Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Imperial Navy: Personnel

We've already tackled the personnel of the Imperial Military.  Now, we just need to make some tactical revisions and expand on our previous ideas a bit.

The biggest change, beyond some minor weapon changes, is the upgrade of the flame trooper to the chem trooper.  My problem with the flame trooper is that he just doesn't present that much risk to a militarized enemy.  In fact, in a heavily armored combat scenario, flame throwers are better for destroying buildings and terrorizing citizens than for really killing troopers.  Most modern, western armies would balk at such tactics, so we don't use flame throwers much anymore, but for the Empire, coming down hard on civilian populations is just another day on the job.  So, let's expand this terror capability.  Given that all the imperial combat troopers filter air through their masks, why not toss in some nerve gas as well?  The result is Warcrimes: the Statblock, who doubles as a combat engineer.

I've also added some notes for standard fighter pilots.

Minions of the Imperial Navy

The Imperial Navy tries, where possible, to be BAD -5, but in practice, it’s demands for manpower and the sheer space it covers means that it can usually only manage BAD -2.

Imperial Combat Trooper

The Imperial Combat Trooper is the core infantryman of the Imperial military machine. He is heavily armored and well-armed, able to soak fire from most small arms as he aggressively crosses an open-battlefield. His mask protects his face, but it limits his skill with aimed attacks, thus most combat troopers prefer to launch assaults while firing rapidly from the hip, but they can snipe if required.

ST 11HP 11Speed 5.25
DX 10Will 10/12Move: 5 (4)
IQ 10Per 10
HT 11(12)FP 11SM +0
Ddg 8 (7)
Parry 9
DR: 80/40

Overtech BR-4 Brawler (12): 5d(5) burn sur
(Acc 10+1, Range 400/1200, RoF 8, Bulk -3)

Rifle Butt (12): 1d+1 cr (Reach 1)

Plasma Grenade (12): 6dx4 burn sur ex
(Range 35 yards, +4 if you aim for the ground, 1 turn to ready, 2 seconds to blow)
Skills: Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-12, Soldier-12, Vacc Suit-12

Traits: Fearlessness +2, Fit

Notes: Human; Armor grants DR 80 to skull and torso, and DR 40 to all other locations, and is sealed; Helmet provides filtered air, IR vision (+2 to vision checks), hearing protection (+5 to resist hearing damage) and -4 to sighted attacks. They also feature 10-mile communication devices. At light encumbrance (-1).

Imperial Trooper Tactics

Suppression Fire (7): While firing from the hip, move up to 2 yards and make an unsighted All-Out Attack (Suppression fire) using RoF 8. Your recoil is 2. Anyone under the suppression zone can be hit (to a maximum of 8 targets) and must make a Will or Will-based Soldier roll (Add Fearlessness as a bonus, +2 from Combat Reflexes, and characters with Unfazeable automatically succeed) to expose themselves to the suppressive fire zone. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal 5d(5) burn You may not defend. Gain +2 to Fast-Draw or to act first during a cascading wait.

Combat Assault (10): While firing from the shoulder, make a Move and Attack. Move up to 5 yards and attack, using full RoF 8. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deals 5d(5) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.

Pot Shot (20): After aiming for a single turn, make a single All-Out (Determined) Sighted Attack. Successful hit strikes the torso and deals 5d(5) burn sur damage.

Imperial Heavy Weapons Trooper

Each Imperial section usually has a single Heavy trooper, with at least one assistant carrying additional ammunition. They provide heavier firepower for the unit, assisting their fellow infantry by laying down heavy suppression fire. Most carry the BG-49 Decimator, but all are trained in the use of heavier, semi-portable guns.
ST 12HP 11Speed 5.00
DX 10Will 10/12Move: 5 (2)
IQ 10Per 10
HT 11 (12)FP 11SM +0
Dodge 8 (5)
Parry 9
DR: 80/40

Overtech BG-49 Decimator (12):
8d(5) burn sur (Acc 10+1, Range 1000/3000, RoF 12, Bulk -8) Bipod mounted.

Overtech BG-242A Storm (12): 5dx2 (5) burn sur (RoF 16, Range 3000/900, ST 25, Bulk -10

Skills: Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-12, Soldier-12, Vacc Suit-12

Traits: Fearlessness +2, Fit

Notes: Human; Armor grants DR 80 to skull and torso, and DR 40 to all other locations, and is sealed; Helmet provides filtered air, IR vision (+2 to vision checks), hearing protection (+5 to resist hearing damage) and -4 to sighted attacks. They also feature 10-mile communication devices. At Heavy (-3) Encumbrance. Usually operate in teams of two, with a second man carrying a spare D-cell backpack and a Brawler carbine (see Combat Trooper)

Imperial Heavy Weapons Trooper Tactics

Set-Up: It takes one second to drop Prone and ready the bipod. It takes 2 turns of changing Posture to stand again (but on the second turn, the Heavy Trooper may move)

Suppression Fire (8): While firing from a bipod, make an All-Out Attack (Suppression fire) for RoF 12. Anyone under the suppression zone can be hit (to a maximum of 12 targets) and must make a Will or Will-based Soldier roll (Add Fearlessness as a bonus, +2 from Combat Reflexes, and characters with Unfazeable automatically succeed) to expose themselves to the suppressive fire zone. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal 8d(5) burn. You may not defend.

Focused Fire (12): While prone, make a sighted All-Out Attack against a single target, or a group of foes (Dividing shots among them) at full RoF 12. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal 8d(5) burn sur. Make a Gun-Based Per roll at -4(8) on subsequent turns. Success grants a +5 to Focused Fire against the same targets. You may not defend.

Imperial Recon Trooper

Recon troopers move deep past front lines, observing the enemy from a distance. They’ll communicate enemy positions back to the main force, then support the attack by calling in air, orbital or artillery strikes, and then sniping at the enemy. They usually travel in pairs, one spotting for the other.
ST 11HP 11Speed 5.25
DX 10Will 11/13Move: 5 (4)
IQ 11Per 12
HT 11 (12)FP 11SM +0
Dodge 8 (7)
Parry 9
DR: 80/40

Overtech BR-1 Executioner (12): 7(5) burn sur
(Acc 10+3, RoF 3, Range 800/2400, Bulk -5)

Overtech BP-40 Enforcer (12): 3d+2(5) burn sur
(Acc 5, Range 400/1200, RoF 3, Bulk -2)

Skills: Camouflage-12, Electronic Operation (Comms, Sensors)-12, Forward Observer-12, Observation-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-12, Soldier-12, Stealth-12, Vacc Suit-12

Traits: Fearlessness +2, Fit

Notes: Human; Armor grants DR 60 to skull and torso, and DR 30 to all other locations, and is sealed; Helmet provides filtered air, IR vision (+2 to vision checks), hearing protection (+5 to resist hearing damage) and -4 to sighted attacks. They also feature 10-mile communication devices. At light encumbrance (-1). Recon troopers carries a basic Forward Observer range finding device and a small communication device with 100 mile range.

Imperial Recon Trooper Tactics

Vanish (7): At the beginning of a fight, a recon trooper will attempt to vanish and get the drop on his opponent. Roll Vanish (ignore modifiers for stealth at the beginning of a fight). Success means he may attack one opponent “from behind.” He may not do this at any other point in the fight.

Forward Observer (12): After 2d+5 seconds, of observation and calculation, make a roll. On a success, call in an artillery blast. The damage is based on artillery available.

Situational Awareness (14): Make a Concentrate maneuver and make an Observation roll. You can attempt to spot hidden opponents, or sudden changes in the battlefield.

Spotting (12): Make a Concentrate maneuver and make an Observation roll as a complementary roll to an ally’s aimed attack.

Snipe (25): After a three aiming actions with a braced rifle, make an All-Out Attack (Aimed) with Masked penalty. Successful hit strikes the torso and deals 7d(5) burn sur. You may not defend.

Imperial Chem Trooper

Chem Troopers represent the terror-soldiers of the Empire. They lack the tools to really deal with a well-entrenched, well-armored soldiers, but they excel at defeating partisan soldiers or rebellious civilian populations. Representing the complete lack of compunction against war crimes, the Imperial Chem Trooper carries a flamer and a supply of grenades carrying nerve gas. Should it be necessary, most Chem Troopers know how to quickly set up fortifications, especially when using mines, allowing them to double as combat engineers.

ST 11 HP 11 Speed 5.00
DX 10 Will 10/13 Move: 5 (3)
IQ 10 Per 10

HT 11 (12) FP 11 SM +0
Dodge 8 (6)
Parry 9
DR: 80/40

Heavy Flamer (12): 8d burn
(Jet, Range 130/390, Bulk -5)

Nerve Gas Grenade (12): 7 yard radius; HT-6 or 1d toxic every minute for 6 minutes. See UT 162
(Range 35 yards, +4 if you aim for the ground, 1 turn to ready, 2 seconds to blow)

Skills: Engineering (Combat)-12, Hazardous Materials (Any)-12, Intimidation-12*, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-12, Soldier-12, Vacc Suit-12

Traits: Callous, Fearlessness +3, Fit

Notes: Human; Armor grants DR 80 to skull and torso, and DR 40 to all other locations, and is sealed; Helmet provides filtered air, IR vision (+2 to vision checks), a HUD and hearing protection (+5 to resist hearing damage) and -4 to sighted attacks. In addition, Chem troopers have a small reservoir of air that will last them 20 minutes, in case of extreme emergency. They also feature 10-mile communication devices. At Medium encumbrance (-2).

Imperial Chem Trooper Tactics

Sweeping Flame (9): While firing from the hip, move up to 2 yards and make an unsighted All-Out Attack (Jet). Attack up to 2 targets out to 130 yards. Deal 4d damage to anyone hit, plus 1d burning per second until they clean the plasma fuel from them, and another 1d burning per second if they catch on fire. You may not defend. Gain +2 to Fast-Draw or to act first during a cascading wait.

Burning Assault (10): While firing from the shoulder, make a Move and Attack. Move up to 5 yards and attack a single target. Deal 4d damage to anyone hit, plus 1d burning per second until they clean the plasma fuel from them, and another 1d burning per second if they catch on fire. You may not defend. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.

Elite Imperial Combat Trooper (“Kill Squads”)

The Empire would prefer to have all their troops be elite, but in practice, they’re forced to deploy a few crack forces where possible. They use their elite few to shore up the relative lack of training of other units, and to ensure total loyalty the Empire. Most so-called Kill Squads serve as spearheads for Imperial attacks, and elite combat troopers sometimes intermingle with other troopers, acting as a sort of extremely fanatical sergeant, leading their forces forward into battle.
Elite soldier wear superior (“elite”) armor and carry the most advanced weapons.
ST 12 HP 12 Speed 6.00
DX 12 Will 11/13 Move: 6 (5)
IQ 11 Per 11

HT 12 (13) FP 12 SM +0
Dodge 10 (9)
Parry 11
DR: 100/60

Overtech BRX-100 Brawler-X (15): 5d+2(5) burn sur (Acc 10+1, Range 600/1800, RoF 8, Bulk -4)

Carbine Butt (15): 1d+2 cr (Reach 1)

Underbarrel EMGL (15): 8d cr ex or 6dx3(10) cr in + linked 2d cr ex [1d-2 cut]. (Acc 4, Range 360/2200 yards, RoF 1)

Skills: Intimidation-12, Observation-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-15, Soldier-15, Stealth-12, Vacc Suit-15

Traits: Bloodlust (12), Combat Reflexes, Fanatical (Empire), Fit

Notes: Human; Armor grants DR 100 to skull and torso, and DR 60 to all other locations, and is sealed; Helmet provides filtered air, IR vision (+2 to vision checks), and hearing protection (+5 to resist hearing damage).They also feature 10-mile communication devices. Lightly Encumbered (-1)

Imperial Kill Squad Tactics

Suppression Fire (7): While firing from the hip, move up to 3 yards and make an unsighted All-Out Attack (Suppression fire) using RoF 8. Anyone under the suppression zone can be hit (to a maximum of 8 targets) and must make a Will or Will-based Soldier roll (Add Fearlessness as a bonus, +2 from Combat Reflexes, and characters with Unfazeable automatically succeed) to expose themselves to the suppressive fire zone. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal 5d+2(5) burn You may not defend. Gain +2 to Fast-Draw or to act first during a cascading wait. You may not defend.

Combat Assault (12): While firing from the shoulder, make a Move and Attack. Move up to 5 yards and attack, using full RoF 8. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deals 5d+2(5) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.

Pot Shot (23): After aiming for a single turn, make a single All-Out (Determined) Sighted Attack. Successful hit strikes the torso and deals 5d+2(5) burn sur damage.

Fighter Pilot

The average person on a starship doesn’t pose much risk to heroes, as they’re not trained for combat, but the average fighter pilot may well be. While not a hardened combatant, they have been known to fall behind enemy lines and so enjoy some level of combat training, sufficient to hold out until they’re rescued.
ST 10HP 11Speed 5.5
DX 11Will 11/13Move: 5 (4)
IQ 11Per 11
HT 11FP 11SM +0
Dodge 8 (7)
Parry 9
DR: 30

Overtech BP-40 Enforcer (12): 3d+2(5) burn sur
(Acc 5, Range 400/1200, RoF 3, Bulk -2)

Skills: Navigation (Hyperspace)-12, Observation-12, Pilot (Starship)-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-12, Stealth-12, Survival (Any)-12.

Traits: Fearlessness +2, Fanatical (Empire)

Notes: Human; Wingman armor grants DR 80 to the skull, DR 40 to the face, and DR 30 to all other locations. Helmet provides filtered air, vacuum support, 8 hours of air, IR vision (+2 to vision checks), and hearing protection (+5 to resist hearing damage).They also feature 10-mile communication devices. Lightly Encumbered (-1).

More elite Fighter Pilots enjoy +3 to Pilot and Navigation and have Combat Reflexes.

Imperial Pilot Tactics

Delta Maneuver (Prey): Split your formation in two. The Wingleader makes a Defensive Tactics roll for the formation (Tactics-1) and then the formation engages in Evasive Maneuvers (Pilot-1). If tactics successful, defend at +2, otherwise defend at +1.

Delta Maneuver (Predator): Split your formation in two. The Wingleader makes an Offensive Tactics roll for the formation (Tactics-2), and engages in a dedicated (+3) close (Pilot+1) and makes Gunner (Beams) attack (Gunner-2) against the target; if tactics successful, opponent is at -1 to defend. You may not defend.

Omega Maneuver: Make an offensive tactics roll for the whole formation against the target (Tactics-2). Make a dedicated (+3) closing maneuver (Pilot+1) and open fire on target (Gunner(Beams)-2). You may not defend, but if your tactics are successful, your opponent defends at -1.

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