Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Psi-Wars Template: The Assassin

Assassin 1.0: 250 points

This assassin template has nothing to do with the Assassin template in GURPS Action. Players who want to try a stealthy sniper are better off exploring the Commando template, as military-style training is their purview. This assassin is much closer to the Ninja template from Action 3, as its intention is to be the ninja to the Space Knight’s samurai. This is a character who specializes in stealth, silent kills and melee combat.

The Assassin needs decent infiltration skills to get near her target, making her the Rim-version of the Spy, but substantially more lethal.

Attributes: ST 11 [10], DX 15 [100]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10]

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs; HP 11 [0]; Will 12 [5]; Per 11 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [10]; Basic Move 7 [0].

Advantages: Craftiness +2 [10], Luck [15], Weapon Master (Single Weapon type) [20]. Choose a total of 25 points from the following: +1 ST [10], +1 DX [20], +1 IQ [20], +1 HT [10], +1 to +3 Will [5/level], +1 Basic Speed [20], +1 to +3 Basic Move [5/level], Acute Senses (Any) [2/level], Ambidexterity [5], Appearance (Attractive or Beautiful) [4 or 12], Brave [1], Combat Reflexes [15], Contact Group (Criminal or Assassins; Skill-12, 15, or 18; 9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [5, 10, or 15], improve Craftiness to +3 or +4 [5/level], Danger Sense [15], Daredevil [15], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], either Fearlessness [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Fit or Very Fit [5 or 15], Flexibility or Double Jointed [5 or 15], Forgettable Face [1], Gizmo 1-3 [5/level], High Heeled Heroine [1], Honest Face [1], Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], Perfect Balance [15], Resistant to Poison +3 or +8 [3 or 5], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Striking ST (Assassination -60%) [2/level], Improve Weapon Master [Varies] or replace Weapon Master with Trained by a Master [30] for +10 points, Wild Talent 1 [20], Zeroed [10], or Upgrade Luck [15] to Extraordinary Luck [30]

Disadvantages: Choose -20 points from among Bloodlust [-10*], Callous [-5], Code of Honor (“Fight Fair”, “Finish the Job”) [-5], Duty (Spy agency, Assassination Cult, Extremely Hazardous Materials, 9, 12 or 15 or less) [-10, -15 or -20], Fanaticism (Employer; Assassination Cult) [-15], Greedy [-15*], Intolerance (Specific race/organization) [-5], Jealousy [-10], Obsession (Kill a specific target) [-5], Overconfidence [-5*], Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10], Secret (Killer for hire) [-20] or Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5], Workaholic [-5]; Choose another -30 points from among Appearance (Unattractive or Ugly) [-4 or -8], Bad Temper [-10*], Bully [-10*], Clueless [-10], Disturbing Voice [-10], Loner [-5*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Oblivious [-5], On the Edge [-15*], Paranoia [-10], Shyness [-5 to -10], Trademark [-5 to -15], Vow (Never use a blaster) [-10],

Primary Skills: Stealth (A) DX+4* [4]-18; Karate (H) DX [4]-15; Judo (H) DX [4]-15; Jumping (E) DX [1]-15, Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-14, Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]-14 and Escape (H) DX-1 [2]-14;

Secondary Skills: Beam Weapons (Pistol) DX [1]-14; Choose six from from Camouflage (E) IQ+4* [4]-15, Housekeeping or Savoir-Faire (High Society, Servant or Mafia) both (E) IQ+1 [2]-12, Acting, Holdout or Shadowing all (A) IQ+3* [4]-14, Animal Handling (Guard Alien), Electrician, Electronics Operation (Security), Fast-Talk, Lockpicking, Smuggling or Traps all (A) IQ [2]-11, Expert Skill (Conspiracy Theory), Intelligence Analysis or Poison all (H) IQ-1 [2]-10, Carousing or Swimming both (E) HT+1 [2]-12, Running or Sex-Appeal both (A) HT [2]-11, Observation (A) Per [2]-11.

Background Skills: Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-11; Vacc Suit (A) DX-1[1]-14; Navigation (Hyperspace) (A) IQ-1 [1]-10, Pilot (Starship) (A) DX-1 [1]-14. Choose 20 points from a background lens;

Martial Arts: A total of 20 points on skills, perks and techniques from one of the following styles: Space Ninjutsu, Art of the Blade, Rim Force Swordsmanship, Vibro-Knife combat.

*: Modified by self-control value

1: +2 from Craftiness

Craftiness can be found on page 9 of Power-Ups 3: Talents and in GURPS Action.

Integrating Martial Arts

I expect players will be able to figure out how to get their own martial arts to work here, but here's a  sample style to play with, to get an idea, at a glance, of what such a character might look like:

Art of the Blade: Style Familiarity (Art of the Blade) [1]; Shortsword DX+3 [12]-18; Spend 4 points improving Shortsword or Karate by one level for 4 points or on Cinematic Skills or on techniques.  Spend 3 points on techniques or perks.

Cinematic Skills: Mental-Strength (E) Will+2 [4]-14, Power-Blow (H) Will [4]-12

Perks: Finishing Move [1], Lightning Fingers (Vibro) [1], Off-Hand Weapon Training (Shortsword) [1], Quick-Swap (Shortsword) [1], Skill-Adaption (Bind Weapon defaults to Shortsword) [1], Trademark Move [1]

Techniques: Bind Weapon [2-4], Close Combat (Shortsword) [2-5], Counterattack (Shortsword) [2-6], Dual-Weapon Attack (Shortsword) [2-5], Dual Weapon Defense (Shortsword) [2], Feint (Shortsword) [2-5], Hammer-Fist [1], Low-Fighting (Shortsword) [2-3], Targeted Attack (Shortsword Swing/Arm) [2-3], Targeted Attack (Shortsword Swing/Neck) [2-5], Targeted Attack (Shortsword Thrust/Vitals) [2-4]

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