Friday, April 29, 2016

Psi Wars: the Smuggler Template

We round off our technological character considerations with the Rim cousin of the Fighter Ace: the Smuggler. Where the fighter ace is the master of the fighter, the Smuggler is the master of the Corvette, with deep criminal ties and the ability to get you whatever it is you need.

Smuggler 250 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0], DX 13 [60]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 11 [10]

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [-5]; Per 14 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 3D Spatial Sense [10], Combat Reflexes [15], Born Smuggler +4 [20], Luck [15]. • Spend an additional 25 points om improved DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +2[10/level], HP +1 to +5 [2/level], Absolute Direction or 3D Spatial Sense [5 or 10], Ally (Robot, 50%, almost all the time) [9], Appearance (Attractive or Beautiful/Handsome) [4 or 12], Charisma +1 to +2 [5/level], Cheaper Gear (Any) [1], Contact (Fence, Junk Dealer, Pirate, Port Authority, Skill 12, 15 or 18, 9 or less, somewhat reliable) [1, 2, 3], Contact Group (Criminal Mob, Pirates, Security, Skill 12, 15 or 18, 9 or less, somewhat reliable) [5, 10, 15], Corvette Switchboard [1], Danger Sense [15], Duct-Tape Savant [1], Enhanced Dodge 1-3 (Vehicular, Starship) [5/level], Equipment Bond (Starship) [1], Feel of the Ship [1], Higher Purpose (Deliver the Package) [5], Honest Face [1], Hotshot Pilot [5/level], Gizmos [5/level], Hard to Kill [2/level], Light Jumper [1], Old Space Hand [1], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear (Any) [varies], Signature Ship [varies], Smooth Jump [1], Smuggler Lane [1], Standard Operating Procedure (Primed to Go) [1], Wealth (Comfortable) [10], Wild Talent 1 [20], or upgrade Luck to Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: Divide -15 points among Charitable [-15*], Compulsive Behavior (Thrill-Seeking) [-5*], Greedy [-15*], Jealousy [-10], Lecherousness [-15*], Obsession (Assisting some specific lost cause or overthrowing a particular regime) [-5], Overconfident [-5*], Selfish [-5*], either Social Stigma (Criminal) [-5] or Secret (Smuggler) [-20], Trickster [-15*]; • Choose another -35 points from the previous, or from Alcoholism [-15], Callous [-5], Charitable [-15*], Chummy [-5], Code of Honor (Pirate's or Professional's), Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Delusion (“I'll talk my way out of it”) [-5], Gluttony [-5*], Laziness [-10], Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], Wealth (Struggling) [-10],

Primary Skills: Area Knowledge (Region of Space) IQ+64 [4]-20, Freight Handling (A) IQ [2]-14, Merchant (A) IQ [2]-14, Navigation (Hyperspace) (A) IQ+624 [2]-20, Pilot (Starship) DX+31 [8]-16, Smuggling (A) IQ+44 [2]-18; • Divide two points among Electronics Operation (EW), Holdout, or Streetwise all (A) IQ+44 [2]-18 or improve any of the above skills.

Secondary Skills: Beam Weapons (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-14; Spacer (E) IQ [1]-14, Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-14; Vacuum Suit (A) DX+1 [4]-14; • One of Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-14, Boxing (A) DX [2]-13 or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-12; • One of Wrestling (A) DX [2]-13 or Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-12; • Choose one of Savoir-Faire (High Society or Mafia) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16, Acting or Fast-Talk both (A) IQ+1 [4]-15, Diplomacy (H) IQ [4]-14, Carousing (E) HT+2 [4]-13, Sex-Appeal (A) HT+1 [4]-12; • Choose four from among Fast-Draw DX+22 [2]-16, Beam Weapons (Projector or Rifle), Forced Entry, Gunner (Beams) all (E) DX+1 [2]-14, Free-fall (A) DX [2]-13, Escape (H) DX-1 [2]-12, Area Knowledge (Any) (E) IQ+54 [2]-19, First Aid both (E) IQ+1 [2]-15, Navigation (Land) (A) IQ+33 [2]-17, Administration, Artillery (Guided Missile), Connoisseur (Starships), Electronics Operation (Comms, EW, Security or Sensor), Electronics Repair (Security), Mechanic (Starship) all (A) IQ [2]-14, Intimidation (A) Will [2]-13, Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-15, 1or Urban Survival (A) Per [2]-14 or improve any of the above skills by one level to [4].

Background Skills: Computer Operations (E) IQ [1]-14, Pilot (Contragravity) DX6 [0]-12 and a 20-point background lens

*Adjusted for Self-Control Rating
1: +1 from 3D Spatial Sense
2: +2 from 3D Spatial Sense
3: +3 from 3D Spatial Sense
4: +4 from Born Smuggler
5: +1 from Combat Reflexes
6: From default

Born Smuggler
Skills: Area Knowledge, Navigation, Smuggling, Holdout, Electronics Operation (EW), Streetwise.
Reaction Modifier: From fences, potential clients and corrupt port authorities.

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