Saturday, April 15, 2017

Patreon Post: The Scale of the Empire

Just how big is the Empire?  It's "big enough" of course, but how big is "big enough?"  How many fleets can they support?  And how big is a "fleet?"  Is it reasonable to have 100 dreadnoughts show up at every single planet they control, or is a fleet of 5 dreadnought huge?  For that matter, how many worlds does the Empire control? Five?  A million?  And why would the Empire ignore a world festering with pirates, or attack a well-defended world when it could just bypass it?

These are the sorts of questions that I don't think need an answer for you to run your Psi-Wars game, but if we want to "internally model" what's going on, it might be useful for us.  This post dives into economics, hyperspace geometry and the Pareto principle to give us an idea of what the Empire (albeit one using the compacted, manageable numbers I've stuck to throughout the design process) might really look like.

The Scale of the Empire is available for all $1+ patrons.  Go and take a look!  If you're not a patron, as usual, I'd love to have you!

Support me on Patreon!

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