Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Thank you, and an announcement

I had a warmer welcome than I expected into the blogging world (I dropped a post on a few places, and I was surprised to see just how much of a lift it gave my blog).  In particular, I want to thank Peter V. Dell'OrtoDouglas Cole and Christopher Rice of Ravens 'n' Pennies for the shout-outs.

Social Media?

Christopher Rice has asked for Social Media buttons, and I've already tried something with "POWr" but I don't seem to have them working yet.  When I get them up, I'll let you guys know.  But I am working on it.

A Change of Schedule

Douglas expressed disappointment that I hadn't chosen to schedule my blog posts on Thursday, or "GURPS Day" as he calls it.  I have no investment in what day I post my posts (I have about a month of posts scheduled to drop at 12 pm, my time, on a particular day. I don't even have to lift a finger to make them happen), and I had chosen Wednesday because it was the day before GURPS books his e23 and it seemed like a nice buildup.  I presume Cole chose Thursday for similar reasons.  And given that it doesn't matter to me when my posts drop, and that it's evidently not a problem for his blog to have them drop on Thursday, I have set my posts to drop on Thursday from now on.

Next Thursday, I begin Psi-Wars in earnest.  You'll have a complete, playable, if simple, setting to tinker with.  I'll see you guys then, and thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Thursday is GURPS release day, so it seemed logical. I can't remember exactly why I originally said "Thursday is GURPS Day," and it may well have been me scheduling out my blog posts, such that it happened to be that on Thursday I put myself down to write a GURPS-based post.

    And if I expressed disappointment, it's the 6yo girl with the pouty lip kind (I'm picturing my daughter here), done semi-seriously. But still: if all of us bloggers drop a dime bag of GURPS awesome on Thursday, that would be great.


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