Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Battle Bots 1.0

Troopers and thugs represent our human opponents.  What about robotic opponents?  We've already touched on a template for battle-designed androids, but what if we went deeper and looked at even nastier opponents.

Bot Mooks

Battle Bots

ST 13
DX 10
IQ 8
HT 10
Basic Speed 5.0, Basic Move 5 (No Encumbrance)
Dodge NA Parry NA

DR: 25 (all locations)

Blaster Carbine (12): 5d (5) burn sur, Acc 10, RoF 3, Bulk -3, Rcl 1
Carbine Butt (10): 1d+2 cr, C
Punch (10): 1d cr, C

Traits: Absolute Direction, Computer Brain (Military Programming), Doesn't Breath, Machine, Protected Vision, Radio (Burst, Secure), Sense of Duty (Master), Gullible (9 or less), Heartless Machine, Honesty, Slave Mentality, Truthfulness,
Skills: Savoir-Faire (Military)-10, Soldier-10,
Class: Robot

Notes: Battle-Bots are certainly mooks, and they suffer from cinematic robot combat rules besides: They never dodge, never charge, never take cover and they advance at a steady walk heedless of fire.  Also apply Paint on the Sensors and Cinematic Knockback on them (both UT 34).

On the "plus" side, they cannot be intimidated and they cannot be negotiated with.  They will blindly follow orders no matter what (and will do nothing if no orders are given), though they can be easily fooled thanks to their literal-mindedness. They can use nearly any combat weapon at Skill-12 (this version is set for Beam Weapons (Rifle)).

Battle Bots will typically step and attack, taking shots at the first person they will see.  They do not aim. They do not lay down cover fire.  They do not defend or fight in a tactical manner. They make up for their lack of quality with sheer quantity.

Battle-Bots cannot wear armor.

Elite Bots

Assassin Bots

ST 13 (HP 20)
DX 12
IQ 10
HT 10
Basic Speed 6.0, Basic Move 6 (No Encumbrance)
Dodge 10 Parry (Unarmed) 11

DR: 5 (all locations)

Vibro-Claws (14): 2d+1 (5) cut, 1d+1 (3) imp, C
Grapple (14)

Traits: Absolute Direction, Computer Brain (Physiology), Doesn't Breath, Machine, Protected Vision, Radio (Burst, Secure), Chameleon +8 (Extended: Infravision), Infra-Vision, Sense of Duty (Master), Gullible (9 or less), Heartless Machine.Tactical Programming
Skills: Running-12, Stealth-14, Shadowing-12, Tracking-12,
Class: Robot

Notes: An Assassin-Bot is definitely a Worthy: It is only removed when it reaches zero HP.  It does not suffer from Robotic Cinematic Combat rules: It can and does take cover, defend, and fight tactically.  Additionally, like the Battle-Bot, it cannot be negotiated with or intimidated.    Its programming requires it to follow all laws of war.  That is, it can kill, but only as would be legal (in defense of a human, as a legal execution, during a legal war, etc).

It prefers to lie in wait, with its chameleon cloaking up, then ambush its target, making strikes to the vitals (which it always knows, thanks to is Physiology programming) or simply slashing cuts if it must defeat heavier armor.  It prefers to avoid stand-up fights.  If it sees it cannot kill its target, it'll track it and keep its distance, reporting back to its master.

Heavy Battle-Bot

ST 20
DX 13
IQ 8
HT 12
Basic Speed 6.0, Basic Move 6 (No Encumbrance)
Dodge NA Parry NA

DR: 100 (all locations)

Blaster Carbine (15): 5d (5) burn sur, Acc 10, RoF 3, Bulk -3, Rcl 1
Heavy Plasma Gun (15): 3dx5(2) burn ex, Acc 8+3, RoF 3, Bulk -6, Rcl 2
Gatling Blaster (15): 7d(5), Acc 10, RoF 12, Bulk -6, Rcl 1
Weapon Butt (13): 2d+2 cr, C
Punch (13): 2d cr, C
Grapple (15)

Traits: Absolute Direction, Computer Brain (Military Programming), Discriminatory Hearing, Doesn't Breath, Extra Attack (Blaster Carbine), High Pain Threshold, Infra-Vision, Machine, Protected Vision, Radio (Burst, Secure), Sealed, Silence 1, Temperature Tolerance 20, Ultra-Hearing, Vacuum Support, Sense of Duty (Master), Heartless Machine, Honesty, Slave Mentality, Truthfulness, Weapon Mount, Cannot wear armor.
Skills: Observation-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-10, Soldier-10, Stealth-12
Class: Robot

Notes: A Heavy-Bot is definitely a Worthy, but consider making it a full-on boss, if you really want to terrify your players with it.  It does suffer from Robotic Cinematic Combat rules. It will not defend, it will stagger if hit, and it prefers to grapple/strangle at close range rather than punch.  It follows the same strictures as a battle-bot: It has no initiative of its own, it cannot be negotiated with or intimidated, it simply moves forward carrying out all orders to the letter.  It does lack the stupidity of the smaller Battle-Bot model, and is extremely perceptive: Its ultra-hearing, discriminatory hearing and its infra-vision means it will find you (Treat his combined senses as Perception 15, if you need a simple value), and its Silence and Stealth makes it decent at ambushes, though it tends to only ambush when ordered, and usually by simply waiting in silence, or by crashing dramatically through a wall.

The blaster carbine is shoulder mounted and can be fired in addition to whatever hand-held gun it carries into battle.


"I have a bad feeling about this"
-Han Solo
ST 40
DX 12
IQ 8 (Perception 13)
HT 12
Basic Speed 6.0, Basic Move 9 (No Encumbrance)
Dodge NA Parry NA

DR: 75 (all locations) 200 (Semi-Ablative Force Screen)

Heavy Plasma Gun (14): 3dx5(2) burn ex, Acc 8+3, RoF 3, Bulk -6, Rcl 2
Gatling Blaster (14): 7d(5), Acc 10, RoF 12, Bulk -6, Rcl 1
Missile Launcher (14), 6dx10 burn sur exp, Acc 3, IR Homing Skill 15
Kick (12): 2d+2 cr, C
Slam (12): 8d cr

Traits: Absolute Direction, Computer Brain (Military Programming), Enhanced Move 1 (Ground), Extra Arms 3 (Weapon mounts), Extra Legs (4 legs), Doesn't Breath, Extra Attack 1, Infra-Vision, Machine, Protected Vision and Hearing, Radio (Burst, Secure), Super Jump, Sealed, Telescopic Vision 1, Vacuum Support, Sense of Duty (Master), Heartless Machine, Honesty, Slave Mentality, Truthfulness.  Cannot wear armor.
Skills: Observation-15
Class: Robot

Notes: A warbot is a terrifying engine of death: It is certainly at least a worthy, but could easily be a boss.  As with all other combat robots, it follows the the Robotic Cinematic Combat rules: It never defends, only moves forward and attacks with its multitudes of heavy weapons: It may attack twice per turn with any two weapons of its choice.  It has a defensive force screen that provides it with an additional 200 points of DR, making it virtually invincible on a small-scale.  Its superior vision and perception provide it the ability to acutely record its targets (for simplicity, treat it as having a Perception/Observation of 18 when it comes to vision).  It can move at a startling 18 yards per turn on a full run, and it can leap 22 yards.

The War-Bot's preferred tactics are to identify a threat and then engage.  It will definitely aim, announcing which target is aimed at (with laser sights if necessary).  Add +1 to all aimed shots (telescopic vision).  If opponents close in on its position, it will scurry away at alarming speeds.  If it must approach, it will rush its opponents and all-out slam (for +4) to smash its target to the ground and then lay down a hail of withering fire from its new position.

Understand that, as a threat, a War-Bot is somewhere between heavy infantry and a tank.

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