Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Psi Wars: Spaceships! - Sample Character Tobin Starlaw

If we're going to playtest fighters, we should have a fighter ace.  I've kept Tobin deliberately conservative: It's pretty easy to have a Fighter Ace with Pilot 20+ and Gunnery (Beams) 18+.  I wanted someone a little more reasonable to give us an idea of what most fighter aces could do, rather than a highly optimized one.

Tobin Starlaw, Humble Fighter Ace, 250 points



ST 10 [0]
DX 13 [60]
IQ 13 [60]
HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [0]


3D Spatial Sense [10]
Ally (TB-7, Almost all the time) [6]
Charisma +1 [5]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Daredevil [15]
Fearlessness +1 [2]
Higher Purpose (Dogfighter) [5]
Honest Face [1]
Hot Shot Pilot +2 [10]
Luck [15]
Military Rank 2 [10]

Old Hand [1] 


Compulsive Carousing (12 or less) -5]
Duty (Space Navy, 12 orless, Extremely Hazardous) [-15]
Impulsiveness [-10]
Overconfidence (12 or less) [-5]
Pacifism (Cannot harm innocents) [-10]

Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5] 


Animal Handling (Blue-Milk Space Cows) (A) IQ [2]-13
Area Knowledge (The Farm World of Gardonia) (E) IQ+1 [2]-14
Artillery (Guided Missile) (A) IQ+2 [12]-16
Beam Weapons (Pistol) DX+1 [2]-4-14
Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-14
Carousing (E) HT+2 [4]-14
Computer Operation IQ [1]-11
Fast-Talking (A) IQ [2]-13
Free-Fall (A) DX+2 [2]-14
Gunner (Beams) (E) DX+3 [2]-16
Leadership (A) IQ+1 [2]-14
Mechanic (Contragravity) (A) IQ [2]-13
Mechanic (Starship) (A) IQ+1 [4]-14
Navigation (Hyperspace) (A) IQ+4 [2]-16
Parachuting (E) DX+1 [2]-14
Pilot (Contragravity) (A) DX+3 [2]-16
Pilot (Starship) (A) DX+5 [8]-18
Savoir-Faire (Military)(E) IQ [1]-13
Scrounging (E) Per+2 [4]-15
Spacer IQ+2 [4]-14
Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-14
Vacc Suit (A) DX [2]-13

Wrestling (A) DX [2]-13 


Battleweave Vaccsuit: DR 30, $20,000 30 lbs,
Blaster Pistol: 3d(5) Acc 5, 1.6 lbs, RoF 3, Bulk -2, rcl 1, $2200
Tiny wrist-mounted radio: 5 mile range, $50, 0.05 lbs


Light Encumbrance
Dodge: 10, Parry (Brawling) 11.

Tobin is your stereotypical fighter ace: Loves to party, loves his squadron, serves his country, and would never kick a puppy.  I've given him Daredevil and Higher Purpose (Dogfighter) to emphasize how much he loves to get into the thick of it.  And I've given him a humble origin, because obviously he went into space to escape the mundane existence he had on some boring farm planet milking space-cows.

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