Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New Styles: Force-Swordsmanship 2

The Swift Form 2 points

Alternate Names: The Way of the Duelist, The Pure Techniques

Force-Swordmanship includes dual weapon techniques as standard, but most lightsaber combat I've seen focuses on a single weapon, and this bears out in GURPS too. The defensive grip is superior to the single-handed grip for everything but offense, as it gives you better parries, better weapon-retention and superior beats. GURPS Martial Arts also introduces a new weapon, noted below: the Force Saber. It uses a different skill, and gains the benefits of a fencing weapon (superior disarm, superior parry), but is an exclusively single-handed weapon, which suits a dual-weapon style much more.

Count Dooku
I built the Swift style around the fencing force saber and dual weapon combat. The result isn't terribly different from how Count Dooku fights, a style Star Wars calls “Makashi.” He doesn't use two blades, but his apprentice, Ventress, does. Several of the signature moves below (Pointed Critique, Gentleman's Victory and Dog's Defeat) could be used with a single weapon.

The Swift style is an aggressive style that focuses exclusively on defeating another opponent with a force sword. It turns defense into offense, and it attacks whenever it can, hoping to either wear one's opponent down or to force him to draw his defenses to the wrong point, at which point, it achieves victory either with a delicate disarm, or by ruthlessly killing its opponent. The Swift Form, like the Graceful Form, is a courtly technique. As a duelist style, it seeks to impress others in victory, and makes extensive use of Combat Art.

Skills: Force Saber
Techniques: Combat Art (Force Sword), Counter Attack (Force Sword), Disarm (Force Sword), Feint (Force Sword), Retain Weapon (Force Sword), Setup Attack (Force Sword), Targeted Attack (Force Sword/Vitals).
Cinematic Skills: Mental Strength, Power Blow, Precognitive Parry
Cinematic Techniques: Dual-Weapon Attack (Force Sword), Dual-Weapon Defense (Force Sword), Timed Defense (Force Sword)
Perks: No Nuisance Roll (Precognitive Defense), Off-Hand Weapon Training (Force Sword), Sure-Footed (Uneven), Sure-Footed (Slippery), Trademark Move (see below for ideas).
Optional Traits: Ambidexterity [5], Enhanced Parry (Force Sword) [5/level], Unfazeable [15]
Optional Skills: Armoury (Force Sword), Fast-Draw (Force Sword), Meditation, Savoir-Faire, Savoir-Faire (Dojo),

Signature Moves

Pointed Critique: The duelist deftly (and perhaps insultingly) tests his opponent's defenses. Make a defensive force sword art (-3) setup attack (-6). Roll Force Sword -9. If successful, opponent's next parry against you is at -2 and his dodge/block is at -1. Deal 7d-7(5) burn damage. You defend at +1 for the remainder of the turn. Garner a +1 reaction roll from the audience. Setup: Your opponent is defensive.

The Knightly Cross: The duelist dramatically crosses his sabers to defend against an attack and them immediately attacks as he uncrosses them. After making a cross-parry (using both weapons, +1 to defense) make a Dual-Weapon (-4) Counter Attack (-5). Roll Force Sword-9 twice. Opponent defends at -3. If successful, each attack deals deal 7d(5) burn damage. Setup: You cross-parried your opponent attacks.

Ribbons of Light: The Duelist launches a series of swift attacks while keeping one saber back for defense. Make a Committed (+2) Rapid Strike (-12 or -6) against his opponent. Roll 3 Force-Sword attacks at -10 or -4. Each deals 7d(5) burn damage. You may not parry with the sword you attacked with, but you may parry with your off-hand sword at -2 (-4 if no off-hand weapon training). Setup: None.

Gentleman's Victory: With a beautiful twist of his wrist and flip of his blade, the duelist deftly disarms his opponent. Make a Combat Art (-3) Disarm (+0) against your opponent. If you successfully strike, roll a contest of DX- or ST-based Disarm vs your opponent's DX- or ST-based Retain Weapon (he gains +2 if holding his weapon in a defensive grip). If successful, your opponent is disarmed. Gain +1 reaction from onlookers, and defend normally for the remainder of the turn. Setup: Your opponent is sufficiently regal or stylish that you wish to honor them.

Dog's Defeat: Setting aside pretense, the duelist buries his force saber deep into his opponent, completely focused on defeating them. Make an All-Out (+4) deceptive (-4) force saber attack for the vitals (-3). Roll at Force Saber-3. Your opponent defends at -2. If you hit, deal 7d(5) burn, x2 for striking the vitals. You may not defend for the remainder of the turn. Setup: After Pointed Critique or a Feint against an opponent unworthy of your time.

Rim Force-Swordsmanship 5 points

Alternate Names: The Way of the Rim Knight, The Bastard Techniques, the Cutting Dance.

Ahsoka Tano
The Furious Form arose naturally out of my design work. I began to see alternate possibilities and I remembered certain techniques and strategies that worked well in Cherry Blossom Rain. If the Serene Form is Iajutsu, and the Swift form is Nito Ryu, then the Furious Form is the other side of Nito Ryu. It furthermore blends some of the brutality of the Destructive Form, the two-handed speed of the Swift form, and the agility of the Graceful form into some kind of hodgepodge mix that might be closer to the “Juyo” form than the Destructive Form is, though if I'm honest, much of its imagery, for me, was drawn from Asoka Tano (though she rarely fights this brutally).

This mixture of techniques suggests bastardization, a rise of practicality over elegance. Its fighters use any means they can to win, but focus heavily on tricks, fighting where their opponent is least comfortable, and moving about until they find the ideal point from which to attack. Its lack of refinement will surely punish it compared to the more elegant styles, and if it cannot control positioning, its weakness in defense might seriously hurt it. Its bastardization of the Destructive Form, the Graceful Form and the Swift Form means that characters with this style can readily learn the techniques and approaches of those other styles and fold those techniques into its own.

Skills: Acrobatics, Force Saber, Karate, Jumping
Techniques: Acrobatic Stand, Counter Attack (Karate), Feint (Force Sword), Hammer Fist, Kick, Low Fighting (Force Sword or Karate), Reverse Grip (Force Saber), Targeted Attack (Hammer Fist/Face), Targeted Attack (Kick/Groin)
Cinematic Skills: Flying Leap, Kiai, Light Walk, Precognitive Parry
Cinematic Techniques: Dual-Weapon Attack (Force Sword), Dual-Weapon Defense (Force Sword), Springing Attack, Timed Defense (Force Sword)
Perks: Dirty Fighting, Graceful Glider, Light Walker, Off-Hand Weapon Training (Force Sword), Style Adaption (the Destructive Form, the Graceful Form, the Swift Form), Sure-Footed (Any), Trademark Move (see below for ideas).
Optional Traits: Ambidexterity [5], Basic Move [5/level], Enhanced Dodge [15], Perfect Balance [15]
Optional Skills: Armoury (Force Sword), Fast-Draw (Force Sword), Savoir-Faire (Dojo), Stealth

Signature Moves

Rim Tagging: After deftly blocking an attack, the Rim Knight steps into close combat and pummels his opponent. Step and make a Counter Attack (-5) Pummel (-1) against your opponents face (-5). Roll Karate-11. Opponent defends at -2 plus any close combat penalties. Deal thr(+karate bonuses) damage and any shock penalties force a Stun/Knockdown check. Defend normally. Setup: You defended against an attack while one yard away from your opponent or you made an Acrobatic Slip defense to get close to your opponent..

The Bastard's Dance: The Rim Knight suddenly shifts stance and steps body-to-body with his opponent while spinning his saber's into reverse strike position and makes two quick slashes. Instantly shift to Reverse Grip (Force Sword -6), Step into Close Combat and make a Deceptive (-2) Dual Weapon Attack (-4/-8) against your opponent. Roll Force-Sword -6 and -10. Your opponent defends at -3 plus any additional close combat penalties. Deal 7d-7(5) burn damage to the torso with each attack. Defend at -2 with Force Sword, or -1 with Karate. Setup: Your force sabers are in a normal grip and you are one hex away from your opponent who uses a reach 1 or longer weapon or you used an Acrobatic Slip against your opponent.

Fell Assault: The Rim Knight forces his opponent's guard down by beating with one force sword, and then instantly attacks with the other.  After you have parried an attack, make a Dual Weapon Attack (Force Sword) (-4 then -8), first to Beat (+0).  Roll ST-based Force Sword(-4) in a quick contest with the better of your opponent's ST- or DX-based Force Sword.  Apply the margin of success as a penalty to their attack and parry for the next full turn, or unready their weapon if you succeed by 5 or more.  Make a Force Sword attack(-0).  Deal 7d(5) burn damage.  You may defend normally. Setup: You parried an attack last turn or your opponent parried you last turn.

Fallen Knight: The Rim Knight, having found a secretive perch above his target, activates his force sabers and then drops on his opponent from above, attacking with just as his blades finish materializing. Roll a quick contest of Stealth vs your opponent's Observation, then drop. Make a Dual Weapon Attack (Force Sword) (-4 and -8) From Above (-2). Roll Force Sword -6 and -10. Your opponent defends at -2 (if he succeeded at the contest) and cannot defend if he didn't. Make a Breakfall roll to reduce falling damage and end in a crouch. You may defend normally (-2 for being in a crouch). Setup: You are above your opponent and your force sabers haven't been activated.

Fell Frenzy: The Rim Knight rises from a crouch to launch a furious attack on all of her opponents. Make a Deceptive (-2) All-Out (Double) Dual Weapon Attack (-4 and -8) Springing Attack (-2). Roll 3 attacks, the first Force Sword-4, the second Force Sword -4 and the third Force Sword -8.. If the first attack hits, it deals 7d+7(5) burn damage. If the attack misses, defend at -2 for the remaining of the turn. Your opponent defends at -1 against all three attacks. You may not defend. Setup: You crouched on the previous turn.

The Bastard's Retreat: The Rim Knight, outmatched, retreats from an attack with a flip, and continues to flip and tumble away from his opponent until he ends some distance from his opponent. Make an Acrobatic Movement (Tumble) backwards (this costs 2 move per yard). End movement in a Crouch. Attempts to hit you with ranged combat are -4 and you gain +2 on your first defense (and you may continue to retreat). Setup: You acrobatically dodged and retreated last turn.

The Defensive Form 5 points

Alternate Names: The Way of the Guardian, the Three Knightly Virtues

Dun Beltain
This is Force Sword-And-Buckler Combat from Pyramid #3-9, because that style works great as is. We do need a couple of minor changes to accommodate our new rules. First, replace the “Feint” technique with “Beat.” In perks, remove Chi Resistance and Grip Mastery (which should never have been in there) and add Finishing Move (Force Sword). In Optional Traits, remove Psionic Talents and Forceful Chi.

The result is a slow, patient and defensive form. The most comparable lightsaber form would be Form III, Soresu, which Obi-Wan used in Episode IV, that is, Obi-Wan was so slow and unspectacular because he was using a slow and modest style, not because he was, say, being played by an old gentleman. In a sense, it's not very different from the Destructive Form, in that both rely on a certain level of physicality and both focus on destroying the opponent's weapons.

The style description states that stylists focus on evaluates, waits, attacking opponent's weapons, beating with their shields, attacking limbs or weapons, and using their shields to Push. I've turned these into the signature moves below. Allow Force Sword-And-Buckler Combatants to learn trademark moves!

Signature Moves

Heroic Guardian Assault: Make a Move and Attack to Slam with your Force Shield. This requires a Shield (Force) roll at +0. Deal slam-damage +3, and your shield absorbs all damage from the attack. You may not block with your shield or retreat for the remainder of the turn.

Watchful Guardian Stance: Evaluate. This grants a +3 to your next attack and allows you to negate up to -3 in defense penalties from Feints or Deceptive Attacks. You may roll Tactics or Expert Skill (Hoplology) to gain some insight on your opponent's combat approach. If taken as a trademark move, improve the Tactics or Expert Skill (Hoplology) roll. Setup: Your opponent is defensive or used a tricky move last turn.

Defiant Guardian Stance: After Blocking a Slam or a Move and Attack (including Flying Attacks or Acrobatic attacks), make a Push attack with your Shield. Roll Swing+3 damage, inflicting no wound, and doubling the knockback effect. This move requires the Special Setup Perk (Push with Shield) and the Push skill. Setup: You Blocked a Slam or a Move and Attack.

Blade-Deflecting Stance: Make a rapid strike (-6 or -3) Beat opponent's force sword (make a contest of ST-based Shield (Force) vs the better of your opponent's ST- or DX-based combat skill), and then an rapid strike (-6 or -3) attack against your opponent's weapon-arm (-2). Success inflicts 8d(5) cutting damage on the arm. Setup: You blocked a melee attack with your shield.

Bristling Guardian Counter-Charge: Wait, with the stipulation that if your opponent attacks, you'll attack at the same time. If your opponent attacks, make a Stop Hit: Roll against Force Sword to hit. If you miss and your opponent hits, or you hit and your opponent hits at a larger margin, you block at -1 and dodge at -1 (with +3 from the DB of your shield). If you hit and your opponent hits with a smaller margin or misses, he defends at -1 (-3 if he wants to parry). Deal 8d(5) burn damage to the torso.

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