Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Insurgency Personnel Part 2: Veteran Insurgents

Amateur Insurgents with sufficient experience or training, or Insurgents who come from more violent walks of life pose considerably more risk to security forces than their amateur counterparts, but still don’t represent the full lethality of a completely professional fighting force. Some insurgencies have just a few veterans sprinkled among amateurs, while others are composed entirely of veterans.
Some insurgencies are rumored to have even more elite agents, usually associated with the leader, and have ominous names like “the Black Hand” or “the Twelve Apostles.” These tend to be named NPCs or player characters, but the GM may instead treat them as skill 15 minions instead.
As before, each insurgent comes with a suggested insurgent type.  I provide these as guidelines, to get a perspective on different ways insurgencies might fight, and to emphasize that not all veteran insurgents appear in all insurgencies.  Feel free to mix, match and adjust.


Common Insurgent Types: Anarchists and Terrorists

The single greatest weapon available to an insurgency is the bomb. Carefully placed explosives can assist every insurgency, from a freedom fighter’s targeted strike at a piece of military infrastructure to a terrorist killing as many civilians as he can. Arsonists master the art of bomb-making and bomb-placement. They can destroy an establishment, sow terror and discord throughout a populace and create bedlam for an attacking forces.

Though Freedom Fighters and Ideologues will scoff, in truth all insurgencies need access to Arsonists. That said, Anarchists and Terrorists use Arsonists more than most insurgencies.

ST 10 HP 10 Speed 5.25
DX 10 Will 11/13 Move: 5
IQ 11 Per 11

HT 11 FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 8
Parry 8
DR: 0

Blaster Pistol (12): 3d(5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 300/1000 RoF 3, Bulk -2)

Hand Flamer (12): 4d (Jet; Range 30/90)

Weaponized C-Cell (12): 6dx4 burn ex sur (Acc 1, Range 40); Unstable!

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-10, Chemistry-12, Electrician-12, Explosives (Demolition)-12, Forced Entry-12, Running-12

Traits: Fearlessness +2; Gizmo (Explosives); Pyromania (15)

Notes: Human; Trained; Will always argue for and attempt to blow things up unless it’s obviously a bad idea for the group. Always has at least on explosive gadget on hand: may be an explosive charge, a unique detonator, or anything else appropriate for the organization. The weaponized C-Cell is a modified power-cell that explodes when thrown. A strike against the cell, or a critical failure could set it off!

Arsonist Tactics

Burn Baby Burn (12): The arsonist throws a plasma charge or first his hand flamer at the target. On average, a single shot from his hand flamer will instantly ignire anything flammable (dry wood, oil) or flame-resistant materials (seasoned wood, clothing, most electrical equipment), and will ignite anything that can burn, no matter how resistant (flesh), with 10 seconds of continuous contact on a 16 or less. Plasma charges will ignite anything in the same hex that can burn instantly, and anything resistant within 1 yard of the blast, and anything flammable within 2 yards, etc.

Cover Fire (11): While in cover, move one step out of cover, make an All-Out (Determined) Sighted, Pop-Up (-2) attack with ROF 3 at the target with your blaster pistol, and then return to cover. If you hit, strike a random hit location. You may not defend.


Common Insurgent Types: Ideologues and Terrorists

Only the most ideologically minded insurgents lift their nose at the idea of committing murder. In the end, removing the Empire requires bloodshed. The assassin does this with greater precision than his more aggressive comrades, but he still isn’t the elite death-dealer found on the rim. Instead, he’s someone trained with a sniper rifle, who understands how to stay quiet when approaching his opponent

ST 10 HP 10 Speed 5.5
DX 11 Will 10/12 Move: 5
IQ 10 Per 10

HT 11 FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 8
Parry 8
DR: 0

Blaster Rifle (10): 6d(5) burn sur (Acc 10+2, Range 500/1500 RoF 3, Bulk -4)

Hold-Out Blaster (12): 2d(5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 100/300 RoF 3, Bulk -1)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-10, Fast-Draw-12, Observation-12, Shadowing-12, Stealth-12.

Traits: Fearlessness +2; Bloodlust (12)

Notes: Human; Trained; Will always push to kill targets, even if not strictly necessary.

Assassin Tactics

Snipe (19): After three successive aiming actions, make a braced, sighted All-Out Attack (Determined). Successful hit strikes the skull and deals 6d(5) burn sur. You may not defend.

Quick Kill (12): Fast-Draw your weapon to a hip-shooting position (13); if successful, immediately open fire with your holdout blaster. If successful, hit a random hit location and deal 2d(5) damage. You may defend normally.

Vanish (7): At the beginning of a fight, you may attempt to vanish and get the drop on his opponent. Roll Vanish (7 or less). Success means he may attack one opponent “from behind.” He may not do this at any other point in the fight.

Child Soldier (Hardened)

Common Insurgent Types: Terrorists

Many insurgent forces favor, or even exclusively recruit, children over adults. Despite their small size, they’re difficult to hit, don’t require as much food and, most critically, they’re easily molded by the leadership of the insurgency into lethal killing machines. Many veteran fighters of the insurgency began as child soldiers, and evolved into superior, and thoroughly loyal combatants.

ST 8 HP 8 Speed 5
DX 9 Will 9/11 Move: 4
IQ 9 Per 10

HT 10/8 FP 11 SM -1
Dodge 8
Parry 7
DR: 0

Hold-Out Blaster (10): 2d(5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 100/300 RoF 3, Bulk -1)

Cheap Assault Blaster (10): 4d(5) burn sur (Acc 8, Range 250/750 RoF 8, Bulk -3)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-12, Observation-12, Running-12, Stealth-12, Urban Survival-12.

Traits: Pitiable; Fanaticism; Fearlessness +2; Easy to Kill -2; Social Stigma (Minor);

Notes: Human; Untrained and largely unready for combat. Willing to die for the cause; +3 to resist attempts to persuade him away from his cause. Always count as “innocent” for the purposes of Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents).

Child Soldier Tactics

Spray Fire (7): With an assault blaster, make a hip-fired All-Out (Suppressive Fire) attack against a one-yard zone. A successful attack strikes a random hit location. You may not defend.

Focused Burst (20): While prone, after aiming for one turn with an assault blaster, make a All-Out (Determined) sighted attack against a single target with RoF 8. A successful attack strikes a random hit location. You may not defend.

Spot (10): If you notice something, say something! Shout out advice to an ally and roll Observation (10). On a success, if your ally listens to your advice, he gains +1 to his next attack roll.

Vanish (7): At the beginning of a fight, you may attempt to vanish and get the drop on his opponent. Roll Vanish (7 or less). Success means he may attack one opponent “from behind.” He may not do this at any other point in the fight.


Common Insurgent Types: Freedom Fighter and Terrorists

Insurgents fight a war, and so many of them act like true soldiers. They practice with military grade weapons, they wear armor, and they make heavy use of explosives. For a fighter, an insurgency isn’t about careful espionage or maneuvering, but about bringing fire down on the enemy. They tend to be the most broadly dangerous of the insurgents.

ST 11 HP 11 Speed 5.25
DX 10 Will 10/12 Move: 5 (4)
IQ 10 Per 10

HT 11 FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 8
Parry 9
DR: 20

Cheap Assault Blaster (10): 4d(5) burn sur (Acc 8, Range 250/750 RoF 8, Bulk -3)

IML (15): 6dx8(10) cr inc + 8d cr ex [3d cut] (Acc 3, Range 750/30k, RoF 1, Shots 1, Bulk 4)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-10, Soldier-12, Observation-10, Stealth-10.

Traits: Combat Reflexes

Notes: Human; Trained; Lightly Encumbered

Fighter Tactics

Spray Fire (7): With an assault blaster, make a hip-fired All-Out (Suppressive Fire) attack against a one-yard zone. A successful attack strikes a random hit location. You may not defend.

Focused Burst (22): While prone, after aiming for one turn with an assault blaster, make a All-Out (Determined) sighted attack against a single target with RoF 8. A successful attack strikes the torso. You may not defend.

Fire from Cover (12): While in cover, step from cover, make an All-Out (Determined) sighted RoF 8 pop-up (-2) attack against a target. Return to cover, A successful attack strikes a random hit location. You may not defend.


Common Insurgent Types: Freedom Fighters and Ideologues

Most insurgencies that survive for a long period of time do so by establishing themselves far from the urban centers of the Empire, deep in the wilderness where the Empire cannot easily reach them. They’ve mastered using the land to avoid their enemies, and in laying out traps for their opponents.

ST 10 HP 10 Speed 5.5
DX 11 Will 10/12 Move: 5
IQ 10 Per 10

HT 11 FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 8
Parry 8
DR: 0

Cheap Blaster Rifle (10): 6d(5) burn sur (Acc 10, Range 500/1500 RoF 3, Bulk -4)

Vibro Blade (10): 2d+3(5) cut (Reach 1, parry 0)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-12, Hiking-12, Observation-12, Stealth-12, Survival (Any)-12, Tracking-12, Traps-12.

Traits: Fearlessness +2; Bloodlust (12)

Notes: Human; Trained; Will always push to kill targets, even if not strictly necessary.

Hunter Tactics

Vanish (7): At the beginning of a fight, you may attempt to vanish and get the drop on his opponent. Roll Vanish (7 or less). Success means he may attack one opponent “from behind.” He may not do this at any other point in the fight.

Remove Sentry (16/11): If the target is unaware of your presence, make a telegraphic grapple for the head (16). You may defend normally. If your target is grappled, make an all-out (Determined) with the blade on the target's neck (11). Opponent dodges at -1 or parries at -2. If you hit, deal 2d+3(5) cut to the neck and double all damage that penetrates DR. You may not defend.

Quick Snipe (24): While prone, after a single aiming actions, make a braced, sighted All-Out Attack (Determined). Successful hit strikes the torso and deals 6d(5) burn sur. You may not defend.

Trap (12): Deployed guerrillas may have already prepared a variety of traps. Ideas:
Sensor Wire: Roll Per-based Traps to detect. Signals to Hunter when tripped.
Trip-Wire Grenade: Roll Per-based Traps to detect. Triggers grenade (6dx4 cr ex)


Common Insurgent Types: Anarchists and Freedom Fighters

The Empire and it citizens use vast, technological infrastructure to power their civilization. A saboteur knows how that infrastructure works and, given an opportunity, can turn that technology against the Imperials who use it. Generally, insurgency movements bring a saboteur with them as they attempt sabotage missions, but they have a few tricks up their sleeves even in combat.

ST 10 HP 10 Speed 5.25
DX 10 Will 11/13 Move: 5
IQ 11 Per 11

HT 11 FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 8
Parry 8
DR: 0

Blaster Pistol (12): 3d(5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 300/1000 RoF 3, Bulk -2)

Improvised EMP (12): HT-8(5) (8 yard radius, Acc 1, Range 40); Unstable!

Skills: Area Knowledge (Local)-10, Computer Hacking-12, Electrician, Electronics Operation (Comms, EW Security, Surveillance), Explosives (Demolition), Mechanic

Traits: Fearlessness +2; Gizmo (Sabotage); Trickster (15)

Notes: Human; Trained; Will always try to play games with their opponent unless truly problematic to do so. Always has at least on electronic gadget on hand, including jamming equipment, distortion chips and tools for electronic meddling. The improvised EMP is a modified power-cell that shorts out violently when thrown. A strike against the cell, or a critical failure could set it off!

Saboteur Tactics

Jam (12): While he focuses on jamming enemy signals, any attempts to communicate with the outside world must succeed at a Quick Contest of Electronics Operations (Comms) vs the Saboteurs Electronics Operations (EW).

Cover Fire (11): While in cover, move one step out of cover, make an All-Out (Determined) Sighted, Pop-Up (-2) attack with ROF 3 at the target with your blaster pistol, and then return to cover. If you hit, strike a random hit location. You may not defend.

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