Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Psionic Powersets

So, now that we've defined Psionics and Communion and how they'll work with Psi-Wars, we should offer players the chance to explore them.

A power set is 50 points we set aside for purchasing powers of a specific set.  So what's the Psionic Powerset?  Well, spend 50 points on psionic traits!  There you go, have fun!  We can do the same for Communion, provided you have some kind of psionic power already.

That's not enough?  You need something more specific?  Well, alright.

Psionic Powerset: 50 points

Talents: Choose one of Anti-Psi +1 [5], Electrokinesis Talent +1 [5], ESP Talent +1 [5], Psychic Healing Talent +1 [5], Psychic Vampirism Talent +1 [5], Psychokinesis Talent +1 [5], Telepathy Talent +1 [5].  

Additional Traits: Choose 25 points of abilities and skills from a power corresponding to your talent (See below).  Spend an additional 20 points on the following: Will [5/level], Energy Reserves (Psionic) [3/level], additional levels of Talent [5/level], a minor psionic power appropriate to your chosen talent, a perk appropriate to your talent, or Expert Skill (Psionics) (IQ/H) [2], or improve any of your psionic skills.

Really, you can do anything you want with this, but to make it easier for players and guide them, I've created some power-packages below.  Where possible, I've tried to stick with 25 points for major powers and 5 for minor, but that doesn't always work out. Don't take an exclusion in the following list as a canonical exclusion of that power.  Also, consider the power-sets from GURPS Psis.

The resulting powers are, generally speaking, rather minor, but remember Godlike Extra-Effort for boosting their effects!

Psionic Power Packages


Screamer 25 points
Advantages: Screaming 2 [24]
Skills: Screaming (Will/H) [1]

Psychic Shadow: 25 points
Advantages: Para-Invisibility 4 [20], Non Threatening [1]
Skills: Parastealth (IQ/H) [4]

True Seer: 20 points
Advantages: True Sight 1 [16]
Skills: True Sight (Per/H) [4]

Minor Anti-Psi Powers

Resistant 5 points
Advantages: Resistant +3 (to specific power) [5]
Skills: Resistance (Will/H) [0]

Psionic Shield 5 points
Advantages: Psionic Shield 2 [4]
Skills: Psionic Shield (Will/H) [1]


Remote Controller 25 points
Advantages: Remote Control 3 [20], Interface [1]
Skills: Remote Control (IQ/H) [4]

Dampener: 25 points
Advantages: Dampen 2 [24]
Skills: Dampen (IQ/H) [1]

Lightning Blaster: 25 points
Advantages: Lightning 2 [24]
Skills: Lightning (IQ/H) [1]

Advantages: Surge 2 [22], Power Source [1]
Skills: Surge (IQ/H) [2]

Minor Ergokinetic Powers

Resilient Ergokinetic 5 points
Advantage: Protected Power (Ergokinesis) [5]

IO Tapper 10 points
Advantage: I/O Tap 2 [9]
Skill: I/O Tap (IQ/H) [1]

Electric Seer 10 points
Advantage: Electric Vision 1 [8]
Skill: Electric Vision (Per/H) [2]


Combat Esper 25 points
Advantages: Combat Sense 1 [24]
Skills: Combat Sense (IQ/H) [1]

Visionary: 25 points
Advantages: Prognostication 2 [23]
Skills: Prognostication (IQ/H) [2]

Seer: 25 points
Advantages: Awareness 7 [21]
Skills: Awareness (Per/H) [4]

Psi-Detector 25 points
Advantages: Psidar 3 [19]
Skills: Psidar (Per/H) [4]
Techniques: Extended Range (H) [2]

Intuitive 15 points
Advantages: Psychic Hunches 1 [14]
Skills: Psychic Hunches (IQ/H) [1]

Sentinel 15 points
Advantages: Danger Sense [14]
Skills: Danger Sense (Per/H) [1]

Minor ESPer Powers

Sniffer 5 points
Advantage: Signature Sniffer 1 [4]
Skill: Signature Sniffer (Per/H) [1]

Dreamer 5 points
Advantage: Visions (Dreams) [5]

Seer 5 points
Advantage: Visions (Second Sight) [5]

Psi-Sensor 10 points
Advantage: Psi-Sense 1 [8]
Skill: Psi-Sense (Per/H) [2]

Resilient Esper 5 points
Advantages: Protected Power (ESP) [5]

Psychic Healing

Healer 25 points
Advantages: Cure 2 [24]
Skills: Cure (IQ/H) [1]

Regenerator: 25 points
Advantages: Regeneration 2 [23], +1 HP [2]

Psionic Ascetic: 25 points
Advantages: Metabolism Control 5 [23]
Skills: Metabolism Control (HT/H) [2]

Minor Healer Powers

Aura Reader 5 points
Advantages: Aura 1 [4]
Skills: Aura (Per/H) [1]

Reslient Healer 5 points
Advantage: Protected Power (Psychic Healing) [5]

Poison-Drinker 5 points
Advantage: Resistant +3 (Poison) [5]

Disease-Sentinel 5 points
Advantage: Resistant +3 (Poison) [5]

Psychic Vampirism

Drainer 25 points
Advantages: Drain (ST, DX or HT) [24]
Skills: Drain (ST, DX or HT) (IQ/H) [1]

Life Reader 20 points
Advantages: Detect Life 1 [12]
Skills: Detect Life (Per/H) [8]

Vampire 25 points
Advantages: Drain Life 1 [25]
Skills: Drain Life (IQ/H) [0]

Minor Vampiric Powers

Reslient Vampire 5 points
Advantage: Protected Power (Psychic Vampirism) [5]


TK-Controller 25 points
Advantages: TK-Control 3 [24]
Skills: TK-Control (IQ/H) [1]

TK-Hammer 25 points
Advantages: TK-Thrust 15 [21]
Skill: TK-Thrust (IQ/H) [4]

Minor Psychokinetic Powers

Reslient Psychokinetic 5 points
Advantage: Protected Power (Psychokinesis) [5]

Jumper: 10 points
Advantage: Super-Jump 1 [9]
Skill: Jumping (DX/E) [1]

TK-Grabber: 5 points
Advantage: TK-Grab (Short-Range) 1 [4]
Skill: TK-Grab (IQ/H) [1]


Mind Reader 25 points
Advantages: Telerecieve 1 [21]
Skills: Telerecieve (IQ/H) [4]

Mind Trick: 25 points
Advantages: Suggestion 2 [20], Ping [1]
Skills: Suggestion (IQ/H) [2]
Techniques: Amnesia (H) [2]

Mind Clouding: 25 points
Advantages: Mind Clouding 4 [24]
Skills: Mind Clouding (IQ/H) [1]

Psionic Nightmare: 25 points
Advantages: Instill Terror 2 [21]
Skills: Instill Terror (IQ/H) [4]

Minor Telepathy Powers

Empath 5 points
Advantages: Emotion Sense 1 [4]
Skills: Emotion Sense (IQ/H) [1]

Strong Aura 5 points
Advantages: Aspect 1 [4]
Skills: Aspect (IQ/H) [1]

Resilient Telepath 5 points
Advantage: Protected Power (Telepathy) [5]

Mind Link 5 points
Advantages: Mind Link (Single individual) [5]

Mind Shield 5 points
Advantages: Mind Shield (Feedback) 1 [3]
Skills: Mind Shield (Will/H) [2]

Telepathy Sense 5 points
Advantages: Telepathy Sense 1 [4]
Skills: Telepathy Sense (Per/H) [1]

Communion Power Set: 50 points

Communion is a slightly easier power to work out. Once you've dedicated yourself to a particular path, you simply invest in Divine Favor for that path.

Prerequite: A character must be a non-latent psion (that is, have at least one psionic power and at least one point in a skill associated with it.

Advantages: Choose one of Communion 6 [25], Dark Communion 6 [25], or Broken Communion 6 [25]. Spend an additional 20 points on Destiny [5/level], Legendary Reputation +1 or +2 [7 or 14], Psi-Sensitivity [15/level], Signature Symbolism [1], any Learned Prayer, or increase Communion, Dark Communion or Broken Communion to 7 for +10 points [35] or 8 for +20 points [45].

Disadvantage: Characters with Communion are required to take an appropriate disadvantage worth [-10], depending on his tradition (by default, Disciplines of Faith (Mysticism) [-10]). Characters who choose to follow a path may add their path’s chosen disadvantage to the list of appropriate disadvantages.

Skills: Meditation (Will/H) [2]; Philosopy (Any) (IQ/H) [2]; Choose one of Connoisseur (Relics or Places of Power) (IQ/A), Hidden Lore (Communion) (IQ/H), History (IQ/H), Literature (IQ/H) or Occultism (IQ/A) all [1]

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