Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Black Ops Materiel and Spaceships

While both Imperial Intelligence and Imperial Black Ops sport a great deal of interesting toys, the toys of Imperial Intelligence are mostly "generic" espionage trinkets that I currently don't feel need extra detail.  Black Ops, on the other hand, needs an entirely different set of tools to accomplish their work.  The brute force tactics of the Imperial Navy don't work with the Imperial Black Ops.

For the most part, the same weapons the Empire already has continues to work well for Imperial Black Ops, and they can continue to use the same spaceships (especially the Assassin-model of the Typhoon!), but I envision them with access to new armor and a few new ships, especially a corvette ideal for inserting commandos behind enemy lines.

Commando Armor: The Overtech Cavalier Defense System

A commando needs to be relatively well armored while light and difficult to see.  The key new components will be Programmable Camouflage (UT99) and a more primitive form of IR cloaking.  To compensate for the additional weight, I'll compromise on the armor levels somewhat by introducing the same trick I used with the Watchman, but using Battleweave instead of Monocrys armor: A layer of DR 40 armor beneath the DR 40 diamondoid laminate chest-plate.  The result is a DR 80/40 armor where the torso and head have rigid armor (of 80) and the rest is a flexible 40, with programmable camouflage that takes 2 seconds to reset, and a -6 to IR detection attempts, as well as the normal benefits of Imperial armor, with a total weight of 31 lbs and a breathtaking price-tag of $25,000!

The Outrider-Class Stealth Corvette

Black Ops needs the ability to deploy commandos without alerting planetary locals, and for this purpose, it uses an Outrider-Class Stealth Corvette. The corvette uses top-of-the-line hyperspace masking based on the designs of the Armageddon-class Dreadnought to hide its approach, and then activates dynamic chameleon to fly quietly in to the system, landing and then deploying a small commando platoon of up to 10 commandos and a few vehicles, which are generally more than enough to do the job.

The Outrider is currently the exclusive (secret) property of Imperial Black Ops, but they do occasionally quietly gift them to independent commandos or spies who serve Black Ops directly. And, of course, a few have already fallen into pirate hands. Smugglers, naturally, whisper ghost stories about them to one another and quietly dream of somehow acquiring one.

Front Hull System
Hardened Diamondoid Armor (total dDR 60) ($40M)
Distortion ECM (-6 to missile attacks, -3 to detection attempts) ($60M)
Multipurpose Array (Level 9) ($10M)
Control Room (C9, Comm/Sensor 7) ($2M)

Central Hull System
Hardened Diamondoid Armor (total dDR 30) ($20M)
Secondary Battery (2 X-Ray lasers and 5 tons cargo) ($6M)
Habitat (3 Bunkrooms, 1 Briefing Room, 1 Office, 1 Cabin, 2 Sickbays) ($3M)
Hangar Bay (60 ton capacity, 40 ton launch) ($0.2M)

Rear Hull System
Hardened Diamondoid Armor (total dDR 30) ($20M)
Heavy Force Screen (70 or 140 dDR) ($50M)
Stealth Hyperdrive ($100M)
Super Reactionless Engines (25G each) ($12M)
Super Fusion Reactor (four Power Points) ($1000M)

The Outerider-Class stealth corvette has artificial gravity, gravitic compensation, a stealth hull and a dynamic chameleon system ($5M)

TL Spacecraft
11^ Outrider
*Hardened, plus 70 or 140 dDR from Force Screen

An outrider is generally crewed by an officer, a pilot and two gunners, and then generally up to 10 commandos. The hangar usually sports some hunter grav-bikes or a vanguard IFV.

The Cataclysm-Class Dreadnought

The Cataclysm is the Black Ops answer to the Empire-Class Dreadnough. It’s sleek, dark black hull is stealthed and fades into the star-scape, becoming almost impossible to see as anything but a crystalline splinter unless it wishes to make its presence known. It sacrifices armor in favor of electronic supremacy, and gains the ability to grant neighboring ships a -2 in defensive ECM (the equivalent to a single ECM system) or a -2 to all attempts to detect the ship, while allowing Electronic Warfare rolls by the crew to spoof the signal of what the ship actually is.
The most critical aspect of the Cataclysm is the highly experimental singularity drive. This uses a black hole to manipulate hyperspace, which allows the Cataclysm to negate up to -5 in hyperspace penalties (either from “inclement hyperspace weather”) or difficulty traveling via hyperspace lanes. It may also apply a -5 to any attempts to travel via hyperspace in a diameter as large as a solar system. The Cataclysm often deploys to interdict a system, preventing travel to or from. Finally, because the Singularity drive allows the Armageddon to travel hyperspace in unusual ways, it applies a -5 to detect its passage through hyperspace.

Front Hull System
Hardened Diamondoid Armor (total dDR 300) ($20B)
Area Distortion Jammers ($40B)
Spinal Battery (1 TJ antiparticle beam)
Secondary Battery (10 turrets with 30 GJ X-ray lasers) ($6B)
Hangar Bay (30,00 tons capacity) ($100M)
Control Room (C12 computer, comm sensor 14, $2B)

Central Hull System
Hardened Diamondoid Armor (total dDR 300) ($20B)
Habitat ($1B)
Tertiary Battery (30 turrets mounted with 10 GJ x-ray lasers) ($6B)
Heavy Force Screen (700 or 1400 dDR) ($50B)
Singularity Drive (FLT-1) ($100B)
Multipurpose Array (Comm/Sensor 16, $20B)
Spinal Battery (Central System) ($15B)

Rear Hull System
Hardened Diamondoid Armor (total dDR 300) ($20B)
Super Reactionless Engines (12.5G each) ($12B)
Spinal Battery (Rear System)
Super Fusion Reactor (four Power Points eatch) ($60B)
The Cataclysm-Class Dreadnought has artificial gravity, gravitic compensation, a stealth hull and dynamic chameleon hull ($2.4B)

TL Spacecraft
11^ Cataclysm
*Hardened, plus 700 or 1400 dDR from Force Screen

The Cataclysm has the same crew complement and vehicular configuration as an Empire-Class Dreadnought.

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