Thursday, February 25, 2016

Psi Wars: Troopers 2.0

Just as before, we need someone for our heroes to face, and just as before, we're going to use troopers.  However, this time, we have some additional trooper options available (Alright, we had recon before, but the Action 4: Specialists book gives us piles of potential mook options!), so we'll expand the trooper out to include simple recon, assault and heavies.

As a general rule, I've tried to follow the idea of BAD: Basic mooks are only BAD 2 (I figure guys who pick fight with random moisture farmers in a starport bar are probably BAD 0), so most of their skills are 12. Specialist troops are more elite, and thus BAD 14.  I've also removed the disadvantages from the standard mooks (you just kill them and don't worry about the details), and given a single interesting disadvantage to each specialist, so you can get an idea of how they might "fight" and how a clever player might exploit them.

Trooper Mooks

ST 10
DX 10
IQ 10
HT 10
Basic Speed 5.0
Dodge 7 Parry (Unarmed) 8

DR: 100 (Torso) 60 (Limbs), 32 (Skull) 24 (Face)

Blaster Carbine (12): 5d(5) burn sr, Acc 10, Range 500/1500, RoF 3 (17 shots), bulk 3, rcl 1
Carbine Butt (12): 1d cr, c
Punch (12): 1d-2 cr, C
Plasma Grenade (12): 6dx4 burn sur exp, 30 yards

Traits: Fit. IR Vision, Hearing Protection, Small Radio, Biomedical sensors, micro-climate control, filter mask, sealed.
Skills: Soldier-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12
Class: Human

Elite Trooper Mooks

Assault Trooper

ST 11
DX 11
IQ 10
HT 11

Basic Speed 6.0 Basic Move 6
Dodge 7 Parry (Unarmed) 8
DR: 100 (Torso) 60 (Limbs), 32 (Skull) 24 (Face)

Blaster Carbine (14): 5d(5) burn sr, Acc 10, Range 500/1500, RoF 3 (17 shots), bulk 3, rcl 1
Assault Flamer (14): 5d burn, Jet, Range 50/150, RoF 1, Bulk -3, Rcl 1
Neurolash baton (14): 1d+1 cr or 1d-1 cr + HT-5(2) aff, Reach 1
Plasma Grenade (14): 6dx4 burn sur exp, 30 yards
Carbine Butt (14): 1d+1 cr, c
Punch (14): 1d-1 cr, C

Traits: Fit, Impulsive. IR Vision, Hearing Protection, Small Radio, Biomedical sensors, micro-climate control, filter mask, sealed.
Skills: Running-14, Soldier-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12

Heavy Trooper

ST 14
DX 10
IQ 10
HT 10

Basic Speed 5.0
Dodge 7 Parry (Unarmed) 8
DR: 100 (Torso) 60 (Limbs), 32 (Skull) 24 (Face)

Blaster Carbine (12): 5d(5) burn sr, Acc 10, Range 500/1500, RoF 3 (17 shots), bulk 3, rcl 1
Heavy Plasma Gun (14): 3dx5(2) burn ex, Acc 8+3, RoF 3, Bulk -6, Rcl 2
Heavy Blaster (14): 8d(5), Acc 10+4, RoF 3, Bulk -6, Rcl 1
Plasma Grenade (14): 6dx4 burn sur exp, 30 yards
Punch (12): 1d cr, C
Carbine Butt (12): 1d+2 cr, c

Traits: Huge Weapons, Fit, Overconfidence (12 or less). IR Vision, Hearing Protection, Small Radio, Biomedical sensors, micro-climate control, filter mask, sealed.
Skills: Explosives-12, Soldier-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12

Recon Trooper

ST 10
DX 12
IQ 10
HT 10

Perception 12
Basic Speed 5.0
Dodge 8 Parry (Unarmed) 8

Blaster Rifle (14): 6d(5) burn sr, Acc 10, Range 500/1500, RoF 3 (17 shots), bulk 3, rcl 1
w scope
Plasma Grenade (14): 6dx4 burn sur exp, 30 yards
Punch (12): 1d cr, C
Carbine Butt (12): 1d+2 cr, c
Vibroknife (12): 2d(3) cut

Traits: Fit, Bloodlust (12 or less). IR Vision, Hearing Protection, Small Radio, Biomedical sensors, micro-climate control, filter mask, sealed.
Skills: Stealth-12, Observation-12, Survival-12, Soldier-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12

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