Monday, August 16, 2010

After Action Reports: Your thoughts?

I've found some RPG blogs that simply sum up a previous session quickly, a few brief notes on what occurred, perhaps to refresh memory at a later time, or to give outsiders a little glimpse of what they're doing.  Also, it's pretty easy to do.  On the other hand, some seem to go all out, not just giving some description, but lavishly describing everything.  When I wrote an Actual Play of Slaughter City with such detail, I received a huge response from those reading it (but, due to the weight of it, never got to the second, especially with the fact we never got past three sessions).  I haven't tried that here because I thought nobody wanted to read pages of After Action Report... but perhaps you would like to.

So what are your thoughts?  Like 'em short and sweet, or do you want to read depth and detail on what other people are playing?  Leave a comment!


  1. Personally, I think either way is fine, even from the short action reports you can see your reasoning and your oppinions on what happened. And often I can also make out what is happening behind the scenes. But then again, I also have a lot of first-hand knowledge of what is going on, so I might be biased.

  2. Bone Gnawer -


    I like D E P T H.....and detail.....and all the good stuff you've been writing!

    Dont cut 'em short!

  3. I'm kinda on the fence on this one. On the one hand I like the details and the being able to follow along in the intruige of other games I'm not getting to play in. but on the other I tend to have a short attention span and if I see a huge amount of words to make my way through I might just skip it all together. So really I say if you want to detail out a exceptionally cool scene go for it, but for most of it I would say your normal summaries are quite satisfactory.


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