Thursday, March 9, 2017

Patreon Post: A First Draft Historical Timeline

I was bothered by how uncertain my history was.  How much time should really be in each era?  Did I cover enough?  Could I cover more?  To solve it, I broke everything out into a much more detailed timeline.  I don't intend to release the timeline in the final book (who reads timelines?) but it's still a useful reference for me, and I thought my Patrons might like to read it.

So, if you're a $3+ patron, you can get the complete timeline here.  It also necessarily includes a slightly deeper look at the setting.  I'd love some comments if you have them.  If you're not a patron, as always, I'd love to have you!

UPDATE: the information in this Patreon post has been outdated for some time.  I've opened it up to the public who are curious about the older designs, and for those who want a more up-to-date version, there's an article on History on the Psi-Wars wiki

Support me on Patreon!

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