Friday, March 4, 2016

Psi Wars: Weapons and Armor

Cinematic space opera thrives on the spectacle of dramatic combat.  Lasers flash, armor gleams and grenades punctuate the conflict with fiery explosions! But we need to be careful with Ultra-Tech weapons if we want to build up the right sort of combat scenario.  In low-tech or high-tech conflict, we emulate existing weaponry and we use them in scenarios where they face logical.  If we open the ultra-tech book, however, we are faced with a smorgasbord of options that don't all work perfectly well together.  Bullets will zip through reflective armor, and lasers will cut through ballistic armor.  Disintegrators ignore armor completely, and battesuits can shrug off most small-arms fire.  When we choose our weapons and armor, we must carefully consider how they interact with one another, so that we get both a consistent, believable universe, and the sort of gameplay that we want.

And we want swashbuckling heroics, where heroes use beam and blade to defeat their opponents in face-to-face combat.  We have, thus, two golden standards around which we can build our combat paradigm: the force blade, and the blaster pistol.  The former represents the lightsaber, without which we do not evoke the imagery of Star Wars, and the latter has similar armor penetration capabilities and fits into the right TL.  For armor, our golden standard is the combat hardsuit, as it resembles the white plastoid armor of the storm trooper.  Finally, we know that we need to create combat that captures both the feeling of World War 1-2 era combat, and also allows us to have our leaping space-samurai having dramatic duels with one another.


The Force Sword

The force sword takes the place of the lightsaber in Psi Wars.  In Star Wars, a lightsaber is astonishingly destructive: a single blow is sufficient to lop off limbs, cut people in half, and can even be plunged into armor doors to slowly cut them open.  How does the force sword compare?

A force sword deals 8d(5) tight beam burning damage.  Against an unarmored person, this will deal an average of 28 damage, which means a single blow is enough to force an instant survival check, but also isn't instant death.  A blow dealing more than 12 damage will sever the arm or leg of an average person, meaning the force sword is more than capable of casually amputating limbs. Against vitals, tight beam burning damage inflicts double, rather than triple, damage, meaning a force sword "only" inflicts 56 damage on average.  Against the neck, burning damage has no bonus at all.  However, if the weapon we compare a force sword to is a very fine katana in the hands of an ST 12 samurai, we find that the katana only deals an average of 19 damage to the neck and 16 to the vitals, so a space knight poses greater risk to your neck or vitals than the samurai who inspired him.

Against armor, a force sword will penetrate an average of 140 DR: a force sword goes through a combat hardsuit like a hot knife through butter. However, a TL 11 armored door has DR 200, which a force sword will not penetrate on average.

Thus, while the force sword might not be quite as lethal as a lightsaber, it seems more than dangerous enough for our purposes.  In every playtest thus far, our space knight has utterly dominated melee combat, so I am satisfied with it.

The Blaster Pistol

The iconic Star Wars character blasts his opponents with little bolts of red (green or blue) light.  Characters use them much like action heroes would use their own pistols, and at similar ranges, and they don't seem particularly more lethal.

A blaster pistol deals 3d(5) tight beam burning damage, compared to the 3d pi+ of a 0.45 pistol.  The range of a blaster pistol is 300/900 compared to the 0.45 pistol's 230/2500.  The blaster pistol has accuracy 5 (compared to the ACP's 2), and is far lighter and has far more shots than the 0.45 ACP, but is also more expensive.  Thus, it is generally a more accurate weapon, slightly less lethal, but certainly has superior armor penetration.  Thus, it resembles the typical action hero's pistol, but is also sufficiently "better" to justify its higher TL.

A blaster pistol deals 10 damage, on average, to an unarmored target.  This isn't enough to kill the unarmored target, but will remove him from combat.  Against an armored target, a blaster can defeat 50 points of DR, on average, which will fail against a combat hardsuit, but will only be slowed down by lighter armor.  A laser pistol would be more accurate but would penetrate less armor.  A field-jacketed x-ray laser pistol would be far more accurate, as lethal, and have a higher RoF.  A plasma pistol would be more lethal and explosive to boot.  The blaster pistol seems a good compromise: It won't dominate the battlefield the way plasma or x-ray would, and it feels better than the rainbow laser pistol.  It worked well enough in previous playtests, so we'll keep it as is.

Filling out the Weapon List

We need to offer our heroes a selection of weapons that will resemble what they would expect in an action movie, especially one inspired by WW2.

The Holdout Weapon: In an action movie, the delicate lady might carry a small, 0.32 special in her purse.  For our purposes, the holdout blaster does this well enough: It'll deal enough damage to do the job, but for the actual battlefield, the blaster pistol is better.

The Heavy Pistol: Our equivalent to the dread-but-popular Deagle is the Heavy Blaster Pistol. It does less damage and has less accuracy for its weight and cost than a Blaster Carbine, making it less efficient, but it can be used one-handed or rapidly fast-drawn, making it ideal for invested gunslinger types.

The Submachine Gun: While this is generally held as a sacred trope among action movie circles, I rarely see characters who focus on them.  They seem more the domain of criminal scum, and Star Wars criminal scum use either carbines or pistols, so I don't mind not filling this niche.  If I must, however, I have access to the Beam Weapon design system in Pyramid #3-37, starting on page 11.

The Infantry Weapon: We have a choice between the blaster carbine and the blaster rifle.  I prefer the blaster carbine.  Both the blaster rifle and the blaster carbine are defeated by a combat hardsuit, and the rifle is as accurate as a carbine, and is not especially more lethal for its additional weight and cost.  Furthermore, the carbine resembles both the stormtrooper "blaster rifle" and has the same sort of size as the M4 carbine.  We can keep the blaster rifle around as a sort of "intermediary" weapon, something heavier than a carbine, but not a truly "heavy" weapon.  A blaster carbine deals 5d(5) burn damage, which means it deals an average of 17 damage and penetrates 85 points of DR.

The Shotgun: Our big, heavy characters need something they can pump and then blow someone away.  An action movie shotgun is a thundering, fire-ball dispensing room-sweeper.  No such weapon exists under our blaster options.  A plasma weapon would be perfect, but we've dismissed the idea of TL 11^ plasma weapons because they would overshadow blasters.  TL 10 plasma weapons wouldn't overshadow blasters, but we have no rifle-sized TL10^ plasma weapon... but we could extrapolate one!  A TL 10 plasma carbine would be to the blaster carbine what the TL 10 plasma gun is to the Heavy Blaster. Such a weapon, as you can see below, deals 3dx3(2) burn ex, which means it deals an average of 30 damage and penetrates 60 points of armor.  That makes it more lethal to unarmored targets than the carbine, but less lethal to armored, which fits the concept of a "shotgun" well.  It's a little on the low end, but it's also explosive!

The Sniper Rifle: We need a large, heavy and lethal rifle with astonishing accuracy.  That sounds like a laser rifle!  A rainbow laser rifle, though, doesn't hit as hard as a blaster... but an x-ray laser rifle does!  We'd need to field jacket it, however, but we can also double the cost of the weapon.  We also don't want extremely long-range weapons to start to dominate the battlefield, so we need something to keep it in check.  How about this: Because "field-jacketing" is particularly heavy on a power cell, you need a super-science cell to even use one, thus they do not get the "5x shots" rule that most weapons get.  We want a single-shot weapon... but the Dinosaur laser is perfect for that!  Give it a scope and replace the D cell with C cells (A sniper rifle shouldn't have a backpack, and doesn't need 35 shots in any case), and we're good to go.

The Hand Cannon: We need a large, terrifying weapon that will blow a room apart, similar to a grenade launcher (though, of course, we can also use grenade launchers).  Obviously, the answer is the TL 10 plasma gun.

The Light Machine Gun: Yet another heavy weapon for our well-muscled commando, this time for suppressive fire.  No blaster weapon has a high ROF, however.  Clone Wars comes to our rescue with a sort of "gatling blaster" shown to the right.  I expect players might like the whir of a heavy gatling blaster in their hands.  If we make it a cannon, it would even technically require the gunner (beams) skill.  Rather than extrapolate it from other guns, however, we can just design it directly using the Beam Weapon design system in Pyramid #3-37, starting on page 11.

The Missile Launcher: The final weapon for our heavy, we'll use the IML for our missile launcher.  For our missiles, we'll use reactionless missiles with IR homing (since everything else in psi-wars is IR) and either Plasma or Plasma Lance warheads.

The heavy weapons (Plasma, the Blaster Gatling cannon and the Missile Launcher) certainly outpace the force sword for damage, but they're also much larger, much heavier, much louder, and will not defend the character as well.  Each weapon still fills its niche, and we have weapons that suit every role we envisioned for our troopers: The sniper rifle for the recon commando, the gatling blaster for the heavy, and the plasma shotgun for the assault trooper.

Additional Weapon Considerations

We need grenades.  All our grenades will be full hand grenades (thus 64mm warheads), and we'll go ahead and use the smart grenade option to allow players to do clever tricks with them.  The standard grenade will be the plasma grenade, which deals 6dx4 burn ex damage.  This takes on the same role as the concussion or fragmentation grenade in action.  The simple smoke and stun grenades from Action will suit our purposes well enough, though if you want to use nerve gas or sleep gas from Ultra-Tech, us the standard UT biochemical aerosol warhead.  Add the EMP grenade to take our robotic targets, and the tangler grenade for capture missions.  If we want a grenade launcher, I recommend the underbarrel EM grenade launcher, or just a EM grenade launcher.  The EM part makes it sci-fi!

The commando template had Beam Weapons (Projector) as an option.  I wanted flamethrowers because of the inclusion of this character in the Force Awakens.  If we have (primitive) plasma weapons, a flamer might fit.  An assault flamer deals 5d non-tight-beam burning damage.  This deals an average of 17 damage with no armor penetration, so it will fail to penetrate nearly all armor we have in the game (except for the bioplastic we've been using for Kendra), making it a rather unimpressive weapon. However, if we look at "Making things burn" on B433, we see the real power of a flamer.  17 points of burning damage will instantly light clothing, seasoned wood, etc on fire.  A perfect roll will even instantly ignite flesh on fire (though such a person is pretty much dead already), and will certainly ignite flesh on fire after 10 seconds.  Technically, if I read those rules right, it might even light stone on fire on a 6+ after 10 seconds.  This is not a weapon used to defeat opponents, it's a weapon used to shape the battlefield and to terrorize civilian populaces.

Melee Weapons

If a force sword will work in Psi Wars, other melee weapons might be reasonable.

Knives seem to show up often in sci-fi of all kind.  A superfine knife will do about ~1d(2) impaling.  That will fail to penetrate almost all armor, but it still might have some marginal utility (it's better than just punching someone in the face).

Star Wars also features vibroblades.  A superfine vibro-shortsword deals around 10(5) cutting damage, which means it'll penetrate about 50 points of DR, which makes it a pretty solid melee option, though clearly inferior to force swords.  It also costs a ~$12,000, while a force sword costs $10,000.  Why would someone use this weapon?  A particularly strong character might get some additional mileage out of it... but you need to be ST 40 before it starts to break even with a force sword (and you'll have to break the maximum ST rule in any case), and a force sword will simply destroy a vibro-blade.  I think it serves a useful role as a barbaric weapon, one less elegant than a force sword and clearly inferior, something space pirates use while space knights use force swords.  Thus, I feel safe in halving the cost.  We can also add "vibro-lance" to represent

And, of course, we have the neurolash baton for crowd control, though it should be noted that anyone with a DR of 10 will defend against a baton at HT+0 or better. Like the assault flamer, it's more an anti-civilian weapon than a real weapon of war.  I'd personally like something at least a touch more dangerous than that, so I'm going to go ahead and give it (Free of charge!) an armor divisor of 5.  Then you need a DR of 25+ before you start to ignore it.  The Star Wars series often depicts weapons similar to neurolash batons defending against lightsabers, provided their "energy field" strikes the saber, rather than the weapon, so I propose the following perk:
Neurolash Field Parry: You have learned to position the neurolash field in such a way that its natural magnetic energies guide a destructive weapon, like a light saber, away from the material components.  If you accept a -1 to your parry, you may safely parry a destructive weapon with your neurolash weapon.  If you parry by exactly zero, you still parry the force sword, but it damages your neurolash weapon normally.


Whew, halfway there.

The Combat Hardsuit

The white armor of a storm trooper is another iconic feature of Star Wars, though it doesn't seem to defend him particularly well.  As we saw in both playtests, the Combat Hardsuit does a far better job: It is effectively proof against everything short of a force sword, unless characters explicitly target something weak (typically the faceplate of the armor).

As I stated before, I dislike the weakness of the combat infantry helmet in comparison to the rest of the hardsuit.  This is easily remedied by renaming the Space Combat Helmet the "Heavy Combat Infantry Helmet."  The notion that one "seals against vacuum" and the other does not is moot in Psi Wars, as it is in Star Wars, because we do not care enough about the realism of space travel.  Characters with a face mask seem to be able to brave the rigors of vacuum, so we'll ignore vacuum provided the characters have some kind of oxygen and we have some kind of hand-wave towards sealed armor.

The combat hardsuit remains too tough, however.  In its current state, it suits heavy space knights or assault troopers who expect to shrug off small arms fire. We need a lighter armor for a typical, less elite trooper.  Pyramid #3-12 on page 8-9 details hardshell armor in such a way that we can tailor it: It seems that the Combat Hardsuit has a "heavy" torso and "normal" limbs, so we can make armor with a "normal" torso and "light" limbs, giving us a DR of 60 on the torso and 30 on the limbs.  If we combine it with the standard combat infantry helmet, we get a skull DR of around 40, and a faceplate DR of around 30.  After some inspection, it seems that the Combat Hardsuit is too expensive and too light for the protection it offers (Even if we make it "Cutting edge").  We can follow suit when creating a lighter hardsuit, and you can find the fudged results below. In all other respects (climate control, sealed) treat it like a normal combat hardsuit.  The standard combat infantry helmet will serve as the helmet for the "light" hardsuit.

Light Armor

If the "heavy" combat hardsuit fills the same role as platemail in fantasy, and the light hardsuit fills the same role as chainmail, what fills the role of leather or cloth?  Well, we clothed Kendra in bioplas, but it's TL 10, not particularly good, and it has odd properties that don't particularly suit Psi Wars well.  Energy Cloth would be perfect: It defends against all attacks, and has no funny properties, making it a nice and simple source of DR.  Only it's TL 12.  But we could extrapolate a TL 11 version with less DR.  Most lower TL armor is about 2/3rds as effective as higher TL armor, so if we lower the standard energy cloth to DR 20, we have a winner!  What shall we call it?  Armor-cloth?  War-lace?  Softshell armor?  How about "Battleweave."  That'll work.


How do these armors stand up?  A force sword will penetrate any of them.  But what about ranged weapons?

The Blaster Pistol does an average of 10(5) damage.
  • A blaster pistol will fail to penetrate any part of a combat hardsuit, on average.
  • A blaster pistol will fail to penetrate the torso armor of a light combat hardsuit, but will deal an average of 4 damage to most other parts of someone in a combat hardsuit.
  • A blaster pistol will deal an average of 6 damage to someone in battleweave.
The Blaster Carbine deals an average of 17(5) damage.
  • A blaster carbine will fail to penetrate the torso armor of a combat hardsuit, and will do an average of 5 damage to the limbs of someone in a combat hardsuit.
  • A blaster carbine will do about 5 damage to someone in a light hardsuit, or 11 damage to the limbs of someone in a light hardsuit.
  • A blaster carbine will do an average of 13 damage to someone in battleweave.
The Fusion Gun deals an average of 50(2) explosive damage.
  • On a direct hit, a fusion gun will deal an average of 10 damage to someone in a combat hardsuit.  If the attack narrowly misses (striking the ground or one yard away), it will fail to damage someone in a hardsuit.
  • On a direct hit, a fusion gun will deal 28 damage to someone in a light hardsuit.  If the attack hits the same hex but doesn't hit the target directly, it will on average deal 5 damage to the target.  An attack one hex away will do no damage to someone in a light hardsuit.
  • A fusion gun will deal an average of 40 damage to someone in battle weave on a direct hit, probably killing them.  A hit in the same hex will deal 30 damage, and a hit one hex away will fail to deal any damage.
A plasma grenade deals an average of 80 explosive damage.
  • A direct hit with a plasma grenade will fail to harm someone in a combat hardsuit
  • A direct hit with a plasma grenade will deal 35 damage to a target in a light hardsuit, and the same if it hits the same hex.  A hit from one yard away will deal no damage to a target in a light hardsuit.
  • A direct hit with a plasma grenade will instanly kill someone in battleweave, and the same occurs if the attack is in the same hex.  A hit from one yard away will deal approximately 7 damage.
So, a combat hardsuit can stand up to anything short of heavy weapons fire, and will survive near misses from infantry-scale ordinance.  A light hardsuit will turn most lethal shots into merely painful, allowing the character to survive, perhaps even continue fighting, which suits its role as a standard infantry armor.  It will also protect he character from most near misses with infantry-scale ordinance and heavy weapons.  Battleweave is light armor only: It will keep a character alive if he is struck by a pistol round and will increase his survivability when it comes to grenades going off a yard or two away, but it cannot stand up to any kind of direct hit.  It is "better than nothing" light armor. It is rather expensive for the amount of protection it offers, but it's also concealable.

Star Wars has additional sorts of armor, such as the long sloping helmet of the less-impressive troopers, and Action has some neat options, like armored long-coats, that I'd like to take into account.

Force Screens

UT 191 offers options for Conformal Force Screens, the sort worn by characters in the Dark Forces Star Wars video-game series, or Mass Effect, or elsewhere.  Tenchi Muyo also seems to feature force screens.  Why not follow suit?

Setting aside the fact that I have never seen a personal force screen in Star Wars (which doesn't mean we can't have one in Psi-Wars!), I find that personal force screens can really change how a fight feels.  Currently, a rifle does about 5-6d of damage, which is what we would expect from real-world bullets, and you'll get hit on 1-3 times from a successful attack, which is about what you'd expect to see in many real world fights as well (perhaps a little less lethal).  Armor might protect you completely, or it might just slow down the shot, but in general, a Psi-Wars character is about as likely to die from a failed dodge roll as a modern Action character is.

If we add Force Screens, then we create a scenario where you first need to whittle someone's force screen down to the point where you can hurt him, or overwhelm it with vast firepower.  This fits a scenario where people regularly face weapons with ridiculous damage values, as it allows you to effectively have equally ridiculous HP values without actually changing the HP of the characters (they can remain human while standing up to disintegrators).  Given that our combat model already allows for perfectly acceptable combat scenarios, I'm not going to change things to accommodate personal force screens.  We'll leave them as the large-scale defense that they seem to be in the Clone Wars and on Hoth.

However, I also confess that I enjoyed giving Dun a force buckler, so I'll include that and the riot shield.  I am, however, bothered by the fact that neither of these can block blaster bolts.  Moreover, while it's TL 12, the reflective force shield makes sense.  Most force screens in Star Wars will bounce blaster bolts, rather than just absorb them.  Likewise, a force sword, which is made up of a force screen in blade form, bounces blaster bolts.  So a shield should as well.  Only, the rules are weird: They say that if you block a beam weapon (which you can't do), you can make a separate DX roll (not a skill roll) to return the blocked damage to the attacker.  Clearly this means that force bucklers can block beam weapons, and a good thing too because otherwise the Shield skill would be pointless.

Weapons and Armor List

As I'm not sure exactly what is fair use and what is not: where I have substantially changed values (usually as a result of making a generic gadget more specific, or applying ultra-tech options onto an existing weapon), or where I have created an item wholecloth, I have included the values below.  Where I have not, I have included the price and the page number.  I apologize for the narrowness of the fields.

Ranged Weapons

Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight Cells RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Page
Beam Weapons (Pistol)

Holdout Blaster


$600 3 UT123
Blaster Pistol


$2,200 3 UT123
Heavy Blaster Pistol


$5,600 3 UT123
Beam Weapons (Rifle)

Blaster Carbine


$9,200 2 UT123
Blaster Rifle


$18,000 2 UT123
Plasma Shotgun 3dx3(2) burn sur 8 350/1000 5,6 2C 3 85 7† 3 2 $9,200 2
Sniper X-Laser 8d(5) burn sur 12 70mi/210mi 20 C 1 3 10† 5 1 $80,000 1
Blaster Gatling 7d(5) burn sur 10 800/2400 20 D 12 150 11† 6 1 $80,000 1
Plasma Gun


$40,000 1 UT128
Artillery (Missile Launcher)

IML 6dx10 burn sur ex 3 750/30,000 4
1 1 7† 4 1 $2,000 1 UT 146
Guns (Grenade Launcher)

EMGL 6dx2 burn sur ex

$7,000 1 UT142
Underbarrel EMGL 6d burn sur ex

$1,000 1 UT142
Beam Weapons (Projector)

Assault Flamer

$2,300 2 UT127

IML: The IML missiles listed as plasma warheads.  They cost $600 apiece, have IR tracking with skill 15, and no backblast.  Alternately, you may use plasma lance warheads, which deal 6dx20(10) burn sur damage and cost $650, but are otherwise identical to plasma warheads.
EMGL: Both EMGL weapns are for plasma grenades.  Use 


All grenades are smart grenades.  See UT 146
Plasma Grenades: deal 6dx4 burn ex damage. $400, 1 lb. See UT 158.
Smoke Grenades: have a 7-yard radius. Hot Smoke Grenades are $60, 1 lb; Sleep Grenades are $120, 1 lb. Nerve Gas Grenades are $1500, 1 lb. See UT 160.
Stun Grenades: Have a 7-yard radius. Roll HT-8 or be stunned for a number of secodns equal to the margin of failure.  Ignore DR: The attack is Sense (Hearing and Vision) based. Protected Vision or Protected Hearing give +3 each. $150, 1 lb.
EMP Grenade: Has a 7-yard radius. Robots and electrical devices must roll HT-8(2) or be stunned for a number of seconds equal to the margin of failure. $400, 1 lb. See UT 157.

Melee Weapons

Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Holdout Notes

Combat Knife sw(2) C, 1 -1 $500 0,5 6 -2 UT163
or thr+2(2) C


Nuerolash Baton sw cr 1 0 $520 1 2 -3 UT166
linked HT-5(5) aff.

or thr cr 1

linked HT-5(5) aff.

Vibro-blade sw+1d+3(5) 1 0 $6,000 2 8 -3 UT 164
or thr+3(5) 1


Vibro-sword sw+1d+4(5) 1 0 $7,500 3 10 -5
or thr+4(5) 1


Nuerolash Lance sw+1 cr 1,2* 0U $580 6 9† -8 UT166
linked HT-5(5) aff.

or thr+1 cr 1,2* 0

linked HT-5(5) aff.

Vibro-lance sw+1d+5(5) cut 1,2* 0U $3,500 6 9† -8 UT164
or thr+6(5) imp 1,2* 0

Force Sword

Force Sword

$10,000 2
-2 UT 166


Armor/Clothing Location DR Cost Weight Notes Page
Assault boots feet UT173 $150 3
Battleweave bodysuit Torso, limbs 20 $2,000 6 [3,6]
Battleweave combat suit All 30 $6,000 15 [1,3] UT179
Battleweave gloves hands 10 $50 neg [3,6]
Battleweave jacket Torso, arms 20 $1,500 3 [3,6]
Battleweave vest Torso 20 $1,000 2 [3,6]
Clamshell, Heavy Torso UT176 $900 18
Clamshell, Light Torso UT176 $600 12
Clothing, Formal all 0 $1,000 2 [5,6] UT39
Clothing, High Fashion all 0 $15,000 1 – 4 [5,6] UT39
Clothing, Ordinary all 0 $500 2 [5,6] UT39
Coat, Long arms, legs, torso 0 $1,000 5 [4,5,6]
Coat, Long, Battleweave arms, legs, torso 20 $3,000 6 [3,4,6]
Combat Helmet, Heavy Head UT190 $3,000 7 [2] UT190
Combat Helmet, Light Head UT190 $2,000 5 [2] UT190
Hardsuit, Heavy Torso, limbs UT190 $10,000 30 [1] UT190
Hardsuit, Light Torso, limbs 60/30 $7,500 20 [1] UT190
Hat skull 0 $200 neg [5,6] UT39
Infantry Helmet, Light skull UT176 $250 3
1: Is sealed with the addition of a helmet capable of sealing
2: This helmet can seal armor
3: flexible
4: +4 to holdout
5: This item is responsive buzzcloth
6: This item is either clothing or can be worn beneath clothing.


(Reflective) Force Shield Bracelet: UT 192. $3000, 0.5 lbs, B/3 hours.
Riot Shield: UT 188. $100, 4 lbs.

Character Considerations


Artillery (Guided Missile): Allows use of IML
Beam Weapons (Pistol): Allows use of blaster pistols
Beam Weapons (Projector): Allows use of flame thrower
Beam Weapons (Rifle): Allows use of blaster rifles, sniper x-ray lasers, plasma shotguns, and plasma guns
Broadsword: Allows use of vibro-sword.
Gunner (Beams): Allows use of Blaster Gatling
Guns (Grenade Launcher): Allows use of EMGLs
Knife: Allows use of combat knife
Polearm: Allows use of nuerolas lance or vibro-lance.
Shield: For weilding a riot shield or force buckler.
Shortsword: Allows use of neurolash baton or vibro-blade.
Spear: To strike opponents with butt of rifle.


I've updated esoteric weapons to include our newest options.

Esoteric Weapons 25 points

Advantages: Enhanced Parry 1 (One melee weapon) [5]
Perks and Techniques: A total of 8 points from weapon perks and techniques from Furious Fists, or Neurolash Field Parry [1].
Skills: A total of 12 points from any of Fast-Draw (any weapon). Thrown Weapon (any) or Knife, all (DX/E), Broadsword, Force Sword, Parry Missile Weapon, Polearm, Shield, Shortsword, Spear, or Throwing all (DX/A).

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