 10

Move: 6

IQ 10

Per 10


HT 11

FP 11

SM +0

Dodge 10

Parry 11

DR: 45/15


Trained Strike (12): 1d+1 cr (C, Parry 9)

Trained Kick (12): 1d+2 cr (C, 1, Parry 7,

Skills: Body-Language-15, Diplomacy-15, Criminology-15, Law (Police)-15, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Psychology-15, Savoir-Faire (High Society)-15, Savoir-Faire (Police)-15, Search-12.

Traits: Legal Enforcement Powers (Constable) [5].

Notes: Human; Armor covers torso only; lower DR applies to crushing attacks. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs. No Encumbrance.

Negotiator Tactics

Control Suspect (16): After parrying a barehanded attack or after grappling, make an Arm Lock attempt (15). If successful, your opponent’s arm is trapped. You defend attempts to break free with a skill of 15, and you may roll a quick contest of Arm Lock (15) vs the higher or your opponent’s ST or HT, inflicting damage equal to the margin of success.

Draw Fire (15): Hurl some insults or make some pointed comments to a single target, and roll Psychology in a quick contest with the target’s will. Success makes the Inspector the focus of the NPC’s fire.

Talk Down (10): Discourage the suspect with pointed comments about his future if he continues hostilities! Roll Psychology (-5 after combat has begun) against the target’s Will (provided he is neither Unfazeable nor Indomitable). Success means the target becomes defensive (All-Out Defense), while success by 5 or more causes the target to flee or surrender peacefully.

Peace Officer

Typical Law Enforcement Type: Diplomatic law

In some circumstances, the constabulary cannot carry or use weapons. Instead, for whatever reason, they must use non-lethal means to arrest their targets. Constabularies typically deploy Peace Officers as discrete guards for VIPs, as a form of subtle riot control, or to arrest politically difficult targets.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 6

DX 12

Will 10

Move: 6

IQ 10

Per 10


HT 11

FP 11

SM +0

Dodge 10

Parry 11

DR: 45/15


Neurostun Baton (15): 1d+1 cr linked HT-10(5) Neurolash effect (Seizure).

Trained Strike (15): 1d+1 cr (C, Parry 9)

Trained Kick (15): 1d+2 cr (C, 1, Parry 7,

Skills: Area Knowledge (Neighborhood)-12, Body-Language-12, Criminology-12, Fast-Draw (Shortsword)-12, Law (Police)-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (High Society)-12, Savoir-Faire (Police)-12, Search-12.

Traits: Legal Enforcement Powers (Constable), Combat Reflexes.

Notes: Human; Armor covers torso only; lower DR applies to crushing attacks. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs. No Encumbrance.

Peace Officer Tactics

Control Suspect (16): After parrying a barehanded attack or after grappling, make an Arm Lock attempt (15). If successful, your opponent’s arm is trapped. You defend attempts to break free with a skill of 15, and you may roll a quick contest of Arm Lock (15) vs the higher or your opponent’s ST or HT, inflicting damage equal to the margin of success.

Precise Takedown (15): Make a Move-and-Attack (Slam). Move full movement (6) and roll 15 or less to hit. Inflict 1d+1 cr damage and your opponent must roll DX or go prone. You may defend, but you may not retreat. (On subsequent turns, most Constables will grapple (12) and then attempt to pin (quick contest of 13 vs ST).

Neurostun Discipline (15): Make a shortsword attack to the torso with your baton. Your opponent defends normally. If you hit, inflict 1d+1 cr damage and HT-10(5) seizure neurolash affliction. You may defend normally.


Typical Law Enforcement Type: Procedural Law

Inspectors represent elite law enforcement with high levels of forensics skills and a focus on “fighting smart.” They might represent a local constabulary detective, or a senatorial inspector. Either way, they tend to ask a lot of questions and tend not to pick fights, and often have 2-5 constables with them, just in case someone decides to get violent.

ST 10

HP 10

Speed 5.25

DX 10

Will 12/14

Move: 5

IQ 12

Per 12


HT 10

FP 10

SM +0

Dodge 8

Parry 8

DR: 40/13


PB-9 Blaster Pistol (12): 3d+1 (5) burn (Acc 4, Range 370/1100 RoF 3, Rcl 2, Bulk -2)

Skills: Criminology-15, Diplomacy-12, Fast-Draw-12, Observation-15, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Psychology-15, Savoir-Faire (Police)-15, Search-15

Traits: Legal Enforcement Powers (Constable)

Notes: Human; Armor covers torso only; lower DR applies to crushing attacks. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs. No Encumbrance.

Inspector Tactics

Cover Suspect (17): After aiming, announce that you have your target in his sights and demand that he give up. Make a Wait (Will fire if targets makes an Attack). If wait triggers, make a double-handed (Braced; +1 accuracy), sighted all-out attack (Determined) for your opponents’ torso. You may defend before your wait triggers, but not after.

Fire from Cover (11): When in cover, move from cover and make a pop-up (-2) all-out determined (+1) sighted shot using a double-handed grip. If you hit roll a random hit location if you hit. Return to cover. You may not defend.

Fire on the Move (11): While holding the pistol in two hands (reduce bulk by 1), make a Move and Attack. Move up to your full movement and attack, using full RoF 3. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal deal 3d(5) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.

Spotting (15): Spend the turn watching target opponent and make an Observation roll, then shout out advice to an ally constable. This acts as a Complimentary roll (Success grants +1 to the ally’s attack roll, critical success adds +2, and so on, if the target can hear him and adjusts his shot based on the result).

Draw Fire (15): Hurl some insults or make some pointed comments to a single target, and roll Psychology in a quick contest with the target’s will. Success makes the Inspector the focus of the NPC’s fire.


Typical Law Enforcement Type: Procedural Law

Elite constables become sharpshooters. They tend to back up their fellow constables either at a distance, with their rifle, or up close, with their superior gunmanship. They sometimes act as a sort of “elite strike force,” the first in and the last out. In that case, they might wield the Stellar Dynamics RB-5 blaster carbine, but the Alliance tends to shy away from paramilitary weapons.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 6

DX 12

Will 10/12

Move: 6

IQ 10

Per 10


HT 11

FP 11

SM +0

Dodge 10

Parry 11

DR: 40/13


PB-9 Blaster Pistol (15): 3d+1 (5) burn (Acc 4, Range 370/1100 RoF 3, Rcl 2, Bulk -2)

RSB-1 Blaster Rifle (15): Dmg 6d(5) burn, Acc 8+3, Range 1100/3300, RoF 3, Bulk -5, Rcl 2

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-12, Criminology-12, Forced Entry-15, Gesture-15, Savoir-Faire (Police)-12, Stealth-15

Traits: Combat Reflexes, Legal Enforcement Powers (Constable).

Notes: Human; Armor covers torso only; lower DR applies to crushing attacks. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs. No Encumbrance.

Sharpshooter Tactics

Cover Suspect (Rifle) (26): After three successive aiming actions, make a wait action (will fire if target attacks anyone), which if triggered results in a braced, sighted All-Out Attack (Aimed). Successful hit strikes the torso and deals 6d+1(5) burn. You may not defend.

Fire from Cover (14): When in cover, move from cover and make a pop-up (-2) all-out determined (+1) sighted shot using a single-handed grip. If you hit roll a random hit location if you hit. Return to cover. You may not defend.

Fire on the Move (13): While holding the pistol in one hand, make a Move and Attack. Move up to your full movement and attack, using full RoF 1. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal deal 5d(5) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.

Takedown (16): Make an All-Out Attack (Slam). Move full movement +1 (6) and roll 16 or less to hit. Inflict 1d+1 cr damage and your opponent must roll DX or go prone. You may not defend. (On subsequent turns, most Constables will grapple (12) and then attempt to pin (quick contest of 13 vs ST).


Typical Law Enforcement Type: Common Law

When the situation gets dicey and could go either way, a good Gunslinger can help the situation. They can draw their weapons “at the last second,” which means the constabulary doesn’t have to escalate the situation with drawn weapons, but at the same time, if the suspect does get aggressive, the gunslinger can draw and fire immediately, if necessary.

ST 11

HP 11

Speed 6.25

DX 12

Will 10/12

Move: 6

IQ 10

Per 10


HT 11

FP 11

SM +0

Dodge 10

Parry 11

DR: 40/13


PB-9 Blaster Pistol (15): 3d+1 (5) burn (Acc 4, Range 370/1100 RoF 3, Rcl 2, Bulk -2)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-12, Criminology-12, Fast-Draw (Pistol)-15, Gesture-15, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Police)-12, Stealth-12

Traits: Combat Reflexes, Legal Enforcement Powers (Constable).

Notes: Human; Armor covers torso only; lower DR applies to crushing attacks. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs. No Encumbrance.

Gunslinger Tactics

Cover Suspect (20): After aiming, announce that you have your target in his sights and demand that he give up. Make a Wait (Will fire if targets makes an Attack). If wait triggers, make a double-handed (Braced; +1 accuracy), sighted all-out attack (Determined) for your opponents’ torso. You may defend before your wait triggers, but not after.

Instant Shot (16/15): Wait (“If my opponent moves to attack, I’ll draw my weapon and attack first”). If your wait triggers, roll Fast Draw (+1 for Hip-shot) (16). If you succeed, you may immediately attack (15). A successful hit strikes the torso. You may defend normally.

Fire from Cover (14): When in cover, move from cover and make a pop-up (-2) all-out determined (+1) sighted shot using a single-handed grip. If you hit roll a random hit location if you hit. Return to cover. You may not defend.

Fire on the Move (13): While holding the pistol in one hand, make a Move and Attack. Move up to your full movement and attack, using full RoF 1. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal deal 5d(5) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.

Strong Arm

Typical Law Enforcement Type: Common Law

Constables need to take their targets alive, and Strong arms excel at that. Big, strong and tough, strong Arms tend to act as superior prison guards, elite backup for typical constables, or as someone you bring when you want to make sure a particularly slippery target won’t get away.

ST 15

HP 15

Speed 5.5

DX 10

Will 10/12

Move: 6

IQ 10

Per 10


HT 12

FP 11

SM +0

Dodge 8

Parry 10

DR: 40/13


B-87 “Suppressor (12): 5d(3) burn (Acc 8, Range 75/230, RoF 3, Rcl 2, bulk -4) or 2d+1(2), ROF 3x12, Rcl 1).

Neurolash Baton (15): 1d+1 cr linked HT-10(5) Neurolash effect (Seizure).

Skills: Area Knowledge (Neighborhood)-12, Criminology-12, Intimidation-15, Law (Police)-10, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Police)-12, Search-12, Streetwise-10.

Traits: Fearlessness +2, Legal Enforcement Powers (Constable).

Notes: Human; Armor covers torso only; lower DR applies to crushing attacks. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, light source with 25 yard range, and a pair of electronic cuffs. No Encumbrance.

Strong Arm Tactics

Cover Suspect (21): After aiming, announce that you have your target in his sights and demand that he give up. Make a Wait (Will fire if targets makes an Attack). If wait triggers, make a double-handed (Braced; +1 accuracy), sighted all-out attack (Determined) for your opponents’ torso with ROF 1x12 (+2). You may defend before your wait triggers, but not after.

Fire on the Move (13): Move full movement and hipfire scattershot blaster, using full RoF 3x12 (+5). Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal deal 2d+1(2) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.

Takedown (16): Make an All-Out Attack (Slam). Move full movement +1 (6) and roll 16 or less to hit. Your opponent defends at -2! Inflict 1d+2 cr damage and your opponent must roll DX or go prone. You may not defend. (On subsequent turns, most Constables will grapple (15) and then attempt to pin (quick contest of 17 vs ST).

Neurolash Discipline (15): Make a shortsword attack to the torso with your baton. Your opponent defends normally. If you hit, inflict 2d+1 cr damage and HT-10(5) seizure neurolash affliction. You may defend normally.

Talk Down (14): Discourage the suspect with pointed comments about his future if he continues hostilities! Roll Intimidation (-5 after combat has begun) with a bonus equal to your weapon’s bulk against the target’s Will (provided he is neither Unfazeable nor Indomitable). Success means the target becomes defensive (All-Out Defense), while success by 5 or more causes the target to flee or surrender peacefully.

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