Thursday, March 17, 2016

Psi Wars: Robot Templates

Last time, we worked out the details to how robots function in Psi Wars, including their place in society, the nature of their neural nets, their role in the game, and how to put one together.

For this post, I'm going to put together some ready-made robots!  These will use the rules and suggestions from the previous post, as well as the default bodies straight out of Ultra-Tech.  I have chosen, where possible, for 150 point characters, as I suspect the final PC total for Psi Wars will be around 300, making these "50% point allies," which would be great additions to the existing templates.

Standard Android Template: 99

Advantages: TL 10 Android [111], Volitional AI [32], Neural-net [1].
Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Subjugated) [-20], Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25].

Features: Complexity Limited IQ (10) [0]


All the robots below are TL 10 androids, which are found on UT 41. In addition to fairly obvious traits, note that all Androids have a 10-mile range radio (though for psi-wars, radio is effectively short “short-range” ripple-comm), which is secured and over which the robot can communicate 10x faster than he could with normal communication, and an internal payload of 35 lbs. Androids require maintenance twice a month using Mechanic (Robotics), and consumes the equivalent power of 2D cells a day (can be recharged).

Battle-Bot: 150 points

This simple combat android is a cheaper version of more elite versions found elsewhere. These units tend to bulk out the armies of second-rate rim warlords, or serve as muscle for technologically-minded crime cartels. Because of their combat programming, they serve a plug-and-play role in their military: A battle-bot assigned to infantry can turn around and serve in an artillery roll, etc. They excel at none of it, but they can at least carry a gun. Furthermore, the removal of their safeguards, to allow them to engage in combat, makes them even more controversial.

Battle-Bots use an up-armored TL 10 Android chassis with a scultped biomorphics.

Advantages: Standard Android [99], Appearance (Attractive, Impressive +0%) [4], DR 20 (Cannot Wear Armor -40%) [+35]
Programmatical Advantages: Born Soldier +1 [5], Computer-Brain (1 slot, 4 points, Military programs only -20%) [18]
Programmatical Disadvantages: Sense of Duty (Master) [-2]. Choose another -15 from Berserk [-10], Bloodlust [-10*], Callous [-5], Clueless [-10], Delusion (“The enemy could be anyone in disguise!” “Master is in danger!”) [-10], Impulsive [-10], Gullible [-10*], Honesty [-10*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Obsession (Defeat a particular enemy) [-5*], Odious Personal Habit (Constant military terms, excessive precision, referring to organics as “Meat-bags”) [-5], Pyromania [-5*], Selfless [-5*], Truthfulness [-5*].
Skills: Savior-Faire (Military) (E) IQ+2* [2]-12, Soldier (A) IQ+2* [4]-12;
Notes: Military programs include Beam Weapons (Any), Guns (Any), Gunner (Any) all (E) DX+2 [4]-12, Drive (Any), Pilot (Any) both (A) DX+1 [4]-11, Artillery (Any) (A) IQ+1 [4]-11. The listed DR replaces the DR on the standard android: The up-armoring makes it incompatible with most armor (not a problem, as the droid is often cheaper than an armored person).
Cost: $65,000

Data-Bot: 150 points

This robot is a walking database of information, especially old information. Normally, such a database would be kept isolated in a computer, but by loading all of this data into a data-bot, it can travel with you, and identify interesting or important items in difficulty situations, such as in ancient ruins, or during a battle. Popular with archaeologists, scientists, and thieves.

Data-Bots use a TL 10 Android chassis with a sculpted humanoid biomorphics.

Advantages: Standard Android [99]
Programmatical Advantages: Antiquarian 2 [10] Computer-Brain (3 slots, 4 points each, Academics-Based programs only -20%) [54]
Programmatical Disadvantages: Pacifism (Total Nonviolence, Galactic Sapient Organics only -80%) [-6], Sense of Duty (Master) [-2]. Choose another -10 from Clueless [-10], Cowardice [-10*], Curious [-5*], Klutz [-5], Fearfulness [-2/level], Honesty [-10*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Obsession (Uncover specific secret) [-5], Odious Personal Habit (Boorish, Longwinded or Snooty) all [-5], Phobia (Loud Noises) [-10], Shyness [-5 to -10], Squeamish [-10*] or Truthfulness [-5*].
Features: Sculpted Body [0].
Skills: Research IQ+3* [4]-13, Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ [1]-10;
Notes: Academics-Based Programs include the following Skills (with standard values noted for your convenience): Area Knowledge (Any) (E) IQ+2 [4]-12, Architecture, Connoisseur, Heraldry all (A) IQ+3* [4]-13, History (Any) and Literature (Any) both (H) IQ+2*[4]-12, provided it is reasonable the programmers could have known about the topic in question. Antiquarian adds to all skills except Area Knowledge. It takes 4 seconds to access a new programmed skill.

Cost: $55,000

Diplomacy-Bot: 150 points

This robot is a walking database of language and protocols for dealing with unusual species. In a galaxy full of strange creatures, having one around helps considerably if one should come across a strange species. Diplomats always have one on hand, as do many merchants, smugglers and pirates.

Diplomacy-Bots use a TL 10 Android chassis with a sculpted humanoid biomorphics.

Advantages: Standard Android [99]
Programmatical Advantages: Computer-Brain (2 slots, 4 points each, Linguistic programs only -20%) [36], Efficient Linguist [1], Language Talent [10],
Programmatical Disadvantages: Pacifism (Total Nonviolence, Galactic Sapient Organics only -80%) [-6], Sense of Duty (Master) [-2]. Choose another -10 from Basic Move -1 to -2 [-5/level], Chummy [-5], Cowardice [-10*], Klutz [-5], Fearfulness [-2/level], Honesty [-10*], Squeamish [-10*] or Truthfulness [-5*].
Features: Sculpted Body [0].
Skills: Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-9, Expert Skill (Xenology) (H) IQ [4]-10, Linguistics (H) IQ+2 [12]-12, Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ+2 [4]-12;
Notes: Language programs include all programs currently known to the makers of this bot. The Bot is able to maintain two languages, in addition to its own native language, at a time. A Diplomacy-bot uses Linguistics to identify the appropriate language (and ignores up to -2 in modifiers for having a highly limited access to a language, allowing the robot to identify it well after just a phrase or a fractured sentence). It takes 4 seconds to access a new language.

Cost: $55,000

Secretary-Bot: 150 points (150)

This robot maintains her (a secretary-bot is usually, but not necessarily, given feminine features) master's schedule, and can summon up information on current events, the nicest places to eat or stay in the area he is attending, and helps manage the affairs of his current business. Businessmen, merchants and high-level officials often have a secretary-bot with them.

Secretary-Bots use a TL 10 Android chassis with a mannequin biomorphics.

Advantages: Standard Android [99]
Programmatical Advantages: Business Acumen 2 [20], Computer-Brain (2 slots, 4 points each, Secretarial programs only -20%) [36], Trivia Sponge 2 [10],
Disadvantages: Unnatural Features (Mannequin) [-2]
Programmatical Disadvantages: Pacifism (Total Nonviolence, Galactic Sapient Organics only -80%) [-6], Sense of Duty (Master) [-2]. Choose another -10 from Chummy [-5], Cowardice [-10*], Fearfulness [-2/level], Guilt Complex [-5], Honesty [-10*], Odious Personal Habit (“Makes everything about master,” or preening) [-5], Selfless [-5*], Shyness [-5 to -10], Squeamish [-10*] or Truthfulness [-5*].
Skills: Administration (A) IQ+2* [1]-12, Savior-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ+2 [4]-12;
Notes: Secretarial programs include Administration (giving the secretary-bot +1 Administration), Area Knowledge (Any), Current Affairs (Any) both (E) IQ+4* [4]-14, Accounting (A) and Market Analysis (A) IQ+2* [4]-12. Secretary-Bots aren't programmed for Gaming, Hobby skills, Merchant, Gambling or Propaganda, but if they master on their own, they tend to do exceedingly well. 

Cost: $60,000


All the robots below are TL 10 Tech-Bots, which are found on UT 41. In addition to fairly obvious traits, note that all tech-bots a 10-mile range radio (though for psi-wars, radio is effectively short “short-range” ripple-comm), which is secured and over which the robot can communicate 10x faster than he could with normal communication, and can transmit visual imagery, and an internal payload of 25 lbs. Tech-bots require maintenance twice a month using Mechanic (Robotics), and consumes the equivalent power of one D cell a day (can be recharged).

Repair-Bot: 150 points

Repair-Bots are ubiquitous. Because they can repair nearly any complex, large-scale machine (Starships, hover cars, other robots, factories) that almost everyone has one of these on hand, though they seldom have the face-to-face human interactions that Androids have. As a result, this version has no ability to speak. It can make warbles and whistles, but it cannot actually communicate directly (except via radio), in which case it communicates data.
Attributes: ST 8 [0], DX 10 [0]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [0]
Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs; HP 14 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP NA; Basic Speed 5.25 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]
Advantages: TL 10 Tech-Bot [144]
Programmatical Advantages: Artificer 1 [10], Computer-Brain (1 slot, 4 points, Repair programs only -20%) [18],
Disadvantages: Cannot Speak [-15]
Programmatical Disadvantages: Pacifism (Total Nonviolence, Galactic Sapient Organics only -80%) [-6], Sense of Duty (Master) [-2]. Choose another -10 from Clueless [-10], Curious [-5*], Honesty [-10*], Gullibility [-10*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Odious Personal Habit (Excessively Technical, Foul-Mouthed, Insists on excessive precision) [-5], Shyness [-5 or -10], Workaholic [-5], Truthfulness [-5*]
Features: Sculpted Body [0].
Skills: Beam Weapons (Projector) (E) DX+1 [2]-11, Savior-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ [1]-10 and one of Engineering (Contragravity, Starship, Robotics) (A) IQ+2* [8]-12,
Notes: Repair programs include Armoury (Any), Electrician, Electronics Repair (Any), Machinist, and Mechanic (Any), all (A) IQ+2* [4]-12. A Repair-Bot will generally use his Engineering skill to assess the problem, and then load the appropriate skill (takes 4 seconds) and begin repairs.

Cost: $15,000


All the robots below are TL 10 Nursebots, which are found on UT 202. Nursebots require maintenance twice a month using Mechanic (Robotics), and consumes the equivalent power of 2D cells a day (can be recharged).

Nursebot: 250 points

Nursebots are found in all hospitals in Psi-wars, whether they are in the elegant hospitals of the core world, the rough-and-tumble medical tents of the wastelands, or in a seedy back-alley clinic tending to a smuggler's blaster wound. Because of their high demand and the exacting detail to which they have been designed, they're amongst the most expensive non-military available on the general market. To assist with their bedside manner, they have mannequin sculpting. Second-hand ones (or stolen ones) often have lost some of their sculpting, making them partial mannequins (an additional -1). The complexity of the design sometimes means that some develop... problems that persist even after memory-wipes. These are often scrapped or sold on the black market.

Nursebots are 250 points, rather than 150, due to the higher skill-requirements for a decent nursebot.

Advantages: TL 10 Nursbot [210]
Programmatical Advantages: Computer-Brain (1 slot, 4 points, Physiology programs only -80%) [5], Healer 4 [40],
Disadvantages: Unnatural Features (Mannequin) [-2]
Programmatical Disadvantages: Pacifism (Total Nonviolence, Galactic Sapient Organics only -80%) [-6], Sense of Duty (Master) [-2]. Choose another -15 from Charitable [-15*], Delusion (eg “Was once human,” “You're sick”, “Monsters are real”) [-10], Honesty [-10*], Odious Personal Habit (Morbidly clinical, excessive medical jargon, or constantly drawing attention to surgical instruments) all [-5], Selfless [-5*], Sense of Duty (Galactic Sapient Organics) [-15], Truthfulness [-5*], Vow (Refuse no request for medical aid) [-10], Workaholic [-5]
Skills: Savior-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ+2 [4]-12, all of Diagnosis, Pharmacy, Physician, Surgery each (H) IQ+4* [4]-14
Notes: Physiology programs include only Physiology (H) IQ+4* [4]-12. The Nursebot loads this up when it encounters a patient of a particular species, to ensure that “she” knows how best to go about healing them.

Cost: $120,000

Other Robots

I haven't had time to get into them, but the Ultra-Tech designer notes has Inquisitor Bots which is not only entirely appropriate, but already a rip-off of Star Wars, and the Scout Robot from Ultra-Tech 80 both make excellent options, though the Scout Robot is probably closer to gear than character.

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