Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Cybernetics as Power-Set

Cybernetics can be chosen as a power-set or, with GM permission, taken as part of a template's additional advantage points.

Cybernetics as Power-Set

Advantages: Choose 40 points from the Cybernetics below.
Additional Traits: Choose an additional 10 points from the Cybernetics below or from the following skills: Beam Weapons (Pistol) or Fast-Draw (Cyberblade), both (E) DX+1 [2], Shortsword (A) DX [2], Current Affairs (Technology) (E) IQ+1 [2], Connoisseur (Cybernetics or Robotics) or Mechanic (Robotics) both (A) IQ [2], or Engineer (Robotics) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Disadvantages: Characters with the cybernetic power-set may add the following disadvantages to their disadvantage lists: Secret (Cyborg; Embarassing) [-5], Social Stigma (Cyborg) [-5], or any disadvantageous Cybernetics.

Cybernetics Rules

If you take more than 1/3 your HP in an attack, you have to roll HT or your cybernetics short out. Your cybernetics must be repaired with Mechanic (Robotics). You have reduced damage from impaling or piercing attacks to your cybernetic limbs. You are not immune to metabolic hazards: Cybernetics integrate enough with flesh that damage to the body will harm the cybernetic attachments. For example, you can poison a cyborg by poisoning his nutrients.

They must also be maintained with Mechanic (Robotics) once per week. Failure to meet this maintenance results in a loss of HT for that part only. For simplicity, assume all cybernetics have the same HT and the same maintenance level. Maintenance takes an hour to treat all parts, and requires a Mechanic (Robotics) roll, using the standard modifiers for tools. Apply the maintenance-missed penalty to all parts (so, if you're HT 12 and you've missed two maintenance sessions and you get hit with sufficient electrical damage to see if your cybernetics short out, they'll do so on a roll of 11 or more, rather than the usual 13 or more).

Cybernetic limbs are unliving. They take reduced damage from piercing and impaling attacks and require twice as much damage as normal to cripple.

Social Effects of Cybernetics

Cybernetics are a normal part of the Psi-Wars universe, but characters who augment their capabilities beyond the norm are become “more robot than human” are controversial (worth -1 reaction from most characters). Characters with Unnatural Feature -1 or more (from something other than Mannequin) must take Social Stigma (Cyborg) [-5]. Characters with superhuman abilities from implants, or any character with any cybernetics may choose to take Social Stigma (Cyborg) [-5] if they wish the controversiality of cybernetics to be important to their character or Secret (Cyborg) [-5] if they wish the same and their abilities are sufficiently subtle that others have not yet uncovered them.

Cybernetics and Corruption

Cybernetics slowly strip a character of his humanity and bring him closer to broken communion. Characters who gain cybernetics later in play may choose to pay for some of their cybernetics by taking on disadvantage points appropriate to Broken Communion, if they wish. If a random value is desired:
  • Simple Procedures inflict no corruption
  • Minor procedures inflict 1d6x10 corruption
  • Major procedures inflict 2dx10 corruption
  • Radical procedures inflict 4dx10 corruption.
Player characters should never lose net points as a result of this form of corruption (that is, if a player loses 5 character points, then he should be allowed to spend 5 points elsewhere). Corruption from cybernetics are voluntary and cosmetic as far as player characters are concerned.
NPCs, on the other hand, can certainly go mad from their cybernetics. This is called cyberpyschosis.


These change the most, as nothing written in any book is precisely correct. When choosing multiple bionic parts, adjust your character’s Injury Tolerance and DR limitations rather than adding a new DR, Unnatural features are not cumulative.

The following are not the only possible bionic items. Instead, I've tried to create a reasonable catalog for players to explore when purchasing what they want, instead of building something using Demi's very extensive system (found in “Living better with Cybernetics” in Pyramid #3-51 Tech 'n' Toys III).

The general themes are:
  • Basic: Standard, obvious bionics that fit well with what is found in Star Wars and the like.
  • Mannequin: Bionics with human-level performance and human-like appearance. These would be the ideal choice for someone who has lost a limb and wants minimal change.
  • Heavy: Obvious, high performance, military-grade bionics.
  • Advanced: Full, high-performance TL 11 technology that spare no expense, but are less obvious than Heavy bionics. Typically requires the Better Cybernetics perk, or a really good availability roll.  I haven't detailed these yet.
  • Exotic: High-performance TL 10-11 technology that makes no attempt to look even remotely human. Often adds entirely new capabilities. Requires an Availability: Exotic Cybernetics perk, or a really good availability roll. I haven't detailed these yet.
Bionics feature additional traits:
  • Biomorphics: These are the same as robotic biomorphics. Sculpted bionics are obviously cybernetic. Mannequin or unusual bionics apply Unnatural Appearance levels.
  • Availability: If a character wishes to implement this procedure later, this describes the difficulty of the procedure and the cost.

Basic Bionic Catalog

obsidian reverie oliver arm back view
by bradwright
The basic bionic catalog mostly consists of appropriate standard technology. These are generally available wherever cybernetics can be found. If an entry is not found in a given catalog, use the value found in the basic catalog. Basic bionics are sculpted. They are immediately obvious as cybernetics, but do not detract from appearance (though they may qualify for a Distinctive Appearance quirk).

Bionic Limbs

Basic Bionic Hand (4 points)
Statistics: Arm ST +1 (Bionic -25%) [5]; DR 5 (One Hand -80%) [1], One Hand, Mitigator (-70%) [-6], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, One Hand -80%) [4]
Availability: Major Procedure; $6,500.

Basic Bionic Arm (17 point)
Statistics: Arm ST +2 (Bionic -25%) [5]; DR 10 (One Arm -40%) [6], One Hand, Mitigator (-70%) [-6], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, One Arm -40%) [12]
Availability: Major Procedure; $10,000.

Two Basic Bionic Arm (23 points)
Statistics: Arm ST +2 (Bionic -25%) [8]; DR 10 (Two Arms -20%) [8], No Fine Manipulators, Mitigator (-70%) [-9], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, Two Arms -20%) [16]
Availability: Two Major Procedure; $20,000. If already has one bionic arm, use the availability of one arm.

One Basic Bionic Leg (12 points)
Statistics: DR 10 (One leg -40%) [6], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, One Leg -40%) [12], Missing Legs (Mitigators -70%) [-6]
Availability: Major Procedure; $6500

Two Basic Bionic Legs (27 points)
Statistics: Basic Move +1 (Bionic -25%) [4], Super Jump (Bionic -25%) [8], DR 10 (Legs -20%) [8], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, Legs -20%) [16], Missing Legs (Mitigators -70%) [-9]
Availability: Two Major Procedures; $13,000

Bionic Head/Face replacements

Bionic Ear (-3 points): UT 209. $400

Bionic Ears (-1 point): UT 209. $800

Advanced Bionic Ears (11 points): UT 209. $4000.

One Basic Bionic Eye (9 points)
Statistics: Accessory (HUD) [1]; Nictitating Membrane 2 (One eye, -50%) [1]; Infravision (Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical and No Depth Perception, -35%) [7]; Telescopic Vision 1 (Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical and No Depth Perception, -35%) [4]; One Eye (Mitigator, -70%) [-4].
Availability: Major. $4000.

Two Basic Bionic Eyes (0 points): Thermal Imaging eyes, UT 214. $8,000. This represents a sculpted (and thus obvious) bionic eyes.

Bionic Jaw (9 points)
Statistics: Cannot Speak (Mitigator -70%) [-3], DR 10 (Jaw -60%) [4], Unliving (Jaw only -60%) [8].
Availability: Major. $7000.

Bionic Organ Replacements

Basic Bionic Organ Transplant (-26 points): See UT 210. $5500

Boosted Heart (19 points): See UT 210. $8,000

Bionic Organ Reconstruction (-2 points)
Statistics: HP +5 [10], DR 10 (Tough Skin -50%, Vitals only -30%) [3], Hard to Kill 3 (Electrical -20%) [5], Resistant to Metabolic Hazards +3 [10], Terminally Ill (Up to One Month, Mitigator -70%) [-30]
Availability: Radical Procedure. $80,000

Mannequin Catalog

The Mannequin catalog is intended for people for whom looks matter more than performance. Mannequin technology is not immediately obvious as cybernetics, but it applies Unnatural Feature -2, and it reduces Appearance by one level unless the target still has living flesh on their face and torso.

Mannequin Limbs

Mannequin Hand (-4 points)
Statistics: One Hand, Mitigator (-70%) [-6], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, One Hand -80%) [4], Unnatural Appearance -2 [-2]
Availability: Major Procedure; $7,000.

Mannequin Arm (7 points)
Biomorphics: Mannequin;
Statistics: DR 5 (One Arm -40%) [3], One Hand, Mitigator (-70%) [-6], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, One Arm -40%) [12], Unnatural Feature (Mannequin) [-2]
Availability: Major Procedure; $11,000.

Two Mannequin Arms (9 points)
Biomorphics: Mannequin;
Statistics: DR 5 (Two Arms -20%) [4], No Fine Manipulators, Mitigator (-70%) [-9], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, Two Arms -20%) [16], Unnatural Feature -2 [-2]
Availability: Two Major Procedure; $22,000. If already has one bionic arm, use the availability of one arm.

One Mannequin Leg (7 points)
Biomorphics: Mannequin;
Statistics: DR 5 (One leg -40%) [3], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, One Leg -40%) [12], Missing Legs (Mitigators -70%) [-6], Unnatural Feature (Mannequin) [-2]
Availability: Major Procedure; $7000

Two Mannequin Legs (13 points)
Biomorphics: Mannequin;
Statistics: DR 5 (Legs -20%) [8], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, Legs -20%) [16], Missing Legs (Mitigators -70%) [-9], Unnatural Feature (Mannequin) [-2]
Availability: Two Major Procedures; $13,000

Mannequin Head/Face replacements

Mannequin Ear (-5 points): UT 209 but with Mannequin Sculpting. $450

Mannequin Ears (-1 point): UT 209 but with Mannequin Sculpting. $900

One Mannequin Eye (-4 points)
Statistics: Accessory (Video Display) [1], Nictitating Membrane 2 (One eye, -50%) [1]; One Eye (Mitigator, -70%) [-4], Unnatural Feature -2 (Mannequin) [-2]
Availability: Major Procedure. $4500.

Two Mannequin Eyes (-9 points):
Statistics: Accessory (Video Display) [1], Nictitating Membrane 2 [2]; Protected Vision [5], Blindness (Mitigator, -70%) [-15], Unnatural Feature -2 (Mannequin) [-2]
Availability: Major Procedure. $9000.

Mannequin Jaw 5 points
Statistics: Cannot Speak (Mitigator -70%) [-3], DR 5 (Jaw -60%) [2], Unliving (Jaw only -60%) [8], Unnatural Feature (Mannequin) [-2]
Availability: Major Procedure. $7500.

Heavy Bionics Catalog

The Heavy Bionics catalog represents military-grade bionic hardware. All of the following are not only sculpted, and thus obviously cybernetic, but also inhuman looking and provide a -1 to -2 unnatural feature.

Heavy Bionic Limbs

Heavy Hand (9 points)
Statistics: Arm ST +2 (Bionic -25%) [10]; DR 20 (One Hand -80%) [4], One Hand, Mitigator (-70%) [-6], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, One Hand -80%) [4], Striking Surface [1], Unnatural Feature -1 [-1]
Availability: Major Procedure; $9,000.

Heavy Arm (25 points)
Statistics: Arm ST +2 (Bionic -25%) [5], Arm ST +2 (Bionic -25%, Unsupported ST -25%) [3], DR 20 (One Arm -40%) [12], One Hand, Mitigator (-70%) [-6], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, One Arm -40%) [12], Striking Surface [1], Unnatural Feature (Heavily Armored) [-2]
Availability: Major Procedure; $12,000.

Two Heavy Arms (34 points)
Statistics: Arm ST +2 (Two Arms, Bionic -25%) [8], Arm ST +2 (Two Arms, Bionic -25%, Unsupported ST -25%) [5], DR 20 (Two Arms -20%) [16], No Fine Manipulators, Mitigator (-70%) [-9], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, Two Arms -20%) [16], Unnatural Feature -2 [-2]
Availability: Two Major Procedure; $24,000. If already has one bionic arm, use the availability of one arm.

One Heavy Bionic Leg (17 points)
Statistics: DR 20 (One leg -40%) [12], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, One Leg -40%) [12], Missing Legs (Mitigators -70%) [-6], Unnatural Feature -1 (Heavy) [-1]
Availability: Major Procedure; $6500

Two Heavy Bionic Legs (37 points)
Statistics: Lifting ST +2 (Electrical -20%, Requires Maintenance -5%) [3], Basic Move +1 (Bionic -25%) [4], Super Jump (Bionic -25%) [8], DR 20 (Legs -20%) [16], Injury Tolerance (Unliving, Legs -20%) [16], Missing Legs (Mitigators -70%) [-9], Unnatural Feature -1 (Heavy) [-1]
Availability: Two Major Procedures; $13,000

Heavy Bionic Head/Face replacements

Heavy Bionic Jaw (12 points)
Statistics: Cannot Speak (Mitigator -70%) [-3], DR 20 (Jaw -60%) [8], Unliving (Jaw only -60%) [8], Unnatural Feature (Heavy) -1 [-1].
Availability: Major. $7500.

Heavy Bionic Organ/Bone Replacements

Heavy Bionic Organ Reconstruction (1 point )
Statistics: HP +5 [10], DR 20 (Tough Skin -50%, Vitals only -30%) [6], Hard to Kill 3 (Electrical -20%) [5], Resistant to Metabolic Hazards +3 [10], Terminally Ill (Up to One Month, Mitigator -70%) [-30]
Availability: Radical Procedure. $85,000

Bionic Spine (-16 points): Pyramid #3-51 page 21, but with DR 20 (Spine -80%) [4]. This explicitly removes the Unsupported ST from heavy bionic limbs, as it grants them a proper attachment point. Characters with four heavy limbs and a bionic spine might instead replace +2 HP (from the spine), +2 lifting ST (from the legs) and +2 arm ST (unsupported) with +2 ST. $20,000

Reinforced Skeleton (22 points)
Replaces bionic spine (above). The two are not mutually compatible. All rules for bionic spine apply to Reinforced Skeleton.
Statistics: HP +5 [10], DR 40 (Skull only -70%, Tough Skin -40%) [8], DR 20 (Limited, Crushing -40%, Tough Skin -40%) [4].
Availability: Radical Procedure. $50,000

Cybernetic Implants

Boosted Reflexes (18 points): UT 210; Minor Procedure, $8,000

Gyrobalance (10 points): UT 211; $6500

Hidden Compartments: Available to both arms (see below) and legs. UT 211. $500.

Implant Radio (7 points): UT 211; $100

Battleweave Subdermal Armor (16 points)
Statistics: DR 20 (Tough Skin -40%) [16]
Availability: Major Procedure; $10,000

Bionic Arm Upgrades

Neurolash Hand 1 point
The hand or arm integrates a neurolash glove into the surface of the hand. Requires a ready action to activate.
Statistics: Accessory (Neurolash Field) [1]
Availability: Simple Procedure; $2500

Vibro Cyber-Blade 1 point
The arm integrates an ejectable knife-blade. This takes a ready action or Fast-Draw (Cyber-Blade) roll. Treat as a large knife with the vibro option, and an ejection strength equal to the strength of the bionic arm.
Statistics: Accessory (Vibro-Knife) [1]
Availability: Simple Procedure; $4500

Vibro Claws 6 points
The arm or hand integrates claws. These can be unsheathed with a Ready action. They count as “unarmed” for the purposes of skills and Unarmed Etiquette.
Statistics: Sharp Claws (Switchable +10%, Accessory: Vibro +10%) [6]
Availability: Simple Procedure; $3000

Cyber-Blaster 7 points
The arm contains an integrated blaster (treat as a heavy blaster pistol with an Acc of 3) that can fire through the palm of the cybernetic hand. Integrates a bio-power tap that provides sufficient power to fully charge the cell once per day.
Statistics: Weapon Mount [2], Integrated Biotap (Pyramid #3-69 page 14) [5]

Availability: Minor Procedure; $5000

Cybernetic Power Packages

So, does this actually work?  Can you spend 50 points on Cybernetics this way?  Turns out you can:

Bionic Rehaul: 2 Bionic Arms [23], 2 Bionic Legs [27], Bionic Eyes [0].  This character has a fairly basic package of +2 arm ST, +2 lifting ST, decent DR, and thermal vision.

Super Arm: Reinforced Skeleton [22], Heavy Cybernetic Arm (No Unsupported Strength) [27], Cyberblade [1].  This character has +4 arm ST (and +1 crushing damage with punches), +5 HP, 40 DR for his skull and 20 DR against crushing for the rest of his body, and an ST +4 cyberblade.

Pretty Ripper: Mannequin Arm [7], Boosted Reflexes [18], Boosted Heart [19], Vibroclaws [6].  This character is no stronger, but can deal thr+1d(5) cut damage with her cybernetic hand, and can reach +2 basic speed at a cost of 1 fatigue per minute.

These aren't necessarily ideal packages, just an idea of what someone might do with them.

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