Monday, November 14, 2016

Rafari, Heroic Alien Space Knight 1.1

Rafari is my first attempt at a true Psi-Knight, the final successor to Dun's template.  I also wanted to tinker with humanoid aliens, and for Rafari, I used the "Drylander" template from Biotech.  I presume his planet, Nehuda, is a desolate desert, and his people, the Nehudi, are some of those crazy-awesome Alien Warriors I've written up.  Rafari is a heroic space knight, a close parallel to what we might see a Jedi look like, though I've given him some rather unique abilities including the Prana-Bindu esoteric style, a Primitive/Survivor lens.

The question is: Is he good enough? Well, with a Force Sword of 18, Flying Leap 13, Acrobatics 13, Precognitive Parry 13, Sure-Footed (Uneven), Flourish and the Graceful Form under his belt, he's not bad.  His Psychic Healing power grants him the ability to regenerate slowly and to gain complete control of his metabolism, allowing him to either boost his HT to 19 or to boost his Basic Speed to 8.  This means he has a parry of 13 with his force sword and a dodge of 12, and an acrobatic defense will add +2 to either.

He's not great, and he doesn't have access to Communion yet, but he's pretty good.  I don't think most players would turn their nose up at him.

This is actually the second version of this character, which I adjusted after a discussion regarding my signature moves, and I realized I hadn't included any.  This version explicitly includes four signature moves from Graceful Form (though none purchased with Trademark Move)

Rafari, Space Knight, 300 points


ST 11 [10]
DX 12 [40]
IQ 13 [60]
HT 11 [10]

Secondary Characteristics

Dmg 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs; HP 11 [0]; Will 15 [10]; Per 13 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.0 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0]


Combat Reflexes [15]
Weapon Master (Force Sword) [20];
Drylander [19]
Style Familiarity (the Graceful Form) [1]
Flourish [1]
Style Familiarity (Prana-Bindu) [1]
Surefooted (Uneven) [1]
Cultural Familiarity (Nahudi Culture) [1]
Contact Group (Nahudi Tribe, skill 21 or less, 6 or less) [10]
Language (Nahudi, Native) [6]

Psychic Healing Powers
Psychic Healing +1 [5]
Regeneration 1 [9]
Metabolism Control 8 [36]

Secret Technique (Metabolic Speed) [1]


 Duty (Space Knight Order, Extremely Hazardous, 9 or less) [-10]
Disciplines of Faith (Mysticism) [-10]
Pacifism (Cannot harm innocents) [-10]
Sense of Duty (Allies) [-5]
Vow (Poverty) [-10]
Vow (to use no weapon other than a force sword) [-5]

Acrobatics (H) DX+1 [8]-13
Area Knowledge (Nahuda) (E) IQ+1 [2]-14
Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-12
Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-12
Fast-Draw (Sword) DX+1* [1]-13
Flying Leap (H) IQ* [2]-13
Force Sword (A) DX+6 [24]-18
-Force Sword Art (A) N-1 [2]-17
Judo DX [4]-12
Jumping (E) DX+1 [2]-13
Karate (H) DX [4]-12
Law (Galactic) (H) IQ-1 [2]-12
Meditation (H) Will-1 [2]-14
Metabolism Control (H) IQ+1* [4]-14
-Body Mastery (H) N-1 [4]-13
-Metabolic Speed (H) N-1 [8]-13
Navigation (Hyperspace) (A) IQ-1 [1]-11
Philosophy (H) IQ [4]-13
Pilot (Starship) (A) DX-1 [1]-11
Precognitive Parry (H) IQ [4]-13
Savoir-Faire (Dojo) (E) IQ+1 [2]-14
Stealth (A) DX [2]-12
Survivor (Desert) (A) Per [2]-13.
Vacc Suit (A) DX-1 [1]-11


I'm not going to bother with gear during this iteration until it's strictly necessary.  I'm perfectly sure that Rafari can afford a force sword, and I won't need to bother with much else.  I'm not interested in testing gear at this point (though it might be worth looking at relics at some point).

Signature Moves

Lesser Flying Step (“Descend from Heaven”): After making a full run, make a Flying Leap roll (-0 = 13) and make a Committed Flying Strike (-4) (base jump distance is 2x your move) using Force Sword Art (-1) for a total of Force Sword 12. If you hit inflict 8d (5) burning damage and gain +1 reaction modifier. For the rest of the turn, you may not parry, and you dodge at -2 (8) and may not retreat. Setup: You concentrated for one turn. This is best done as the battle is just beginning.

The Trickster's Step (“Transcend Lesser Troubles”): The stylist runs at his opponent, and then suddenly flips over the top of her, and attacks her from behind. After running full move, make an Flying Leap roll (13) to clear opponent's head. Then make an Acrobatic Attack to Spin (-1 =12) to face your opponent and then make a Force Sword (-3 = 15) attack against the torso. Your first defense is at +2, but you may not retreat. Setup: Initial attack.

The Counter Step (“Accept Adversity With Grace”): The Stylist parries an attack and uses that momentum to perform a pirouette, and uses that energy to create a new attack. When attacked, make an Acrobatics roll (13) to spin around the attack and then defend against the attack (+2 from acrobatic parry) while making a side-slip (+2) with a riposte penalty (-4). Roll parry+0 (13, 14 with precog). On your turn, make a Spinning attack (-2=16) against your foe's torso. Apply margin of success+4 as a penalty to your opponent's defense. Setup: You are attacked.

The Triumph (“Be Artful in All Things”): After defeating a foe, the stylist spins his force sword artfully. Make a Force Sword Art roll+4 (21) . This can either count as an intimidation roll or success adds a +1 to reaction rolls. Setup: You have defeated a foe or knocked a foe down.

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